House M.D. Club
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thx so much to PLH for this
thx so much to PLH for this
Alright before I start I’d like to apologize to the participants in this article who have been waiting for about 2 months for me to post this. Frankly I have no excuse, just being lazy and massive writer’s block. But lol I got it done so here it is, now for my little intro before the tour.

So again the time has come for me to look around the House MD spot and to pick a few individuals to highlight on their achievements of being active, posting lots of stuff and generally helping to keep out spot active and an interesting place to be. Its nice being a verteran now and seeing the newbies take control of the spot. So without further ado, I’d like to introduce some fans who clearly deserve a little reward for all of their hard work.

WELCOME WELCOME, HOW IS EVERYONE TODAY GOOD? Sorry my Microphone is acting a little strange today. Woah there is a lot of you, nearly 6000 of you how freakin cool is that? Must be all the PR Fox is putting out. Well Welcome, to the House MD spot. I will be your guide today, oldmovie. For those of you that have been here before, lots has changed since you’ve been away. Not only is there now a fully functioning bathroom, fans attempts at Cuddy’s laxative tricks demanded that, but we have a whole wing devoted now to the adoration of the new team. Oh and a gentleman’s club for all those of you that have a slightly naughtier side ;).

I thought I would start by showing you the new wing and some of the fans we have gained there since you have been gone. Now please let me warn you a little about the 13 fans, since we found out she is dying of hungintons they have gone slightly insane and also seem to think that they are simulanetously dying. *points to black drapes* They’re in a permament state of mourning, but here comes Immunity, she is a ray of sunshine here, she has the hopes of Thutner to get her through her day, Immune a word?


First of all describe yourself:
Okayy....I´m 19 years old, I study biology at Vienna, but I´m very interested in medicine too, especially in oncology.
*highfives Wilson*

Favourite Tv show:
House MD of course!

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):
That would be Remy Hadley <3
*cuddles Thirteen*

Do you ship, if so which ship:
I ship Thutner, but many others too ;)

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
I love every moment Kutner makes a funny comment and Wilson makes his cute face and every Thirteen scene.

Favorite episode:
They were all so good!
But maybe "You don´t want to know".

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
I would fire Taub and Foreman and get Cameron and Chase back into my team, so that the 4 members are Kutner, Thirteen, Chase and Cameron <3

Would you survive being a House fellow:
No, I don´t think so. Lol, I would suck at being a doctor, especially with House as my boss.

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
I love making images, articles and picks :)

Anything else you would like to say:
Visit the character and shipping spots more often, people <3

I’ll let Immunity get back to her biology books and Wilson swooning now. Speaking of Wilson swooners, look who we’ve got over there. Her name is Chandlerfan, now we must be very very quiet or we’ll scare her off. You see she is one of the rare fans that truly ships a lot of ships. Many fans will tell you they ship a lot but she is a true shipper. She’s here to catch a date I think with one of the hot nurses that also ship Wilteen and Huddy. Bad girl she’s married to PollylovesHouse, Chandlerfan how nice to see you.


First of all describe yourself:
I'd say I'm pretty crazy in general and I'm sure my friends will agree with that. I can be fun (I think) and yes, I do manage to use the brain I've been given, when I'm not watching TV/on the Internet i.e. not very regularly =P
Um, I don't know what else to say! I'm not too good describing myself!

Favourite Tv show:
Of course House, and also Friends, Heroes, CSI (all of them! well maybe not Miami...) and Hollyoaks (UK soap). I'm probably forgetting something and, oh, The Simpsons! XD

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):
I think most of you have already gathered that!

Do you ship, if so which ship:
Huddy <3
I did ship Wilber but you know half the ship has sunk =[
So either Wilteen or Thutner!
Oh and Faub! OK that last one wasn't serious...

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
Ooooh! That's a tough one! I love all of House's one-liners. Oh, I can't choose. (I think I'm getting as indecisive as Thirteen!)

Favorite episode:
House's Head/Wilson's Heart - so sad ='[

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what
would you do:
I'll be nice to everyone to confuse them. Oh and NOT limp.

Would you survive being a House fellow:
Yeah because I'm more likely to laugh than cry when he insults me - well he's gonna be right!

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
Picks I guess. I know they're a bit odd but hey.

