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hi everyone ! so here the interview with the amazing Cara <3

1)1. WOO HOOO! You are the merlin march FOTM winner ! How does that feel?
YAY! *happy dance* Haha, it feels amazing! To be the second winner out of all the fan, and to come after you Naima, is such an honour! Thank you everyone who voted for me!

2) Before we get started, I think we should get to know you a little better ;) So tell us a little bit about yourself!

Hmm, I’m Cara, I’m currently in secondary school in year 10 (the second to last year). I am currently studying Media, Art and It because I hope that, that will help me get a job within media when I have finished my education! I live in the UK and I am a very patriotic Brit (and proud of it). Although I’m not to happy with the typical British weather we have. ;) I’ve been watching the show since the very first show and got into it straight away! I've been fanpopping since August 2009 and I have come on more than once nearly EVERYDAY. So yeah, you could say I'm a bit of an addict. :P

3. So how did you get into watching MERLIN? Have you been watching it from the beginning?

Well, where do I start? I remember watching the trailer on tv during my Saturday night meal and, because I have always been interested by the legend and medieval living, I was instantly drawn into it. In fact I turned to my mum saying “We MUST watch that!” And it worked! :D I watched the first episode and was hooked straight away. That week after I spent looking it up on the internet, etc, and after the second episode, well, I become addicted!

4. We all know that Arthur and Gwen are your fav couple on the show, but how high does A/G rank on your favourite couples list?

Surprisingly I don’t watch that much television now, so I don’t really get to know any other tv couples, so they’re defo rooted to the number one spot. ;) But Merther aren’t too far behind. :P

5. What makes them DIFFERENT from all the other couples you ship?

I think the fact that they weren’t ‘supposed’ to be together because of the obvious problems is what makes them so appealing as a couple. And unlike a lot of couples they are both quite shy and timid towards their love, dispite being so far into their relationship, which just makes every moment together that much more precious and special!

6) What is your favourite season? and why?

It’s got to be series 3 for me! Series 1 was an introductory series, planting the seed firmly in the soil so the following series had something to be based on. Which was great because learning about characters is so much fun! Series 2 was mostly about starting off the journeys of the character developments (Arthur becoming the king that we all love in the legends, Gwen becoming more confident and the queen to be, Morgana having that grasp on magic, etc) which was also great! But series 3 was the series which the last two were leading up to, packed with great storylines for all the characters! Just to name a few of those episodes; The Crystal Cave, Queen of Hearts and of course The Coming of Arthur Part 1&2! And finally the knights of the round table were introduced, and what fine knights they are. ;P

7) what are the flaws that uve noticed on the show? (writing , acting , shooting? )

That’s a hard one! I can only really think of two; the fact of how quickly the relationship of ArWen was introduced, it was so sudden that it felt that it didn’t flow into the story that well. One episode they were just prince and servant, the next they were crushing on each other!!! The second is that there is hardly any ever magical and mythical creatures featuring in the show any more! Apart from the dragon, the last one was the wilderon!!! And when CGI is used, I feel it’s not very believable any more.  For example; when Merlin is flying on the dragon’s head, they use a small picture pasted on top! Not good!

8) what scene made u fall in love with ARWEN ?

What scene? I think it started off when Gwen stood up to Arthur in ‘The Moment of Thruth’ back in series one. I loved it because she showed both that she wasted afraid to be heard by him when it counted, and that she believed in him so much that she would already die for him, even before their relationship sparked. And also the fact that Arthur actually started noticing Gwen more that just any other servant too.

9) have u read stuff/books about the legends?

Well I feel like I’ve always known about the legends, and I don’t really know how! I was always aware of it, the knights of the round table etc, from quite a young age. When I was 9/10 years old though there was a cartoon on about an incipient King Arthur which I used to watch out of boredom. So that caught me a bit about it. I also read a comic book about the legend, so that also contributed about it. And because I was drawn to the mystery of the legend that those things just drew me in.

10) what are u expecting the most for season 4?

Well I’ve heard that it will be focused a lot around Arthur and the knights following uther’s recovery from The Coming of Arthur Part 2, so that’s what I’m expecting. But I really hope that Arthur starts noticing Merlin’s magic abilities, just getting hint of it for him to start questioning what he would do. Then in series 5 the secret to be let out.

11) ok so THE MOST :

-emotional moment : When Gwen was sentenced to death in ‘Queen of Hearts’ (THE KISS! THE KISS!!!!!)

-angsty moment : Hmm… probably when Morgana kept getting in the way of Arthur’s plan in the ‘The Castle of Fyrien’

-happiest moment : There are far to many for me to just pick one! Soz!

-cutest moment : When Merlin tells Arthur that he will be going to help in Ealdor to help his mother. The quotes just make me smile from ear to ear!!!

-funniest moment : That’s hard! Ok, one that never ceases to make me laugh is when the camera slowly passes the blind to receal….. A BALD UTHER!!!!! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN!!!

