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Love Question

Tell me about ur current bf/gf, ex, fictional character,either from a book or a movie or your soon-to-be bf/gf that u like, love, or will love about them

 twilightgirl2 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

busted said:
Well...ok. There is this guy at school who I actually LOVE! I ADORE that guy so much!!! Like him love him well you get the point. So in October 2010 I told him that I like him. And I know that he likes me back by the way he talks to me and treats me. With the other girls he is like "eeew!". So with me his life is a different story type of thing. Well I don't really talk to him because I get SUPER NERVOUS AND MY HANDS START TO SWEAT. So we only talk to each other by facebook, chat, or txt msgs. Ok, the reason I know he loves me back is because in October 2010 my friends said, "So Vicky...who do you like?" . I told them about this guy in our grade and at lunch they went and told him, " you like Vicky?" He responded "Well...I am not going to tell you guys! Maybe yes,...kinda........ sorta...A LOT" And then he continued playing soccer. Then my two friends pulled him to a bench and started questioning him. He admited that "YES" he likes me. So they said.."Go tell Vicky that you love her! Go" He said "NOOOOOO!!! NOOOOOOO WAY!". Then my other 2 friends tried to get us to tell each other but I was too shy. Then when we were chatting on facebook like 2 weeks later, i told him " know that I like you...right?" he responded "YES...why?" Then I said" I don't know. I just wanted to know cuz I wasn't that sure and stuff." So I then sent him a message saying "Do you like or love me? Please answer i just wanna know." Then he never responded and his cousin Maylie said that she was with him and that he didn't respond because he is just so shy and doesn't want ppl to know that he likes me. Well now that it is up to March...i have been thinking about asking him out but I am not sure if I am old enough to go out. I mean I AM 12 YEARS OLD but I don't know if I should ask him out. PLEASE HELP PEOPLE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted over a year ago 
go for it n ask him out
twilightgirl2 posted over a year ago
Wow... you are so lucky, i have had that kind of experience too. but we werent really as open with eachother, and the shyness and nervousness tore us apart. dont let it happen to you. imagine if he was confident and asked you out, how relieved youd feel- then do the exact same for him! ^.^ i wish i could have my time again, so i could do that too. you'll regret it if you let this go,m it sounds true to me ;)
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
DamianLUVR said:
I love a guy that lives in a different state... Texas actually... i live in California, so i know it cant work.. but he's the sweetest guy i've ever met. he told me in 2 years when i graduate high school, he wants to run away with me. But idk if we should do that. I really love him though. :) i've never met a guy like him in all of my life. He makes me smile more than anyone in the whole world. :) when i close my eyes, i see his smile. he's just amazing, and i love everything about him. <3
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posted over a year ago 
wow youre lucky ^.^ i had a perfect guy like that and distance was an issue :/ youre so lucky hes confident enough to tell you he wants to run away with you <3 i wish mine had said that, but i know he was way too shy (and macho infront of his mates) to do that. i would definitely go for it, it sounds so romantic ^.^
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
LostFan101 said:
Well the story with my ex is too long and i don't want to type it right now.. xD Hahaha Anyways if ya wanna know it then just fan me and we can talk :P Anyways..... I have this crush right now :) His names Liam. :P I like him sooo much i swear i get butterflies when i talk to him omg i swear i like love him (like the kinda love that you have like before your older yanno.. lol) Anywaysssss I dont really wanna talk about him either i'm on the phone with my bff and i love her :) LETS TALK ABOUT HER THEN. I love her so much, couldnt live without her <3
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posted over a year ago 
wowo youre lucky too, that all sounds perfect lol ^.^
Goldilottes posted over a year ago
DorisTheDolphin said:
Well there's SO much to talk about, but I adore my bf soooo much!!!! He's really sweet and a real gentleman he he ;D He even made me this!! :3
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Well there's SO much to talk about, but I adore my bf soooo much!!!! He's really sweet and a real gentleman he he ;D He even made me this!! :3
posted over a year ago 
I'm the luckiest girl ever!!!!
DorisTheDolphin posted over a year ago
He wrote it in German as well =O Is he German or are you?
Schnusch posted over a year ago
IntrepidKeris said:
Okay, complete edit.

