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Love Question

I need your help.

This guy who's crushing on me, for 1 year and half already. And in our Freshman year, I had a crush on him too cuz I was impressed by his accent. Then after 3 days, the crushing thing wore off.

Then we both know that I know he has a crush on me. He even admitted he was jealous of guys I'm hanging out with.
Then, its already our summer vacation, so my friends called me, including him on my mobile phone. They said that (Let's just call him Noel) Noel, wants to tell me something. So he told me whispering: "I love you" and he's willing to sacrifice 100% for me. He whispered those cuz his older sister will hear him. Then I didn't respond, I was just like "okay."

Then Noel said again, I'll tell it to you again at Starcity (an amusement park).

I'm afraid that maybe he'll court me and to be honest, I'm not ready for it. And I like him, as a friend but, I have no feelings for me. He's a really great guy, such a gentleman.

What is he trying to say, and what does this mean, should I go for it?

I appreciate your help.
 mitchie19 posted over a year ago
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Love Answers

FearlessSinger said:
Give him a chance and if you still don't feel the same way then just tell him in a sweet way.
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posted over a year ago 
abbie_lelouch said:
if you think you'll like him, then go for it. if you dont then ask him directly before its too late and you'll end up breaking his heart.

btw: star city? are you from the phil?? XD
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posted over a year ago 
*if you think you'll like him more.
abbie_lelouch posted over a year ago
You're right. I should. Yes, I'm from the Phil. :)
mitchie19 posted over a year ago
mitchie19 posted over a year ago
Goldilottes said:
You're really lucky he's so open about liking you. i liked a guy and he liked me like crazy, but he didnt tell me, he would avoid saying it as much as possible and evetually that ruined it because neither of us wanted to be the first to say it :/
but in your situ, a year and a half?! thats dedication. he sure likes you, he sounds lovely.
i think you should give him a chance- you're in a really good position here. talk with him, and if you decide to be with him, tell him you have to take things slowly and begin by being just friends and letting it build from there. that's the best way really. i don't think you can go wrong there- youve got him round your little finger.
you never know, you may even surprise yourself and you may end up liking him as much as he likes you.
good luck, takes things real slow & youll be fine ^.^
Lottey x
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posted over a year ago 
Your advice helped me but, there's a problem. I don't like him back.
mitchie19 posted over a year ago
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