IU 151129 Touching speech IU made before singing Good Day at Busan concert!!

MissDIU posted on Nov 30, 2015 at 02:46PM
- After singing You and I, IU said she had something to say, but would do so later. So before she started singing Good Day, she gave this speech. -

About what I wanted to say just now..
Ah it was a really really amazing experience.
Halfway while singing my song, I suddenly thought,

‘Wah I.. I can’t quit being a singer.’ (Fans cheer)

Of course, I.. I like singing the best now, but you never know. I might really have other talents (Laughs).
I may discover talents I never knew. I’ve thought of trying other careers and having other thoughts, but gradually, the thought that I can’t go back has become stronger. I really like being a singer. I really.. really enjoy singing.
I don’t usually say things like this, but

I really like music. (Cheers from the crowd)

I really like music, that’s not the kind of thing I say often. Reason being umm.. there’s lots of things I like. Of course, I like music a lot too, but umm..
Is music really what I like the most? When I ask myself that, I feel unsure about it. That’s how it has always been, but oh.. this year, I’m gradually thinking, ‘Oh I seem to like music. I actually like music more than I think eh?’
It’s become like, ‘Oh.. I really like music. Oh.. music is the best. I seem to like music the most.’
(We like IU!!)

So I’ve been telling people around me recently that I never knew I liked music this much.


Anothing thing I’ve felt during this concert, ah I seem to like the stage a lot eh?
All this time, I’ve enjoyed the creating and recording part of the process the best, but since last week, as I was having my concert,

I felt for the first time that the enjoyment I get from being on stage was greater than that from creating and recording my music.

But actually, up until last week, I was still half in doubt.. I no longer start to think about my stamina on stage.
But today.. so I was really amazed. As I was singing ‘You and I’.. I’ve really sang this song many many times, but I’ve never felt this way.
As I was singing it, I thought to myself,

‘Wah.. I can’t quit being a singer.’

I’m really thankful to the Busan concert audience for giving me these thoughts. Oh.. Oh.. You guys could just be in a good mood today, or because you slept well last night, or because you’re close to the friend you came with, or maybe you ate well just now, so you shouted ‘Ahh!!’ loudly during the song,
but putting all that together, something important changed in me today. Really. (Fans cheer loudly)

I’m going to be a singer for a long time, I’m serious. In future, when I grow old, even when I grow old, I want to continue being a singer. That’s how I feel..

I don’t know. My talk is starting to get really long, but I’ve felt this way before.
That doing this is really fun and great for me, but I shouldn’t like it too much.
If I get too used to this and this isn’t what I really want..
In case I can no longer do well in this, I’d be really sad, so I should control the extent that I enjoy it.
And no matter how much I like it, that I shouldn’t acknowledge the fact that it’s shaking my whole existence.
These were the thoughts I’ve had for a long time and settled myself into.

Recently, I’m acknowledging it. That honestly, I really like to sing. Standing on stage is the most fun for me. Music.. Music can bring comfort.

Receiving and acknowledging these things.. is something I’ll begin to do now.
So I’m really thankful towards the Seoul audience and towards the audience today too. I’ve never imagined myself receiving such great cheers and that I’d be able to gather people who like me so much..
I’m kind of.. surprised. (Cheers from the audience)

Thank you.. for liking it so much even if I’m just drinking water.

I’ve started acknowledging these things because of today’s Busan concert. That I really like music.. (Fans cheer)
I must be crazy. (watery eyes) (Fans: Don’t cry!!)
Ah.. I won’t cry. I’ve put my emotions in check (Laughs) I can do that quickly.
I was surprised when I suddenly felt like that while singing ‘You and I’ just now. Would I start crying suddenly while singing?
Luckily I didn’t cry, but you guys are amazing for making me feel that way. I don’t cry easily on stage, but.. you guys are amazing. (Fans cheer)

I’ll continue to enjoy music. Acknowledge this fact and not be afraid to like it more, and make better music for all of you.

Ah really.. thank you. Thank you.
I’ll sing the last song now and finish the setlist for the concert.
After that, well.. the concert is for the audience, so what shall I sing for you?
Today is a really good day.
It’s a really good day. I’ll sing ‘Good Day’ for everyone. Thank you.

Translated by squishy with love
Source: link
- After singing You and I, IU said she had something to say, but would do so later. So before she sta

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