Anything else you would like to say:
Kudos to this spot (The Best Spot Ever!)
And a big YAY for House MD!

Well Chandlerfan took away our attention for a moment there, back to the new team fans. Sometimes it gets a little dangerous wandering around here, you need to especially look out for PollylovesHouse. She has a tendency of either slapping you with a fish, or shocking you with defibilators, see being a Kutner fan can do that too you, something wrong with the upstairs wiring after watching so much electricity. Plus she’s got soo much dirt on me I’m afraid I would loose any respect I may/ or may not have accumulated here. *dodges behind a wall* SHE’S ON THE PROWL, SEE THE FISH?


First of all describe yourself:
Well, my name is Polly, but most of my friends call me Rocket and around here I am known as plh. I live in London, England. I get way too obsessed with things!!(not just TV shows)!! I am pretty tall, wear glasses... Not a lot to say really lol

Favourite Tv show:
House, obviously!! There is nothing better!! But I am also very fond of Grey's and Private Practice.

Favourite character of House MD (besides House):
I am completely in love with Kutner!! He is just so cool and funny and... cool!! (yes, I know I said cool twice, it's just to show how cool he really is!!)

Do you ship, if so which ship: I'm not the biggest shipper, but I do ship. During the Stacy arc I was really fond of her and House, but I think he made the right decision sending her away. Then I fell in love with Chase's attempts to woo Cameron, what with the flowers and the Tuesday thing, so sute!! As for now, I am a massive Thutner shipper!! <3

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
Ooooh!! So many to choose from!! I think my favorite at the moment is Kutner's "I love you" in Frozen, probably because I watched it last night!!

Favorite episode:
With season 4 still being freshest in my mind I think I will have to go with Alone... or Frozen... or Wilson's Heart (despite the depressingness!!)... Ooh! I also loved Damned If You Do, the one with the nuns.... ok, there are way too many to choose from to ask this question! No fair!

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
lol, I would probably walk around in a wedding dress all day, just to see everyone else's reactions!!!

Would you survive being a House fellow:
Maybe... I think I could survive the sarcasm and bullying, although I do know I have a tendency to get over emotional sometimes, and bottle up my feelings too much. I would hate to break down in front of House, I would never hear the end of it!!

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
My picks. They are just so much fun to make! They are my Vicodin lol

Anything else you would like to say:
I love you oldmovie!! What would we do with out you?!?! <3 <3 <3

Wandering around here is always interesting, occasionally you will meet a Taub fan…but most of them have ended up fish slapped by Pollyloveshouse and eventually get plastic surgery so often it kills them. Poor Taub fans. Well anyway, I thought I’d show you something very interesting I found the other day while investigating all of the nooks a crannys here before returning to the main part of the hospital, I mean spot. Oh dear! Crap! *cowers behind one of the guests* There goes my wife Cuddles. You see I shouldn’t be wandering around here after what happened with PollylovesHouse last time. She’s going to be soo pissed, you know when Cuddy got pissed in “Words and Deeds”? This will make Cuddy look like Cameron when she is angry. Maybe I should apologize, all I have to do is give her some Cuddy wallpaper, that will make things better, Cuddles?


First of all describe yourself:
I'm a 18 year old student from Germany who is crazy about House

Favourite Tv show:
House MD. But I also like other shows like Cold Case, ...

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):
Cuddy, actually she is my favorite character, followed very close by House.

Do you ship, if so which ship:
Huddy all the way.

Favorite moment/ line from House MD
Um...hard question:
Cuddy: „So many people, so much energy and drama just trying to find someone who is almost never the right person anyway. That just shouldn't be so hard.“
House: I got tickets to a play

Favorite episode:
Another tough choice, I really love Fetal position, Airborne, Insensitive, Act your age, Three stories, Informed Consent and so on.

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
Probably stalk House and Cuddy all day long and try to couple them xD.

Would you survive being a House fellow:
Lol I don't know. If my medical wisdom would be as good as it is now, House would probably die of despair...and before that he would kill me xD.

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
Lol, I created the House MD Role Play Game, beside that I post picks, vids and immages like everybody else.

Anything else you would like to say:
I love being on Fanpop it's great there and the people are so nice.

