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Rebecca woke up at around 2am because she was thirsty. She quietly got up and tried not to wake Michael up and she went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup and filled it with water and drank it. After she finished drinking, she put the cup in the sink quietly and headed back to the bedroom. She got back into bed and fell asleep...or more like falling into a nightmare.
In the nightmare
Rebecca and Michael were playing soccer with Brandon and Sean out in Neverland. Soon enough, Rebecca noticed a face and it was Josh. She turned to Michael, saying that they had to leave now. Josh was walking up to them, but they walked faster. Soon enough, they broke into a run. They got inside the house and quickly hid in the bathroom, locking the door. Brandon and Sean were in there with them. Rebecca was scared and Michael held her close. Josh looked for them everywhere, but no sign of them. He decided to check the bathroom. Michael quickly turned the light off to make sure he didn't know they were in there. Josh left and they got out of the bathroom, looking around cautiously. Soon enough, Josh came back and grabbed Michael and held a knife at his neck, and told Rebecca that if she didn't get back together with him, he'd kill Michael. She told him she wouldn't and he pushed the knife deep into Michael's throat and killed him. Brandon called the cops and Sean called the ambulance. Rebecca did all she could to keep Michael breathing, but no luck. The ambulance came and took him away and the cops came and took Josh to prison. Rebecca, Brandon, and Sean got in the car and went to the hospital because they told them to follow.
When they got to the hospital, they followed the doctors to the ER and told them to wait in the waiting room. They did so and Rebecca prayed that Michael would be alright. Once the operation was over, they came out and she went up to them. They led them to his recovery room and told them that he had barely any time left. He was on life support for today only. They walked into the room and she saw Michael, bandaged up, and saw the monitor. His heart was slowing down and so was his breathing. She sat down next to his bed and cried. She poured her heart out, telling him how much she loved him and how much she wanted him to stay alive. She felt his hand stroke her cheek and she looked up. She saw him looking at her. He told her that he loved her, too, and how much he wasn't wanting to die. She took his hand in hers and she continued telling him that he wasn't ready for death. Soon, his eyes closed and his heart stopped. She shouted 'no! This can't be happening!' The doctors led her out and she was fighting it. She didn't want to leave Michael alone to die. She'd die with him if she had to. She continued screaming at them to let her go. Then it faded to black...
Rebecca woke up, screaming. She shook and breathed heavily. Michael woke up from the screaming and sat up quickly. "You alright, Rebecca?!" He asked her concerned. She quickly buried her face into his chest and cried. Michael held her tightly. "What's wrong, Rebecca? What happened? Did you see something?" He was getting worried about her. Soon enough, her mother and Chris ran into the room. "Is she alright?!" Isis, her mother, asked. Rebecca continued shaking in Michael's arms and crying on his chest. "I don't know, Ms. Ishtar. I tried asking, but she's still crying. Is there a way to calm her down?" She thought of a way. She sat down on the bed and rubbed her back. She started calming down and Michael was in awe at what happened. Chris sat down on the floor and looked at Rebecca. "Can you tell us what happened that made you scream so loud?" He asked. Once she was calm, she nodded and told them that she had a horrifying nightmare that Josh came over while she, Michael, Brandon, and Sean were playing soccer in Neverland and the second time he came, he said he'd kill Michael if she would give him a second chance. She told them that she said no to him and he cut his throat deep and everything. She then started crying again, saying that Josh was taken to jail and Michael was taken to the hospital and he was put on life support for just that day. Then she told them that the dream ended with her screaming because his heart had stopped and the doctors took her out of the room with her screaming that she'd never leave Michael alone to die, that she'd die with him if she had to.
Michael looked at her in shock. 'She dreamed that? Oh my God...' He thought and held her close to him. "Don't worry. I promise I'll be with you always, Rebecca." He told her and she hugged him back. Chris looked at the time and saw that it was 5am. He stood up. "Well, I'm gonna make some breakfast for everyone. How does pancakes sound?" He asked. "As long as they don't burn, haha." Isis said. "Alright! I'm gonna start cooking then." Then he walked out. Michael looked at Rebecca and saw that she was a bit pale. "You feeling alright, Rebecca?" He felt her forehead and she was burning up. "Oh goodness. Ms. Ishtar, do you have a thermometer?" "Yeah, hold on." She walked out of the room to grab the thermometer and brought it back in. "Here. What's wrong?" "I think Rebecca may be getting a fever." Michael slid the thermometer under Rebecca's tongue and waited. Once it beeped, he took it out and read the temperature. "Oh God...102.2. She's gonna need to be in bed. Or I'll have to watch her until she gets better at my house. Is that alright with you?" He asked. She thought about it as Michael helped her out of bed and helped her get into the living room and onto the couch. "I guess if she's sick, you can watch her. I've gotta get to work. I'm gonna be gone for a few days. You wouldn't mind taking care of her, would you?" "I don't mind at all. Thank you so much for letting me stay here." "It was no trouble at all. Well, I gotta get packing before breakfast is done." "Okay." As she left, Michael turned back to Rebecca, who was laying on the couch, sweating. Michael got up and went to the bathroom to grab a wet wash cloth and headed back into the living room and wiped her sweat away with it. "Breakfast is ready!" Chris shouted. Michael turned to Rebecca and her eyes opened slightly. "Want some breakfast, Rebecca?" She looked at Michael and nodded slightly. Michael helped her up slowly and helped her to the table and her mother came back out with a suitcase and her briefcase. They sat down at the table, Michael sitting next to Rebecca, making sure she didn't fall over or anything. Chris got the pancakes on the table and the syrup and they started eating. Rebecca ate slowly because she knew if she had eaten fast, she'd throw it up.
After breakfast
