Huddy Club
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posted by BeforeItWasCool
For the complete story please visit: link

Sorry, for the delay in posting new chapters, fans. School is now out for the summer. I think that’s enough of a reason but I’ll also add that I’ve been out of town on family vacation. Good. Let’s begin. I’ve decided to make this little fiction into a full-blown fic-isode. Yes, I made that up. I’ve done some medical research and some of the facts are from personal medical experiences, but please remember I am not a doctor nor do I even play one on TV so be kind and just take it for what it is. I promise it won’t get into the unbelievable. THANKS!

Disclaimer as needed. I don’t own House. But if I did I would totally let all of you come to my home and play with him. ;-)

“It’s About Time…”
Chapter Six

    House’s pager went off the next morning at 7:07 a.m. It went off again at 7:09 a.m. and 7:12 a.m. Then his phone rang at 7:19 a.m. It went straight to voice mail. It rang again at 7:22 a.m. Finally, when it rang a third time at 7:25 a.m. House answered.
    “Good morning to you, too, Sunshine,” Chase said. After six years of working for the great Doctor House he was completely immune to the nastiness. “We’ve got a patient.”
    “Good to know,” House said. He had been peacefully sleeping and had successfully ignored the pages and the first phone call. When the second phone call came in his cell phone had sailed through the air and thunked him in the back. He reluctantly answered it at 7:25a.m. while still lying in the bed of Dr. Lisa Cuddy.
    He had indeed come over to her house last night, but he hadn’t waited for her in her bed as he had told Wilson he would. He actually introduced himself to Marina, who he had met only in passing before, and started dinner. He hadn’t even tried to take over the care of Rachel. Marina had eyed him suspiciously and he suspected that she had heard many not so great things about the doctor called House probably from both Lucas and Cuddy. So he made dinner. For all of them. And when Cuddy had arrived home early they all sat down and ate together. It had been delicious. Marina left the three alone. House cleaned the kitchen and Cuddy put Rachel to bed. It was a scene of domesticity that neither had even been able to imagine before. House didn’t make any attempt to bond with Rachel. That would come in time. House’s parenting knowledge was slim, but through personal experience he knew that forced bonding time often brought negative results. Cuddy had invited House to stay and he happily did so. It had been a pleasant morning until the phone call.
    “Are you okay?” Chase asked. “I mean okay enough to come in soon?” He hesitated. “Were you planning on coming in at all?” House could sense his nervousness. He knew Chase was fishing for more personal reassurance that House was still on the wagon, but probably dreading the fact that House had taken a flying leap off said wagon. House decided he was not going to let Chase off the hook.
    “Don’t know. Wasn’t planning on it. In fact, I’m feeling a bit sluggish,” House replied. He rolled over onto his back just in time to see Cuddy poke her head out of her walk-in closet. She was wearing only a towel. House never thought he would get used to seeing her in these various stages of undress. He smiled at her.
    “A 4-year-old boy was brought in to the ER this morning. He had just suffered an allergic reaction but had been given a dose of epinephrine. While at the ER he vomited blood and exhibited signs of kidney failure.” Chase said.
    “Well, a four-year-old,” House said. “That’s different! I’ll be there in five minutes!”
    “Seriously?” Chase responded.
    “No,” House said, sighing heavily. He needed to find people to hang out with that weren’t such easy marks. It took the challenge out of it. “Get a family history and run all the necessary tests and then call me back in a couple of hours with the results. I’ve got something to do first,” he almost growled after the last sentence as he watched Cuddy’s back. She was reaching up for a grey skirt and matching jacket and he could see how effective her early morning yoga was. He was going to click the phone closed when Chase’s response caught his attention.
    “That’s the biggest problem, actually,” he said. “The boy was brought in by the EMTs and a policeman. The officer had found the boy wandering a neighborhood.”
    “They haven’t found his parents yet?” House asked, sitting up in bed. Cuddy turned around at this and stared at House. She raised an eyebrow in question.