Phew, she’s not mad. Well back to the interesting place I found. Now if you can see that little hole over there in the wall next to the functioning bathroom, that is actually the entrance way to the hidden underground fan-base for Hilson. Run out by the other shippers, the poor Hilsons have had to take their possessions and move to the sewers. This will be a rare and strange encounter, please no cameras or video-recordings, here is one now, oh Spotty_Vision21!


First of all describe yourself:
I am 14 years old and live in mormonpotatoland (aka Idaho.) I became a House fan in season 3 and am still loving it. <3

Favourite Tv show:
This is actually a toughie. I'd have to say... Scrubs. By a margin. House is really really close though.

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):
So many tough decisions, god! D< Just kidding. Kutner. His electric personality and fiery persona are awesome. And the awkwardness. He rox my sox.

Do you ship, if so which ship:
Lot's of them. Huddy, Hilson, Thutner, and until Amber died Wilber. Actually, my plan to make all shippers happy would be a giant orgy, all characters in. If you are interested, meet me at midnight behind the shed. I have a plan to blackmail Shore into doing it.

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
"Yo Momma." Just the context and the fact that WILSON said it... xD!

Favorite episode:
Season 4 finale. If I had to choose between the two? I suppose House's Head.

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
Probably clutch my leg and sob the whole 24 hours. I don't have much of a pain tolerance :/

Would you survive being a House fellow:
Please. My whole family communicates using sarcasm and insults. House? Pssh. No biggie.

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
Well, I haven't contributed much other than comments. Maybe a pick or two. Let's go with general awesome. :D

Anything else you would like to say:
Just in case some of you haven't heard, me and EverybodyLies are now engaged. Come if you want. Bring presents and shit, cause that would make us happy.

Yes please do come to the wedding, it will be a wonderful meeting of all of the House MD fans in one spot, I suggest the cafeteria, all mutual ground for all shippers. Anyway, now I think its time we returned to the main hospital, dammit spot! Well since your last visit, it seems the Huddy shippers have taken over, they’re everywhere the eye can see. Well its kind of easy to tell us apart now, before we used to all just use canes and pop Vicodin, but now Huddy shippers can be identified as the people that are wearing SEASON 5 BABY, on their T-shirts. But as I always warn you, please please please be careful around them. Huddy fans can either be very nice people, or lunatics that have escaped our swat team. Never ever go in without supervisation from a tour leader. Oh here’s a safe one, HouseCuddy4ever, she swings back and forth from Hameron to Huddy so I think we’re safe, WAIT NO LET GO OF MY HAIR, DON’T MAKE ME USE A SEDATIVE!


First of all describe yourself:
With 1 word:Obsessive.
I wear glasses.I have Lisa E.'s hair color.I tend to obsess over stuff,like House.I spend most of my day sleeping and on my computer.My friends think I need to stop watching House.I love to drink soda(and alcoholic drinks virtually).I love talk,I tend to talk too much.My life dream is to visit the City of Angels-Los Angeles,California.

Favourite Tv show:
House(of course!),Jeeves and Wooster,A bit of Fry and Laurie,and ER(I watch the season's during the '90s.Those are the best seasons,in my opinion)

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):
Cuddy.She's intelligent and beautiful.Lame reasons I know.I love her character because she is stronger than the rest of the women on House.Cameron is soft.And Thirteen is mysterious and a wannabe Cameron.

Do you ship, if so which ship:
Yes I do ship.I ship:
Huddy,Wilber,Chameron,Wameron,Wilteen,Thutner,& Wuddy

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
The House and Hector moments <3,and the Huddy moments

Favorite episode:
Season 2xEpisode 17-All In

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
I would piss off so many clinic patients and Cuddy has to yell at me and I would act really nice with her(to confuse her of course!),I would tell Cameron off,I would fire Taub,I would get some scissors and cut Chase's hair(when he's not looking),I wouldn't bother with the patient(if there is one) and hand it off to the team.Oh,and I would flip off Foreman.

Would you survive being a House fellow:
Yeah.I would match wits with House,come up with crazy diseases,play tricks on House(when it's necessary!)

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
Commenting,making picks,writing articles,and sometimes I make icons.

