Masaomi x Mikado Club
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posted by RainbowOtakuX3
By: risingfallback
Rated: M


Chapter Two: Mikado, Mikado

Mikado groaned, tugging on the blanket to cover his face. The artificial light was burning his eyes, his head throbbing. It felt like every single muscle had been touched by fire. What happened to him? He searched for a memory, anything to explain, but came up blank.

Until he heard a gasped, "Mikado!"

"K-Kida? What are you doing in my house?" He coughed, clearing his throat - there was a layer of film making his squeaky voice come out raspy. How long had he been asleep? And how long had Kida been with him? He caught the glimpse of fingers pulling back his blanket and blinked.

More importantly why was Kida wearing that?

"Are you okay?" Kida was biting his lip, his eyes flitting from Mikado to the wall and back. He looked so...nervous. It was out of character. Mikado was the blushing, bumbling friend, not silly and unpredictable Kida. It looked even funnier, what with his brazen white leather jacket and knee high boots. It was almost like he was dressed up for a...


Now he remembered.

"Y-you kissed me!" He pointed at his friend, his hand shaking, his face red. Kida had pounced on him the second he'd gotten home. His lips had been up against his before he fainted. Kida had kissed him! Mikado threw the rest of the blanket off and attempted to stand but his muscles were far too sore and he simply sank back to the futon. Kida made to help him, but Mikado threw up a cautionary hand and Kida stayed at his spot at the foot of the futon. "W-why would you do that?"

Kida scratched his temple, a sheepish expression on his face - Mikado had seen it a thousand times before. It was his "get out of trouble" pose. He must have realized it, because he quickly stopped, bringing his hands to fidget in his lap instead. "It was supposed to be your great prize," he muttered, almost pouting.

"Great prize?" Was Kida delusional? He had been hit numerous times on the head after all...

His brows furrowed. "Didn't you read my note?"

"Note? What note?"

"The one in your locker!"

"I never made it to my locker! I was too late to class!"

Kida made an "O" with his mouth. If Mikado hadn't been so upset with him, he might have thought it funny. "I guess I can't blame you for being surprised then, I guess..." he trailed off.

Mikado ran his fingers through his hair - uck, it was still spiked with sweat, did he ever get a break? - and sighed. "Why don't you just tell me everything? It'd probably be easier."

Kida's laugh was short and sharp. "Yeah, easier..."


Fuck. Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! Kida wanted to bash his head into the wall. Repeatedly. Did that make him a masochist? No, no that wasn't important. What was important was that he had kissed Mikado, and the other boy didn't even have a clue just how cute he was, sweaty spikes and all, right now. Kida just wanted to glomp him. Maybe steal some more kisses...okay, he didn't want to drool while Mikado was watching him, that was just creepy. He straightened up, the leather of his jacket creaking. If Mikado turned him down, it was going to be a waste of a really nice date outfit...

"Where to start, where to start..." He leaned forward, bringing his index finger to his lips in a very thoughtful pose. He thought so anyways.

From his spot on the futon, Mikado rolled his eyes. They were really pretty eyes, all sapphire and sparkly. Maybe that was why Kida decided to avoid the long, detailed explanation and instead blurt out, "I asked you out in a note tapped in your locker. You were supposed to be here by six so we could go on a date and you'd fall in love with me and it'd be happily ever after!"

(Wait, that was the short version?)

He watched Mikado's face change from pure confession to a shade of red he didn't think even Crayola had coined. His own face heated up. Mikado had no business blushing when it was him that had completely botched a perfectly good confession. It had taken him a week to come up with that idea too. He'd have pouted if he wasn't so transfixed on Mikado, who had been silently watching his emotions play across his face.

"H-happily ever after, huh?"

Kida felt a smirk grow on his face. If he was stuttering now, at just the thought of Kida confessing, what would he do if he...?