Jacob and Bella Club
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posted by livebreathjacob
Sorry I wrote this then I deleted it so I had to start over was it good enough to start over please comment
( some contect taken directly from new moon)
We rolled down the windows, letting the icey night air blow through the car, hoping it would help mike. I curled my arms around my legs to keep warm.
"cold, again?" Jacob asked, putting his arm around me before I could answer .
"You're not?"
He shook his head.
"you must have a fever or something," I grumbled. It wAs freezing I touched my fingers to his forehead and his head was hot.
"Whoa, Jake -- you're burning up!"
" I feel fine" he shrugged "fit as a fiddle."
" how about you ,you dont look so good?" he asked his forehead creased.
" I don't feel so good either, I guess" I said quietly all I really wanted was to go home and rest.
He squeezed my shlouder and kept driving. I didn't know
what I was going to do about Jacob.
I heard mike throw up in the backseat. I couldnt handle it.
"pull over "I said grabbing Jakes collar he drifted quickly to the shoulder. I jumped out of the car. I felt Jacob close behind me. I bent over the rail and threw up I felt
Jacob holding my hair back from my hair a hand on my neck. I felt the heaves stop and I turned around and put my head between my knees. He looked at me and reached back into the car and pulled out a water bottle.
" here drink this " he said quietly.
I took the wAter bottle and drank it all. He seemed to find this odd. I looked down at my shirt ,it was filthy.I pulled it off.Jacob didn't seem to notice or at least detrimed to act that way. He helped me up off the road and pulled me up against him in the car. I layed thereup against him to tired to support my own weight he looked down at me and reached in to the backseat and grabbed a black jacket and nodded at me.
"You can't exactly go home to charile like that" he said laughing as I pulled it on. I zipped it up all the way it was cold I curled up against him and tried not to think.
"were here" Jacob whispered in my ear. I felt him slide his arms under me and pull me out of the car. He was to the door in five long strides. I heard mikes suburban start up. Jake carried me with such ease it made me wonder how he did it I remembered how he lifted the motorcycles in and out of the truck.
"is she okay" I heard charile ask slightly frantic.
"she's fine, she got sick on the way back she's asleep now" Jacob said quietly. He walked up the stairs to my room quickly. He opened the door in one quick, suple
Movement. He moved me to one arm while he pulled the covers up and set me down. 
"Jacob" I whispered quietly I didn't know how he would react to my statement but I had to ask him before I lost my nerve. 
"Yea, Bells" he said. 
" Jacob I don't know how your going to take this but I have to tell you I have to get away from this place and soon I'm not asking you to come with me but I'm going to leave no matter what , It probably  won't help me at all it'll probably  just make it worse being away from you being your the only thing that keeps me sane but it doesn't matter I have to leave and soon." I was crying as  I said it but I'd said it he knew now. I felt him wind his arms around me. 
"you can't tell Charlie " I said realizing he could do that. 
"I won't" he said reassuring me. 
" Bella I'm not going to let you go alone though I'm coming with you" Jacob said. His words sent relief through me. I said I'd go and I would but I was absolutely terrified at the thought of being alone. 
" when are you leaving?" he asked me. 
"Monday, I think this bug should be out of my system by then I'm to cash out my bank account and leave" I said quietly. 
"okay how much money do you have in the bank?" he asked me. It dawned on me that he was serious about coming with me. The relief ran through my system again. 
" about 400 dollars I think" I answered quickly worried he'd change his mind and I'd be left alone. He nodded when I said that deep in thought. 
"I've got about 200 but I know someone who will buy the bikes if your okay with that" he said slowly. 
I nodded, anything that would help. Even if it meant no more bikes. 
"Jake are you sure you don't have to do this" i said worried he'd mess up his life because of me I wouldn't
Let that happen not because of me. 
"yes Im sure I'm coming with you" he said sounding so sure of his corse. 
"I should go I got to talk to someone about the bikes I'll be back tomorrow okay?" he asked. 
"okay" I said. 
" bye Bella " he said as he pressed his lips to the top of my head. 
