Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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Byakuya frowned at his newest drawing. Ever since she'd sworn to never darken his mind again all he'd been doing was draw, paint and even had gone so far as to make clay models of the faceless witch that now haunted him. A knock came at his door. From the aura it was Rukia....maybe she could tell him, but did he dare? She knocked again.
"Come in Rukia."
Her brother had not been at breakfast nor at lunch and now it was close to tea time. Why was he so distracted? Or was it that he was not as well as he pushed his appearance. At that thought she nearly didn't knock a second time. Her hand was on the panel when he said...'Come in.'
She entered as calm as she could. He was looking at a paper when she came in with the tray of tea and some fresh fruit. Setting them down she came towards the desk when he suddenly crumpled up the paper and threw it in the near by basket. She bent down and took it out of the basket, unfolding it she nearly blushed. The woman was faceless in the hooded robe but her brother had outlined every feminine curve with an artists hand. So this was what he was distracted with, a woman. Byakuya's cough had her gripping the paper in a death grip as her red face faced her brother. "I...I had no idea you were interested in a woman." Byakuya narrowed his eyes at her and she paled. His hand was held out, she blinked until his pointer finger pointed at the paper. "Oh."
As she handed it over she looked down at the reports on the corner of his desk. She blinked as they weren't reports at all, but more drawings, drawings of a girl. "She's beautiful. Who is she?" Byakuya stiffened. "That is Jamie." Rukia looked up at him. "Brother?" Byakuya could not meet her eyes but flashed away leaving her with a scattering of drawings in his wake.
Nemu hurried to the door of her and her master's dwelling. Someone was annoyingly knocking at their door during her captain's rest time. She opened it and was shocked speechless at their uninvited guest at their door. "Nemu! I set you a simple task to answer...." He stopped when he seen who it was. "Well I see why you are speechless. What can I do for you captain?" Byakuya frowned. "Can we not take this inside?" Mayori rubbed his unpainted chin before nodding. "Come in then make your self at home. Nemu please go and make some tea for our guest and I, we will be in the st...." Byakuya shook his head. "It would be better if we took this to your lab." Mayori blinked hard at him. "My lab? I am not allowed to do any up grades on any creations other then my own." Byakuya shook his head. "No I want you to give me a mechanical heart and a block on certain memories." Mayori's body went through the sudden chills. His tongue licked his lips. "A mechanical heart and a memory block that does sound juicy, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass. If anyone found out they would exile me to nothing. I wouldn't even get the pathetic ghigi that keisuki has been existing in since he's been exiled to the living realm." Byakuya narrowed his eyes at him. "I thought you would relish giving me at least a check up to see if I am as well as I profess I am." Mayori smirked. "I see. Yes lets. Nemu bring the tea to the lab. Give us an hour and a half. This way captain Kuchiki."
In my story the reason that Ichigo feels so close to Orihime is that Jamie (Kura's) son promised to protect his sister in a different time period. I'm not sure how I will deal with this part either he will have failed or succeeded in protecting his sister. Yet the promise to protect his sibling has followed his ancestors line up to Ichigo. That is why he feels he must protect her, but not fall for her. This is how I explain it so far, but I'm not Kubo. He just inspired me to see outside the box
from behind the glasses, I see the world through. I guess I see them as the box I'm in, yet it is because of this box I see outside it. I hope you like my thoughts and hope you will respond. I'll say good night and hope tomorrow finds you alive, well and happy.


