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That phrase wasn't real comprehensive to me. Jessie walked out “Wait. So let me get this straight...You're lesbian." I said as she stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around “Yes. Why are you so surprised?" She chuckled as I followed her into her office “Because of the way you look. Such a pretty face like yours isn't really the homosexual type." I said as Jessie lifted her eyebrows, surprised at my quote “So what you're is that I have to be ugly...to be a lesbian?" I knew I pissed her off “No. That's not what I'm saying. What I'm trying to say is...that I didn't know you were lesbian because of your persona." I said nervously as she laughed “You're kind of cute. I can tell you were getting nervous." Jessie smiled as I sighed “No I wasn't." I whined. I closed the door to her office, walking right behind her “So who's the lucky girl?" I asked as Jessie as she unlocked the locket that was laying between her round, beautiful breasts.

“Her name's Leslie." She said as she smiled.

“Does she have a locket with you in it?" I asked as Jessie hung her head

“No....She lost it." She sat at her desk as I sat in front of her. I looked at her with furious eyes.

“What do you mean she lost it?! If she did lose it she should be at the jewelry store getting a new one. Leslie needs to do better than that. Losing a locket with your picture on it." I said as she quietly moaned

“What is it?" I asked as Jessie looked up and bit her lip

“Nothing. It's just that when you said that. I was kind of turned on. I don't know why, though." Jessie answered as I blushed “Oh,really?" I asked while she smiled. We started to talk about her relationship, Jessie didn't hesitate to complain about somethings “I love Leslie. But she needs to stop being lazy all the time. I work so hard, Michael. I come home from work to,a messy house and a lazy girlfriend everyday." She put her face in her hands and cried. I couldn't stand to see her hurt “Hey, listen. Jessie, it's not your fault. But, you need to take a little more action. This is what you do. Wake her up early and tell her to clean up all the shit that's laying around on the floor. Do this for a few days, and she'll be cleaning up in no time." I explained as she kissed my cheek “Thank you for the advice." She said as I blushed and said she was welcome. Jessie then asked me a question “So Michael....what turns you on?" I looked at her confused “What?" I asked as she giggled “No. Michael I mean like, what inspires you?" I thought about it for a second “What inspires me?......Well I can that the dawn and dusk inspires the to write when I'm in my giving tree. James Brown, Smokey Robinson, Jackie Wilson, Diana Ross. The list goes on. What inspires you?" Jessie smiled “I draw a lot. What inspires me to draw is when I hear music or see paintings. Picasso, Michelangelo, Leonardo Davinci, and so many others. But the thing is that I like to draw in the nude." She said as I raised an eyebrow “I'd love to see that!" I joked as Jessie laughed “You're too funny, Michael. I like that." She said as her fingers played with her locket.

"Have you ever kissed a man?" I asked as she looked up at me.

“No. Why?" She asked.

“No reason. Are you interested in kissing one?" I asked as Jessie crossed her legs.

“I've always thought of it. I am interested in it a little. Is that weird?" Jessie asked as I got up from my chair.

“It's not weird. But you're lesbian." I said as she smiled.

“I'm still a woman though. But I'd love feel the lips of a man." She said innocently as I smiled.

“I can show you how they feel." I whispered as I walked up to her as she leaned in to kiss me then I leaned in closer. Our lips touched, I opened her soft lips and stuck my tongue in her mouth “Michael." She moaned, touching me ever so gently. I slid everything off the desk and laid her down on it “Michael. This is my first time with a man." She whispered as I got off of her “Sorry. I took it to far?" I worried “No. I kind of liked it. I want you." Jessie said as I kissed her neck and ripped off her shirt and unbuttoned her jeans. Jessie took off her shoes “Jessie, I want to be inside you." I moaned. I unbuttoned my pants and pulled them down with my boxers, I slid off her panties and started stroking inside of her. Her cherry popped “OH Yeah. Mmmm, do me. Yes, Jessie you feel so good." I moaned as she bit my bottom lip and wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, begging me to go deeper as I did so. She squealed in pleasure “Oooh, Michael. You're so big. Oh do me, do me. God yes." She said as I picked her up and put her against the wall. Her breasts looked so big. Damn. I squeezed her ass and thrusted harder “OH FUCK MICHAEL. MY WATERS ARE ABOUT TO OVERFLOW. I LOVE YOU,OH I LOVE YOU." Jessie screamed as I made it to her spot. Jessie clenched my back and came, her juices dripping to the floor. I put my fingers on her wet womanhood and licked my fingers, tasting her sweet juices.

Jessie kissed me passionately “I love you, Michael." She smiled , her blue grey eyes glimmering. I kissed her neck “I love you too, Jessie." I said as I put on my pants and told her to put on my shirt as she did. I carried her to my bedroom where we slept peacefully.
Despite what happened michael decides to not tell Diane about what happened. Also they still let Beth Babysit because they dont want to upset their Bosses daughter seeing that Beth is her friend. As a percaution before heading to work michael locks all the rooms in the house except the bathroom of course but all the guest bedrooms, michael and Dianes room, michael's office and the libaray are all locked and michael puts the keys into his pocket so Beth wont ever be able to find them.