"bye" I said as I watched him walk out my door and pull it shut behind him. I rolled over and tried to go to sleep. 
 My dream terrified me more than anything I could have thought of. Jacob leaving me in the woods just as Edward had that horrible night. Telling me it was my fault and it always would be. I awoke to the dull light coming in through my window. I jumped up and darted to the bathroom. I fell asleep with my head on a crumpled towel. Hours later I sat up and felt fine so I went downstairs. I filled up a glass of water feeling parched. I drank four glasses before I felt better. I walked back into the  living room and turned on the news. I'd only been in the room twenty minutes when I heard the phone ring I pulled my self off the couch. I answered the phone slowly. 
"hello I said slowly. 
"hey Bella is charile there" I heard Jacob say. 
"no he's at work" I said
" okay I'm on my way over now" he said into the receiver. 
" Kay bye Jake "
"bye Bella " he said softly before hanging up. 
 I went upstairs and threw some clean clothes on and washing my face. I was walking down the stairs as I heard a knock on the door it was quick and hard. I answered the door and saw Jacob standing there. 
"hey "'I said trying to sound indifferent. 
"hey" he said grabbing my hand and guiding me mutely to the couch and pulling me up against him. I leaned up against him. 
" I got 600 dollars for the bikes" he said. 
"who'd you sell them to?" I asked wondering if they'd menchin   It to Charlie. 
" just a kid who lives down the block from me you don't know him" he said quietly. 
"okay"I said lost in thought. 
"Bella," he said slowly"what are you going to tell charile, you are going to have to tell him something" he said cautiously. 
"I'm going to write a note, tell him not to look for me that it wAs my idea to go not yours that I'll come back when I can" I said trying to stay calm as I answered his question" what are you going to tell billy?" I asked him. 
" I'm not sure but I'll figure it out" he sighed. 
"I turned to him " you dont have to do this Jake it's not you're job to take care of me you don't have to come" I said to him trying to get my point across. 
"I'm coming Bella that's not going to change" he promised me solemnly. 
I pulled my self off the couch and into the kitchen.  I started to pull food out of the fridge when I felt tears fill up in my eyes as I thought of charlie and Billy. I turned around and buried my face in my hands. I felt Jacobs long arms wind around me I leaned against his chest as I tried stop the tears I had to leave no matter what. As long as I was with him I would be fine I knew that. 
"it's going to be okay Bella I won't let anything happen to you" he whispered in my ear. He was worried About me. No. He shouldn't be worried about me. He shouldn't be worried about me not now, not ever. 
"don't worry about me Jacob, please" I begged.
I felt him shake his head and sigh. 
"it's too late for that Bella far too late" he said quietly. I didn't say anything to that terrified at what could come out. I leaned against his chest tired. 
"you should go charlies going to be suspicious enough when he sees my face" I said wondering what he would think. 
"'alright call me when Charlie leaves for work tomorrow  and I'll come down with the rabbit 'cause I really don't think your truck will make it there" he laughed his throaty laugh in my ear and my breathing kicked up notch. 
I nodded into his chest. He kissed the top of my head and sighed "bye Bella " he said. 
" bye" I said quietly. He walked out the door as I was putting the food away deciding just to order a pizza instead. I picked up the phone and ordered the pizza as Charlie walked in. 
" I just ordered a pizza I'm gonna go take a shower okay?" I asked. 
" sure" he said. 