Chris took the plates and forks into the kitchen and cleaned them. Michael got Rebecca onto the couch and laid her down. "I'm gonna go pack some things for you, okay? You'll be staying with me for a few days while you're mother is out." Michael told her. She nodded and he went into her room to get some clothes for her. He actually had her mother get her underwear because he didn't want to seem like such a pervert. Once her mother got her under garments and put it in the suitcase Michael took out, he got her pants and shirts and fedora in there, too, and brought it out with him. Isis gave Michael a copy of Rebecca's car key. "Since she's sick, you'd have to drive her car." She said. "But I-" Michael was cut off. "Please? Since you do know how to drive, right?" "Yeah, but...I haven't driven much after that ticket I got when I was working on Bad." "Understandable, but you do have to drive this time at least. If you get caught, tell them that I gave you permission and that Rebecca is sick. They know us." "Alright, I'll drive." He took the key in defeat and Isis helped get Rebecca's suitcase into the car. Once the suitcase was in the car, Michael got Rebecca into the passenger side and buckled her in. Michael closed the door and headed to the driver side and got in. He waved goodbye and drove off to his house.
Arriving at his house
Since it was 2 days before the tour started, he had plenty of time to help Rebecca get better. Michael parked the car and helped her out, along with getting her suitcase inside. Once he got her inside, he helped her to the private library and had her sit down on the chair. He took her suitcase up to his room and came back downstairs and went into the kitchen and got some water and medicine for her stomach. He then returned to the private library and handed them to her. "Here, take this. It should help you feel better." He said. She took the cup of water and the medicine and drank it. "Thank you, Michael." She said weakly. He pulled up a chair next to her and sat down, holding her hand. "It's all for you, Rebecca. I don't like seeing others sick." He told her. She smiled at him a little bit.
They spent the whole day together. She got a tour of the house, her fever was going down, and she wasn't feeling sick anymore. She got to experience her first ever water balloon fight out in Neverland Ranch. She saw a pile of leaves and jumped into it. The leaves flew up and fell back down around her while she giggled. Michael was chuckling at how she could let out her inner child. The pile was big enough for two, so Michael jumped in after her. She screamed playfully and she got hit with his back wave of leaves. She giggled so much, she almost lost her voice. She was lucky she didn't lose it. She looked at Michael and smiled. "Michael, thanks for taking me out here. I've never had this much fun before." She said. Michael turned his head to her and smiled back at her. "I figured as much, Rebecca. You never really told me what happened in your past." He said. She sat up and told him about it. How her childhood wasn't all a childhood. She had to work herself as a kid. She was a child star, working in movies and such as a little kid. Michael was shocked. 'She may actually be the one...sorry, Frank. But I'm going with my instincts.' He thought. "You realize that we have something in common, Rebecca?" "The whole 'not having a childhood' thing? Yeah...and with the fact that-" "We were both abused as children by a parent. You were abused by your mother and I was abused by Joseph, who is my father." "Yikes...I'd be afraid of Joseph, too. I've seen him a few times and I was so scared that I would run behind a building, hoping he wouldn't see me." "You're afraid of him?" "Yeah. He's a scary looking man." They laughed together and looked at each other. They realized they had so much in common. "Are you visual?" Michael asked her. "Yeah. I've learned almost all your dances when I was younger. Starting with Billie Jean." She responded. She told him that she'd dance for him before they had to go to bed. They spent the rest of the day outside, playing, throwing leaves at each other and tackling each other. They then chased each other around the ranch. Once Michael caught her, they fell and rolled on the ground, finally stopping by the lake, Michael on top of her. They chuckled at each other.
Chris was watching them from a tree and he was trying to keep quiet. "Michael, I think someone is in the tree." Rebecca whispered to him. "Let's pretend whoever is in there isn't here." He whispered back, winking. She winked back, smiling slightly. Michael leaned down and was gonna kiss her, until he said something. "Chris, get out of the tree." "Oh man! That takes the fun out of everything, Michael!" Chris shouted and they chuckled. Chris got out of the tree and Michael and Rebecca stood up. "I thought you were supposed to bring Crystal here, Chris. My mom left you with her car, didn't she?" Rebecca asked. "Yeah, she did. I was just dropping by to see what you two were up to." 'Uh huh, sure, Chris.' Rebecca thought. Chris soon left and Michael turned to Rebecca. "Now that Chris is gone...where were we?" Rebecca giggled. Michael grabbed her and held her close to him, her hands on his chest. He leaned down and kissed her and she kissed back while the sun was setting. Once the sun was gone, they stopped kissing and headed back to the house.
Inside the house
They went into his room and she remembered her promise to Michael. "Okay, before we change...I'll dance for you." She said. He smiled and nodded and turned on Billie Jean. She got in the starter position, did the crotch grab, sang along, did the moonwalk and the toe stand, she did everything he did on Motown 25. Once she finished the song, he clapped for her and she bowed. They changed into their pajamas and headed downstairs. Crystal was gonna be here any minute and Rebecca was gonna make dinner. Crystal was gonna bring something, too, so they had to be sure about everything they had cooked up. As for a place to sleep for her, she was gonna stay in the guest bedroom, Chris was gonna be across the hall from her room, and Rebecca was gonna be in Michael's room, staying with Michael. She was at least happy to be in the same room with him, and she'd have her best friend over here with her while she stayed at the house.
the awesome sunset :)
the awesome sunset :)
In the twilight of his career, Michael Jackson was almost as well known for the projects he never completed as he was for the ones that came to fruition. From the mid-1990s on, fans were frequently tantalized with the promise of movies, theme parks, tours and song collaborations with the day's hottest music stars that came and went without ever being realized.