Anything else you would like to say:
I think Hugh Laurie is the most sexiest man in the world <3

Well since we’re on the topic of Huddy, I might as well show you the latest installment, the gentleman’s club. In a sort of celebration for season 5, the huddies decided to use the money they raised auctioning off pictures of Cuddy’s boobs to build their own strip club in honor of House’s Head. Now a common initiation into the huddy ship is to stand up on stage and show your stuff, I mean literally show your stuff! A fan recently initiated Pumpkinpie99 how does it feel to be a stripper?


First of all describe yourself:
Im 15, nearly 16, i LOVE house more than any other show by far!!!! ummm i love sports.... singing... ummm...
Im small and have brown hair, blue eyes (i really dnt know what 2 put in this question sorry om), my friends say that im insane and sacrastic.. but thats why they love me
o yer im an only child which i hate! lol

Favourite Tv show:

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):

Do you ship, if so which ship:

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
hmmmm soo many 2 choose form
i like the quote "you know how people say u can't live without love, well air is more important"!!! haha

Favorite episode: tricky... would have 2 say insensitive!!

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
id make huddy happen, and attempt 2 save the patient form the little biology i know lol
o yer... and id buy him an awesome pink cane haha

Would you survive being a House fellow:
i think so.... im not easily manipulated by people like him

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
HUDDY!!! lol

Anything else you would like to say:
OM is awesome!!! lol
House is the best!!!!
Huddy forever and ever!!!

One thing a little bad about the club, is it sometimes lets younger members of our community through which isn’t always a good thing. Cocacola, was amongst those scared by the Huddy stripping. Luckily for us all cocacola was never really very innocent and after watching an initiation ceremony proceeded to get up on stage and without warning begin her own. Brave, brave girl.


First of all describe yourself: I am 13 years old, fairly tall, with blond hair and bright blue eyes. I am a triplet. (thats right there's 2 more of me!) I'm good at drawing. I'm a goalie in soccer, I have a second degree blackbelt in Tae-kwon-do, and a green belt in Hapkido.

Favourite Tv show:
Why House of course!

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):
Wilson, him and House are like the dynamic duo!

Do you ship, if so which ship:
yes, mainly Huddy, but I support Chameron, Wilbur, and Thutner.

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
Hard to say but its probably when he knocked over everything on his desk domino-style.

Favorite episode:
House's Head, and Airborne

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
So many opportunities... I would doodle all over the whiteboard of coarse!
Would you survive being a House fellow:
I might if it weren't for the fact that I'm a minor and know nothing about medicine.

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
I like to make picks and make either funny or helpful comments on forums.

Anything else you would like to say:
no...not really

*passes out drinks from the bar to all of the guests* Now because of all of this gossip going on about season 5, thank you very much ausseilo, people have starting making up their own predictions for what is going to happen season 5. Should we allow un-trained, un-civilized junkies make their judgements on the new season? NEVER! That is why we’ve begun to hire real professionally trained fortune tellers, like salemslot, to give us a glance into our future. Salemslot, what does the future hold for us?


First of all describe yourself:
Completely demented!My nickname is Norman Bates!However,I'm above all, a bookworm(there's no space in my room for my collection),shy,really naive,stubborn(you have no idea),lose my patience easily but I'm also a good listener,compassionate and never yield under pressure.
Favourite show:What else,House MD but Lost is close by

Favourite character of House MD(besides House):

Do you ship,if so which ship?
Only one,HUDDY,from day one,but I don't mind Chameron

Favourite moment/line from House MD:
Last scene from Wilson's Heart

As administrator,there are some people in accounting I'm scheduled to sleep with first

Favourite episode:
Both House's Head and Who's your Daddy?

If you were given the chance to be House for a day,what would you do?
Start mass-hysteria frenzie,causing the evacuation of PPTH,leaving me and Cuddy all alone in the building,Cuddy at my mercy...

Would you survive being a Housse fellow?
No way!With the patience(or lack of it) I'd probably be fired for punching House

What's your specialty on House Md Fanpop:
Quiz making(we have become so experts that the quiz is becoming impossible for non-fanatics to keep up with the rest of us)

Anything else you would like to say:
It's an honour to be a prominent fan on this spot,I don't think I've ever been obsessed over sth,like the way I'm with House,in my entire life.Oh,and HUDDY FOREVER(I couldn't resist)!

