Matt x Mello Club
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posted by Melodramatic123
Author's Note: may have some swearing and sexual co tent. If you're not into that don't read. Right now this is their first meeting so things aren't sexual yet. But there is some swearing so please be nice and enjoy!
It was hard being a new kid at a new school. It was even harder when that new school also turned out to be your new home. Yep, these were the feelings Mihael Keehl, now known as Mello, was feeling right now. He had had his identity and family stripped from him in the span of a day and now was having to attend classes as if neither had happened. Everyone was staring at him, teachers in every class were making a big deal about his arrival as if they had never had a new child before. He didn't think it could get any worse until lunch... As he tried to sit and eat his lunch peacefully, he couldn't help but to notice the stares from the boys at the table across from him. They were snickering and whispering to each other and for a while Mello ignored it. But there comes a point where you can't just ignore these things. So he decided to confront them. The boys quieted down as he approached, looking highly amused. Mello placed a hand on his hip as he stood in front of them, "Do you guys have a staring problem or something?" The boys exchanged looks before bursting out into laughter, only making Mello's anger increase. "What?!"
"Sorry," one of the boys giggled, "We're just shocked to see that you're a boy is all." Mello's eyes widened. "Excuse me?"
"Well, at first glance you look like a girl. We had been talking about how pretty you were until you came over here." The other boys snickering in the background told Mello this was a lie. They were probably discussing way more than that... He snarled before grabbing the boy speaking to him by the shirt and lifting him out of his chair, "Listen here! You nasty little bastards are going to show me some respect! I'm not going to sit here and tolerate you talking down to me like I'm a piece of meat! You even think about coming near me with that toe of intent and I'll cut it off! You hear?!" All of the boys looked terrified at this point as the one he was holding nodded, frantically. "Whoa there," one of the boys who had been sitting behind the group stood up, hands raised in defense, "No need to get hostile! They were just comments. Ya know, sticks and stones, mate." Mello stared at the boy. He wore a baggy striped shirt and baggy cargo shorts, along with a cocky grin on his face. "The name's Matt. You must be the new kid. Here, why don't you put Ole Luke down and we'll have a chat, m'kay?" Mello's stunned stare turned into a glare, "What, are you their leader?"
"Actually yeah. So if you could put my friend down, I'd highly appreciate it." Mello growled but didn't protest and dropped the boy down right on his butt. Matt smiled, "Thanks. So what's your name?"
"Mello," the blond crossed his arms. "Funny, you don't seem very mellow."
"And you seem to mistaken me for someone you can sweet talk. This is just a warning! If you or one of your little sleazeball friends ever pulls anything like that ever again, I won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you!" Mello didn't even wait for Matt to respond before storming out of the cafeteria. He hoped they got the message.