Michael Jackson Club
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How did you cast the real gang members?
It was Michael. He went out and he got ‘em through, I guess, the LAPD’s gang squad and he convinced them that, with enough police presence, this would be a smart and charitable thing to do; get them there to like each other and hang with each other for two days doing the video. I didn’t like the idea because it was hard enough to direct actors and dancers, let alone hoods.

So he tried to use the video to foster peace between them?
Michael was always about peace. He was always about some sort of peace offering. That was his idea and the cops did go along with it and as history has it, we were almost shut down the first night because, as you know, film sets get to be very boring after the first hour.

I guess the Crips and Bloods started to get on each other’s nerves – they are mortal enemies – and we had a few incidents and two cops came to me and said they wanted to close it down. I somehow convinced the cop squad guy to just let me [shoot the] dance. I was gonna hold the dance for the second night of shooting. I said, ‘The only thing I can think that’ll save this is to let me just blast the music. I have a feeling it’ll calm everything down. Can’t get any worse, just give me a chance.’ And the cop was cool, he looked at me and said, ‘OK, not much more.’ I couldn’t go much more because it was volatile – no question about it – and scary. So we were in that warehouse, change of plans we’re going to do the dance, get Michael out of the camper, here we go.

What happened next?
The gang members couldn’t dance so they formed the ring and watched. And the [dancers] all started to dance with Michael Peters and Vince Paterson. When Michael Jackson comes down and does what he does, I remember looking at the faces of all the Crips and Bloods lined up and their expressions as they listened to that music and watched those kids dance. Those kids were basically, most of them were gay… and when they started to dance, the Crips and the Bloods had that look like, ‘You know what? With all our wars and vendettas and stuff, that’s cool right there. That’s something we’ll never be able to do.’ And that’s what made that evening work.

What impact has “Beat It” and working with Michael Jackson had on your career?
I met a man who I have total respect for. One of the most interesting things he ever said to me, I’ll never forget, we were arguing, he said to me in that very high-pitched voice of his, ‘You use the F-word to much’. That always stuck with me. I thought that was smart to say at a time like that.

I watched a man dance better than anyone I’d ever seen in my life and I watched a man talk softly and carry a tremendously big stick, get what he wanted and get his way. And as we know now 25 years later, perhaps he got his way too much. But nonetheless, I watched him get his way but always using the softest, quietest approach you could possibly have used. I was influenced not only by his talent, but by his personality.
posted by cherl12345
As he looks in the mirror making sure he's presentable for his date with Maris, a woman he met a party the week before, Michael is pretty nervous because this is the first time he's met someone, who wasn't interested in his wealth or who he is. Maris is a very special lady who caught his eye, so he introduced himself say, "Hi, my name is Michael, what's your name"?. "My name is Maris, and I've noticed you watching me from across the room, and you were staring at me so intensely as if we've met before". Maris, who's a plus-size fashion model, and has graced the cover of every fashion magazine...
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Michael Jackson nail art aka nail designs an easy way to have mj on your nails or the less artistic person

The things you will need :
Nail polish (any color you want)
Computer and internet access
A regular office/desktop printer (any printer will work)
Nail glue
Top coat

Step 1: you want to go online and find what ever image of mj you want
And download the image and save it where you can find it.

Step 2: next open the image in Microsoft word or any photo editing program you have on your computer.

