MacTaylor Clan The Countdown...

CSIAly posted on Jul 15, 2009 at 04:41PM
InnerAly: Welcome all! It's so nice to see you all on this lastest addition to the MacTaylor Clan's forum, we're glad you could make it. Now if you don't remember or we haven't had the chance to meet formally before, my name is Aly, formally known as InnerAly, CSIAly's pysche/inner mind. I am the somewhat voice of reason in Aly's brain when she is flying off the handle or is a few fries short of a Happy Meal or isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed...I could on...seriously. But now that we've been well enough acquainted I guess I should explain my presence, I often have to do that on here, don't I?

I am here to introduce yet another forum thread, this one a countdown, as made obvious by the rather original title of "The Countdown", blame Aly, she wasn't exactly in her right mind when she was typing that up. Alrighty then, well you're all probably wondering what the countdown is for, unless you have CloneGirl vibes or just fandom vibes. Now this countdown idea came to Aly when she saw what her cause of death...the second time around. Yes, that's correct! It was the season 6 House MD promotional video. Congratulations and cupcakes for all who figured it out without peeking at the links section on the MTC. Bet you're all wondering how Aly's taking that one.

Ask Krissy, wait she's dead...nevermind then, it seems they've died and gone to Fanpop heaven for all there good deeds and...did they just noogie the St. Peter of Fanpop?! Bad Aly, bad Aly! And Krissy, you should know better then to listen to that loon of a lady. Back on track! So now that we are aware that House will be back on the 21st of September that means that for the next few weeks and/or months we will be hyping each other up with House MD excitement and spoilers and what we think will happen in our new never before seen season. Everyone is welcome and we can talk about anything and everything to do with House, past-present-future.

Okay, so you're probably thinking something like; "Why do that here when there is a perfectly good House MD spot and House MD Fan spot?" Here is the answer...JUST DO IT! Sorry, how'd Aly get in here? I thought I assigned her to the room next to House? Oh...big mistake. Well I go wrangle me up an Aly why don't you all plot out season 6 to the best of your fan (girl/guy)'s imagination?

last edited on Aug 10, 2009 at 01:06PM

MacTaylor Clan 25 replies

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over a year ago CSIAly said…
67 days left, including today and the sacred Monday the 21st XD.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago KrissyB said…

^^ That's my atempt to prove it :P

Haha! Aly, Aly, Aly, You make me laugh! :D
Will definitely be hyping up with you with all the excitment!!!

Firstly lets say, 2 HOURS ZOMG!
I've mentioned it so many times to you Aly but still OMG!

*excited much* <333
I too Love Gregory House :D
over a year ago CSIAly said…
TWO HOURS!!! Yay, I'm so excited that I could scream but my father is listening to his Michael Buble CD so he might get a little pissed off XD. Okay, so I watched and watched and rewatched the promo like half a dozen times and I'm still scared about what's happening to House when those three men carrying him off. Is it some kind of exercise/activity, House being a prick, a hallucination? Any theories, guys?
over a year ago KrissyB said…
Hmmm, i'd say either House being a prick or a Hallucination.
I'm scared too i just want Cuddy to come save him or something!

Btw! What do people think about House's new hair cut/hair do? :P
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Lol, that's what I thought at first. But then I was like; "Be kind to the artist formally known as Gimp!" XD. Then again, I can imagine House being a real prick to all the patients there, until he meets someone with Scizophrenia or something and he'll take an interest, probably get them to delusion for the fun of it XD.

I too am hoping very much for some Cuddy lovin' in season 6 simply because after five seasons of dancing around the relationship and then finally Both Sides Now where he detoxed and she stayed with him, then the making out and the sex, well come on! They need her to come and visit him, sans or with Wonder Jimmy ;). Still I'm dying to see where the relationship goes post-hallucination sex seeing how Cuddy obviously knows House is having delusions and that the sex wasn't *sniff* real D': so it should be interesting.

Now about that hair buisness I read somewhere that for how much people were saying Hugh Laurie wasn't vain like other celebrities they went to lengths on House to cover up his balding, keep in mind this might just be idle gossip but I like how they incorporated it into the show =D. In fact I think it's very attractive when someone can say "Hey! Yeah, I'm losing hair but I'm not losing myself to my vanity. I like the way I look and aging is normal. I still have great legs, am fit, and have a goregous voice, not to mention eyes. Who cares about hair?" XD.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
LOL i do
over a year ago CSIAly said…
You do, what? Care about hair? o.O
I don't! Besides, he's still devishly handsome/charming/brilliant XD.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
lol yes i care bout hair
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Yay, only sixty-six more days until a double House M.D. season six kick off =D! Who is super pumped?!
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
i am but thts a long wait im goin to die
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
i am but thts a long wait im goin to die
over a year ago Chandlerfan said…
big smile
*waltzes in*


Still 66 days...=P XDD

He better grow his old hair back...*threatens HL*

But holy-moly does Wilson look hot in the promo...*drools*
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
ooh he does
over a year ago CSIAly said…
I love me 'em Hugh with or without teh hair XD. Besides, I think it makes him look, as to quote the show "Frasier" (which fanvid I'm watching now XD) "It's like you're Frasier but you're not Frasier" or "It's like you're Roz but not Roz." And then they precede to make out or almost make out since Kenny chooses that moment to interupt :P. Still, I love me teh Hugh, he can just make that hair work XD.
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
over a year ago CSIAly said…

Hey, has anyone seen the season5 box set yet? Coz' like I've seen two different versions of the boxset (both English so it's not like it's from another country) and some people aren't sure what it will look like :OOO. One was from the House M.D. spot on FP while the other was something I found while searching the Net. I'm thinking it will most likely be the one I saw on the House spot but in case I'll post the image to show y'all =D.