I walked up the stairs to the bathroom and tried unsuccessfully to relax. I got out of the shower and dressed quickly. I began to pack a bag to take with me not really paying attention to what I was packing. When the bag was full I zipped it up and set it by the door as I wrote a quick note to Charlie to leave for charlie. I crawled into my bed and tried to go to sleep but all I could see was the look on Jacobs face in my nightmare of him blaming me for something that wAs my fault. Even if I didn't know why I knew he was right it was my fault. Eventually I fell asleep with tears streaming down my face. I woke up earlier than usual with stress. I went downstairs and got some breakfast. I realized there were some things I might need that I didn't have. I got in my car and drove to the drug store and picked up somethings I'd need. I drove home and put them in my bag hoping Charlie hadn't noticed me leave. I walked in to the house as Charlie walked down the stairs I didn't say anything to him as I passed him, he was probely just surprised to see me so early in the morning I was never up this early any day of the week. He probely assumed I needed something from the store that he didn't want to know about and he was right. I stuffed it in the bottom of my bag. I sat down on my bed and waited for Charlie to leave. It was a very long 20 minutes I heard charlies car pull out and I went downstairs. I set my note on the counter and called Jacob I grabbed my bank card and backpack while I waited for him. He pulled up and came in with out knocking. He grabbed my bag and I was still staring at him he'd cut of his hair it was so short it was almost a buzz. He laughed at my expression.         
"ya different huh"  he said grinning.
" you could say that " I said still shocked. 
" do you still want to go?" he said watching my face carefully as he said it. 
" yes" I said strongly I was going" are you still coming" I asked. 
" yes im sure I'm still coming" he said in a calm voice. He threw my bag over his shoulder. He grabbed my hand as we walked out the door and squeezed it.  
" we need to go to the bank so I can get my money" I told him. 
"alright" he said turning the car towards the main road. He pulled into the parking lot. I climbed out of the car towards the ATM I felt Jacob close behind me as he wrapped an arm around my waist as I pushed my card into the machine and took out the maximum amount of money I grabbed one of the envelopes for checks and stuffed the money into Jacob reached into his back pocket and handed me the money from his wallet but left a few bills in there. 
" in case that gets lost" he said grinning widely. 
" do you assume it will" I asked smiling up at him. 
He chuckled lightly" with you who knows we could get abducted by aliens" he teased. 
" shut up" I said hitting him lightly on the arm. 
" ow " he said laughing. 
I felt better now some of the tenseness was gone I felt more relaxed now. I settled in for a long drive thinking about my mother hoping she was happy in Florida with Phil. I saw the California state line before I excepted it. I looked at the clock in the dash and realized the time. Was 6:46 already I saw the sun starting to set in the west. I looked at Jacob and saw his face was tense. 
" what's wrong?" I asked him. 
" I don't like driving at night if I don't have to" he said his voice was tense. 
"okay theres an exit coming up pull off and we'll stop somewhere for the night I'd rather stop anyways" I said trying to soothe him. He nodded seeming relieved already  taking my hand as he pulled off the highway. He drove for a little bit on the stretch of road before pulling off in to a holiday inn with a vacancy light on the sign advertising fifty dollars a night I grabbed my wallet from my backpack as he stopped, climbing out of the car pulling the money out of the envelope. 
He shook his head" I'll go " he said. 
 I laughed "they'll need ID" I said
"alright I guess your right" he chuckled. My breathing kicked up a notch again like it had before in the kitchen before Charlie got home. I tried to get control of myself as I walked towards the front desk. The lady behind the window looked about 50 with a poof of white hair on her head. She gave me a suspicious look as  I walked up with shaking hands. 
" one room," I said trying to keep my voice calm as I did so. 
" will that be in cash" she said nodding towards my hand. 
"oh, yes" I said hearing my voice crack as I did so. Feeling the blood rush to my face. 
" alright you pay 60 now and get 10 back later" she said still watch me as I handed her the money. She hand me a glossy plastic room key 107 she said. I turned and walked out the door I saw Jacob drumming is fingers on the steering wheel he reached into the back and grabbed are bags throwing them over his shoulder. 
"what room are we in" he asked grabbing the money and climbing out of the car. 
"107 I think" he nodded and started to walk towards the door. I handed him the key and he opened it up. He held it open for me as I walked in. I heard him shut the door. He threw the bags on the floor by the door. He fell back on the bed his eyes sliding close he rubbed his temples with a fury. He sighed. 
" there's a diner across the street," he said "let's go get something to eat I'm starving" opening his eyes slowly. 
I nodded" me too" I said. 