Step 3 : edit the photo to the size of your nails then you want to duplicate the picture so you have enough...
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Okay forgive me for saying this but ive seen it one too many times on this club. I understand that almost everyone on this club dislikes justin biebier. I am also aware that he is in fact copying michael. Im not a fan really, but seriously he's human, he just like you and me. I honestly dont think we should be calling him "Gaybier" or " Justin Beaver". Its just plain mean. Michael would not want us belittling or bullying another artist. Yeah justin maybe famous but words hurt and when he sees those words you dont know if he finds it hurtful. This not only applies to Justin, but other artists...
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posted by mjkingofpop1
4 days have passed and Janelle was still rehearsing. In 3 days, she'll be at the Motown Studios, auditioning for the Bad short film. She was nervous and at the same time, excited. She was perfecting it in all ways possible and needed to portray a shy girl from Korea. During the time she was taking breaks from rehearsing for the audition, she was writing Michael a thank you note. She really wanted to thank him properly for the card and the present, but she felt that a direct approach would be too public for her. Whenever she'd reread over the note, she would have to rewrite it because of spelling...
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the limo
the limo
"M'am you alright you sure took a nasty fall." Michael said. Kasey slowly sat up with the help of Michael. "Ooch!" Kasey said as she placed her hand on the back of her head. When she did she felt a knot. Michael looked over to see Kasey's friend Pixy running over towards them. "Oh my god Kasey are you okay?" Pixy asked frantically as she knelt down beside Kasey, pushing michael almost out of the way. "Um...ever heard of saying excuse me?" Michael said. "Oh shut up my friend has been hurt and you arent making things any easier." Pixy shot back. "Neither are you." Kasey said. "Hey im trying...
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Michael froze, he wasnt sure if this was a nice ghost or an evil one. Michael had heard some things about ghost from Alicia, but he didnt have much interest in them. Now he kinda wish he had listened to Alicia when she was giving advice on what to do when you run into a ghost. "Okay what would alicia do?" Michael thought to himself. Then he remember Alicia saying you can ask the spirit questions. Michael tried to think of a question, "Um...Whats..your name?" Michael asked. The ghost took her finger and with the layer of dirt which covered the floor she spelled out ELIZABETH in all capital...
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Where michael was taken the Gold field in Nevada, an abandoned hotel....
Where michael was taken the Gold field in Nevada, an abandoned hotel....
Once michael was dragged out of the hospital, he was thrown into the back of some sort of van. After been thrown he felt someone tieing his hands behind his back. Michael began to struggle, when he did he was hit really hard with some object, something like a butt of a gun. "Stop struggling or you die!" a female voice growled. Michael thought he recongized the female voice but he was so scare his mind went blank. Suddenly he felt a sharp pain in his arm, like someone has stabbed him with a needle of some sort. Michael began to feel dizzy and he soon blacked out.

Michael didnt know how much...
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The whole way home there was a chilly silence. Michael thought Holly was just tired and decided not to say anything. When they arrived home Holly immediately went upstairs to their bedroom with Michael behind her. Holly went into the nursery to check on Jenny and Michael went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. After Holly was in her nightgown she walked into the bathroom and said "How long is the tour Michael?" Michael's eyes got huge and he stoped bushing his teeth and looked at Holly in the mirror. "What do you mean?" Michael questioned. "Michael don't play dumb with me I heard you and...
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About 3 months have now gone by and its the day michael and diane have been waiting for, their son Eli finally gets to come home from the Hospital

Diane and Michael sat anixously as they waited for the nurses to get Eli ready to go home. Finally after waiting for almost thrity minutes michael and diane were then able to put him into his carseat and to the car.

When they arrived back home, both Abby and Lizzie couldnt wait to see their little brother. "Daddy can i hold him?" Abby asked as michael carried Eli's carseat inside. "Hold on Abby let me get everything situated then you can hold him...
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I woke up, still laying with Michael. He was sound asleep. I think he got hot within the night because his curls that were always in front of his forehead were sticking and sweat was running down his face. I looked over at his alarm clock that sat on his nightstand. 8:30. Me and Michael didn't have to wake up for another half hour. Michael and I have to go for rehearsal today for the 'Victory Tour' with his brothers. I looked back at Michael to see he was still fast asleep. I grabbed a tissue and lightly dabbed his forehead and sides of his face. As I wiped the sweat away from him, I started...
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posted by mjkingofpop1
After about 20 minutes, they arrived at Janelle's Aunt Liz's Beverly Hills mansion. Janelle opened the door and turned to Kenan before she got out.
"Thanks, Kenan." She said.
"No problem, Ms. Taylor." He said.
She got out of the car and Kenan went off to go park it. She went up to the front door, opened it and walked in.
"Aunt Liz! I'm home from school!"
Elizabeth Taylor came out from the den and saw Janelle putting her keys on the rack. She came up to her and hugged her and she hugged back.
"Hey Janelle, how was your last day at UCLA?" Aunt Liz asked.
Janelle looked at Elizabeth with a little confused...
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The fortune teller
The fortune teller
After eight hours on the job I finally could go back home! And that is exactly what I did, I grabed my stuff and high tailed it out of there. I got on my bike and headed home and when I got there no one was home. I thought this is great I don't have to hear anybody complain, or fight! I got a shower to get the dirt and grim off of me from work and I got ready. When I got dressed I put on a pair of jeans, flats, and a Michael t shirt and I was ready. It was now 6:55 P.M. I knew I wasn't going to be late because the carnival was only four miles from our house. I headed out towards my bike but...
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Michael arrived at the hospital not knowing Diane's condition, or the condition of his unborn son. "please say their okay." Michael said as he walked into the lobby of the hospital. There he was met by Alicia, "Alicia have you heard anything?" Michael asked with tears in his eyes. "I just got here and all I know is she's being rushed into an emergency c-section." Alicia replied.

