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It's Hilly's interview time!
It's Hilly's interview time!
She's a vodka-holic, Huddy-holic and Huli-holic (wow, that sounds weird). She also happens to be my awesome fiance :P
I present to you, the one and only: Hilly! *applause*

1. Introduce yourself!
Well, I'm huddyislove, but people know me as Hilly. I'm a major Huddy shipper, but I'm also a HUGE Huli shipper (and don't look at me that way, yeah, just like that! XD)
Anyway, people on fanpop usually relate me to vodka and shopping. And the weird thing is- they find me off cause I like shopping and actually have a life. XD Sometimes I feel like an underdog in the whole House MD fandom :P
But I still love my fanpopers :) and I wouldn't miss anything on here for the world :)
Oh, I forgot to mention nail polish. Pink one! Yeah... I just needed to mention that... (*waits for the stare*)

2. How have you started to watch House MD and why?
I've started watching it from season 1, I think it was Occam's razor. I found it interesting, but I didn't get hooked right away. I was a major CSI fan back then. It wasn't only until Joy aired I've really become addicted to it :)
Oh, and why did I start watching it?
I think I was bored that day... And it's not really an answer you want to get from an obsessed House fan XD

3. What is this one thing that made you continue to watch this show?
Are you seriously gonna ask me that?
*cough* Huddy *cough*

4. Favorite character and why?
Ok, I kinda wished you didn't ask me this. Mainly because OM already said Cuddy was her fave character, and if I was to say Wilson- Bery would kill me.
Who do I settle for then?
How about the OT3? House/Cuddy/Wilson?

I love all of them equally. Wilson will always be that cute problem-solver with horrible love life, House will always be... well House, and Cuddy...
Cuddy is always gonna be someone I can relate to most (minus the baby obsession) and someone that reminds me of my mother just a bit too much. (Trust me, if I didn't know differently, I'd think DS tracked my mum and based Cuddy on her

5. When did you feel happy for your favorite character and when did you feel the worst?
Wilson: Happy for him when he won at poker in All in :) , sad when he lost Amber
House: Happy for him when he got his carpet back in Lines in the sand, sad when he realized he hallucinated having sex with Cuddy
Cuddy: Happy for her when she finally got a chance to be a mum in Joy to the world, sad when House told her she'd suck at being a mum in
Finding Judas

6. Favorite episode from each season.
Wow, you really meant when you said you wanna torture me!
(never mind the hearts, I just didn't want all my answers to be plain :P)
Season 1- ♥ Babies and bathwater -mainly because it's the first episode we see how much Cuddy would sacrifice for House

Season 2- ♥ Need to know -because Cuddy's impersonation of Stacy OWNED

Season 3: ♥ One day,one room -we finally get to realize, even for a tiny bit, why House has become so damaged

Season 4: ♥ Alone -it was fun to watch House and Wilson terrorizing each other. I still get tears in my eyes cause House messed with Wilson's TiVo

Season 5: ♥Unfaithful -purely for Huddy reasons. This episode was such a roller-coaster of their emotions, it was just a representative episode for their relationship. It really gives you a whole look on the way they function, you get to see how much they mean to each other, just how complicated their relationship is, and just why their stubbornness wouldn't let them be together

Season 6 (so far): ♥The tyrant- -come on, if, before this episode, we hadn't had a slightest idea why we watch House, we knew once we've seen it. Pure Houseian glory.
Ethical issues, secrets, murder.
It was all wrapped up in 42 minutes we'll never forget.

7. What's your favorite season and why?
My favorite season would be season 4 because it's FUN!
Even though it's short, we get to see how House fulls around with his new, and OH so huge, team, we see him and Wilson playing games, we get to see Wilson in a FUNCTIONAL relationship (which, of course, couldn't last).
We also experience Huddy in a bit more complex way than we did in season 3 and the ending of this season, well, I'd lie if I said it wasn't breathtaking.
House would know the best: link

8. There were many episodes where the POTW made us learn something about House. What is your favorite episode/moment from that?
Well, I already mentioned I loved One day one room from season 3. But, I'll use this opportunity to say...
Ignorance is bliss. This man could really, truly relate to House.
And House finally get to realize that sometimes, you need to sacrifice something to get something else.
Unless you want to end up as an alone miserable genius.

9. You obviously love Huddy, why is that?
I'd slap you if I could right now (we're kinky like that XD)
It's complex, deep and hot. And beside that, they give me hope.
If two stubborn idiots like the two of them can end up together, for good, there is more than enough hope for the rest of us 'normal' mortals.

10. There are many disagreements between Huddy and Hameron fans, what do you think about this all bashing thing?
You know, I have no idea. I've never been someone to argue, especially not with Hameron fans.
As a matter of fact, some of my best fanpop buddies are Hamerons/non Huddies.
When it comes to bashing, it's all come down to who feels threatened by who.
If you can't stand Hameron, in such way you'd like to slumber Cameron, you obviously see her as a threat. That also, sadly, means you DO see why Hameron could be together.
So, if you really hate another ship so much, it's just because you don't believe in your OTP as much as you should.
And that just sucks.