LovinFlame May 4th 2022 8:54 pm central time USA
Jamie's search had been unending for more than a week. Nothing. Jamie had brought up the map they had been working from on the inlaid touch screen computer in the breakfast island. Lips rubbed his desperately in need of a cut blonde hair, as he came to sit with his cereal bowl full of the local brand of sugared corn flakes. He yawned. "Hmmm....that Uryu really likes to leave us early doesn't he." Jamie just rolled her eyes. "He's trying to be discrete, something you could learn from him. Plus we really don't need to involve him in our business. On top of that Mira's been training him, so he...
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Sam and Stephen found themselves not at the Angel and Demon but a back water dive. "So much for the r and r. Who would have guest they close that early." Sam sighed as he went to get another drink from bar. Stephen shook his head and sagged in the well worn chair. Suddenly somehow the dive went a shade even darker. "Haven't seen you around here before." Kenpachi Zuraki said to the well muscled new comer to his usual bar. "Just visiting." The man sounded calm collected and very bored. "You looking for some excitement."
Sam said as he came carrying two bottles of the best beers that the bar had...
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Mira and P.B. made it to their Uncle Column's hidden sub's dock. "Do you want to take the stairs or the elevator?" P.B. asked. Mira wiped away the sweat and put down the pack. "The elevator. Do you remember the unlocking numbers?"
P.B. scratched her head and then went forward. "Let me see. January 31. So, it should be 131." Pushing the buttons, she smiled as the doors opened. The air conditioner turned on as the doors closed. Mira sighed and sat on the bag filled with clothes and the few food reserves that had been at the cabin.
P.B. sank to her but into the corner allowing the soft hum of the...
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Byakuya paused in writing the next day's assignment when he felt ice cold deathly anger freeze whatever humanity he had left. He closed his eyes and saw Karen. As she caught a phone and vanish. Dead eyes smiled in a pale face and soon they too disappeared. He breathed in slowly regaining some control over the anger. Blinking he realized none of what he had seen or felt was his. It was hers. Hers? He concentrated on the aura that the feelings had left him with as it dissipated.
It had been months since the dreams had stopped...his feelings still were mixed about the so-called Guardian. Now that...
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Jamie sat quietly in the back of the classroom trying to take her time deciding on just when to walk up and drop her test off in the basket. She had just rolled her eyes for the 16th time when she felt her...Gretcia? It had been over 80 years since the complete destruction of Area 51's underground lab. She had hoped the blast had taken at least Gretcia. Jamie swallowed suddenly stiffened as she felt the child being taken. Cold fire settled in her veins. She walked up and deposited the test in the basket and headed out calmly where she flashed stepped to her locker only to thrust the bitch so...
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P.B. practiced her ballet in the school's new practice room. It had been one of mom's allowances when she was young and that was a birthday wish when she was 9, just a year after their rescue. Mom had even taken the courses with her just to be sure she got home safely. She had just landed on her toes after making a perfect leap, polite clapping echoed through the mirrored room. A pale youth, with black hair and dead eyes smiled what would have been a handsome smile if there would have been enough meat on the face. It reminded her of death warmed over. "Bravo! That was an excellent leap. Like...
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Orihemia sat in front of her mirror. The very same that the angel had been at only a week ago.She found that the imprint moved around, from her chest to her arm. The dragon suddenly rotated and then suddenly disappeared off her shoulder. "Huh? Where did you go?" A voice like a whisper came to her ear. "I am where I have always been child within you." Orihemia paled as it spooked her. She turned expecting to see the dragon, but found an older version of herself but with black glossy hair smiling back at her. "You have very good lungs." The older one said laughing. "Ah-uhmmm-thanks." Orihemia...
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added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by LidiaIsabel
Since I've been on Facebook and reading about the headmaster's death. I worked in a little magic. Being that my main character is a Soul Smith. She made Yamamoto's zenpakuto. With her arrival on the scene in a sense, it has given her creation the added strength to preserve its host. Thus, allowing the headmaster to survive when he should have died.