Alright we’ll leave the gentleman’s club now, I can see the Hamerons amongst you getting testy. To make up for my obvious biasm, I will find you a Hameron to talk to. They are kind of hard to find nowadays, the Huddies tend to scare them off, but if you look carefully enough you can find one. Oh hello Blazing-fire, you see you can tell she’s a hidden Hameron. One of her favourite episodes is Airborne, an obvious ploy to keep the Huddy’s happy ;). How have you been Blazing-fire?


First of all describe yourself:
I'm 16. Live in Melbourne,Australia. I'm a city girl on the outside but a country girl at heart. I love horse riding and music. I sing in a school choir and I currently coach junior school gymnastics. I started watching House MD on and off in 2006 but became addicted around the end of 2007. Since early 2008, I decided that I want to study medicine once I finish high school, hopefully specialising in immunology.

Favourite Tv show:
That would have to be House MD.

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):

Do you ship, if so which ship:

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
There's so many to pick from. You've got me between a rock and a hard place. It's a toss up between the hug that Cameron gave House after she realised that House apologized to Wilson and the kiss between House and Cameron.

Favorite episode:
Once again rock and a hard place. Airborne would have to be up the top.

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
Steal Wilson's lunch, make a pass at Cuddy about her breasts/arse, annoy Cameron in the ER, save a patient, make a bisexual joke at 13, convince Kutner to get away from the difibrulators, do clinic duty to see Cuddy's reaction, claim the patient doesn't have lupus,

Would you survive being a House fellow:
quite possibly. I'm a strong person but I'm sensitive. I'm used to teachers riding me.

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
I'm more of an all-rounder. I've had a dabble at few things.

Anything else you would like to say:
Since watching House MD, I've started watching more dramas. City Homicide (aussie cop drama), Bones, Private Practice and Grey's Anatomy. JM and LE are my favourite acteresses because of House.

Now we’ve finally managed to leave the Huddy area of the spot, let’s take another look around shall we? *whistles and wanders* Did you all know that House MD was based off of Sherlock Holmes and *is tackled* JESUS, OH CRAP CRAZY HUDDY ATTACK, GET OFF WHERE’S MY CANE? These things happen from time to time, just keep a copy of the Hameron kiss on you at all times and they will quietly go away.


Something about me:
My name is Lianna.
I have extremely straight hair, waist length. I'm not quite sure about the color, my friends say it's kind of chestnut color.
I adore Winnie the Pooh.
I know English and French. I'm learning Spanish by myself and I can speak some now.
I dream about traveling to USA one day.
I like music and jigsaw puzzle.

My favorite Tv show:
House M.D.(of course), ER, Criminal Minds, Friends, Dead Like Me, Malcolm in the middle...

Besides House, I like Cuddy, Wilson, Kutner, Amber & Foreman.

I ship Huddy, and Wilber is my favorite ship too.

Favorite moment:
All Huddy moments:Airborne, grabbing ass, holding hands...
House, Cuddy & Wilson played cards
Wilson kidnapped House's guitar
Wilson dated Cuddy and House was jealous
Ducklings tried to get Cuddy's thong

Favorite episodes:
Three Stories
Top Secret
Fetal Position
Act Your Age
House's Head
Wilson's Heart

If I was given the chance to be House for a day, I would steal everybody's lunch and ask Cuddy on a date. ;P

Would you survive being a House fellow?

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop?
Answering & making questions
Posting videos

I hope Santa gives me more Huddy in season 5 as my Christmas gift.

Well I’d like to show you all now where I work if that’s okay with you, where all the magic happens so to speak. Welcome to the tour guides’ office. You see the person, in the drag asleep in the corner over there? That’s Anusha, she does a lot of specific ship tours and constantly has to change. You see she’s very good at maintaining her head about ships and can talk to everyone about anything, so she has to change constume a lot. *pokes her* Anusha wake up so we can talk to you.


First of all describe yourself:
According to my friends I'm crazy but I'm really a quiet person seriously however don't pissed me off lol JUST KIDDING!. I love to look at TV series such as Bones, Lost, Cold Case, NCIS, all CSI's etc. but most of all I'm an obsessed freak of House MD.

Favourite Tv show:
House MD however Bones and Lost are not far behind.