He sat up slowly grabbing my hand he reached for the key as he grabbed some money from the envelope not checking to see how much it was. He seemed much more alert outside in the brisk air. We walked across the street hand in hand. He smiled at me as the waitress glanced at us with shock. I was short enough to be a child next to him. He looked even older now with his hair so short. He could pass for 25 if he wanted to  but he just kept smiling at me for no apparent reason. We sat down at a table. The waitress came up to are table. She was looking only at Jacob I  felt a sudden wave of déjà vou. 
"hi my name is jeniefer I'll be your waitress today can I get you anything?" she asked way to peppy for someone working in a diner. 
" I'll have a coke and a burger, Bella?" he asked me. 
"um a coke and eggs fired" I said feeling shy with both there eyes on me. Jacob laughed at my expression and squeezed my hand. I stuck my tounge out at him childishly. He grinned like an idiot at me. The waitress just nodded and hurried off the kitchen. Jacob was looking out the window as his thumb ran a pattern over the side of my hand. The waitress hurried back with are drinks.
"here you go" she said turning the pep back on " two cokes",she turned to Jacob " do I know you from somewhere you look really familiar are you from around here?" she asked. 
"I dont know you" he said slanting his eyebrows at a. Furious angle I had to bite back a giggle at the look on her face she looked like someone who was used to getting her way with guys. She muttered something under her breath as she walked away to grab are plates. From the look on jakes face he was having just as much trouble as I was to hold back laughter. She brought are plates down she set them down at looked at Jacob through her eyelashes. I couldn't help the small giggle that came through my lips. She turned and looked at me sharply. I saw Jacob Shote me a warning look. 
" um thanks were good" Jacob said loudly. 
"of corse " she said quickly. She hurried off obviously embarrassed. Jacob shoveled down his food quickly I ate mine much slower. I pushed it away eventually and stood up. I walked to the cash register with him he pulled the money out and gave it to her. 
" keep the change" he told her in an impationent tone. He grabbed my hand as we walked back to the hotel. He pulled the door open as we walked  in he collapsed on 
The bed I laid down next to him he rolled on to his side to face me he wound his arms around me. I looked up at him he looked cautious I could see him warring with himself. He seemed to give in as his fingers brushed the line of my jaw. 
" Bella" he whispered as he began to bend his face towards mine.  Is eyes were still starring into mine. I felt my eyes slide shut as he pressed his lips to mine. His lips were soft and warm as they molded to mine in a soft unfamiliar way. I felt a passion in me burst I couldn't control it and I didn't want to it felt wonderful. I felt Jacobs surprise and passion matching mine if not stronger. I didn't know how long he'd wanted this so much longer than I'd excepted. I felt his lips open mine up I could feel his hot breath in my mouth. I rolled over so I was on top of him I felt his finger wind into my hair I put my arms tightly around his neck trying to pull myself closer to him. His lips moved with mine in warm unfamiliar way they had never moved before. I felt his lips pull away from mine. He placed anxious kisses along my neck while I tried to catch my breath. I brought my mouth back to his. I pulled his shirt up pressing my hands to his chest he pulled his shirt the rest of the way off I started to work on mine not able to get close enough to him he helped me get it the rest of the way off. He slowed down holding his lips to mine for longer amounts of time only pulling back to look at me. I wondered how long this passion had been here so built up. I moved my hands to his waist his already at mine. He pulled back slowly as I pressed harder on his waist.  
"Bella, are you sure?" he whispered out of breath. 
I rolled under him and looked up. 
" yes I'm sure are you?" I asked. 
"ofcorse" he said still breathless. He pressed his lips to mine softly. 
I woke up with his arms tight around me. I lifted my head enough to check the time 8:57 we still had time before check out. I laid my head back on his chest. 
" Bella" he mumbled sleepily " Bella are you up?" he asked. 
"ya" I said quietly.
" shit what time is it?" he said looking at the light streaming through the bottom of the window.
"9:00" I said burring my head in his neck. 
I felt him nod I looked up at him he looked back at me and press his lips to mine softly, carefully. 
