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Love Question

Are long distance relationships bad, and is it okay to date a boy that's 3 years older than me?

Some new people just moved in beside my nana and they have two kids, a 9 year old girl and her 16 year old brother. Well I recently visited my nana over spring break and got to meet him. And as it turns out, he's been wanting to meet me for a long time now. well, we hung out at is place and he turned out to be the guy of my dreams and we fell in love! But there are 2 problems. 1. I am 13 and he is 16. 2. We won't get to see each other much.(I do have his email though). Is it really ment to be?
P.S. I know I wrote a lot.(Don't hate):)
 kr2599 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

sunflowerchild said:
well, im not sure how much help this will be for you but im in a very very happy long distance relationship with a guy who is almost 9 years older than me. and two people who are meant to be together will be together. somehow it works out. even if it doesnt work out, and you guys cant be together, another friend is always a good thing. nothing wrong with long distance friendships. and three years older than you is nothing lol. compared with my difference anyway ;P

hope this helped... a little maybe.
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posted over a year ago 
Karthigesh said:
Age is just a number, if you both love each other then that is what matters. It doesn't matter if he is older by 3 or 30 years because if the love is true then do not care what other people have to say about it.

As for the long-distance part, I won't lie by saying it's easy. It will be really tough the longer it gets on because the urge to be with the person physically and to do couple things like date, hug, cuddle or kiss becomes stronger and stronger.

That being said, there are ways to keep the spark and romance alive. Being apart can force someone to really get creative with ideas on how to make that love flow for the other person. Especially now with Skype and other forms of networking it's quite easy to connect with someone. Maybe write him something and show it to him over your webcam, and likewise he can do the same. Be silly, be cute, be free, just do what you want to keep that spark alive. Carrying this on takes a LOT of effort from the both of you so you have to really think of things to make it last as long as it can go.

I have had a friend who literally made puppets to re-enact how his day went over the webcam with his girlfriend when he went overseas for his studies. It's all about effort, if you are willing to give it your all, then this relationship can definitely last till the day you get to see each other face to face :)

Hope this helps...
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posted over a year ago 
huddycallianfan said:
It's ABSOLUTELY NORMAL, sweetie!!! My dad is 10 years older than my mom. :)
Also I have two friends of mine. One is married and the another is going to get married.
SO: the husband of the first one is 33 years old and my friend is only 20. So they have 13 years of difference.
Another friend's husband is 39 almost. And she is 20 too.
And you know what? It is NOT a marriage to a 'credit card', you know what I mean right?

I am not saying you should marry him. I'm just saying that the age difference doesn't matter AT ALL! The only thing that matters is that HE loves (or likes) you and YOU love (or like) him. That's the only thing that matters. :)))

AND I'll tell you something: we-girls (mentally) grow faster than boys. We are ahead of them for 2 years. Thus, they are behind us for two years!
So you've got absolutely NOTHING to worry about!
Ages is just a numbers! Who gives a crap about this?! Only who doesn't believe in love or who never actually FELT what LOVE is. They are all morons! XD (sorry for my language) but I just don't understand people who says like "NO WAY she married him because she loves him! He may have a lot of bills in the banks! He is too old for her" and blah blah blah. They just don't know what love is...
And like they say: "Love for ALL ages."

Sorry for the long post! :) Do not worry about the age difference, honey! NEVER!!! :))
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posted over a year ago 
writer67 said:
time will tell , enjoy your moments, you are happy to have met,smiles, what is age, im 13 years younger than my wife, n we tick an toe! enjoy, be happy,have fun, communicate,dont drop guards fully, time \age? have fun,an lol;-]
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posted over a year ago 
jessieinCA said:
Dating a guy older than you isn't a problem. Love is straight forward there are no "if's" or "but's". If he is the guy of your dreams and you are the girl of his dreams than your meant to be without any exceptions. My uncle is 17 years older than his wife and they're happily living together. On the other half long distance relationships are a little risky. I've been in a couple. If you know the guy well and fully and 100% trust him then go for it! Emailing isn't the best communication. You might want to start out emailing and later probably move on to calling and/or texting. Whatever feels right for you.
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posted over a year ago 
kendallfanwov said:
of corse its ok to date! my mom is 20 years younger than my dad! so y cant u date him?

and u can always meet up somewhere on weekends! who knows! it can be fun!
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posted over a year ago 
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