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Michael started running after Madeline,but when he got out of the hotel,he couldn't find her anywhere!So he went back in his room and called Dave."Hello?",Dave answered."Madeline is gone!",Michael said desperately."What do you mean?What happned?"."I was going to go to a walk to find the way to tell her and when I opened the door Madeline was there crying and as she saw me she ran away and I ran after her but I couldn't find her and...oohh God!She heard our phone conversation,I'm shure!Oh,God!".Michael was crying while he spoke,so Dave couldn't understand all of what he said,but he knew he must go there."Stay in your room,I'm coming!",Dave said and than the conversation ended.Michael fell on his knees and started to cry more than ever."Oh,God!...",he desperetly whispered.
Madeline,who ran to the park next by the hotel and stood behind him while MJ was looking for her,fell down now and started to cry,just like MJ.They were feeling like thir whole life is over!Madeline didn't knew what to think!"How could he dod this?",she was thinking."How can he say that he doesn't knows which of us to choose,after all he said that girl did to him?I thought he loved me the most,he told me he loved me the most!And that's why I came here and now...Oh,God!I can't go home,I have not enough money!Oh,God,why is this happening to me?Why are you doing this to me?".Madeline fell down as Michael did and desperately whispered:"Oh,God!...".
The situation was desperate for both of them!
Dave arrived to Michael and helped him to sit on the bed's border."Mike,you must calm down and tell me what happened,or I can't help you!".Michael was convinced to stop crying and started talking:"After we finished our conversation,I wanted to go outside and walk in the park,so I can find a solution,but when I opened the door,Madeline was there crying and when I looked in her eyes,she ran away like I was a murderer!I ran after her,but when I gou out of the hotel,I couldn't see her anywhere.",Michael said and then took a deep breth and said:"I think she heard what I said on the phone...".A pressing silence followed Michael's words.None of them didn't knew what to say.Finally,Dave got up and said seriously:"Dump Madeline.".Whe he heard this,Michael lift his head like he was hit by a lightning.He was surprised,but he choosed not to speak.So Dave said:"I know that this is not what you want,but I don't think there's anything you can do,she won't forgive you after what she heard!How can he say that he doesn't knows which one to choose?,she will ask herself.And Diane is dangerous,but as long as she doesn't found out about Madeline,you 2 will be in safe.Besides,her father and yours came here and told you that you should choose Diane,and they threatened you with what is goind to happen if you choose Madeline!There's nothing that you can do for Madeline if Diane founds out about her!"."Why?Why I can't do anything?What is Diane going to do to Madeline?!What she can do?!",Michael iritated asked."Listen,someone told me that Diane found out about that man you hired."."And how it comes that she didn't found out about Madeline yet?"."Maybe she did.And maybe she's waiting for you to dump her so she can tell to everybody that you did it because you were cheating on her.That's why she arranged to excape of that guy,so you can't dump her for a good reason!"."Oh my God!And now what?",Michael asked desperetly."Now,you must choose Diane,because no one must know about Madeline.You must save your reputation!You must save madeline's reputation too!".When Michael heard the last sentence,he realized what a dangerous game he was playing."Ok...I'll...I'll choose...Diane",Michael said and started crying a bit,but he stopped after the first 3 tears."Now,we must go and find Madeline.She's out there all alone,it's night and I'm shure she doesn't speaks the language."."Oh,my God!Let's go!",Michael said then he ran away and they both started looking for Madeline.Michael foun her in the park,exactly the way we left her when we came back to MJ's room.Michael helped her to get up and took her to a bench,then sat down next to her.That bench was big enough for 5 people,but for the 2 of them,it was too small.A pressing silence was torturing them.Michael said:"Madeline what you heard was...I was trying to say that...".He could not even find a way to explain her thae situation."You don't have to explain me anything,I got it.",Madeline suddenly said."You just can't decide who you love.Actually,from what I've heard,you don't love any of us.You just need someone,as you said.So,I'll make it easier for you:you can get me out of the equation.I'll go home,don't worry.Tommorow you won't see me anymore,so you won't have any problems.You can go to Diane anytime she needs.",she said.While she was speaking,you couldn't see any emotion on her face.She was like a robot.Michael did not knew what to say.He was shocked.In the same time he wanted so badly to touch her,at least to hold her hand,but in the same time he knew he shouldn't,and that hurt him deeply."Madeline,I want you to understand that I...I don't love her,I love you!".When she heard the last 3 words,her heart started beating so fast and she didn't knew how to hide her emotions from him.Michael took her hand and told her:"I choose you!I don't care what everybody says,I choose you!".Madeline did not knew what to do.Her mind was telling her to leave now,before it's not to late!But her heart was telling her to stay!So she told him:"I give you one more chance!".Whe he heard that he could not believe it!When he looked at her,he saw that she was so nervous,so he hugged her and then they kissed.Madeline asked Michael how he and Diane met and why are they together if he doesn't loves her.And Michael expalined her everything."So,it was all because of your parents?",she asked him after that."Yes.And I liked her at first,but then when I found out what kind of person she was,I started to stay with her because it was my duty or something like that I guess,but in that time I thought I love her,it's crazy!Isn't it?"."Yes,it is!I could never do something like that!When I love someone,I really do!".Michael looked down and Madeline realized what she unintentionally did."No,please don't take it as an insult!I didn't meaned to say...",but Michael stopped her:"No,it's ok.And besides,if it would be an insult,you'd have all the right,it's true:I don't know what I want,I'm irresponsible.And I made you suffer because of that.I'm sorry,Madeline",he said while kissing her right hand."Please forgive me!...",he said almost crying.Madeline felt sorry for him and took his head between her arms and her neck.And Michael started to cry.So they stayed like that for a long time,forgetting about everything around them.