    “No, they are still searching the area, but they’re beginning to think he may not be from that neighborhood even,” Chase said. “The boy has a phone number memorized and the police traced it to a town in Pennsylvania. Nobody is answering. Foreman is calling Cuddy right now to try to get emergency medical proxy permission for the boy so we can start tests.”
    At that moment, both House and Cuddy heard her cell phone start to buzz on her desk in the front room. Seconds later her home phone also started to ring. House lifted up his phone and shook it at Cuddy then spoke to Chase. “So you haven’t reached Cuddy yet? Where do you think she is this time of day?” House’s eyes sparkled, but Cuddy’s grew dark as she stepped out of her closet and went to answer her cell phone. “Cuddy could be anywhere right now. “
    House could hear Cuddy talking softly and briefly in the living room. She was soon coming back into the room.
    “Well, let me know when you find Cuddy and then we’ll get permission to do the tests and THEN we can save this kid’s life. But ‘til then, like I said, I’ve got something to do,” House smiled at Cuddy. She did not smile back.
    “Okay, I’ll tell him,” Chase called off to someone. “House, Foreman said he just talked with Cuddy, who gave him permission to begin whatever tests we needed. We’ll have the results soon. Do you still want me to call you when they’re ready?”
    Cuddy must have heard Chase through the phone because Cuddy was shaking her head and mouthing to House, “Go.”
    House put on his sad puppy face and motioned to her standing there in a towel. Cuddy shook her head and mouthed, “Go now.”
    “Apparently, my shoulder angel is telling me I’m going to come in now. I’ll be there in 30 minutes.” House sighed and closed his phone. “Seriously,” he said to Cuddy who was walking to her closet again. She stood in front of her shoe rack, still holding the grey suit she had picked out earlier.
    “It’s a four-year-old boy found wandering a neighborhood. Go use your super sleuth skills to determine where he’s from by his accent or what kind of house he lives in by his clothing,” she said absentmindedly. She was only half-way joking. She and House knew that he could probably do those things quite easily. She turned to look at him. “Go. I told Foreman I’d be coming into the office at 830. I need to get going, too.” She smiled. “Black or red?” she asked.
    House looked over at her vast amount of shoes and although he didn’t know which pair she was referring too he always preferred her legs when they ended in her bright red heels. “Red,” he said, thoroughly enjoying this intimate interaction with her. “Definitely red.”
    “Thought so,” she smiled at him. “Use the bathroom now while I get dressed and then get going. Marina will be her any minute and I can hear Rachel stirring. I’ll be in soon.”
    House got out of bed, not bothering to shield anything and walked brazenly past Cuddy towards the bathroom. “You are always invited,” he said, softly as he passed her.
    “I know,” she responded equally as soft. She smiled seductively at him as he closed the bathroom door.
    He was done in ten minutes. He quickly dressed and came back into the bathroom. Cuddy had dressed as well and was finishing up her makeup. House stopped and watched her for a minute. Cuddy continued to apply her blush, undaunted by House’s scrutiny. He glanced at his watch. He’d better get on his way. He leaned over and waited for Cuddy to turn her face towards his. He softly brushed his lips against hers. Then he deepened the kiss for a second of two before pulling away. They shared a smile before House grabbed his cane from the side of her vanity and began to leave the room. She called out to him as he reached the door.
    “Hey,” she said, turning around on her stool to see him. “I love you.”
    He smiled at the words. “I know.” He suddenly lost his smile and stared directly into her eyes. “I’ll probably still be a pain-in-the-ass at work, you know.” He looked away at the admission. He had come a long way, but he also realized some things might be unchangeable.
    Cuddy just continued smiling. “I know. I was saying that just in case I had to be a pain-in-the-ass back.”
    The smile, this time filled with admiration and love, flooded back to House’s face. He walked back to her and leaned down for another soft kiss. Then he quickly left before he completely gave in to the emotion he was feeling right now.

