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Love Question

Is it okay to say "I love you" if the guy says it first?

 noahnstar1616 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

Karthigesh said:
I have to talk about 2 things in my answer but I will start with answering your question. You can say it to him back BUT ONLY if you feel the same way about him, DO NOT say it back to him if you don't because that will lead to a whole host of problems. I know it's hard to say no when a guy says that to you for fear that your rejection might hurt him, but you have to be honest. So if you really feel the same way, tell him so, but if you don't, then truthfully tell him, he would appreciate your honesty.

Second thing is, from the other answers, I do agree that a guy has to do certain things when he is with or around a girl, firstly, take the initiative and also to do things before he is asked and I know women appreciate that. As a guy I also have noticed that guys these days aren't doing as much as they can for a girl, and women are getting increasingly frustrated having to take the first step with things time and time again. It is alright for a girl to take the first step once in a while, but not all the time.

As for this "I Love You" thing, I feel it should not be determined by gender. To me it should be determined by feelings. I understand that a girl might be afraid to say it first because a loser guy might take advantage of the fact she likes him more, but if your guy is sweet and you know that he means what he says, you gals shouldn't worry about telling him how you feel :) Love isn't about who says things first, is about feeling the same thing, and wanting to tell the person the first chance they get. If I love someone, I would never waste a day to tell them :)

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posted over a year ago 
i totaly agree with the first paragraph, and the third. but if the woman wants to go further, she has as much liberty and responsablility to take that step as the man does.
skytail127 posted over a year ago
Rockin2daBeat10 said:
Honey, only if you are ready to. don't let him pressure you! it feels beter to say "i love you" to him if you know you really do.
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posted over a year ago 
damian18 said:
Yes its fine but I wouldnt say it first!
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posted over a year ago 
JBfan516 said:
Yes of course! As long as you dont say it first, that'll make the relationship unbalanced cause as the man he should say it first
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posted over a year ago 
That's honestly a little sexist.
LoveDraco123 posted over a year ago
^ what she said
tacey posted over a year ago
Umm yeah. I think it doesn't matter who says it first. Who cares? If you have feelings for the guy then he should know. Its only fair. Guys don't always want to be the first to do things..that makes things boring..and I am pretty sure he would like it a lot if the girl said it first too...have some courage!
LilMissAddict posted over a year ago
LoveDraco123 said:
If you mean it, say it back. But there's no definite rule as the guy should be saying it first, because honestly, that's just a bit stupid and sexist. If you feel it, tell him and let him know.
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posted over a year ago 
SBTA81 said:
It's really only okay if you mean it
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posted over a year ago 
tacey said:
I gues ...unless you don't really mean it ... you shouldn't feel oblige to say it just becuz he said it first ...:P
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posted over a year ago 
iliveingallifey said:
it dozent matter who says it first they have to go there own pace too say it and if he says it first and your not ready to tell him just yet tell him that your not ready
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posted over a year ago 
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