House M.D. Non-house related but so funny!

amberRocks posted on Nov 13, 2008 at 09:37PM
Hi guys,I wanted to share this with you!
So here I were looking to some grey's forums and they had the most funny/weird spoiler conversation ever!
They were talking about ghost-sex,you know between izzie/denny!He is back as a ghost/vision that only izzie can see!
And here they were saying about ghost-sex and ok I will give you one line of what they said to get into theme:"Poor Katherine Heigl - she thought she had something to complain about in S4??? That's going to be nothing compared to ghost sex or the possibility of a long-dead-evil-Denny-twin that only Izzie can see."

I couldn't stop laughing!!!

Oh ok and maybe another one line:"LOL. So Denny has a place to live now (Casa), new clothes and a girlfriend. And he doesn't have to work. This dude has it made!"

House M.D. 7 replies

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over a year ago pumpkinpie99 said…
i wish i watched it :(
i never hav time to watch anything anymore :(
not even house :(
over a year ago amberRocks said…
The whole situation is so funny!Only izzie can see denny and she is so funnily freaking-out and in the future episodes she will like talk to him and thats why these guys were talking about ghost sex and stuff!*laughs again!*
and they are so right about katherine heigl!If you bash the writters you will get a storyline like that!
over a year ago amberRocks said…
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA­!Ca­n't stop laughing because when I saw this funny discuation of grey's fans I thought that the whole ghost-sex situation was joke but apparently it isn't!After watching the new epi of grey's now I saw the promo for next week and they were totally doing it!HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Ok and I will nevber say that grey's has anything in common with House!EVER!Grey's is so much funier when it pulls these crazy stuff!!!!!
(and another crazy stuff that happenmed in todays epi:Denny was totally aline and only izzie could see him and he was following her all day long saying weird stuff!HAHAHAHAHAHA!)
over a year ago miss_orange said…
i dont like greys anatomy.
but my friends always watch it!! it freeks me out!!
over a year ago Olivine said…
loool funny :D but i'm not a very big fan of denny.. i mean, he is dead..why does he always have to come's a little annoying
if they want him in the show, they shouldnt have killed him.
over a year ago youngblood said…
what Olivine said:P
over a year ago la_nina said…
My friends watch it and say it's an awesome show. But I've never seen it because many people consider it as a saup opera.
last edited over a year ago