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posted by friendsfan101
These are the fanfic story What If chapters. You may request Seddie What if stories, it is all explained here: link

So here's my first OFFICIAL chapter, and you may request as well!

Hi guys! It's me again! I'm here with my new story, made especially for TrueJackVP408. This story will be a What If moment in the episode "iWin a Date", where instead of Gibby needing a date, Freddie will win it! Obviously, I will make him have the date with Sam, of course. =)
I don't really remember the name of the 3 girls who were originally supposed to be in the date, so I'm just making them up. (I believe that the girl Gibby liked was named Shannon, correct?)
And to Jennette-McCurdys biggest fan, I'll have the request you wanted out soon! I'm writing the story as I speak-well, talk!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, and hope I got everything semi-right (I really don't remember the episode, LOL.) =)

Remember, R,R, & R! (Read, Review, and Request!)

Sam and Carly walked up to Shannon at school. "Hey," Sam said. "Aren't you ready to do our AWESOME new iCarly show or what!" Shannon looked sheepishly at Sam and Carly. "Well...yes, but...Jamie and Ariana aren't coming.." "What? Why?" Carly asked. Shannon explained that Jamie and Ariana were going to see Girly Cow on Ice. "Man!" Sam cried. "Why is it that whenever they make a tv show they just HAVE to put it on ice? This sucks! Who else is going to be there?" "Sorry...call me and tell me what you want to do; I'll come to the show anyway," Shannon said as she walked away. "Man, this-" Sam didn't get to finish her sentence because Gibby walked up to the two girls and said in a hurry, "I'msorryguysbutIcan't-"

"Whoa!" Carly said. "Calm down! What's wrong?"

Gibby looked down at his shoes. "Well...um...I kinda can't do the webshow...I...I have a girlfriend." Gaining more confidence, Gibby looked up, only to look back down in a hurry when he saw Sam glaring daggers at him. "Reeeeaaallly..." Sam hissed at Gibby. "And just tell me, dork, WHAT girl would want to go out with you?" Gibby said her name was Tasha and Sam retorted, "What's WRONG with her?" Gibby muttered that he was sorry and yelled, "PLEASE SAM, DON'T KILL ME!"

Sam sighed and turned to Carly. "This blows!" she said. "What are we going to do? iCarly is TONIGHT; who are we going to get to be a contestant?" Gibby said, "I could find someone! I promise he won't be a freak! I'll make it up for you! I'm not doing anything with Tasha tonight; I'll find the guy and do EVERYTHING! I promise! It's the least I could do!" Sam and Carly looked at each other and shrugged. "All right," Carly said. "But get Freddie to help you, and find two more girls."

Sam was in the iCarly rehearsal studio with Freddie. Carly had gone downstairs to get a lemonade, warning her two friends to "not kill each other while I'm gone, okay?".

Sam walked around Freddie, enjoying how uncomfortable he looked, afraid that she was going to hurt him. "So, nub, who are the two other girls who're going to play our game? And the "lucky" guy?" she asked. Freddie replied "You, Shannon, and Carly, of course! And I'm the guy." Sam looked up, surprised. "Really? I didn't know that."

"Sam, we told you this before! It's not my fault you weren't listening. You were watching Girly Cow and eating-SAM! Sam, are you listening to me?"

Sam looked up again. "Sorry, Fredward, you bored me. Now get over it." Freddie muttered something about "no respect" but didn't say anything else. He saw Gibby come outside the iCarly door. "Um..Sam, I'll be, uh-" "Ya, ya, whatever nub," Sam replied. "Go away." Freddie went outside. "So, Gibby, you're know what number contestant Carly is, right?" "Yup, she's number one!" "Good," Freddie replied. "This will guarantee a date with her!" Carly came into the hall. "Hey, guys, you ready for the show?" "Yup," they both replied.

Freddie took his place behind the curtain, and put on his headphones, which transmitted sound ONLY from the girls' voices. Since they weren't speaking into their headphones, he could hear nothing. Carly looked at her seat, which had beans on them. "Sam! Clean this up!" she said. At the same time, Gibby said, "Show starts in 30 seconds, guys!" Sam said, "No way! I'll clean it after the show!" Carly refused to sit in a "bean infested" chair, so Sam said, "All right, all right! Don't get your socks in a twist! I'LL sit in your seat!" Gibby watched open mouthed at this and his eyes grew wide when he saw Sam sit in Carly's seat. "Oh, no...this isn't going to be pretty," he thought to himself. But it was too late to do anything about it.

The show was about to start in





...and Go!

"Hi, I'm Carly!" "And I'm Sam!" "And this is..iCarly!" Carly continued. "Now, we're doing a new bit on iCarly, called iWin a Date! The lucky guy gets to go out with one of US in this awesome game! The guy's identity is kept secret from you guys, as is our voices, so the mystery guy won't know who we are! Now, let's play!" (Author's Note: I'm skipping the whole game thing; I don't remember what happened.)