The next day,Michael woke up at 7a.m.,because of the sunrises.He wanted to get up,but something was holding him down.It was Madeline's hand.Michael decided to stay with her.They were both dressed with the same clothes as yesterday.She was so beautiful with her black and curly hair and her deep dark eyes!They were standing hugged,she was with her back at him and his hand was around her waist,covered by her hand.He couldn't wait untill she would woke up,so he found a way to wake her up.He started to play with her hair,passing his fingers through the black curls.Then he fondled her face.Over the deep eyes which charmes him,the small nose and the little charming mouth.He could not abstain from kissing it,so he did it and because of that Madeline woke up."Good morning...",Michael whispered in her ear and then kissed her cheek."Good morning...",she sleepy whispered.They kissed and then got up and Madeline went into the bathroom first.After they ate for breakfast,Michael joked:"You know,I shouldn't take you a room next time,you won't use it anyway!"."I'm sorry,next time I'll definetly use it."."You're right,you should,so I don't have to take one for me!".They were in the park in which Michael found her last night.Both laughed and Michael said:"I have to go to check something about the concert.I really don't want,but..." "It's for your fans!",Madeline interrupted him smiling.Michael was starring at her,so Madeline asked:"What?"."You're so perfect!",he said proud and then kissed her.After 15 minutes,Michael left to check if everything was ok about the concert,and Madeline returned to her room.
Once MJ arrived to the restaurant,he didn't see his lawyer,he saw Diane.Once he saw her,he knew that this was her plan."Hello,sweetheart!",she said.Michael sat down and said:"Look,Diane,we need to talk about our relationship."."What a coincidence,me too!".Michael had a feeling that this was going to be a very bad idea."Look,sweetheart,I know that...".Diane was interrupted by the noise of a truck.It was so loud,that they couldn't hear eachother,so Diane wrote him to go to her room.After many appeals,he accepted.Once they entered,they sat down on the bed's border and Diane said:"I think we should proceed to the next step in our relationship."."What do you mean?",that's all Michael could say before Diane kissed him and pushed him on the bed with her body.Michael put his arms on her waist to push her back,because her arms were around his neck and when he wanted to push her,the door opened and Madeline showed up.When she saw them,she stared at them for about 1 second,then cried and ran away.Michael finally managed to push Diane back and screamed:"Madeline!!!".He was so nervous that he did what he sweared he'll never do and hit a woman.He slapped Diane on her face and she fell down,that strong was the impact."Why you did it??!!Why??!!!!",he screamed.Diane got up and said:"Because that's how it sould be!!No peasant can be better than I am and have what I want!!And now,I want you,so you better forget her,'cuz she'll never have you!!Never!!",she screamed too.
Michael wanted to ran after Madeline,but Diane's father showed up in front of the door:"Have you forgot everything I said??!!",he screamed.When Michael was about to answer,his father came:"Son,it's over.",he said."No it's not!!Let me go!!I don't love Diane,I love Madeline!!Let me go!!",said MJ while trying to get out.Michael's father got out and Michael remained locked in the room with Diane and her father.
Madeline was crying in her room while she was making her luggage when somebody knocked at the door.It was the man from the reception with another note from her,the second.She received a note this afternoon with the text:"Michael doesn't wants you,he doesn't needs you anymore.Come to the room 105 to see why,me and him will be waiting for you.".The sender was unknown.Now,she opened this one too and it was saying:"I know how you must feel,but you can't stay.Here's a ticket and some money,go home!".It seemed to be from the same person,and she was really happy about that,on one side.On the other side,she was broken in millions of pieces!
In the room we left Michael,his father came back."Let me go!",Michael demanded."Sorry son,but now she's in a plain flying home and you will be on stage in 15 minutes!Go and get ready!",his father said.Although Michael wanted to go to Madeline,he knew that his father will not let him and that Madeline was in a plain already,so he decided to do what his father wants,for the moment.He did all he had to before the show and before it started,Michael wondered if he can do it,Bun when it all started and Michael heard the crowd,he knew that he can do it,all that energy...And while thinking at his fans and forgetting about Madeline,he saw a plain flying over the stadium and he somehow knew who was in it and in that moment "She's out of my life" started,and Michael fell on his knees crying and,without to realize that he has a microphone attached and everyone could hear him,he whispered:"Madeline!...Oh,God!...Madeline!..."
"I ended up crying myself to sleep on Michael's side of the bed"
"I ended up crying myself to sleep on Michael's side of the bed"
*One week later : Friday*