He pulled away as we heard a knock on the door. Jake pulled on his pants as I pulled on his shirt and my pants. He walked slowly to door he answered it with caution. 
" hello" he said I pulled my head out from under the blanket when I heard a extremely peppy voice. 
"hi was just wondering if you two would like to come to the beach with me today it's a wonderful day and you said you were new around here" she said. I pulled the shirt off and sat up. 
"sorry were leaving today" Jacob said. 
I sat up holding the blanket to my chest. 
"Jake who is it?" I asked stupidly. 
" the waitress from yesterday " he said obviously getting my plan he stepped back as she looked in seeming shocked to see me there.
"hi" she said quietly leaning back out " well if your leaving then bye I guess" she said quickly. 
Jacob shut the door and laid back down next to me kissing me again. I pulled back this time and sighed. 
" I'm gonna take a shower " I said quietly. I grabbed some clothes from my bag and walked into the bathroom. I turned the water up as hot as it would go. I stood under the steady downpour trying to relax my muscles. After ten minutes I sighed and climbed out turning the water off. I dressed quickly walking back out. I grabbed my brush and yanked at the tangles. Jacob grabbed my waist from his place on the bedand started brushing it he got through it a lot quicker than me. I leaned up against him. He sighed 
" come on we got to check out " he said. I sighed and looked around surprised to see he'd already cleaned up the room I looked over at the door and saw the bags and  money in a pile already.
"wow your already organized" I laughed smiling. 
"ya let's call it that" he chuckled. He bent his face to kiss me again. I had to work to stop the passion from exploding again. We had to go. He nodded 
" come on" he said. Had I said that out loud I didn't remember saying it. I sighed love does strange things to person. I froze. Did I love Jacob? I'd said I'd never love anyone again but things change don't they. I could see Jacob trying to snap me out of my revere trying to get my attention. I finally snapped out of it I blinked at my surroundings how did I get back in the room had Jacob moved me. I was laying down on the bed Jacob was bent over me with a look of panic on his face. 
"Bella are you okay" his breath hot on my face. His. Hands so warm brushed hair from my face.  
" Bella, honey can you hear me" his voice anxious in my ear. 
" jake " I whispered. 
"I'm right here Bella are you okay do you need a doctor, some water tell me what to do please" he begged. His eyes we're rimmed in red. 
" I'm fine" I said trying to sit up unsuccessfully. I realized Jacobs hands were holding onto my arms holding me down. He shook his head. He pushed his arms under me and picked me up he threw me so was over his shoulder he walked out the door and set me in the car. 
" that was hardly nesacary" I muttered at him. He started laughing as he walked over to the main building. 
"oh but it was" he yelled back at me. I felt my bottom lips jut out as I waited for him to come back out of the building. He strolled out of the building his long arms swinging as he walked. He climbed in the car and stuffed a ten dollar bill in an envelope.  He  leaned over and kissed my bottom lip that was still jutted out. I melted in to the kiss and all my anger seemed to evaporate when his lips touched mine. He pulled away and I pushed towards him. Opening my lips on his. He pulled away again and started the car. I leaned against the door and stared out the window eventually I fell asleep. I dreamt of Jacob throwing me over his shoulder like I was paper a rag doll I thought. I woke up as Jacob pulled into a gas station. 
He turned to me " do you know you talk in your sleep" he said obviously amused. 
" sadly " I sighed. I looked at the dash 4:32. I made a decision I wasn't sure about. I grabbed some change from the dash compartment and climbed out of the car. 
" I'm going to call Charlie" I said nodding to the phone booth. 
" are you sure?" he asked carefully. 
" no " I shook my head. 
I walked up to the phone booth and followed the directions on the side I heard the phone start ringing. I held it to my ear as I waited for an answer. It was only two rings in when I heard a familiar voice pick up. 
" hello" Charlie said. 
" hi " I said quietly into the phone. 
"Bella! Where are you?! Im coming to get you!" he shouted into the receiver. 
" no dad I'm not coming back not yet" I said in to the phone. 
"hell you are Bella even if have to come get you myself" He claimed. 