    House walked into the Diagnostics Department only to find it void of any his team. “Hello?” he called out. Great, he thought. They badger me to come into work and they all disappear. He spied the patient’s folder on the glass conference table and walked over to it. Picking it up he saw it held only the one ER admissions sheet and a copy of a police report. Jacob Peersman was written along the top and the age was listed as “4 approx.” Glancing over the police report, House saw that the boy had been found about 6:30 a.m. wandering a neighborhood of Plainsboro about ten minutes from the hospital. The police officer had tried to find his parents then unsuccessfully so he took him to the station, which was just down the street from the hospital. While there the boy had been offered a peanut butter granola bar, which he wolfed down and promptly went into anaphylactic shock. Another officer on duty administered a dose of epinephrine from an epi pen and the boy had begun to breathe again. He was taken to the hospital to check him out. It was there he began vomiting and exhibited bruises over his kidney.
At first the ER staff thought it was abuse. After all, the kid had been found on the street. But Taub had been hanging out in the ER talking to some of the medics who had been at the accident site two days before. He had heard about the throwdown between House and Cuddy from the medic that had brought House’s cane in and he had been trying to grab some more info. He saw the bruising and although admittedly to an untrained eye it would look like physical abuse, the position and colorization of the bruising were more indicative of kidney failure. He had paged Chase and Foreman, who both agreed with his diagnosis. Unfortunately, any other diagnosing had been put on hold until they could get House and Cuddy to agree to take the case.
House looked over the blood work again and didn’t see anything remotely suspicious of kidney failure and that intrigued him all the more. He sat down at the table to re-read the thin file.
“Wow,” a voice called out from the doorway to the department. “You are a changed man. You’re actually studying the patient’s file.”
House turned toward the voice, knowing full well who it was. “Ha-ha,” he spat out as Wilson walked in and sat by him. House looked out into the hallway to make sure that no one else was around.
“Seriously, you’re studying a patient’s file. That usually doesn’t happen until you’ve had a couple of wrong diagnoses and they patient is in complete systems failure.” Wilson chuckled.
House just stared at him. “Again. Ha-ha.” He tossed the file onto the table. “It’s not even a complete file. There’s nothing there to help at all. Where’s my team?” He stood and walked over to check the coffee machine. “They pulled me out of a warm bed with Cuddy standing there in a towel,” he chuckled at the look of surprise that spread over Wilson’s face. It was quickly finished by a conspiring look of interest. “And they’re not even here to give me the details!”
“Really?” Wilson asked. He looked like a 16-year-old trying to get the details of his buddy’s prom date. “A towel?”
House just smiled and nodded. He poured himself a cup of coffee. “That’s all you’re getting though, buddy.” He stirred his coffee and looked out into the hallway. He saw his team walking towards him. Well, most of his team. Where was 13? They walked into the department and Chase handed him another blue folder, this one much thicker than the one that lay on the table.
“Good morning, children. Father’s home,” House said amiably. He opened the folder and quickly glanced through the new stack of results from some of the tests the team had been able to do. “How many tests do you have left?” he asked. “And where is your sister this fine morning? She’s the only one I’m getting a dowry for, you know, so she’s kind of important to the family. I was hoping to get a new milking cow out of her.”
Taub looked at Chase and Foreman. He had told them about talking to 13 that night of the accident, but he had made sure that no one had opened the letter she had left House. Her behavior that night had frightened Taub. He had written off similar behavior from Kutner and now regretted not offering his friendship the way Kutner had needed him to. Foreman had tried to call her, but she didn’t answer. Chase called her and when he actually talked to her late last night they all breathed a sigh of relief. Chase told her to not do anything drastic. House had been injured and was out for a while. He would surely want to meet with her soon. They all hoped it would be very soon.
“She’s not here,” Taub stated simply. “She left you a letter on your desk.” He hadn’t even finished his sentence before House started striding into his office. All the men followed him in.
“Has anyone talked to her since?” House asked, finding the letter on his desk and opening it up.
“I talked to her last night. She’s okay,” Chase told him.
House read through the letter. His look of concern gave way to anger and then bemusement. But he said nothing as he folded the letter and put it in his pocket. They all stared at him, but realized that the matter was over for the time being.
“So,” House said casually. “New tests?”
“We’re still waiting for the detailed blood work. An MRI revealed a large bloody mass where his kidney should be. He’s stable right now so I thought we should wait before opening him up,” Foreman related. “There’s no internal bleeding or continued bruising or swelling.”
“Good,” House said. He turned to Wilson.
“It’s not cancer,” Wilson stated.
“Have you even looked at him yet?” House asked.
“No, but if it was Foreman would have said it was a large tumor or cyst on his kidney not ‘quote a large bloody mass where his kidney should be. End quote.’”
“Well, how ‘bout you take a look at him,” House said. Wilson nodded, not expecting to get out of the exam anyway. House turned to Foreman. “Any luck finding parents for Oliver?”
“His name’s Jacob and no, not yet.”
“Great. Just great.” House sat down in his chair at his desk. “Okay, I’ll come in and talk to the kid. But first I have to make a phone call.” He went to pick up the receiver, but no one even bothered to leave the room. “A private phone call.” He snarked, shooing them all out with his other hand. They left and closed the door behind them. House punched out the telephone number and waited for the other end to pick up. When he heard the voice he smiled.
“You’re an idiot,” House said into the phone. “You think anybody else will hire a doctor who shakes so bad she can’t even put in an IV? Get down here in an hour, 13. We need to talk.”