I sat on the couch watching the newest movie I had made,"Queen of the Damned" and I played the sister of LeStat, Lillia. Michael had wanted to watch it but then left near the ending to get ready to pack for his flight. He had to leave the house by 5:30 and his flight leaves at 6:30 for his tour with his brothers. As I kept thinking about the fact Michael was leaving and I wasn't going to see him for three years, I started to cry but I tried to keep it in. It was hard for me to be without him before. Now since we're in love and engaged, I don't think I can go through...
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posted by mjfanforever22
as michelle is huging michael her cell phone starts to ring little did they know it was her mom asking michelle what was she doing and what was taking her so long to come back from the concert as michelle hears the ring the ringtone she starts to get scared a little and jumps out of her skin a little bit as she jumps out of the hug she starts to scramble for her phone as she picks up her phone she sees that its her mother but she doesnt answer it though she ignored it michelle turns back around to michael too hug him again michael askes her who was it she tells him that it was nobody and he...
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"I'd rather Die than be with you." Michael said angerily as blood dripped from his mouth. "Fine then" Beth took her gun and pointed striaght at michael's head. Michael closed his eyes waiting for the shot that would end his life. "Please make it quick." he thought. Suddenly when Beth pulled the trigger the gun literaly fell apart with no explaination. "What the hell?!" Beth exclaimed as she looked at the broken gun which laid at her feet. Beth bent down and tried to put the gun back together but it was no use. Defeated she looked over at michael, "You just got lucky this time....dont be getting...
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The validity of Michael Jackson’s will could get a court airing next month if a business associate of the pop star’s mother gets his way.