As the one-year anniversary of Jackson's death approaches, MTV News is taking a look at the many plans the King of Pop dreamed up before his premature end, some of which are finally becoming reality.

Despite more than a decade out of the...
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A new video game based on dance moves and music of Michael Jackson is preparing the company Ubisoft. A company spokeswoman, said in a recent report E3 Expo (Los Angeles) that by Christmas it will be ready a new game which is essentially a 'dance Karaoke' to learn the moves of the king of pop to his fans. 'The game will include the most famous pieces of Jackson as the' Beat It 'and' Billy Jean 'and several dance moves of the king of pop, which can be easily emulate the players. Furthermore, they can at the same time and singing, trying so vocal skills, says a representative of Ubisoft.
posted by paloma97ppb
Michael Jackson: Joe Jackson blames his wife for the death of the singer
He asked him to hospitalize him

Michael Jackson cannot rest in peace. The parents of the singer, Joe and Katherine Jackson are faced by the death of his son. According to Joe Jackson his wife is the culprit of the death of the ' King of the Pop '.

The father of Michael Jackson revealed to a British diary that asked for several times his wife who was hospitalizing his son in a clinic of rehabilitation in order that it overcomes his addictions. ' If you had listened to me, Michael would be alive ', said Joe Jackson to the mother of the singer.

The portal TMZ informed that the attorneys of Katherine Jackson answered to the accusations and indicated that the whole world wise that she always was a good mother and grandmother.
Randy Jackson has been fighting like crazy to stop a flood of Michael Jackson memorabilia from hitting the auction block on the anniversary of MJ's death -- but the auction house is going full steam ahead.

Randy has been on Twitter attack, calling the auction at Planet Hollywood in Vegas "distasteful."

Darren Julien from Julien's Auctions claims it's pure coincidence the auction falls on June 25 -- "We have the same summer auction [of pop star memorabilia] at the same time every year."

Julien says the auction date can't be moved. So there.
Sources tell TMZ Janet Jackson was so "blown away" by the positive reaction to her appearance on the "American Idol" finale that she's "seriously entertaining" a concert tour ... that could begin before the end of the year.

