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Michael's P.O.V

I finally had gotten the courage to do what seemed almost impossible. I kissed Fancy. Her lips were soft like rose petals, or like she just kissed a cloud.

We are both too young to be boyfriend and girlfriend; just at the tender age of 10. Besides, I can be 18 and have a girlfriend and Joseph would still freak out. I knew we couldn't tell anyone about the kiss or we'll regret it. Especially since the wannabe casanova we call Marlon already kissed her.

Even if Marlon took the role of sharing Fancy's first kiss, our kiss was way more special. Even if our noses bumped a little. Anyway, the sun was starting to set and we decided to head on home. As we were walking home, I heard Fancy singing silently. Her voice was delicate and soft, it was like listening to the waves run over the beach floor. I must've been listening too hard, because I almost tripped on the sidewalk. Fancy smirked. " Careful! Same old clumsy Mikey!" I blushed at the that one but it was true. I am kinda clumsy.

Fancy's P.O.V

Michael kissed me!!! Yes! This is the best day ever! I knew this was gonna happen but I wasn't sure when. As we walked home, Michael's hand was intertwined with mine. His hands are always soft, like he has the skin of a dolphin.

When we got home, everybody stares at us, including Felicity. But I think Marlon was stunned the most, glancing at us holding hands. His expression was a mix of sadness and surprise.

" What! What is this?" Joseph yelled, obviously shocked.

" Looks like Mike's gotta girlfriend." Jermaine snickered. " Know I don't!" Michael protested.

Michael and I shook them off and went to his room. All we wanted was alone time since Michael's brothers were up our butt all day.

I glanced over at him. " So? What do you wanna do now?"

Michael flashed a creepy smile. He picked me up and threw me on his bed. I didn't know he was so strong. I didn't even think he could lift a cereal box. He's kinda scrawny, you know? He then got on top of me and tickled me half to death.

I laughed uncontrollably. " Please, stop it Mikey! I'm gonna pee on myself! You know that I can't handle being tickled!"

He giggled back. " I know, that's why it's so funny!" He said, a smile spread across his face. I hate for how much I love his smile. Michael always went past my limit.

I blushed. " Please, have mercy! What can I do so you can stop?" Michael's hands were deep in my rib cage, making it tickle harder than ever, much to his advantage.

He snickered a bit while thinking. " Let's play Truth or Dare!" I groan. " Why? You made me swallow a spoon of cinnamon! I was sick because of you!"

Michael rolled his eyes. " Fine. I won't make you swallow cinnamon. How about a bug?" He said, glee pouring out of his eyes.

I frowned. " If you make me eat a bug, I will drop kick you!" Michael's look of enthusiasm melted then. " You're no fun!"

I cocked my head. " Oh yeah? How about you eat a bug Mr. Big Shot?" His cheeks were stained with crimson." Can't. It's not in my contract.

I smirked. " You don't have a contract." He smiled. " Exactly!"

We were sitting on the ground rolling with laughter when Marlon came in.

" What are y'all doing? In here? Alone? He asked, snickering silently. The one thing that made Marlon annoying was him emphasizing on word " Alone". Not only that but he's nosy!

Michael rolled his eyes. " Nothing Marlon. We just wanted some alone time. By our selfs. Goodbye." He said, mimicking Marlon's emphasizing.

Marlon put his hands on his hips. " What do you mean?"

Michael smirked. " Don't play stupid, you know what I mean! Always tryin' to get in our business!"

Marlon giggled. " You mean you're mad at me because that?Oh I'm sorry. I just live here." Marlon said sarcastically.

Michael sighed heavily. " I'm going to watch the Three Stooges. See ya later."

Marlon glanced over at me. I glance back. " What are you looking at?" He smiles. " You're much more beautiful when you're not with Michael."

I roll my eyes and listen to the radio. " Ain't No Moutain High Enough" by Tammi Terrell and Marvin Gaye was playing. Marlon cleared his throat. " I can't wait to go to Motown."

I turn off the radio and get closer to him. " What do you mean?"
Marlon sighed. " Michael didn't tell ya? We're going to Detroit to audition for Motown. Hopefully we get it."

I shook my head while curling into a ball on the floor. Marlon's expression softened. " Well, he probably was trying to find a good time."

I nod. " Yeah, a good time. The room turned silent and I could
feel my lungs clog with air. Marlon was about to get up but sat back down when he heard my breathing pattern.

Marlon had me rest his head on his shoulder. " Hey, calm down baby girl. I didn't know it would upset you." My head started to hurt and tears were flowing in my eyes.

It broke my heart knowing that Michael would be leaving me and I couldn't do a thing. And he didn't even tell me. I told him everything! Before I knew it, I started to cry. It was so silent, you could only hear the sound of my lonely weeps and Marlon silently shushing me.

Marlon was surprisingly comforting. The way he held me, his long yet skinny arm wrapped around the shoulder. I always knew he was the calm and comforting one. Besides Michael that is.