I slightly like my best guy friend now.

My "official" crush is Matt Smith. He's so funny and quirky and from what I can gather, pretty nice. As a plus, he's very cute and handsome. x3 Yeah, I'm a fangirl, and I can accept that he's WAAY out of my league(Matt- 29 year old actor; me, 14 year old student). Doesn't stop me from fantasizing meeting him.
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posted over a year ago 
Schnusch said:
I love how I know I can always count on him. I also love that he's clumsy and worries too much. Most of all I love to see him happy. And I'd do anything to make him happy. That's why I'll marry him soon <3
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posted over a year ago 
gumball789 said:
My bf

He's the most amazing, awesome, cute, funny, and smartest guy I know! He won't let me down or stab me in the back. He's everything I want from a guy. He's smart, awesome, cute, funny, musically talented, non-judgmental, lovable, and caring. He loves me for who I am. He protects me when other people are making fun of me; like when someone says "You suck" or something like that, he'll say "No she doesn't, you suck" or something along those lines. About four days ago, my bf and my bff were in French class (im not in that class with them) and two of my other friends are in that class as well and they were saying that my bf and I are a bad couple. My bff told me this and she told me that my bf was saying like "No were not". I could tell he was pissed off. Well, I think the reason why my so-called friends think the reason my bf and I are a bad couple is because of ethnicity (i'm Italian and my bf's Hispanic). I got really pissed also. I haven't talked to my so-called friends in the pass few days. Who says Italians and Hispanics cannot date? They were asking me if I was dating my bf. I'm like "Yes." My bff was pissed as well. Well, anyways, my point is: my bf is the most amazing bf I think I'll ever have!
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posted over a year ago 
RnBStar13 said:
My ex

Met him January of this year, hated him at first, got to know him more, fell in love with him. I fell REALLY hard for him. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. We planned on having a baby, getting married, moving in together(which would of been about now) and spending the rest of our lives together. Turned out he wasn't in it for all of those reasons like I was....he was in it for sex. And he treated me nice at first until he got what he want (sex) and then started treating me badly and then he dumped me(In April) and made me feel as if i did something wrong and made it out to be all my fault. He played with my mind, my heart and my feelings and now I hate him and hope he gets hit by a car :)
The end.
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posted over a year ago 
Firebender-16 said:
Life Crushes-Well there are 2 guys that i like a lot Luke hes on the other team at school and we have been together since elementary (not like bf and gf) and hes not that easy to talk to and i dont like it how other girls talk to him :(

But then the other guy Connor ive known him since 6th grade and hes easy to talk to so we talk a lot but kind care and kinda dont care how other girls talk to him:\ Ugh i dont know who to like more there both nice and stuff like that.

Movie Crush- Is Skandar Keynes. He plays Edmund off of the Chronicles of Narnia (my fav movie btw)!!! Hes a British actor and hes really funny:) But hes like 6 yrs older than meh:( heres a pic of Skandar if you dont know what he looks like(Him when he was like 16 about)
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Life Crushes-Well there are 2 guys that i like a lot Luke hes on the other team at school and we have been together since elementary (not like bf and gf) and hes not that easy to talk to and i dont like it how other girls talk to him :(

But then the other guy Connor ive known him since 6th grade and hes easy to talk to so we talk a lot but kind care and kinda dont care how other girls talk to him:\ Ugh i dont know who to like more there both nice and stuff like that.

Movie Crush- Is Skandar Keynes. He plays Edmund off of the Chronicles of Narnia (my fav movie btw)!!! Hes a British actor and hes really funny:) But hes like 6 yrs older than meh:( heres a pic of Skandar if you dont know what he looks like(Him when he was like 16 about)
posted over a year ago 
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