Lawyers for a Canadian businessman who works with Katherine Jackson wrote in a filing Monday that he was “in possession of evidence that casts substantial doubt on the validity of the will” and wants to present it at federal trial set for September.

The business partner, Howard Mann, is locked in a copyright battle with the executors of the singer’s estate largely over a tribute book that he produced with Jackson’s mother.

In a filing in U.S. District...
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posted by emey16
"A young lady's physical beauty can by no means outshine the inner beauty that radiates from her heart & spirit"- Michael Jackson

The main thing that I hate most, is ignorance"

"I love people who have really contributed to the pleasure & happiness of the planet & mankind.. people with light."- Michael Jackson

Before u know if u are black or white, before u know of what religion u are a part, u have to know that u are loved'- Michael Jackson

"And I pray a lot and that’s how I deal with it and I’m a strong person, I’m a warrior. And I know what’s inside of me. I’m a fighter."...
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posted by emey16
"You can pray to the angels
and they will listen, but the best way to call them,
I am told, is to laugh. Angels respond to delight,
because that is what they're made of.
In fact, when people's minds are clouded by anger
or hatred, no angel can reach them." - Michael Jackson

If you enter this world knowing you are loved and you leave this world knowing the same, then everything that happens in between can be dealt with.”

"Lies run sprints, but the truth runs marathons. The truth will win this marathon in court"

"In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger,...
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posted by emey16
. .. Michael had a wonderful quick-witted humor, which many people who do not deal with surprises always something ...

some examples:

Why the finger tapes??

Michael Beardon (Musical Director of This Is It) has to answer:

"I asked him one day" MJ why you have this tape in your hands? "I always wanted to know, and I could ask him personally afterwards. If you can ask someone like Michael need something, what would you ask him?

And so great was Michael, he has replied to me.

"You want to really know you?" The tape around his fingers, he said, well, that feels good. And you see it, the white tape, your eyes follow him automatically. This is one of the show-biz things he learned when he was a child.
posted by mjfanforever22
although michael was the number one pop star in the world he had everything from a beautiful house with everything thing a person could ever wish for from a private zoo to a private pool to a private movie theater stocked with popcorn and candy any kid could want and as much as you could eat also with ice cream a person;s heart could desire and a arcade to enjoy and play games as long as you want as many times as you want from fame and popularity from us fans and family that he could count on when he need them there was only one thing missing some close friends that he could rely on the only...
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all his life michael has been misunderstood from the early days in the jackson five to adulthood people labled him as a weirdo or strange when deep down inside michael was nothing like what they thought that he was to be michael was a gentle soul he had feelings and when they would say things like this yes of course he would become angry and sad over the false and negitive messages that the media was saying about him we all know that michael had a deep love for children it was a pure and innocent love michael showed these children true pure and love and care but when he would invite children...
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posted by HegiMjlover
It was the 3rd day of Michael in Heaven. After he met his old friend , Freddie now he was searching for the others.Billions of fans were after him so it was impossible for Michael to do what he really wanted.But heaven was a big , much bigger than the earth so he was free to go any where as an angel that he was.The loneliness was following Michael in heaven too and he really hated this.And he started to cry , after him all his fans.Well , his friend Freddie was like "What the heck is going on Mike ??! Why are u acting like a child?!" and MJ said that he was a child , he was a child in his heart...
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A family source tells FOX411 that the Jackon family's mind-blowing row comes down to one motivator: access to the late Michael Jackson’s estate.
“Michael’s siblings want money and from day one, [their mom] Katherine wouldn’t side with the siblings on their mission,” a closely connected Jackson family insider told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column.
So why then is Janet Jackson, herself worth $100-$150 million, right in the middle of things? Unlike her brothers, who haven’t had much musical success since their childhood days in the Jackson 5, Janet is rolling in it, plus, her boyfriend of...
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first michael rises out of bed to the morning as michael sits up in bed after streching an yawning a little bit all of a sudden he hears a loud banging noice at the door as he always know joe is the only one that bangs on the doors in the house as michael is scared from the loud banging at the door already knowing that its joseph michael doesnt say or do anything joe starts to yell and say OPEN THIS DOOR NOW! OR I WILL BREAK IT DOWN! as michael is still scared from his fathers demands joe starts to count down from 5 so michael would open the door as joe starts to count down michael is sitting...
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posted by mjfanforever22
its not fair how when michael writes a song about how we can heal the world or ho we can make it a better place like for instance when michael writes a song its always a problem because they just dont understand the song and what michael is trying to say and what he is trying to spread across the world alot of people including the press always twist his words around saying that he said this or he said that when he didnt say anything bad at all which is crazy how they think that michael would say something bad in his music which not michael at all he wouldnt put the wrong message in his music...
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posted by mjfanforever22
as michael is singing come together at a sold out concert at wemsley stadium during the bad tour michael is showing all the engery that he's got in him just singing and just showing all the top dance moves that he's got from the moonwalk to the leg kick as michael is wraping up the song he starts to look around at all the screaming fans just calling his name michael michael over and over again as michael starts to smile and get soo excited by the excitement over the fans he see's this girl standing in the corner of the stage looking at him not making a move just staring at him in admiration...
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Michael begin to dream................
Michael begin to dream................
After michael walked back inside he sat on the sofa as if nothing out of the ordniary happened. As he sat on the sofa michael drifted off.