11. Besides Huddy, do you have another favorite ship?
Does it have to be on House?
If not, I really love Booth and Brennan from Bones and Scully and Mulder from X files.
If it needs to be on House, I'd say Baby Rachel and Lord Duckington the 8th.

12. Hilson: Romantic relationship or just awesome friendship?
Awesome, SUPER awesome friendship :D

13. Both Wilson and Cuddy tried to help House, but who do you think helped him the most?
Neither Cuddy nor Wilson could help him lay off Vicodin.
He had to do it himself.

14. Let's take you back to season 5 for a minute, what did you think about House's mental deterioration after Kutner's suicide?
It's sad how someone can go to such length when it comes to self destruction.
He had to know he wasn't coping, I think he in fact, did know he wasn't coping, but he didn't care.
Or he cared enough to let himself go down. He didn't have any reason why he'd want to help himself.
And when he realized he did, when he hallucinated Cuddy helping him, being there for him, having someone by his side to give a meaning to his life, it was too late.

15. And what did you think about House's hallucination about having sex with Cuddy?
I just told you :P :)
I also thought if Jack Bauer needed a new way of psychically torturing people, he should make them watch BSN.

16. The battle of the teams: Which is your favorite?
The newest team. Chase, Taub, Foreman and Thirteen.
I wish Cameron was there just to get a bit jealous of all of them being close to House. ;)
But I guess she can do that from Chicago as well XD

17. House was obviously connected in some level to his ducklings, who do you think he liked the most?
I think I tried to answer a pick similar to this question on House MD spot, but I failed.
I will never ever ever be able to answer this.
(and shut up Aivi, it's not Cameron)

18. Let's put you in Tritter's and Vogler's shoes, why do you think they hated House so much?
Let's be honest, wouldn't you?
Sure, we see House fully, we see how he functions, we see Wilson and Cuddy being there for him because they know he's worth it.
But they don't. They didn't.
They eventually realized that maybe, he wasn't someone they should have hated.
Tritter saw Cuddy perjuring herself for House and must have realized just how much she was putting in jeopardy for someone who he thought wasn't worth it.
Vogler experienced that as well, but in a different situation.

19. Prepare yourself mentally: What do you think about Lucas and his relationship with Cuddy?
What do I think about Lucas? He's immature and awkward and has more luck than he should.
When it comes to their relationship, I will go to such extent to say he'll help Cuddy.
He'll eventually help her realize that she really doesn't want an American dream.
That she doesn't want a 2.4 kind of guy. That she doesn't want to fall in a such-a-boring-everyday routine where it all comes down to checking your watch and praying you'll have 3 and not 2 minutes of sex before you go to work.

20. Wilson and Cameron are alike in some ways, but still people love Wilson and Hate Cameron. Why do you think this is happening?
Again with the threats.
No matter how much House/Wilson interactions fans get, they know TPTB would never get Hilson together.
Apart from that, Wilson delivers his statements with signature Superman pose Cam doesn't own.

21. When Thirteen entered the show, many people said she is like Cameron. Did you think the same back then?
They thought that? Seriously?
That's like saying duck and chicken are alike. Well, maybe they are in some ways, and duck would, in this case, definitely go for a chicken.
Or not.
Wait, I got it all messed up, can we do it again?

22. The Forteen drama on season 5 – Liked it or not?
Liked the fact that it showed us Foreman is not a robot.
Well, not entirely.

23. Agree or not:
House is a heartless bastard. - disagree
Cuddy doesn't know what she wants in her life.- agree, partially. She knows what she wants, but is that working for her? No
Wilson is a manipulative bitch.- agree
Cameron is too much caring and naïve.- disagree. Just go and watch Informed consent again
Chase isn't that smart like the rest.- disagree. He is smart, it's just that people don't take him too seriously cause he has such an awesome hair
Thirteen was gotten in the team only because of her beauty.- from the Houseian point of view, I have to disagree. (just watch Ugly again)
but when it comes to TPTB I don't think Olivia's hotness hurt the show
Foreman is boring.- is there a stronger word than agree?
Taub is useless.- disagree. He's very funny and gives the whole show that 'Oh, we love him but we don't know why' type of character
Lucas doesn't deserve Cuddy.- this one is tricky. I'd rather say Cuddy doesn't deserve Lucas. She's never done anything in her life to deserve a caring man by her side. She just got used to getting everything she wants.
I think Lucas deserves someone that could truly (there's no underline option, *sighs*) love him and care for him. He's just one of the elements that makes Cuddy's 'dream' complete.

24. If you could change one thing on the show, what would it be?
I wouldn't change anything. Although, I would like to throw a decent significant other at Wilson, but OH wait! [spoiler alert!] That IS gonna happen![/spoiler alert]

25. Many Huddy fans hate Lydia, but still, can you think about something nice about her and her short relationship with House?
I don't hate her. As a matter of fact, I think the whole relationship with her made House realize he is capable of having a relationship. That is something you can't pretend isn't true.

