Merlin and Morgana Club
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Morganas eyes fluttered open. She found herself lying in her bed while a uncomfortable Merlin sat in a chair beside an old mixing pot. "You should sleep" he mumbled. Morgana pinched herself to make sure she wasnt dreaming. "I was wounded. Arthur, he wounded me". "Only because you tried to set fire to the peoples crops". She looked at Merlin, she felt something different than before when she looked at him. "You used magic to save me......why?". Merlin looked at her. "What! I am no magician". Morgana rose to her feet. "I know what I saw. Is that the reason why you helped me all those years ago? when my magic was only begging?" she asked. Merlin stood from his chair and walked towards her, close enough to touch. "Im sorry for hiding it from you, I just didnt tell you because....I had....". Morgana looked into Merlins eyes. "Thank you Merlin. Im sorry I tried to kill you!". Merlin laughed and Morgana couldnt help but laugh also. Sddenly there was a loud knock on the hut door. Morgana looked at Merlin afraid.......
(Hope you enjoyed part 3 on the way soon!)