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Sarabi:" looks like it's your bedtime" Kopa yawned again Kopa:" no, I'm not tired, I... can...stay... up" he says slowly drifting to sleep falling backwards, Sarabi smiles proudly almost giggling at her grandson as she pick him up and carries him back to pride rock. Sarabi holding sleeping Kopa by her mouth enters the cave as Simba and Nala meet them at the entrance, both smiled at the cute sleeping cub, Nala whispers:" someone stayed up too long" she smiles as she take Kopa from Sarabi and carries him past the just now laying down lionesses to where both her, him and Simba sleeps. Sarabi speaks quietly:" where you two heading off to?" she says smiling at her king but she will always speak to him as her son Simba:" oh just a little stroll around the pridelands looking at the stars a little date I guess you can say" Nala walks up behind him Sarabi:" ok, while your gone I'll keep an eye on things" Simba:" what things do you think?" Sarabi:" in case Kopa wakes up or intruders or something in that atmosphere" Nala smiled at her mother in law:" thanks Sarabi" Sarabi:" no need to thank we're family, and that's what family do" she says as they walk by her Simba:" we'll be back" Sarabi:" ok have fun you two".

Once they left Sarabi went inside and lays down not next but near the sleeping cub as she closes her eyes and drifts to sleep. Simba and Nala walked and walked for a little bit until they reach a green grass with a slight hill laying down on their backs facing the stars, Nala:" very beautiful night" she says looking at the stars and the half full moon Simba:" yes indeed you are" he says purposely Nala smiles and nuzzles him. Nala:" even after months you still haven't lost your ability to make lioness's heart melt" she says looking at the stars then back at him with him smiling back Simba:" shall I tell you more like old times?" Nala rolled over onto him to look and listen to Simba, Nala:" please" she says laying her head on his upper torso looking at him, Simba smiles happy that Nala loves his loving comments about her and nuzzles her as he thinks of a good one Simba:" um" he says thinking "your heart is as loving as the end of Cupid's arrow, but the loving magic comes from your beautiful smile" Nala smiles ear to ear while hearing the words as she nuzzles him as he hears her purr, it's soft, comforting, and loving as she continues to do so for a long five minutes before telling him to tell her more, Simba:" Your smile may just be as loving but the sound of your voice even if it's just humming it's like if it came from the great angels themselves" Nala gives him a loving lick to his snout as she then nuzzles him.

Nala:" I love you so much Simba, I said this before but I'll say it again, I couldn't of asked for a better best friend, husband, and king" Simba:" I love you too Nala, and I couldn't have met a better best friend, wife, and I couldn't think of anyone better for the queen reign than you" he says as they lay there for another hour. Nala:" our son looks and acts so much like you" Simba:" he has your eyes though, and intelligence" Nala:" yeah but he has your nose, ears, face, personality, and from family traits he has your mothers fur color and your father's heart" Simba smiled at the two family trait facts Simba:" but he has a mix of you and your mother's smile" Nala nuzzles him until they separate to look back at the stars but stays close together. Nala:" Simba" Simba:" hmm?" he says responding to Nala looking at her, Nala:" have you noticed that Kopa is the only cub in the pride lands right now?" Simba:" I noticed, where are you going with this?" Nala:" how about maybe" she blushes a bit Simba:" go on" he says smiling Nala: "how about we give Kopa someone to play with" Simba:" I'm not kidnapping if that's what your saying" he says laughing showing it's a joke Nala giggles " no I mean give him a sister or brother to play with" Simba:" are you sure you can take the pain and hassle again?" Nala:" I can handle it, plus it was very worth it when I had Kopa" Simba looks at her with a smile Nala:" so what do you say?" Simba thought about it for a second then smiled Simba:" sure I don't see having one would hurt" Nala smiles at him giving him a lick and nuzzle close to his snout as Nala stood up and bends over with her tail raised high giving Simba full view of her member as he gets up. Nala:" you know what to do" she says smiling and giving Simba a wink.

Next morning Kopa is the first to wake again finding himself in between his mother and father which who are still sleeping, Kopa carefully made his way over the sleeping lionesses and outside running to the edge of pride rock to again beat the sun up. As Kopa sits waiting for the sun to rise he hears someone behind him which is his father Simba, Kopa:" morning father" Simba smiles at his cub "morning son, you beat me and the sun up again I see" Kopa:" yep if I'm gonna be king I'm gonna have to wake up with the sun" Simba smiles at his statement Simba:" you sound just like your grandfather" he says with a proud tone Kopa turns around looking at his father Kopa:"Dad, whatever happened to grandpa? I asked grandma but she said to wait until I'm older understand" Simba didn't respond for a second and when he opened his mouth to say something the sound of clearing throat coming from behind stops his from speaking.

Both turn to look seeing Nala sitting just outside of the cave, Kopa:" morning mom" Simba:" morning" Nala walks closer "morning son, Simba, what are you two talking about this early in the morning" she says seeing the morning sun risen lightening up the whole land. Kopa:" dad was gonna tell me what happened to grandpa" Nala looked from him to Simba Nala:" oh um I don't think that's such a good idea for a cub at your age" Kopa:" come on please?" he says giving them a begging smile. Simba:" he's gonna have to know at some point" he says giving Nala a morning nuzzle Nala:" yeah but I don't want him to not understand it" Simba:" I'll talk to him about what he doesn't understand" Nala:" (sigh) ok but don't go too detailed with it, we don't want for you to be depressed on the memories" she smiles saying that as he nods. Simba:" ok I'll tell you" says turning and looking at his son Kopa:" finally" he turns his body to where he's facing towards his father.

Simba tells him everything from his uncle Scar setting it up to himself getting blamed for it. Simba:" and that's what happened" Kopa was left speechless not knowing what to say first or act, Simba:" is there anything you don't understand or not clear with?" Kopa finally found the nerve to speak "um, so why did Scar do those things like what made him to do it?" Simba:" jealousy, he was so jealous of your grandfather he let darkness take over his heart destroying himself at the end." Kopa nods his head understanding and has nothing else to ask. Simba: "anything else you don't quite understand?" Kopa nods no Simba smiles at him and nuzzles him, Simba:" just remember if you still don't understand don't be afraid to ask" Kopa:" well, I do got a question but it's not about the story" Simba:" what will that be?" Kopa:" um, grandma told me you and mom met when you were born?" Simba:" that's correct" he says smiling remembering those memories when time was simpler and not complicated with so much royal stress put on him. Kopa:" so do you think I'll ever meet anyone to be my best friend?" he ask leaving Simba thinking something to say without spoiling a surprise that will have to keep secret from Kopa for a few months.

But as Simba tries to think of something to say there is really no way out from it since the pride lands was only just recovering from Scar's terrible reign with Kopa being the only male or better yet the only cub to be born since Mufasa died, because no lioness wanted to mate with Scar besides Zira but Scar had no interest in her or want anything to do with her so no cubs were born during the time frame. Simba:" you'll find someone, you'll just have to be patient" Kopa sighs in annoyance hearing the same words as he looks at the land below pride rock " that's what grandma said but it's so boring out here without anyone to play with, the only thing that satisfies me as entertainment is pulling pranks on Zazu" Simba giggles at the Zazu part Simba:" hey you know what?" Kopa looks at him " when I was around your age I used to do the same thing" Kopa:" really?" Simba nods Kopa:" could you show me some of your pranks dad?" he says interested and smiling Simba:" if I remember them" he says walking with Kopa towards the rocky stair like steps down to the ground.

End of part 9