26. All the cast has a great chemistry, but who do you think has the best one?
I should have believed you when you said I'd like this one.
Huli- Hugh/Lisa. Without a doubt! :D
I would like to go on and on about them, but there's more than 10 questions left and I want you to read through them all XD

27. You have the chance to work as any of the characters' assistant. Who will you choose to work with and why?
Assistant? That sounds so boring XD
Look how Foreman's brother ended up :P

28. Do you think Dibala was the cause of Chameron's breakup or they would have broken up anyways even without that case?
I think Cameron just needed a way out. She just wasn't completely ready for the whole marriage thing.
At first, I believed it was cause of Dibala, but once she said 'I loved Chase' second after she broke up with him, I knew that wasn't the case.
It was the one time on the show I actually thought she was a cold hearted b!tch.

29. Cuddy adopting Rachel – Good or bad?
Good, though, I wish it was a Huddy baby she had, but oh well, you can't always get what you want.

30. A lot of people said the show lost the magic it used to have, what do you have to say to those people?
Have you even been watching it? Or did you just stop because Cuddy got together with Lucas.
Turn that TV on on Monday, 8 o'clock and shut up!

31. If Wilson wasn't there, do you think House's personality would be different?
Maybe not, but we certainly wouldn't get to see a whole new dimension of House's persona that Wilson brings out.

Now and Then
Now and Then
32. Throughout the seasons, all of the characters have grown up and developed. Who do you think have grown up the most?
House. That's pretty obvious.
When I watch season 1 I ask myself, who is that guy?
Of course, he took baby steps, but he sure has grown.

33. After knowing what the characters have gone through, what would you say and each of them if you could go back in time to their first appearance on the show?
I would never do anything like that.
If you show people the future, they don't have one (Paycheck - link) )

34. If you could, would you agree to work with House?
I have no words for this so I'll show you what I'd do if someone was to ask me this for real:

35. House MD is all about diagnostics and finding out what's wrong with people. Have you ever learned something from this show? (Medically)
I've learned that if you have hots for someone 30 years older than you, you might just have spores in your brain.

36. Not all of the episodes were liked by some fans, so what is yours?
*searches through her House DVDs to find an episode that she doesn't like* Well, it appears that I'm not one of those fans

37. "Everybody lies." House says this a lot. Do you agree?
See I lied as well.
I guess you can't really escape this.

38. Do you think the comedy moments add to the show or not?
Of course they add to this show! :D
If it wasn't for them, House would be one hulluva pessimistic show.
(I mean, more than it is right now)

39. If you could be a writer for a day, what would you write for the show?
There's only one person fans are allowed to hate and that is DS.
I meant, are allowed to love.

40. What do you think about Taub?
I love him! :D
He's funny and he's the only one that appears to have least problems.
Normal guy :)

41. Imagination time – Huddy is finally together. What is your reaction?
I'm enjoying this moment and flailing with the rest of the Huddy fandom :DDDD
But I don't think they'd ever be together in every sense of that word.
And I actually look forward to that :)

42. We can't finish this interview without saying something about the end of House MD. How do you think it will end?
*is in denial* IT WILL NEVER END!!!! *sobs*
House will come with the revelation about life and will finally find some kind of a fulfillment.
Luckily, with Cuddy by his side :)

43. We clearly had some heartbreaking moments in the show, but we also had some rare happy ones. What is your favorite happy moment?
Happy moment?
Where? XD
I thought this show was all about making fans suffer.
If I stumble upon a happy moment, I'll let you know ;)

44. Anything else you would like to say?
I can't believe I didn't mention vodka since the first question!
So, help yourselves to some!

Oh, and congratulations for reading through ALL (yeah, right) my answers ;)
Love you all :D
added by shelbz_101
Source: made by shelbz_101
added by shelbz_101
added by angiii7
added by Chandlerfan
added by oldmovie
added by PotterGal
added by PotterGal
added by PotterGal
added by PotterGal
added by Fuyu
Source: TV Guide, Livejournal
added by LisaS
added by LisaS
added by Nine
added by sfdude
1. Gregory House
2. Lisa Cuddy
3. James Wilson
4. Robert Chase
5. Remy "Thirteen" Hadley
6. Lawrence Kutner
7. Amber "Cutthroat Bitch" Volakis
8. Christopher Taub
9. Stacy Warner
10. Allison Cameron
11. Eric Foreman
12. Rachel Taub
13. Lydia
14. Lucas Douglas

I liked seeing who turned out where and how some results were surprising while others weren't. ;)

Feel free to share your feelings and what you think of the results (whether they were predictable or not) or whatever else you think! (Good and bad but be kind please lol).

So there you are! Thanks to everyone who participated this was definitely interesting and a lot of fun :)
added by misanthrope86
Credit: House M.D. on YouTube.
house md
house vs god
season 2
added by othobsessed92
house md
greg house
added by sophialover
added by InesHameron
Source: by InesHameron