The game went on and on. Freddie was surprised at all of Carly's answers. "Odd."He thought. 'It's like she's Sam...it's probably because she doesn't want to go on a date with me! Well, Carly Shay, THIS time I WILL go on a date with you!"The game ended, and Gibby asked, "Okay, bachelor, so WHICH girl do you want to choose? Girl number 1, Girl number TWO, or Girl number 3?" Freddie hesitated, and he said, "Girl number...one!" Sam, who had gotten out of her seat to eat what was left of her food, immediately started coughing when she heard her number. There was an awkward silence and Freddie came out. "So, Carly, I'll guess you'll have to go on a date with m-". He stopped, realizing that she was in the second seat. "Wait...you're not the girl...then who..." he looked over at Sam. "Oh, no, no, no, NO!" he cried. Sam glared at him. Three seconds later, they both started running, Sam yelling, "WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU, YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET IT, NUB!" Carly looked at the camera, which was still recording. "Oh, um, wow, that's all we have left today! I'm, um, going to go downstairs and make sure they don't kill each other! Okay, bye!" she said hurriedly, as Freddie's screams echoed from downstairs.

Sam and Freddie arrived at the Cheesecake Factory. "So..." Freddie said. "So..." Sam repeated. "You know, if you don't want to go on the date..." Freddie started, but he dwindled off when he saw Sam glare at him. "I can't, Freddison. Carly made me agree to go with you! She took away my turkey bacon!" "...Oh." Freddie said. He was at a loss for words. He couldn't believe what was happening. He was supposed to be on a date with CARLY, not Sam. It was weird. Sam was in a dress and wearing makeup...the oddest thing was, Freddie couldn't help but stare at her the whole time. "Hey, hold it there, Freddie."he told himself. "Remember, she's the Blonde Headed Demon who makes your life crazy..."

Freddie stared at his "salad" in amazement. "Woah!" he said. "How am I supposed to eat THIS? It's huge!" Sam looked up from her bowl (which was bigger than her head), with a piece of lettuce hanging from her mouth. "What did you say?" she asked. Freddie smirked. "Nothing, Princess Puckett...you know...this, um...date, thing...it's going surprisingly well, isn't it?" Sam looked at him, and Freddie braced himself to get punched by her. To his surprise, she smiled and nodded. "Ya...it is, nub," she said softly. "It actually is. You're not so bad when you're not annoying." Freddie grinned. "Neither are you, Blonde Headed Demon...you're nice to be around when you're not making my life miserable!" Sam smiled and threatened him. "Don't push me, geek. I'm in a good mood today, that's all!" Freddie didn't reply. He looked at the menu, and said, "So you want anything else, you Eating Machine? More salad, cake? How about some fried chicken?" Sam shook her head. "No...I've already got my fried chicken," she said, looking at Freddie. "What?" Freddie asked, confused. "Nothing," Sam replied. They both cleared their throats and looked down. Freddie looked at Sam. "You know, Sam...this date went better than I expected. I don't think I would have ever had this much fun at a date with-" "Carly? The girl you love? Ya, right!" Sam scoffed. Freddie looked at Sam once again, confused. "Well...who says I love her? A guy can only wait so long! Maybe...maybe I'm ready to see...another girl." They both looked at each other, and perhaps it was the moment, the scene, that they were both talking to each other, but before they knew it, they were leaning across the table and their lips met, and they both kissed each other-

Ring...ring...ring... Sam's phone rang, and both she and Freddie jumped, and quickly jumped backwards, guilty. Sam, her cheeks blazing, checked her phone. "It's-uh, it's-it's Carly," she stammered. "She's wondering where we um, are. We-uh-we told her that we would, um, uh...-" "Practice iCarly with her," Freddie finished, his face in complete awe. "Um...right...I guess..I guess I'll text her that we'll come now..." Sam muttered. Freddie just nodded. They left the money for their food on the table, and without looking at each other walked out.

Sam and Freddie stood outside of Carly's building. They had said nothing to each other the whole ride back, and both felt the need to break the ice. "Listen, do you want to-" Freddie started as Sam said, "Look, nub, I think that we-" they both stopped. Freddie said, "You go first." Sam nodded. "Um, listen, Fredward...that kiss thing, let's just forget it happened, okay? We were just caught up in the moment...but...uh...do you want to come to dinner again sometime?" Freddie looked at Sam in wonder. This was notwhat he had expected. "Oh, um..."

Sam interrupted him. "Look, Freddalupe, I just think that we had fun, actually acting like friends for once, and that seemed...what's the word you call it?" "Nice?" "Ya, that's the word...well, anyway, I thought that was good, and you know, we owe it to Carly to stop fighting once in a while...she's our friend, and she deserves some peace and quiet instead of hearing fighting every day. So this would be purelyfor Carly. ONLY." She said. Freddie slowly smiled. "Yes...that sounds good...for Carly." he said quickly. "For Carly," Sam agreed. They looked at each other, knowing they were both lying, knowing that it wasn't for Carly, but they didn't care. Freddie cleared his throat and said, "Well, uh, we better go inside...Carly'll be waiting for us." Sam nodded and pushed Freddie out of the way. "Yup, nub, Carly'll be waiting. Let's go, Fredward." She opened the door and ran upstairs.

Freddie stood, staring at the spot where Sam had been standing moments ago. He smiled. "Ya," he agreed silently, a smile still on his face. "Let's go, Princess Puckett." He walked into the building, oblivious to Lewbert screaming at him, walked upstairs, and went to practice iCarly with his one favorite girl.

So...I hope you guys liked it! I'm sorry if I wrote the characters OOC, hope I didn't, and I hope you enjoyed the story! Remember, RR&R! =)
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