Michael has just arrived home from work when he sees Beth standing right outside his front door. "Is something...
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Diane awoke early the next morning, realizing that it was saturday morning and she didnt have to go to work. She then laid her head back on michael's chest and tried to go back to sleep, but couldnt. So Diane slowly got up, without waking michael and headed into the bathroom and took a shower. Afterward she put on her bathrobe and went to her closet to find some clothes. "You're up early." a voice said, Diane turned around to see that michael was awake. "I woke up and couldnt go back to sleep..so i just decided to go ahead and get up." Diane said. Michael said nothing and closed it his eyes...
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A month has passed since the wedding and the honeymoon. Unfortunately one week after they came back from their honeymoon Holly got the flu terribly which she is still trying to get over. Other then that Michael and Holly have been blissfully happy with each other.

One evening the whole family is having dinner together in the dinning room. Holly hasn't felt good all day. When the maid serves the main course, just looking at it is making her sick. Michael looks over at her and knows something is wrong. "'Holl' are you alright?" "Uh yea its just my stomach dosen't feel to well that's all." Katherine...
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"I'm gunna miss you. When will I see you again?" Michael asked. "Soon, Michael. I promise. Very soon."As released each other's grip, we looked at each other for one last time for the night. Without even thinking, I noticed we were leaning into each other slowly and Michael wasn't looking into my eyes anymore. He was staring at my lips.

I closed my eyes knowing what was going to happen. Once when my eyes shut, I felt Michael's sweet, soft, smooth lips against mine. Michael kissed me so slowly, smoothly and passionately that I didn't want him to stop. Just the way he caressed my lips with his...
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Holly's house
Holly's house
As the months go by the success for "Thriller", and "New Attitude" continues to grow larger and larger. In early '83 Michael's house becomes complete an English Tudor home absoutly stunning! Oh course Holly has a fun time helping Michael furnish it. Finally the time came when Holly turned eighteen to tell the world they were together. Before Holly tells her parents (especially her mom) she wanted to finally get a place of her own. She falls in love with a beautiful home just twenty minutes out of LA. It is a huge house with a pool, a large garden area, and an extra two rooms for a dancing room,...
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The picture Holly took of Michael with his awards
The picture Holly took of Michael with his awards
Another two years go by, and their relationship has lasted! They have very little arguments, talk all the time about songs and music, and they love being together (that is when they can see each other.) With Holly's mother she has never suspected nothing! Holly always tells her mom that she is going over to Samantha's house, but she is really going over to Michael's. Since Holly has just turned sixteen she will soon get her learners permint, which means soon she won't even need someone to take her to see Michael. Also during this time Michael has bought his parents home and is tearing it down...
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Michael at his desk writing a song
Michael at his desk writing a song
Two years has passed since the first time Holly was at his house. Which means Holly has turned fourteen now, and Michael will become twenty-one in five months. Over the past two years they have become close friends sharing each others secerts.Michael still has feelings for her and has tried to deny it, but he can't help but feel that way.

Michael is sitting at his desk writing a song. He looks out the window, which is a rainy day. He thinks to himself, "why can't I stay focused on this song? I guess its one of those songs that need some time." He looks over and on his desk is a picture of Holly....
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Damn it!!! why does she always do that to me!!! Michael thought as he sitting in his favorite chair thinking why Alicia tells Tatiana that he likes her.Michael man calm down it was just a joke it's not like it's the end of the world,i mean come you always say that shes cute.Alicia for the last time that was one time when i said that!!! ok so keep your mouth shut about.Ok ok but im just saying.For a moment it was quiet in Michael's house until Alicia said something.Michael what was that noise?.What noise ?. I heard something coming from outside .Oh Alicia maybe your just hearing things.Michael...
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During the interview Michael can not focus on the questions, just on Holly. Mr.Douglas says "Holly would you like to grace us and the audience with a song?" Holly being bashfull "Ok." "Now don't be shy." Mr. Douglas tells Holly. Holly goes to the little stage they have set up. All of a sudden Holly lights up and this amazing voice comes out of this little girl! Michael is speechless, and so is the rest of the audience. Finally the interview becomes over and everybody starts getting their things together. Michael walks past Holly's dressing room. Michael thinks to himself,"should I go in and...
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Michael Jackson was the most influential artist of the 20th century. That might sound shocking to sophisticated ears. Jackson, after all, was only a pop star. What about the century's great writers like Fitzgerald and Faulkner? What about visual artists, like Picasso and Dali, or the masters of cinema from Chaplin to Kubrick? Even among influential musicians, did Michael really matter more than the Beatles? What about Louis Armstrong, who invented jazz, or Frank Sinatra, who reinvented it for white people? Or Elvis Presley, who did the same with blues and gospel, founding rock in the process?...
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The next day
Rebecca was up and ready to head to the hotel. (Me: That spacious room she and Michael found in that hotel room was a ballroom. Imagine from Harry Potter. That ballroom.) Kathy, Crystal, Brittany and Janet soon woke up and they got their make-up done and got their dresses and got into Janet's car and drove off to the hotel. Rebecca was nervous because it seemed like yesterday that she got engaged. Crystal turned to Rebecca and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Rebecca. You'll do fine." She reassured her. She turned to Crystal. "I don't know, Crystal...what if I mess up?...
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"Saronia, wait!!" Michael called after her. But it was no use. She was already too far.
Michael couldn't help but wonder about what Doug had said. All sorts of questions running through his mind.
Baylaa isn't dead?? Saronia was right about Doug. A white creature running from her house....... Could it have been Saronia?? Ugh, what is going!?
Michael paced back and forth. He couldn't stay focused on anything.
He decided to try and lure her back so he went and gathered many apples. Pouring them into a large barrel and heading for the wooded area that she ran to.