Alicia and Michael then headed up to the maturity ward where they sat and waited outside of the operating room where doctors desperately to save the baby. As they waited michael prayed like he never had before. "Please...
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About a week goes by and michael has pretty much forgotten all about that horriable Nighmare he had. Everything seems to be going oka, but as the days go by wierd things begian happening. The occurances are nothing major just things randomly happening without explaination.

Diane is at home by herself washing dishes. Suddenly she hears what sounds like sccurying in the dinning room. "Michael, girls are you there?" Diane called thinking michael and the girls came in the side door for whatever reason. When she walked into the Dinning room the door that led outside to the pato was slightly ajar....
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posted by MJDirtyDiana829
Oh, they could do anything! And no one would know.
Oh, they could do anything! And no one would know.
"Umm, babe...", Mark moaned as he moved against Michael. Their wet mouths pressed desperatly together. Michael had never in his life had this oppourtunity. He was alone, completly alone, with someone he had feelings for. Someome who felt for him and they were alone. Michael moaned even louder at the thought. Oh, they could do anything! And no one would know.

Michael sat up against Mark and struggled to remove his arms from the sleeves of the robe. Mark helped pull it from underneath him. Then he wrapped his legs around Mark's waist as he continued their hungry kisses. Mark slowly pulled the...
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posted by 2468244
There’s a ghost down in the hall
There’s a ghoul upon the bed
There’s something in the walls
There’s blood up on the stairs
And it’s floating through the room
And there’s nothing I can see
And I know this blessed tune
Because now it’s hunting me

I don’t understand it, hey
I don’t understand it, ow

There’s a thumping in the floor
There’s a creak behind the door
There’s a rocking in the chair
But there’s no one sitting there
There’s a ghostly smell around
But nobody to be found
And a coffin inlay open
Where a restless soul spoken

I don’t understand it, hey
(Got a ghosts gotta break...
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Its been almost a month and now michael is getting ready to get checked out of the hospital to go home

Michael sat in his hospital bed as he waited for the nurses and everything to finish up with the paper work so he could home. While waiting he heard a knock at the door. "Come in." michael said. Just then the door busted open. "Daddy!" Abby and lizzie said happily as they jumped up onto the bed. "Hey." Michael said happily as he hugged and kissed them both. "Daddy is it true are you really coming home today?!" Lizzie asked. "Yes im coming home today." Michael smiled. Lizzie and Abby squealed...
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"So Diane how was work?" Michael asked as they sat down eating dinner that night. "Fine i guess." Diane answered. "Guessing your boss is still a jerk huh?" Michael said. "Yep...but at leat today i was actually able to show him i can in fact fix a camera." , "He didnt think you could fix camera's? i thought you told him that when he hired you?" , "I did but he said he wanted someone who was certified to fix cameras to fix it." Diane said "So did he call a repaiman to fix it?" Michael asked. "Yes they did but he couldnt fix it, because the part that was broken he couldnt fix, so i came down...
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Setting: Michael is in his libaray reading when his friend comes in after going to the bookstore and buying all three of the hunger games books.

Michael: What books are those???
Friend: Only the best books ever, ive read all three onlne, they were so good i had to buy them.
Michael: May i read them?"
Friend: Sure here Friend hands mj all three books. Mj begins to read the first one.....
Michael: (two hours of reading) Man how can they live like that?....Man i hope her sister doesnt get cohsen...Damn she does...wait she volunteers??? .....(5 hours later begins the second book) Yay they are home!.....wait.....now...
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Michael is in a Hotel room and is bored so he goes on a game website and tries this game a friend told him about.

Michael: Hmmm scary maze.....maybe i should give this a try.
Michael clicks on the scary maze icon and begins to play it. It takes him almost 15 minutes to pass the first level.
Michael: Okay finally im on the second level, okay here we go.....Damn it! i have to start over.
It takes michael almost 20mins to finish level two of the scary maze.
Michael: Finally! okay last level, so far so good....almost there.....almost have it....ye....AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!!
Michael falls off the bed.
Michael: (getting back onto the bed) Never again.................