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):

Do you ship, if so which ship:

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
WOW I have alot of favorite moments/ lines, lets see, I think I will only mention two....
The scene between House and Stacy at the airport where House wouldn't give up wanting to know why she didn't wear her cross. Too long for me to quote...moving on...

When Cuddy was in her office and House points the laser at her thats was funny.
CUDDY: " I'm sitting there, hoping its a sniper, because at least then the sociopath isn't my employee."

Again thats only TWO I have many more.

Favorite episode:
Half- Wit

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
Tell people exactly whats on my mind and don't care what they think also pull pranks on everyone and hit on Cuddy.

Would you survive being a House fellow:
I think so...start off being on everyone good side.

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
Uploading Images and Commenting.

Anything else you would like to say:
House Rules! and THANK YOU OM, you are great! :)

If you look over there, you will see the person who you have heard over the intercom all day. She makes the morning announcements, makes the afternoon ones but weirdly checks out at about 3 so we don’t have any evening ones. That’s a major complaint here, so we’ll need to fix that heeeresjoyce care to talk with us for a few moments, please normal voice here.


First of all describe yourself:
My name's Joyce (obviously), I'm 13 and live in Texas. According to my friends, I read too much, but they don't know what they're talking about. ;) I also obsess over TV shows "too much," but as I said before, they don't watch the shows that I do, and they've never heard of Fanpop. :)

Favourite Tv show:
Hmmm...I watch a lot of shows, and I love them all for different reasons! I don't have a favorite, just the ones that I watch: House MD, Bones, Psych, Monk, and Scrubs.

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):
Wilson - I'm completely jealous of House for having such an awesome friend.

Do you ship, if so which ship:
Huddy, Chameron, and Thutner.

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
There's a billion of them! I recently watched the awesome House/Wilson "Seriously?" scene, though, so I guess that one.

Favorite episode:
Umm....Either Half-Wit or Wilson's Heart.

If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
I'd solve a medical mystery (despite my lack of medical knowledge), insult people, and then go buy an exact replica of the bitchin' cane.

Would you survive being a House fellow:
I think so, although I'd probably disagree with House over a lot of things, so then again, I'd probably get fired.

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
The forum, or just comments on anything else.

Anything else you would like to say:
Thank you oldmovie for including me in the new Munchausen's for House article. :)

And now finally we come to the House MD spot burial site, for those of the House MD Spot whose parents have caught them too much online, or have moved on from their obbessivness, or just forgot about us all here. We pay our respects to those users that no longer wander around our spot and we remember them here. Our most recent burial was that of House_whatelse, a very lovely young lady whose parents got pissy with her. We will all remember you fondly, KEEP WATCHING HOUSE!

First of all describe yourself:
I am a busy body. I'm either obsessing over House and on the Internet, I'm doing schoolwork, watching the new House episode, or I'm practicing/playing the three sports I play competitvely (softball,basketball,volleyball). Besides that I am smart, serious, and usually sarcastic out of habit.

Favourite Tv show:
House MD, but if that was cancelled (knock on wood), all reruns were actidentally burned, the Internet some how failed forever, all the DVD's of House broke, and my family deleted my recordings as an intervention, then I would choose wither Heroes or M*A*S*H

Favourite character of House Md (besides House):
I would have to say Wilson just because he has the best scenes with House. Plus he is a great cook, and he can be innocent, knieving, compassionate, and an ass all when it is called for. His sarcasim and jokes are hilarious especially on House. Again this is after House because House is the best and no one has came close to him yet, except Wilson somewhat.

Do you ship, if so which ship:
I guess I ship, I don't really do it except to say that I am an official House shipper (House + No One) because I have accepted and think that is how he will end up. But of course him and Cuddy have to have hot sex before he is alone and a lot of it.