Michael wiped the sweat off of...
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You don't wanna make Michael angry...trust me.
You don't wanna make Michael angry...trust me.
A few months later
Rebecca, being 5 months pregnant, headed over to Neverland Ranch with her little cousin, Lily, to show her around. She had called Michael and asked if it was alright to have her take a look around Neverland and he said it was alright with him. But...something took place that shouldn't have. When Rebecca drove up to the gate and it opened for them...it seemed normal on the outside, but they saw police cars around the ranch. "What's going on?" Lily asked. Rebecca knew something was wrong with this picture. "I don't know, Lily..." Rebecca replied. She parked the car and they...
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Now,Michael's birthday passed 2 months ago,and the 2 lovers seem to become more close with each day that passes.Now,Rose is walking in the little park near by her house,and she meets her friend,Alice."Hey,Rose,how are you?I missed you!",Alice said sitting on a bench next to Rose."Hi Alice,missed you too,how are you?"."I'm fine thanks,you?"."Same."."So,how's the movie going?Met any guys?Come on,tell me,we haven't talked since you started working on that movie!"."Well,the movie is doing great,and I am dating someone,but...I think there'll be a problem this week,with the movie..."."Why?"."Well,my...
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(I just wanted to remind you all,this is dedicated to my sissy and I forgot to use her name,so I'll use her name instead of mine,so Madeline turns into Rose,but it's the same character,ok?Thank you for understanding,love you!) The next day,the met at work,and everyone could see that they were very happy and too excited,especially after what happened yesterday...And they suspected,again,that they slept together,so again,whispers and curses everywhere around them.It al bothered her,and the other actors would walk around her like in a cirle,at least it seemed to her it was like that,and she felt...
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Weeks have gone by and michael has not heard a single word from Diane, she has not text or called him. Now Jenna is now back from the hospital and she has begun to make michael's life a living hell. Jenna will not stop bugging michael, and everytime michael denies being the father she always says "Look at this michael! he looks just like you!" she would tell him, obviously she's too stupid to know that her son clearly looks nothing like him. Finally Michael has had enough.

"I want a fucking DNA Test!" Michael exclaimed as Michael has had enough. "I dont need a DNA Test! you are the father!"...
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The next day, Jenna is on her way back from the OB/GYN, she has found out she is having a boy and she cant wait to tell michael, that is if she could get him to listen...

"oh michael, where are you?" Jenna said as she made her way through the maze of pathways under the stage. While she was looking for michael she ran into alicia. "Oh well if it isnt michael's bitchy best freind." Jenna said sacastically. "Well i thought since i punched the shit out of you, you wouldnt say anything or approach me, that sure as hell shows just how dumb you are." Alicia said. "Really?", "Yea really, and dont...
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Michael and alicia are now at a mexican restuant eating

"You know you really didnt have to take me out to eat you know?" Michael said. "Dont worry bout it, its the least i could do to make up for being a bitch." Alicia said. "Hey sometimes you being a bitch is a good thing." Michael replied. "How?" Alicia asked. "Well lets see remember when Diane was pregnet with rose and Mary tricked Diane by going into her trailer and videotaped her talking about me and posted the video on tmz, remember how i was so quick to jump on conclusions that Diane used me and everything and you literally cussed...
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Another 2 months have gone by, Ileanna and Michael are now planning their wedding. Ileanna is now sitting at neverland, michael's home alone, while michael was out running some errands. Shes watching tv and hold Elijah when her cellphone began to ring...

"Hello?" Ileanna answered. "Oh my god! Ileanna how are you i havent talked to you in like months." Ann said with excitment. "Hey Ann, its good to hear from you." Ileanna smiled. "So how are things with you and michael?" Ann asked. "Great..we're getting married next month." Ileanna said. "Oh my god!!!! thats great!!!...what all happened on the...
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Happy as he could be
Happy as he could be
A year and a half later
Aislinn was offered a full time job at the "Never Grow Up and Smile" orphanage. She took it and called the dinner theater where she usually worked and told them that she has to work part time at the theater. They told her that it was alright with them. She hung up and smiled. (Me: I bet your wondering where Michael is, aren't you?) Michael was finishing up his tour. He had one last show and that was back in Gary. He was excited to visit his old home town, but at the same time nervous
At the orphanage
Aislinn was now called 'Madame Aislinn', although she didn't mind being...
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