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Super had been cleared away and everyone was talking and drinking with friends, some had risen to mingle and get drinks from the bar. Music was playing lightly in the background and the moon was letting in a silvery haze of light that contrasting with the yellow glow from the candle lit courtroom.
Out of the crowds a tall, dark haired man with a slight tan to his complexion made his way through the crowds to Sir Karne, the older knight who was talking to Uther.
The old knight saw his approach from the corner of his eye and greeted him like a good friend- despite the age difference; the younger man looked to be in his mid twenties- and grasped his forearm in a sign of trust and respect. “Jay,” Sir Karne welcomed “you’re late, where is she?”
“Late as always, she’s changed outfits about five times, she’s on her way.” The stranger had a linger of an Italian accent and his voice was amused and loving, as if he was talking about something he found entertaining.
Sir Karne smiled affectionately “Of course, let me introduce you to the King. Sir Karne walked over to the King, his son Arthur and a group of assorted knights and lords.
“Your Majesty, you Highness, friends let me introduce to Jared D’Elluca Campione; he’s a friend of my daughters and a glorified traveller.” He patted the man on the back. Each of the people in the group took turns to bow and shake hands and began talking of trivial matters like where the stranger had traveled.
Jay was difficult to pin an age on, he acted older than he probably was, and his travel worn face gave away no secrets. His brown, almond shaped eyes were bright despite his exhaustion form traveling all day. He wore mostly black with soft leather boots, a short black cape trimmed with silver thread and a silver sword hanging from his right hip with an engraved handle and markings down the side of the blade.
He was probably around the same age as Arthur if not a bit older and the two of them found easy conversation about people in the court and things there were to do.
As the two young men were poured goblets of a fine red wine by Arthur’s manservant Merlin, who was hanging around waiting for Arthur to boss him around or dismiss him, Arthur invited Jay to practice with him the next day if he was up to it. “ If you can fight with a sword, your welcome to join in…” Arthur was saying.
“And is that invitation open to everyone?”
A small, ivory hand with perfectly manicured fingers rested itself on Jays left shoulder, and a girl attached to the hand appeared beside Jay.
She was tiny, like a doll. She had blonde hair with natural highlights running through it making it look golden, and it fell down her back in naturally formed ringlets. It fell around her face like a soft, lush veil.
Her heart-shaped face was adorned with the palest skin illuminated by the firelight; and her eyes were a hot-cold, grey-blue, set wide and inquisitive, framed by thick lashes that flicked out like feathers. She had a rosy blush high on her cheekbones that recognized her rush to get to the banquet, and her lips were sensuously parted and brushed with a coral tint.
She looked very angelic, perfect, young, hinting.
Arthur was a little bit shocked but the girl was used to being the centre of attention. Her lips pulled up at the corners and she tilted her chin in Jay’s direction, but her eyes stayed on Arthur for a little while longer.
She laughed and it was melodious but a little nervous and flustered. “Okay, I’m ready” She was definitely nervous but somehow she sounded more agitated and uncomfortable. She turned a little to the front of the hall and looked again at Arthur, smiled and said, ”I’m …”
Sir Karne cheering and rushing over interrupted the girl. The angelic girl looked at the old knight and her smile widened, and she was gathered up into a bear hug, it was very sweet and warm, but she looked uncomfortable like some one she had never met in her life had hugged her. A quick step back and Sir Karne looked at her properly. Sir Karne had in fact roused most people from their conversations, so he was not the only person looking at her, and with so many eyes on her that she could feel, she defensively straightened her back and lifted her chin.
Still smiling, Sir Karne looked between the king and his daughter and said to Uther, “You majesty, I am proud to present my daughter, Lady Guinevere.” Arthur who had turned his head to his father snapped back to ogle at Guinevere, the only other Guinevere he had met had been a pretty seamstress who he had loved, but who was in love with Lancelot. He didn’t think he would ever get over it and there had been a big gap between Gwen and Arthur, especially now that she was no longer serving the Lady Morgana and was only a seamstress in the castle. He had never met another Guinevere, or even heard of another one in Camelot, it was not a very common name.
But Arthur didn’t have much time to think, the hall was buzzing with whispers and people moving in together, The King looked unflustered, he moved over to Guinevere and took her hand and kissed it in welcome. “Lady Guinevere, it’s an honor to have you back in Camelot,” he held out his arm for her to take, and Guinevere didn’t hesitate “I hope your journey was not too tedious?”
“Not at all, sire” Strange that she sounded much more confident talking to the King than her own father, surely that’s not right, Arthur thought. Arthur, Jay and Guinevere’s father followed the King and Guinevere further down the hall to table with arranged refreshments, and Merlin behind Arthur. Everyone was curious about the little stranger walking with the King, so Merlin wasn’t going anywhere now.
