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Love Question

There's this guy i like nd i think he likes me but he's too scared too ask me out nd im too scared to ask him out should i wait 4 him tooo ask me or should i just ask him??(srry i posted 1 before but kept messing up) ^_^

Thank u guys sooo much! I havent asked him yet but i will after summer break nd i'll let u know!!
pinkberry99 posted over a year ago
just gooooo 4 it
friends_4_ever posted over a year ago
 pinkberry99 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Takuya said:
Speaking as a guy that is terrified of asking girls out I say go for it!!! :)

If you think that he likes you then I see no reason to do't do anything and I think that he would be flatterned by the fact that you asked and he will be impressed by your courage.

But I am only talking out on how I would like it, So if you still feel insecure wait for more answers.

Good Luck :)
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posted over a year ago 
hot_gurl said:
Just follow ur heart  good luck 
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posted over a year ago 
Short but precise xD Way better than my advice
Takuya posted over a year ago
 thnx i guess lol
hot_gurl posted over a year ago
Cherry9090 said:
well ill tell u when i met my bf (on here) i was scared becuase i knew i was falling for him i was scared he would feel the same anyway we where talking one day and when i thought i was gonna lose him it just kinda came out u know then he asked me we have been together a while now very happy and loving a perfect couple

what i can tell u is swollow ur fear and open up and say ur feeling just go for it!

good luck!!!
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posted over a year ago 
xenriquegrl said:
You should go 4 it! Make the first move. Who cares if your the girl. It doesn't really change anything. If you guys r too scared, well your not going any further. So try making the first move.:)
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posted over a year ago 
NERO1186 said:

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posted over a year ago 
No that is a bad idea, She has a better chance at succeding if she has courage to ask herself
Takuya posted over a year ago
yea dont do that, direct is the best approach
skytail127 posted over a year ago
LilysLittleTwin said:
Just bloody ask him. If you like, you can steal a TARDIS and go back to caveman times when you asked someone out by shagging them. Much simpler. Not encouraging it, but I don't understand all this hype about "Ooooh, I wanna ask him out but I'm scared!" Too bad. Get over it.
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posted over a year ago 
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