Janet was amazing on Wednesday's "Idol" -- performing "Again," "Nothing," and "Nasty." We're told as of today a concert tour is now on the front burner.

Miss Jackson -- who has only toured once since 2002 (and a bulk of that tour was canceled) agreed yesterday to appear at the Essence Music Festival in New Orleans on July 2.
Originally posted May 27th 2010 1:00 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
An extremely fancy belt commemorating Michael Jackson -- and allegedly "sanctioned" by Joe Jackson and Katherine Jackson -- can be yours for the bargain basement price of $1,500 -- problem is ... the whole thing may be illegal.

Check out this picture we got -- showing Joe and Katherine Jackson signing one of the belts ... and according to the official website promoting the belts, MJ's three kids -- Prince, Paris, and Blanket -- also signed their names.

Here's the problem. The belts feature several images trademarked by Michael Jackson --...
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Originally posted May 15th 2010 10:14 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
TMZ has learned Dr. Conrad Murray may have saved a life this morning ... 30,000 feet above the ground.

Sources tell TMZ Murray was on a US Air flight from Houston to Phoenix when a flight attendant came over the loudspeaker and asked if there was a doctor on board.

Turns out a passenger fainted and could not be revived. We're told Murray jumped out of his seat, evaluated the female passenger (who was in her 20s and traveling with a baby), and quickly noticed she had a "very weak pulse."

Somehow -- don't ask us -- Murray inserted an IV and was able to stabilize the passenger until the plane made an emergency landing in Albuquerque.

The passenger was taken for further treatment. Her condition is not known.

Read more: link
Murray with a fan
Murray with a fan
Originally posted May 14th 2010 12:30 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
Dr. Conrad Murray has fans ... with whipped cream on top.

Murray -- who's due in court next month in the Michael Jackson manslaughter case -- was corralled by a fan Wednesday at a Houston Starbucks.

She gave us the pic but asked us to blur her face.

It's all about taking precautions.

More Dr. Conrad Murray
Dr. Murray May Ask to Delay Preliminary Hearing
Joe Jackson: Don't Attack Conrad's Supporters
Conrad Murray Supporters Plan Demonstration
Conrad Murray -- I Will Never Cop a Plea

Read more: link
Originally posted May 13th 2010 5:30 PM PDT by TMZ Staff
Lisa Marie Presley's desperate plea for fans to bring more flowers to Michael Jackson's tomb must have fallen on deaf ears -- because as of today the entrance to the tomb was pretty bare.

Michael Jackson's ex-wife complained about too much "empty space" around the singer's tomb on her MySpace page yesterday -- and urged fans to fill the void with lots of sunflowers ... but obviously that didn't happen.

Fans have since fired back, claiming they've been faithfully doing their part flowers-wise since MJ died last year.

Read more: link
posted by 12251
april 2, daddy has done a lot to try and get me ready for prince to be born. a few weeks ago daddy tryed to get me off the bottle (for good). i had been off and on between the bottle and the sippy cup for a long time daddy just does not have the heart not to give in when im up late at night crying for my bottle.

today daddy had his mind set that he was going to get it done and over with. the drama is only when i go to bed at night. daddy went thourgh my bedtime rotine like every night. he gave me a bath read me a book and put me to bed. as soon as my head hit my pillow i said daddy i want my...
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(Originally posted May 6th 2010 12:23 AM PDT by TMZ Staff)

Dr. Arnold Klein's office manager -- who claims he was Michael Jackson's lover -- is facing such intense death threats that he's moving from place to place ... hiding out from angry MJ fans.

A source close to Dr. Klein and Jason Pfeiffer tells TMZ incensed Jackson fans have walked right up to Pfeiffer's home and knocked on his door -- and they've also tracked him down at his friends' houses.

Since Jason went public last week with allegations of an affair with Michael, we're told violent and homophobic threats have poured into Dr. Klein's office by phone, fax, and email. According to the source one voicemail said, "I'm gonna put a bullet in your heads."

Klein and Pfeiffer have hired bodyguards, and reported the threats to the FBI. We're told Pfeiffer is currently at a private location with friends.

Read more: link
Originally posted May 3rd 2010 12:45 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Peter Lopez -- the music attorney who had close ties to Michael Jackson -- left a suicide note that was completely silent as to why he took his life ... sources connected to the situation tell TMZ.

We're told the one-page, handwritten note, expressed his love for his wife and kids and asked for forgiveness, but did not even hit at why Peter would end his life.