As they reached the tables drinks had been hastily poured and Guinevere had been burdened with a large goblet of red wine. She was frowning down at the goblet with a little ‘v’ crease between her eyebrows and her lips all pinched up. It seemed Jay knew exactly what that meant, they were very close perhaps, because he took the glass out of her hands and traded it with another goblet on the table filled with water. Instantly Guinevere’s face straightened out and her frown was replaced with a look of relief. Arthur was obviously staring too much at the girl, because apparently he was the only person who noticed this. Uther hadn’t even noticed the goblet had been switched.
“And how has Camelot changed in your time abroad?” Uther posed at her.
“It hasn’t, it’s just how I remember it, small and rural, busy with crowds of people chattering and moving along at their own speed of life. It’s such a change after traveling in Europe, I’m not used to seeing people working in the middle of the day.”
This wasn’t the answer Uther wanted, he pulled his arm away and walked off nodding at her first. Jay quickly covered it up by introducing her to people. Prince Arthur was introduced last out of a selection of faces near by, they had practically already met.
When Jay gestured to Arthur, Guinevere and Arthur both looked wonderingly at each other, for different reasons though. Arthur was recovering from one broken heart with another Guinevere, and he didn’t exactly want to be reminded all the time. However this was a new Guinevere, a new girl, a beautiful girl, its not everyday Arthur gets a challenge.
Only now did Arthur notice the finer details. Guinevere was wearing a very daring dress. It was sleeveless and had a low plunge neckline. It was black with gold and silver sequins under the bust, which stood out from the black chiffon that fell in waves from her waist to the floor. It had no train either. The contrast between the black of the dress and her pale skin was like the pale moon in a dark and empty sky. She wore no jewellery except for a pair of dangly earrings, gold of course to match the dress and her hair, and they jingled when she moved her head. He had never seen another dress like it; she looked like a Grecian goddess of the night. If he didn’t know better he’d call her Nyx.
Unfortunately Arthur’s old teacher felt the need to teach him all sorts of history that he’s never used, including Greek mythology. Geography too, even though he’s never left the country.
In fact, the only times Arthur had even left Camelot was for royal visits and hunts.
Guinevere thought Arthur was handsome and his eyes were the most amazing blue she’d ever seen. But he wasn’t really her type. She usually went for the tall and dark breed.
Actually the more she thought about it the more she realized all the men she liked were exactly the same. A shock of dark hair-unkempt and straight, long enough that she could run her hands through it. Dark eyes too, set above defined cheekbones, pale skin. And tall, he had to be tall. She couldn’t explain why she liked taller men considering she herself was so petite, but it might have something to do with feeling safe, like the tall man was her protection. Yes, they were always the same, and it always ended the same.
But Arthur was different; he was tall yes, and had amazing midnight blue eyes. But he had blonde hair. And he didn’t look or act like the bad boy.
“I’m Guinevere De Karne,” she said with a slight blush flaming on her cheeks.
“Yes, I think I’ve already worked that out, your father announced you to the whole court”
The little ‘v’ was back between her brows and she was looking down. “I know, I probably brought that on myself, I don’t visit often.” She said haltingly. It was like a chair had been pulled out under her and her guilt broke through all her barriers. “ You don’t remember me do you?”
Arthur tilted his head to the side and raised one eyebrow, “Should I?”
With a little smile, she lowered her face and looked up at him slyly through half closed eyes. Then very mysteriously said “I’ll let you work that out. Do you have the time?” She blurted out, suddenly looking out the windows to the darkness outside.
Arthur’s cockiness was back because his voice was a little more filled with his natural born arrogance, and he stood a little more confidently.
This reminded Guinevere of exactly who she was speaking to, a High Prince of Camelot. He was above her and she should be paying respect. She wasn’t so casual, so trivial with Uther. But she had obviously said something wrong when she was talking with the King, because he left very quickly and curtly.
“It’s about 2 in the morning”
She groaned and bit her lip. “I really should be getting back to the inn…”
“You’re not staying with your father?” That was Guinevere’s first home, her birthright, why was she avoiding going home. Or was she really avoiding her father, their relationship didn’t seem to be the average father and daughter bond.
“No, I, uh. My mother died there, I won’t stay in that house there are too many memories.” So that was what was wrong between Guinevere and the old knight. The death of her mother had scarred their family and bore a rift between them.
Suddenly Arthur felt very sorry for her, he had always felt the loss of his own mother, but he had never met her so he always thought he had been well off that he couldn't miss her as much as someone who had. There was the time he had been tricked into thinking he had seen his mother by an enchantress, and it was then he realised he would kill for her even though they had never met. he had always blamed himself for her death, and he missed her.
"You should stay her in the castle. We're not short of rooms and it's not very hostly to let you come all this way and have to walk back to the inn in the dark."
Guinevere didn't hesitate she was rather grateful. Walking in 5 inch heels always made her feet and calves hurt and she wasn't looking forward to a 30 minute walk. That was unless she could persuade Jay into giving her a piggy back.

Next chapter will be released on the 12th of March. Please rate or comment just so I know someone's read this.
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