"dad no I can't come home it hurts me to be there I'm fine I'm safe I'm with Jacob I'll be fine that's the only reason I called I'm not coming back. " I said trying to be persuasive. 
I hung up the phone before he could g et another word in I sighed I shouldn't have called. I felt horribly guilty now though rightly so I'd left him alone and some how gotten Jake to do so too. I walked back to the car. I climbed in the same time as Jacob walked out of the store. He was spinning a bag on his finger. He saw me already in the car. 
" I take it, it didn't go well" he asked me taking my hand. 
I shuddered and nodded. He squeezed my hand before he let it go he reached into the bag and pulled out two sodas and a bag of twizlers  he ripped the bag one hand. He pulled out a twizler and tossed it to me I caught it in both hands. He laughed at my expression he bit one in half in one bite. I was the one to laugh this to time at how much he ate. I leaned my back against the door and watched his hands as he drove. His hands seemed to tighten unknowingly when ever he saw a cop car. As soon as the cop car was out of sight his hands would loosen.  I asked him why that was. 
"I'm worried about charlie he could be following us you know" he chuckled as he said it but I could see the underlying tension. I nodded at that and shuddered again. I looked out the window and saw the sun sTarting to set. I pointed to an exit and he nodded switching lanes to pull off. I saw the beach off in the distance I looked at Jacob he was smiling. I grinned back him he pulled up to a sovirnear shop. He grabbed my hand and towed me out of the car. 
"come on, Bella" he called. 
"but-" I called. 
"but nothing come on" he said pressing his finger to my lips. 
I followed close behind him. He stopped suddenly turning around. I crashed in to him. 
"go grab a suit" he chuckled to me. 
" fine" I laughed. 
I jogged up the stairs. To the swim suits. I grabbed the first one in my size. I didn't stop to look at it till I was at the top of the stairs. It was a bikini that was purple with a gold trim. I bit my lip hesitating.  I turned around and grabbed a blue one built like a sports bra. I ran back down the stairs. I saw Jacob waiting for me by the register. I walked up to him he already had trunks on with a plastic bag in his hand. I handed the cashier the suit and waited while he rung it up. I went into the rooms to change. I pulled my shorts on over  the bottom but left my shirt off. I walked out to jacob he threw his arms around my waist and brought his lips to my ear. 
" you are so beautiful" he whispered in my ear. I pulled away to kiss him. 
"come on let's go" he said pulling away. 
He grinned towing me out the door as I stumbled behind him. He pulled me into the car laughing as I landed on his lap instead of the seat. He dipped me and kissed me again with a fierce passion. I kissed him back hotly. His lips opened mine up. I felt his tounge graze my bottom teeth. He kissed my neck his lips followed the line of my jaw his cool teeth graze my earlobe. I heard myself whimper. He kissed my neck again muffling a groan against it. The sharp honk of a car horn made us both jump. He went into hysterics doubling over with laughter as I wiggled off his lap. He twisted the keys in the engine it sputterd staling. He turned the keys again and the engine roared to a start. He started down the road to the board walk pulling over to the curb. He climbed out of the car as I fumbled with the door. He opened my door extending an arm outward. I climbed out of the car and he wrapped an arm around my waist. I reached into the envelope and pulled out a few bills. I handed them to him he stuffed put them in his back pocket. We walked down to the board walk he stopped at a booth and bought a flowered lei he tossed it over my head. He bent to kiss me again planting light butterfly kisses along my neck I brought my mouth to his gliding my tongue along his teeth. I shivered as a cool breeze blew across my neck. He pulled away as a little girl on dollar skates toppled over on us. Jake bent  over to help her up she was crying. Jake caught her as she wobbled again. 
" are you okay?" he asked softly. 
She shook her head" I can't find my mommy" she sobbed. 
" I want you to stay right here my name is Jacob and this Bella I'm gonna go get someone who can help us find your mommy" he said softly trying to soothe her " can you tell me your name?" he asked her. 
She nodded" kimmy" she said quietly. 