Favorite moment/ line from House MD:
I have many favorite moments. First this one from Act Your Age.
HOUSE: You're trying to have sex with Cuddy.
WILSON: [Looks at House.] Fries?
HOUSE: You took her to a play, you only take women to plays because...
WILSON: No, YOU only take women to plays for that reason. That's your theory.
HOUSE: Ok, then why did you take her to a play?
WILSON: She's a friend.
HOUSE: A friend with a squish mitten.
WILSON: It is possible to have a friend of the opposite sex without...
HOUSE: Blasphemer! She's not a friend of the opposite sex she's a different species. [Takes a fry.] She's an administrator. She's going to eat your head after she's done.
WILSON: Yes, I slept with her.
HOUSE: [Shocked.] Seriously?
HOUSE: [Not convinced.] Yes you did.
WILSON: [Quietly.] Yes I did.
HOUSE: [Shocked.] Seriously?
WILSON: No. You've got a problem House.

Then secondly the scene at the end of Ugly where House and Cuddy are watching the documentary together.

A third moment I like the one from All In where House and Wilson are talking code over cards and Cuddy.

And I liked the war between the terrorist and House over House interviewing and his guitiar in Alone

There are so many more but I can't go on.

Season 1: Three Stories

Season 2: Failure to Communicate

Season 3: Airborne and The Jerk

Season 4: Games
If you were given the chance to be House for a day, what would you do:
I would start off my day by riding in the parking lot on my amazing motorcycle in my warm but coom leather jacket. I would limp into the hospital with my bitchin' cane and ride the elevator up to the diagnostic office where I would lead a differental on a patient whose case is interesting to me. After that I would start a joke on Cuddy or someone else on my team and go tell Wilson about it. I would then walk out and go down to the ER where I would sit rediclule Cameron and hide from Cuddy. Somebody (*cough* Cameron *cough*) would call Cuddy on me where I would be forced to do clinic duty. I would then sneek out of clinic duty, pick up some Vicodin and meet Wilson in the cafeteria and steal his lunch. (Yum!) I would then insult my team and come up with another differental where the procedure would be against hospital regulations. From there I would walk into my office and play lacrosse with my cane and big tennis ball against the wall. Cuddy would then approach me in the elevator after playing and we would argue and I eventually would win. After popping a Vicodin, I would be forced into clinic duty again, and I would first tell Thirteen to do the procedure while also making a bi joke. (hehehe) I would go through some patients where I would eventually have an epithamy and discover the answer, save the patient, expain myself while making fun of my team. I would end my day expaining my day to Wilson, and then hop back on my motorcycle and go home. At home I would play the piano as amazingly as Hugh Laurie and then go to bed.

Would you survive being a House fellow:
I think I could survive being a House fellow and I would be a lot like Kutner and Cameron combined, I think I would make a fool of myself sometimes like Kutner but I would be somewhat like Cameron as well.

What’s your “specialty” on House MD Fanpop:
I would say my fanfictions that are growing in numbers as this is being written, I can't write anything well except these, watch me be a TV script writer. Not really, just joking, it could happen though.

Anything else you would like to say:
I would like to say that thanks for the opprotunity, I didn't expect to be added in this list. And sorry it is so wrong, I'm a perfectionist and I like to write in detail.
Favorite Episode: I couldnt' choose so I choose one for each season.


So that concludes the tour for now. Thank you all for stopping by once again, it was an interesting and slightly eventful tour. Now that season 5 has hit the US we all have much to look forward to and much to anxiously await. Thank you to all of you that have been such great fans and really keep this spot as fresh and exciting as it always is!

I’m sorry to anyone who feels they were left out of this article, please take no offense. If you work hard and make your presence known to me, I will make sure that you are placed on this ever-growing list of people.

Thanks again to all the wonderful fans and its nice to see our spot growing and becoming such a great place to be!
added by HousefanPL
added by elenita_93
Source: noblestallion in Deviantart
added by Immunity
Source: me
added by EnjoyHuddy
Source: Made by me!!!!!
added by EnjoyHuddy
Source: Mery83
added by oldmovie
Source: my_vicodin
added by PotterGal
Source: blue_frizzante at livejournal
added by PotterGal
Source: glicine_33 at livejournal
added by oldmovie
Source: glicine_33
added by Nine00
added by Huddyaddict12
added by amberRocks
Source: ABC for izzie,denny and FOX for wilson,amber
added by katiemariie
Source: darknumb @ LiveJournal
added by tubby2002
added by tubby2002
added by DramaGeek
added by tubby2002
added by rosecerione
Source: Fox / posted to Celebutopia
added by caramelmilk
Source: FOX
added by wendus92
Source: FOX/