Which do you perfer?

The one from Fanpop...
last edited over a year ago

Hey, has anyone seen the season5  box set yet? Coz' like
over a year ago CSIAly said…
The one from DVDCollects...
The one from DVDCollects...
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
dvd colllects lolz
over a year ago CSIAly said…
19 days since I've last updated? =O

God, must've been ages since I've played Hangman too, jeez I need to start getting back on track =P. Well on that note allow me to start up where I lasted dropped the the conversation *scrolls up* Brilliant! =D

Alrighty, so as you may know from recently made, and rather egostic, picks that I have bought myself season 4 of House M.D. on boxset. Yes, applaude, why don't you ;)? Alas, I have only watched one full episode, shocker, I know :O. But the reasoning for this is I'm simply mad with impatience for season 5 to be released this month for my viewing entertainment...that and my secret agenda of icon making, that is. That and the recent purchase of my latest novel "The Gun Seller" written by--drumroll please--the brilliant stylings of Hugh Laurie!

Frankly those three reasons alone should be cause for my need to postpone episode intake, mostly because I know once I hit LTD, House's Head, and Wilson's Heart I'm gonna be a wreck of sobbing, flailing, and overall "Extreme Bitch Syndrome", it's a wonder how I made it through Mirror/Mirror without accidental brain trauma from flailing with laughter, never a good combo XD.

Next on the docket, who else has seen the new promo for the new season yet? Yup, there is a second trailer and even another "promo" including a rather disbelieving, but already prepared for, impromtu make-out scene with our favourite clinically insane doc. Watch and have your eyes bleed with excitement and "who the Hell is that bitch all over my Greg House?!" ===>

Hmm, seems I've fogotten you can only play one video per comment *runs away to the next comment to post promo 3* XD
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CSIAly said…
Okay, so it's like eleven seconds long and pretty much everything you already know, but who doesn't need more House?! ;)

PS: 42 and counting down ;).
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
over a year ago CSIAly said…
So I'm wondering...where the heckles is Chandlerfan? XD

Now back to buisness ;). Very excited for Tuesday, if you don't know why it's coz' they're releasing season 5 to DVD boxset and it is indeed the ine from Fanpop!! Pretty no? ;)

Alrighty, the more and more I read the spoilers for the upcoming season the more I am excited for it (duh! the purpose of spoilers) but I'm frustrated as well, and this time not just because I have to wait. There are a few things that have been bugging me in preperation for the premiere.

1) What's happening with the ducklings? I mean maybe you've got different spoilers than me but mostly I'm just Mayfield and House (a bit of' Hildy) excitement). Like do they just fall off the face of the Earth the first few episodes? The only thing closely resemebling a spoiler about them (from what I have seen, that is) that there will be some stuff about Chase/Cameron (obviously) and someone get's fired in like the first three episodes. I am less than amused. But still, I'll just have to be patient *orderly comes into room and tells me to take medication* YOU SAID IF I WAS GOOD I COULD MEET HOUSE. *Orderly rolls eyes and writes down on chart dillusional* :P

2) Where did Rachel dissapear to? I mean we saw like a total, half a glimpse of her during the end montage/scene of Both Sides Now but like c'mon! I'm sitting here hoping and/or begging that they bring her more into the storyline in the upcoming season. Maybe not the first few episodes (but maybe like bringing her to Mayfield or something. Something. In the meantime I here that Cuddy'll be spending more time around House which is always a good sign for the Huddy smex that I (and many hundred fans, I'm sure) were cop'd out of.

3) If House is on from 8pm--10pm what about Lie to Me. I mean if it's not clear I'd drop just about anything for a new episode of House...especially a two parter or premiere but I'm just wondering. Different time? Different day? Or just skip that week entirely then? Whatever, I'll jusr rewatch some House promos that mention it so I kind find out, or check the Lie to Me* spot =D. *floats away to check*

5) *floats back coz' something was forgotten* Vicodin Cupcakes for all! *makes it rain delicious Vicodin CUpcakes* It's sprinkled with heroin from last year's Christmas party ;).

4) I refuse to wait another 30 days until my House fix!
So I'm wondering...where the [i]heckles[/i] is Chandlerfan? XD

Now back to buisness ;). Very excit
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
im already protestin im mad i want to watch it now
over a year ago CSIAly said…
big smile
Lol, kudos to you Jackie, stay strong in the will to watch House! But now it's only a mere 15 days (until [i]teh[i] day) and like 10 hours and forty minutes according to my clock!! Any new spoilers or do I have to go hunting? *prepares snare* ;)
over a year ago Paramore-CSI said…
go hunting