So as I said, I’m writing an entire episode that takes place after “Help Me” ends. Hopefully I’ll get a chance to repackage it so it flows like an episode. It’s going to be a long summer and I’ll do what I can to help us all along!
(FOR THOSE WHO KEPT REWINDING THE LAST PART OF THE PROMO) Another version of Huddy kiss.. Instead House and Cuddy move closer in together.
As I am walking the beach I listen to the waves crash upon the shore. I can feel the warmth of the sun on my face. For the moment the beast inside is quieted. That inner voice that has told me all my life I am not good enough and I can never be “one of them.” That voice that reminds me when you open your heart you get hurt. It was only for the moment though that the beast was resting. I knew that I had to deal with the rage and the anger that I had managed to keep barely underneath the surface for all this time. All my crutches were gone. The vicodin, the hookers, and even the cases didn’t...
continue reading...
It was all in slow motion. I saw their four faces, and then fell back, falling stories from the ground. I saw all their faces over the ledge as I descended. The air below me waved my arms and legs around as I came plunging--merely seconds before impact, a whisper appeared to echo in my ear....

I love you, House



--Yes...Falling stories from above, I came down for the last few seconds very gracefully. Not onto cement--a bed.
A bed. A bed. I was right.
As long as I stayed there, I slowly began to hear, smell, and feel all my surroundings. I began to feel a pain--I felt...
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posted by Hughlaurie4ever
A/N: I have no clue what chapter this story will end on but, if I have some ideas I will continue.And about Rachel, she is not gonna be in this....

After about 2 hours of trying to soothe Cuddy in her office, Cameron was paged back to the ER.

Cuddy was exhausted from the days tragedies, and she was about to cry herself to some disturbed sleep, when a nurse came into the room.

" Oh! I'm sorry Dr.Cuddy, I was looking for Dr.Cameron. To tell her Dr.House is back from Surgery and is in the Post-Op room."

" Thanks." Cuddy said to the nurse.

When the nurse went away, Cuddy went to her Office bathroom...
continue reading...
posted by Fabouluz
Two days had passed, and it was now two o’clock in the morning. House was at home, sitting with a blanket wrapped around himself as he broke out into cold sweats. The price for going back to his old ways, his body was playing catch-up to his addiction issues. His face was grey, his trembling hands and feeling of nausea were easier to deal with than if he was in a full-blown detox. Losing time, and trying to stop the room from spinning around him, House fell back into the sofa.

A faint sound of knocking on his door, echoed deep in his mind, the loud sound of footsteps approaching unnerved him....
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by : cloven369
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By Asami1990 on YouTube
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this is my first video... hope you enjoy it :)
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lisa edelstein
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house md
hugh laurie
lisa edelstein
season 7
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He helped her get dressed! :D tnx to MsHousefan2 @ YT and Ausiello :D
season 6
help me
first 2 minutes
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New promo, anyone? From iphone app thingy... Credit to housefanz on youtube... is this the right way to credit people? Have never added a video before but this was screaming to be shared!
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added by PotterGal
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Source: Licia
added by LisaLover
Source: me
It was fifteen minutes to eight o’clock; House had a beer in one hand, while the other was playing a slow jazz number on the piano. He was dressed in a midnight black blazer, black corduroy pants and a clean white shirt with a black t-shirt underneath. The lights were dim; his curtains open to let the moon light in.

An apprehensive knock on the door, made him hold the last note. He slowly got up, and walked towards the door; opening it with a smirk on his face. Cuddy stood in the doorway, her perfect curls barely touching her bare shoulders. She was wearing a strapless, short, black lace...
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Cuddy and her date Jason, had pulled up outside her home, they sat in silence for a moment; which felt like a lifetime, before Jason cleared his throat.

Jason: So, are you going to invite me in, or should I wait another five minutes before you ask me?

Cuddy scoffed at his forwardness, and felt it was similar to House’s persona.

Cuddy: It’s late, I’ve got work in the morning; I’m sorry.

Jason nodded and smiled, obviously knowing he had put his foot in it.

Jason: I guess this means goodnight then.

Cuddy smiled sweetly at him, before she left his car; regretfully walking away and to her front...
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