" alright kimmy I want you to stay right here with Bella okay?" he asked her softly. She nodded. He turned to me. 
"I'm gonna go find security and get them to do a broadcast wait here with her" he said standing up. 
"okay" I said as he kissed me before he walked off. I sat down next to the little girl. 
" it's okay Jacobs going to find your mommy" I said wiping a tear off her cheek. 
"how about a snow cone would you like one?" i asked her.  
She nodded seeming much happier suddenly. I helped her up and walked over to snow cone stand. 
"what color would you like?" I asked her realizeing I sounded alot like the waitress. 
"blue" she said giddly. 
" alright one blue snowcone and one red" I said. 
I hand the girl behind the register the bill from my back pocket. She squeezed out a syrupy liquid on the shaved ice. She hand them to me and mouthed to me " good luck". I sighed and walked back over to the spot Jake had left us at. I handed her the snowcone as she sat down on a bench. I sat down next to her I licked my snowcone. She swung her legs back and forth. She was very absorbed. It surprised me when asked me. 
"why were you kissing that man? Do you love him?" she asked me so suddenly that I didn't think twice about my answer. 
" yes I do love him very much but I don't think he knows I love him" I said to her. 
"so why don't you tell him if he doesn't know?" she asked stalling me. 
" I don't know why, do you think I should tell him?" I asked her was I  seirously asking a little girl for advice. 
"yes you should what if he loves you back?" she answered. 
"but what if he doesn't love me back" I whispered to my self. 
She went back to her snowcone. Was she right should I tell Jacob. Was it the right thing to do? I was to afraid get hurt again. Could I tell him. I saw jacob walking through the crowd with a women of probably 30 or so next to him. She had a panicked exspression on her face. Jacob said something to her and pointed at us. A look of relief crossed over her face as she ran over to us. Jacob was close behind her he warpEd an arm around my waist. We waited while she blubbered and scoldEd the little girl. She suddenly looked up as if remembering us. 
She stood up quickly. 
" thank you so much is there anything I can do for you?" she asked franticly. 
" well do you know were we could find a locksmith were on a uh road trip and all are money and bags are in are car" Jacob explain quickly. 
"oh yes my brother is a locksmith I'll call him" she said pulling out her phone "here you should probably talk To him" she handed him the phone. 
She looked at me " would you like a ride somewhere?" she asked talking to me for the first time.
" um that's  okay we haven't found anywhere to stay yet" I answered quietly. 
" oh nonsense you can stay with us for the night you can use the old guest bedroom" she insisted. 
" are you sure you don't have to do that  we don't want to be a bother" I claimed. 
Jacob hung up the phone and handed it back to her. 
"thank you they can get out tomorrow" He said looking at me. 
" oh yes you really wouldn't be a bother" she pleaded. 
I looked at Jacob.
"are you sure?" he asked. 
" oh yes come on" she said clearly pleased. She started towards her car. It was a big van with rows of seats. Jacob climbed in after me. I leaned against him feeling oddly tired. He squeezed my shoulder looking at my drawn face. She pulled up to yellow house about the size of charlies. Jacob helped me out of the car catching me when I wobbled. I realized something suddenly this was it.  What Jacob did why he fixed cars why he built things.  Jacob was a fixer he helped broken things things like me. No I was crazy I'd seen the way he'd looked at me that was why he came. He loved me bit knew I was broken so he didn't speak up. I threw my arms around his neck burring my face in his chest I wrapped his arms around my waist obviously surprised by my sudden movement kissing the top of my head.  
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bella swan
jacob black
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bella swan
jacob black
new moon
added by HotStunner
Source: LiveJournal
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bella swan
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added by jina55
added by TizzFan4evr
jacob black
bella swan
new moon
breaking dawn
added by alittlelamb
added by nairthebest
added by pucklovesquinn
added by neverfades
Source: neverfades
added by carolinecastle
Source: Caroline Castle http://pearl-illusions.livejournal.com/
added by kiss93
added by pucklovesquinn
added by KatiiCullen94
Source: livejournal