Yamamoto could feel pain, why? He had used all his energy all his power. He should be nothing but ash if even that. Yet he felt the stiffness of his joints the injuries he had taken. He slipped his eyes open seeing the brightness of the sky, looking...
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Keisuki gripped onto the captain's shoulder. Gutsy, risky, and stupid. He flashed to behind one of the big boulders, a move he didn't do lightly. He didn't like showing that he still had a few things up his sleeve that the society didn't know about.
Byakuya narrowed his eyes at him as Keisuki let go of him.
"Sorry but I wanted to talk to you alone for a while longer."
Byakuya frowned even deeper. "What more do we have to discuss?" Keisuki rolled his eyes. "Look this will end all your problems, the ones you already have plus the ones we added when we made up that story for you. You rescue her.......
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Byakuya's eyes closed even as he fought them. He was tired, distraught and too emotional where Jamie was concerned. He shouldn't have gone over, but when Unohana retold him of her workings on the girl that even after a few days still drew an unprecedented pale and no smile from the captain it had disturbed him. "Never in all my life have I seen so much disregard for her own body. But never one so brave, she shames the whole society with her selflessness." She had said and then asked him. "You were there when they took her, were you not?" The question had caught him off guard, for he had made...
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P.B. covered what she could of the bruises Voro had given her. She had worn the wrong color dress for the date. Even though everyone at the party said it was beautiful and made them stand out. Impossible to miss. Tears spilled down ruining the careful blotting out she had done. She needed to break it off but Voro's past girlfriends....went missing. How had this happened? Mira had left leaving her finally on her very own for the real first time but she'd only done so as mom had been on her way, mom or Jamie as she liked to be called now had had one of her episodes. That now had become the norm...
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If some of you actually come across my stories and start to read them you will notice some do not have any real connection to the continuing story. As I have learned in the past. Pen and pencil tend to fade away on paper or anything else you write on. So I come here and write it on a screen and send it out as a pop fly into the audience instead of a home run.. Don't know if I'll use them or trash them, I just want to make sure if I burn out and leave the story for awhile I have some record of it somewhere I can still read it. I have tons of paper at home in 20 gallon totes at least 2 or more and 5 years in and can no longer read due to the fading. So I hope you thoroughly enjoy my scribbles in case I end up having a bad case of multiple personalities due to the people I have living inside my poor drooling brain. Probably why I have terrible spelling and punctuation at times. At least I think I do. Never did get higher then a C average in English.
Karakura Hall of History.

Luna de la Muerte yawned and stretched.
"Mommy whose that lady in the blade?" A little girl said pointing at Luna. "What lady? Oh I see. That's not funny.Someone's using it to reflect their own video feed." Luna giggled and winked at the little girl who giggled back. "It'll be our little secret." Luna said as the little girl went on with her mother to look at the armor that stood in the next case. When they did Luna whistled long and high to wake her sister, Shadow. "In all the holy one's forges, I'm right here." Luna made a face as she studied her little sister. "Why...
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Next town over at a restaurant.

Yuzu picked at the food on her plate. It smelled good, but also off as if there was something missing. "Is there something wrong with the food miss?" The waitress said. "Oh no....well it could use a pinch of oregano.Maybe a dash of celery salt too." The waitress nodded and went back to the kitchen and grabbed the items. "We aim to please." Yuzu blushed and thanked her before adding the ingredients. A delicate sniff made her smile. "Perfect." The waitress came closer and wafted the scent towards herself. " Oh my it does smell much better. I think I'll have to...
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Soul Society-Rongiku's bedroom-Rongiku's dream.

Rongiku found herself in Gin's arms dancing after her 1st successful mission at a living realm club. God she'd loved him then and still did. A kid with a tray of champagne came around to them. "Ah momma you rockin the place with those moving curves." Gin growled at the kid. "So-sorry papa bear. Grrr..here have a pass on me." The kid dangled a fancy gold coin medallion necklace from his fingers.Gin snatched it from the kid's hands and snorted. "Oh Gin take it easy on him. He's just a kid." Gin looked at her and smiled."You want this? Really? Its...
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Mauri smiled at his cleverness having captured the dark-haired young woman. Her eyes had gone wide as she had been absorbed into his body. The liquid would make her able to be transferred to the lab without complications. If nothing else she would make a fine new body with some adjustments for the new Nemu. Nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted not even the threat of being thrown back into that hell hole where Kesuki had found him. As long as Nemu was alive again it would all be worth it. Mira had run as she had finished the drawing feeling the ravaged mind behind the paint, a...
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As Jamie walked out into the cool night air, Marz filled her in on what had been going on in the city. Her eyes and mind wondering off to the places that no longer existed but where memory still kept them. She sighed too heavily and was caught. Marz's light teasing tone turned completely serious. "We can handle this; you don't need to be here. Why don't you...." She stopped him right there. "Thank you but like I tell all my children to overcome we must face what we fear the most. I can't just throw my rules out because this is me and not some abused or orphaned child in need of a protector."...
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