A source close to the family tells TMZ Peter dropped the kids off at school at about 9:00 AM Friday. When he got home, we're told Peter went to the backyard and shot himself in the...
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***"Stranger In Moscow"***

I was wandering in the rain
Mask of life, feelin' insane
Swift and sudden fall from grace
Sunny days seem far away Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me
Stalin's tomb won't let me be
On and on and on it came
Wish the rain would just let me
How does it feel (How does it feel)How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside
Here aband oned in my fame Armageddon of the brain
KGB was doggin' me
Take my name and just let me be
Then a begger boy called my name
Happy days will drown the pain
On and on and on it came
And again, and again, and again... Take my name and just...
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******* HISTORY *******

He got kicked in the back
He say that he needed that
He hot willed in the face
Keep daring to motivate
He say one day you will see
His place in world history
He dares to be recognized
The fires deep in his eyes
How many victims must there be
Slaughtered in vain across the land
And how many struggles must there
beBefore we choose to live the prophet's plan
Everybody sing... Every day create your history
Every path you take you're leaving your legacy
Every soldier dies in his glory
Every legend tells of conquest and liberty
Don't let no one get you down
Keep movin' on higher ground
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posted by 2468244
There's a place in
Your heart
And I know that it is love
And this place could
Be much
Brighter than tomorrow
And if you really try
You'll find there's no need
To cry
In this place you'll feel
There's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways
To get there
If you care enough
For the living
Make a little space
Make a better place

Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me
And the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough
For the living
Make a better place
For you and for me

If you want to know why
There's a love that
Cannot lie
Love is strong
It only cares for
Joyful giving
If we try
We shall see
In this...
continue reading...
posted by 2468244
Like a comet
Blazing 'cross the evening sky
Gone too soon

Like a rainbow
Fading in the twinkling of an eye
Gone too soon

Shiny and sparkly
And splendidly bright
Here one day
Gone one night

The loss of sunlight
On a cloudy afternoon
Gone too soon

Like a castle
Built upon a sandy beach
Gone too soon

Like a perfect flower
That is just beyond your reach
Gone too soon

Born to amuse, to inspire, to delight
Here one day
Gone one night

Like a sunset
Dying with the rising of a moon
Gone too soon
Gone too soon

posted by 2468244
She's got the look
She so fine
And you know damn well
The girl will be mine

She got the breaks
She the scene
And you know damn well
She give it to me, uh huh

Black jeans
And a turtleneck sweater
I know the girl
Is fakin' 'cause
I've seen her look better

She composition
She statistical fact
Got it ready
For the willing
Got it kicking in the back
She's got the look

She;s got the look
Wanna know better (She's got the look)
She's got the look
She's driving me wild

She's got the look
Wanna know better (She's got the look)
She's got the look
She's driving me wild

Come to the place
Shock to see
And you know damn well
You know...
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Oh no. . .
oh no. . .
oh no. . .

You'll never make me stay
so take your weight off of me
I know your every move
so won't you just let me be
I've been here times before
but I was too blind to see
that you seduce every man
this time you won't seduce me

She's saying that's ok
hey baby do what you please
I have the stuff that you want
I am the thing that you need
she looked me deep in the eyes
she touchin' me so to start
she says there's no turnin' back
she trapped me with her arm

Dirty Diana, nah
dirty Diana, nah
dirty Diana, no
dirty Diana
let me be!

Oh no. . .
oh no. . .
oh no. . .

She likes the boys in the band...
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One, Two, Three, Four

This is it, here I stand
I'm the light of the world, I feel grand
Got this love I can feel
And I know yes for sure it is real

And it feels as though I've seen your face a thousand times
And you said you really know me too yourself
And I know that you have got addicted with your eyes
But you say you gonna live it for yourself.

I never heard a single word about you
Falling in love wasn't my plan
I never thought that I would be your lover
C'mon baby, just understand

This is it, I can say,
I'm the light of the world, run away [?]
We can feel, this is real
Every time I'm in love that I feel...
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posted by 2468244
Oh, don't walk away, walk away
Don't walk away
See I just can't find the right thing to say
I tried but all my pain gets in the way
Tell me what I have to do so you'll stay
Should I get down on my knees and pray

How can I stop losing you
And how can I begin to say
When there's nothing left to do but walk away, yeah

I close my eyes
Just to try and see you smile one more time
But it's been so long now all I do is cry
Can't we find some love to take this away
'Cause the pain gets stronger every day

How can I begin again
And how am I to understand
When there's nothing left to do but walk away, yeah

See and why
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