After the mini crying session, the whole family was gathered on the couch watching The Three Stooges.

Joseph and Kate were on the far right, Randy and Janet next to them, Jackie, Tito and Jermaine were on the left while Marlon and Michael were beside Felicity and I.

After hours of laughter, it was bedtime. This time I decided to sleep with the boys. I slept with Michael on the top bunk. I had a terrible nightmare and woke up with tears in my eyes. Unfortunately, I woke up all the boys because I screamed out.

Michael almost fell out the bed but kept his balance. " What's wrong? I almost fell!" He yelled, half-sleep.

I sighed as I wiped the salty tears from my eyes. " Nothing. Just a bad dream is all." Michael sat up and scooted closer to me. He wrapped his arm around me and started humming " Silent Night".

Jackie was on the bottom bunk and pulled my ankle. " Aye! What's wrong with ya, girl? You woke me up from my beauty sleep!"

Michael kicked Jackie in the forehead. " Man, shut up!!! Beauty sleep can't fix that mess you call a face!" He defended.

Tito clicked off the lights and we went back to sleep. Michael and I were cuddled close together. The combination of the warm blanket and Michael's hot breath knocked me out instantly. The only sound were those of the crickets chirping in the distance.

The Next Day....

Fancy's P.O.V

Luckily, It was a Saturday and we didn't have school. Felicity and I watched the boys practice. Marlon fell a few times, Tito hit some bad notes on the guitar but other than that it was cool to watch.

I was sitting next to Joseph and Felicity. Sometimes, Michael would glance in my direction and wink. During the break, we gathered around the radio to dance for awhile.

I looked over at Michael, who looked beat. His eyes were red, his shoulders were slumped and his head drooped. " Mike, are you okay?" I asked. He raised his head and looked at me. " No. I'm tired. Joseph got us up at 4:30 this morning. I don't even think our teacher gets up that early."

I giggled and placed his head in my lap. I placed the back of my hand on his face and rubbed back and forth. Then, the room turned silent. I felt my heart sank when I realized that everybody was staring at us.

" Excuse me, but can you explain what you two are doing?" Kate asked, shaking her head in the process. " They are so cute together!" Rebbie cooed.

" They're not getting married are they?" Janet asked, smirking.

Tito smiled a bit. " Michael's been bit by the love bug!" Michael turned his head. and glanced at Tito. " Shut up!!!" He scolded.

La Toya smiled. " Aww! Mikey's growing up!" Michael sat up and shook his head. " I don't feel like it. Everybody calls me a midget."

Jermaine giggled. " Not like that. It means that you're maturing. I'm so proud!" Michael just rolled his eyes and played with the buttons on his shirt.

Joseph turned off the radio and frowned. " Alright! Enough! Time to practice again. Michael groaned and got up. Michael hit a bad note and Joseph smacked him.

" Ow!!!" He screamed, verge of tears. " Why do you push us around! We're doing our best!!!" He yelled.

Joseph's blank face was turned into an angry scowl. " Boy! How dare you say that to me! Go get a switch!!!" Michael's eyes narrowed. " No! I'm sick and tired of staying at home, trapped in here all day practicing!"

I turn around and see the rest of the boys shoved in the corner, their faces drowned with fear. Joseph tried to grab Michael but he was faster and scrambled to the kitchen. Soon, we were just watching Michael and Joseph run around until Kate decided it was time to stop.

" Joseph! Enough! Leave Michael alone! You are being way too hard on them. Cut it out!!!" She yelled.

Without a warning, Joseph punched the wall and left the house. Michael was sitting on the couch hugging his knees and sobbing softly. I sat next to him and wrapped my arm him. When he looked up, my heart shattered into a million pieces. It hurt me so much to see Michael suffering. His eyes were red and puffy from crying and you could see Joseph's hand mark on Michael's left cheek.

" I-I'm sorry you had to see that." He stuttered, wiping his eyes.

I grabbed his hand and rubbed his knuckles. " Don't be. I'm sorry that happened to you. I'll be here for ya." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

Michael cleared his throat. " I have something to tell you." I nodded, unaware of what he was going to tell me.

" Sure? What is it?" I asked. He bit his lip while looking down. " You know Motown? Yeah well, we are going to Detroit during the weekend, well every weekend and we may have to move pretty soon. So, I won't be seeing you that much anymore."

My heart fell into my stomach. It was true, Marlon was right. My best friend and sort of my crush was leaving me. I knew it would happen someday. Our friendship was becoming thinner and thinner everyday.

My thoughts were interuppted when I felt Michael poking me. " Hello? Fancy? You okay?" I slapped his hand. " No! I'm not okay! I feel like I'm losing you. Day after day, we are split apart. Don't leave me!" I said, burying my head in his shoulder.

Michael sighed heavily. " I'm sorry I said anything." Fire was burning in my soul. It was happening soon, the day I prayed wouldn't come. The day when Michael will leave, and never come back.
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added by Bellafina2003
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added by Bellafina2003
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