Michael didnt know how long he had been asleep when he suddenly woke up. Something just felt different. Michael got up from the sofa and headed upstairs. When he got upstairs he ran into Diane, "Hey honey shouldnt you be getting ready...we leave for the party in about ten minutes." , "Uhh...ok just let me go get changed." Michael said unsure. "Honey are you okay you dont seem like yourself." Diane said with concern. "I'm...fine...really." Michael said as...
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Michael Jackson‘s family has demanded the executors of their late brother’s estate resign effective immediately, confirms Celebuzz.

In a scathing letter — obtained exclusively by Celebuzz and signed by Michael’s sisters Janet, Rebbie and brothers Tito, Randy and Jermaine Jackson — the family maintains that executors John Branca and John McClain faked the King of Pop’s last Will and Testament prior to his untimely death on June 25, 2009.

“At the time we couldn’t possibly fathom what is so obvious to us now: that the Will, without question, it’s Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent,”...
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Alicia was shocked when a small nixon video camera fell out into her hand. Alicia set down the figurine and began to study the camera, which was cut on. Alicia hit the review button and began to look through the footage. The first video showed Michael and Diane sleeping together. The second was of Beth on michaels bed that she had covered with the green screen.(you should be able to guess what she was doing) And the last was of her and Michael talking about what to do for Diane on the anniversary of their first date. "Hey michael come up here I found something!" Alicia called out. Michael was...
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" Hey Diane did you move that figurine off the dresser and onto the chest?" Michael asked as he walked into the living room where Diane was sitting watching television. "No i didnt move it." Diane replied. "Well if you didnt move it then who did?" Michael asked. "I dont know michael maybe one of the girls moved it." Diane said. With that michael headed upstairs to Abby and Lizzie's room and knocked on the door. "Girls can you come out for a second." Michael replied. "Coming daddy." they said as they went to open the door. "Yes daddy?" Lizzie said opening the door. "Where you or Abby in our...
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posted by 2468244
Lipstick in hand
Tahitian tanned in her painted on jeans

She dreams of fame
She changed her name
To one that fit’s the movie screen
She’s headed for the big time, that means

She’s going Hollywood
She’s going Hollywood tonight
She’s going Hollywood
She’s going Hollywood tonight
She’s going Hollywood
She’s going Hollywood tonight
It’s true, that you, may never ever have that chance again
That chance again, babe

West bound Greyhound
To tinsel town
Just to pursue her movie star dreams
She’s giving hot tricks to men just to get in
When she was taught that that’s not clean
She’s headed for...
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posted by Fashionista101
The final part

“Now, do you want me to leave?”
Kyle, Mason and Casey shook their head ‘no’, but Mayor Sneddon still wanted him out. “Yes…YES! Leave now!” He let it all out.
The Maestro quietly agrees. “Fine. I’ll go.”
The gang didn’t want him to leave, but he starts to violently pounds his stomach hardly, showing signs of pain by groaning and moaning. The gang shockingly witness his own death. Then he jumps and his feet begins to crumples. Then his hands and the rest body crumples to the ground begins to crumple more and more and into dust and...
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