-unexpected moment : Gaius turns of Merlin in ‘Love in Time of the Dragons!’ 

-the moment which made u cry : (for a good reason) The scene with the round table, and all the scenes at the end of ‘The Coming of Arthur part 2’. Put together they were so beautiful!

12 ) ur fav quote ? “You’re the two sides of the same coin” ♥

13 ) how u feel about :

-merlin/morgana ? I like their hatred against each other that you have to question if it’s really there or not? Do they really hate each other? Could they really not do anything if the other one was in danger?

-arthur/merlin gayship? NO NO NO!!! Never! Nope! It’s horrid! Bromance is my limit!

-arthur/merlin friendship? YES YES YES!!!! ♥ Love them! Their relationship is just too adorable to ignore! Like I said, bromance forever for them!!!

-arthur/morgana? >.< I shipped them for the first few ep’s of series 1, but then realized it would only be a sister/brother relationship. Well, that was until she turned EVIL and started wanting to kill him every other episode. :S

-merlin/freya? I love and hate them at the same time! Why? They are such a cute couple, which is why I love the, after all, she makes Merlin so happy! But I hate them simply because I am incredibly jealous of Freya! What I would do to be her! (Well, minus the death part).

The Gwen pairings are countless *lol* so besides Arthur with who SHE looks great?
I think either Lancelot or Gwaine. Although I think that the spark with Lancelot has almost extinguished now, and he KEEPS leaving her! So, Gwaine for

14) most annoying :

morgana's smirks or gwen who hasnt a storyline on her own ?
=>Morgana’s smirks! There really IS a limit you can make before it gets lame and childish.

Arthur being a prat or merlin saving morgana in 3x05 ?
=>Merlin saving Morgana AGAIN! XO

Morgana's lame attempts to kill her brother/father or Uther being a stupid old man ? =>Erm, both? Morgana’s attemts are starting to get too often, and Uther who begs Gaius to cure morgana with magic, and yets gets really scared and on edge when he suspects someone using magic to cure another!!! DX

Gauis’ screentimes or morgana's screentimes ? =>Morgana’s. I love Gaius! ♥ Haha, it sounds like I hate Morgana so much I would kill her myself if I had the opportunity! Nah, that’s not true, I still like her, just not as much.

15) ur fav episodes from each seasons ?

Series 1: The Poisoned Chalace, Series 2: The Fires of Irdsholas Series 3: Either Queen of Hearts or The Coming of Arthur Part 2

16) how do u want the writors to handle the love triangle ? knowing that Angel confirmed that arthur was gwen's true love<3

I think it should remain awkward between her and Lancelot for a while, but never resulting in anything. ArWen forever!!!

17) The perfect ending for the show?

THE WEDDING!!!! Uther actually saying that he’s proud of Arthur) hopefully he’ll still be around) and Arthur officially announcing the uniting of Albion and the freedom of magic. *happy sigh* That would be just perfect. :D

18) describe arwen in three words :
Precious, rare, pure

20) And finally, any last words/thoughts/comments?

Again I just want to say thank you to everyone that voted, you Naima for doing this amazing interview and EVERY fan that contributes to the club! I wouldn’t do what I do on here if I wasn’t surrounded by such good fans, (that are becoming great friends to me). Thank you guys!! Love you all! .x

(issie..ur the best for doing interviews lol i m not good at it <3)
Scene from 2x10- Sweet Dreams.
season 2
sweet dreams
bradley james
angel coulby
added by Brucas4evr
Source: The Round Table, Arthur, Gwen, Gaius, Percival, Lancelot, Elyan, Gwaine, Leon, Merlin
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Source: To me
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Source: blackbirdrose
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Source: Dale McCready
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Source: BBC
but its my fav TV show because of the OT3
but its my fav TV show because of the OT3
Now for what you were all waiting for...*drumroll*...
Here is the Merlin Spot's first FOTM with the lovely Naima! @Lovreangel was kind enough to let me do this interview so without further ado, let's begin. (The questions are bolded, Naima's answers are in regular, and my comments are in italics)

Firstly, introduce yourself to all the Merlin fans who don't know you!
hi there! well im sophia , im in medschool and i live in paris ! thats quite usefull cause i can easily see the merlin cast shooting when they are in france !<3
i love laughing , its the best remedy lol
Aw, lucky you! I wish I could...
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Arthur was standing on the highest parapet, overlooking Albion. He had brought magic back, and united all the lands of Albion in his time, but he was old now. Not as old as his father had been when he died, but old enough that his reflexes are slowing, slightly, old enough that he feels each injury taking slightly longer to heal than the last.

He is alone now too. Gwen had died years before, but she had been the only woman he ever truly loved, and however many times his Court told him he must produce an heir, he couldn’t bring it upon himself to marry another woman. To betray her memory like...
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