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I've always had a keen interest in guys. What girl hasn't? But now, I'm really wishing that so many guys would not like me.

Right now, I'm torn between two guys. And I just don't know who to chase after.

Boy Number 1: Robbie. I met (more like saw) Robbie 3 months ago. He works at Giant, and I stared at him A LOT the first day I saw him. I've noticed that over the first month, he finally noticed me. And we've been looking at each other everytime I go to the store. Quite a few encounters have happened... but before I relay into them... just let me say that the slightest words he has said, have all gone to me head.

Encounter One: I was in an aisle with my mom and she was looking for something. So I was sort of zoned out, thinking of Robbie since it was the first day I saw him. And then he walked past us, stopped and turned around. I think he was looking at me for a moment before he asked if I, the one who was doing nothing but texting, need help finding something. I looked at him...and now I realized I must have looked like an idiot...staring at him for what seemed like forever before I answered, "N-no." (And I curse voice cracks) And then we were looking at each, like completely drawing in every detail. And then he smiled and said, "Well if you do need anything, just come find me and I'll help you out."

Encounter Two: This one happened yesterday. I didn't see Robbie at all when we were in Giant. But when we were leaving, he came around the corner of the store pushing some carts. And he same me in the car, and was looking at me with his eyes, not his head. And I looked at him. And then I smiled and looked away.

Encounter Three: I was walking into Giant with my mom (keep in mind I'm 14) and Robbie walked out of the first exit behind us. And he said, "How are you doing?" to me, completely ignoring my mom. So I was a little nervous, but I was able to say, "Good. How about you?" without stammering. He was watching me as he answered, "Hot....and good." My first immediate thought was yes, oh my gosh yes! You are so hot! So then he was waiting for us to pass in front of him. So he was standing off to the side. I looked at him when I passed him and he had a really small smile, as if he was trying to hide it. And then I'm pretty sure I blushed, and then I looked away smiling.

My love triangle gets even more confusing for me here... because a lot of people say I should chase after...

Boy Number Two: Luke. I've known Luke since I was 11. So that's 3 years right there. He had moved from Minnesota to here, and he was coming to our church. Me and him started out as friends. And then we suddenly just stopped talking to each other for a while. But... I have had chemistry with Luke before... When we were both 12, we kissed. He was my first kiss. Often times, people say your first kiss is your true love... but uh I think it really depends on who it and what the situation is. Then when I was 13, my mom, me, him, and his mom went to the aquarium together. While we were there we saw a 4D movie. During it, something unexpected happened (like it would scare a little kid). So then Luke says, in a joking way, "That was scary." and grabs my hand off my lap. And I'm in shock, staring at my hand and him. And then he lets it go. So I was debating whether that just happened. On the way home, I pretended I was asleep to see if he would hold my hand again. And he did, only it was longer this time.

Only one major thing has happened since then. And it happened on this Sunday.

I was sitting outside (church is at my house) on stairs after church. I was texting my friend because I wanted to get Luke's number (I'm trying to get Robbie's too) and I've been trying to do it for the past month. So he came out, walked a little away from me. And then he came back and said, "Is that your phone?" (I was thinking uhh well who else's would it be)
So I said yeah it was. And then it was awkwardly silent. So I asked where'd he been for the past weeks. And he was busy. And then he kept walking away and back. And finally he asked, "Can I have your number?" And on the inside I was like, OMG why do you want it? Do you still like me? We haven't really talked in a year! Do you still like me?! And I calmly said, "Suuuuuure.." and gave him my number.

But I just don't know who to chase after!!! Can anyone who reads this pleeease pick a guy and leave an explanation why? It would help me a lot! Thank you if you do!
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posted by 101musastella
He stares at you a lot- He hits you a lot(playfully)- He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a converstaion with you- He yelled, "HI"to your mom that day she picked you up from schoo- He blew off his buds to go see "Brown Sugar" with you cuz you couldn't get another girl pal to go and didn't want to go alone- He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the process- His voice gets softer when ever you two talk-You hung up on him. He called you back- You where invited by him to a group outin- He called you to talk about nothing at all.- He imitates your laugh Which...
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me: *texts* so do you think we could hang out? :)

him: *texts back* sure

me: *texts back* kay see you in a little bit

him: *texts back* great...

(later that day)

me: *knocks on door*

him: *opens* hey

me: *waves* hey

him: come in

me: okay *like a total dork T-T *

him: *leads me up to his room since mom is downstairs*

( we talk about some stuff)

him: *talks about how girlfriend is so perfect, sweet, rich, cute. hot*

me: *after he's done talking about her* so what do you want to talk about now? *smiles*

him: *sneers* nothing *walks out of house slamming door*