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House: His name is not Wilson and he's screwed up worse than I am!

Well, his name is Wilson and he's most certainly not as screwed up as House, but then...

How screwed up is Wilson?

I don't think we get to really see this side of Wilson until the episode with that quote I just used, "House vs God". Almost two complete seasons into the show and only then we get to see Wilson's screwed-up-ness exactly as it is.
Why did the writers take so long to introduce such an important feature of such an important character? Did it occur to them only just then that Wilson should be this way? I don't think so.

One of the reasons I like Wilson better than House is that House is a bit too obvious for my liking, he's too out there, his whole self screams "screwed up" in a way than not even the slowest people could possibly miss. Personally, I like Wilson's subtleness better. We've been getting hints of his issues since the beggining of the show but it was never that clear and open until "House vs God".
I found it pretty damn shocking when I saw the scene where House figures out Wilson had been sleeping with his patient, so didn't expect it from him. Why didn't we all expect it from him? How did we miss such an important trait to his character? Because he has this perfectly nice perfectly well adjusted persona so well developed that the screwed-up-ness is only visible and raw in his most vulnerable momments (for example, having recently been divorced). The only one that could ever see through that carefully developed persona, who would question such niceness is House. We (the viewers) had been just like everyone else on the show, only seeing Wilson like the boy wonder oncologist he appears to be. This is why his screwed-up-ness couldn't be revealed too quickly in the show, because it is supposed to be indeed VERY unobvious.

Why would he sleep with a patient? Because he has a compulsion to be "what whoever he's with needs him to be" (quote from "The Social Contract). Well no wonder he's been divorced three times then, who the hell can keep that up for that long? He pretends - or rather tries really hard - to be this perfect guy who you can count on with anything at any time of the day or of the night or whenever you are in need. Because he needs to save everyone, if he isn't there to save it the world might just fall appart. House interpreted this behaviour for us perfectly in "The Social Contract", it goes back to that one time he wasn't the perfect brother for his brother. His brother ran away and Wilson, "instead of trying to find meaning in semi-random events, he decided never to be that careless again, he developed his people pleasing skills the way an olympic athlete develops his muscles" (more quote). So he works so hard to correct any selfish behaviour of any kind to the point where he wont even bother to buy a water bed when he has wanted one his whole life (until after Amber he always lived either in a hotel room or with someone whom he would let pick the bed just like he did with Amber until she called him on it)

You know how relationships are all about give and take? I'm thinking Wilson does about 90% giving and 10% taking in every relationship he has. His every relationship with every women always seems to start with "She was having a rough time, she needed this or needed that, so I...".
In his relationship with House they usually focus on House's problems, it's him analizing what House does, acting like House's conscience, trying to get House to do the right thing, it's very rarely about Wilson.
He also seems to be very good friends with Cuddy and Cameron, he is there for Cuddy when she just got Rachel, he is there for Cameron in episodes like "Maternity" and "Acceptance" when she was having trouble with her patients.
Do either of them even know that he has a schizophrenic brother? Do either of them know that he was on antidepressants? I don't think so. They weren't there for him through any of that, but hardly their fault if he wont tell them about it. They were there for him when Amber died, that one was hard to miss, but even then did they know what Amber really meant to him? My point is that he is supposedly friends with both of them and he wont bother sharing any personal stuff with them, because every relationship he has he makes a point to make it about the other person and how he can help the other person. How screwed up is that?

When does nice become too nice? I don't think that being too nice will ever be of harm to other people, it can only harm your own self, being nice to the point where you forget any instinct of self preservation and self benefit. We can argue that Wilson's niceness was also harmful to his wives because they married a nice guy persona, like Bonnie said in "House Training" he was so knight in shinning armour. But actually his wives had just as much fault for being seriously retarded, there is no such thing as a knight in shinning armour, they saw Wilson as such because he acted as such and because they were all looking for this perfect guy to come and save them. That is a retarded concept, you are the only one that can save yourself, other people can be of support, but at the end of the day, it's all up to you. There was never any hope for any of Wilson's marriages, no matter wether or not he cheated on them or they cheated on him.

So why House? Why is House the only person with whom Wilson has managed to maintain a long-term connection? Becuase there are very few people in the world who question niceness, and even among those few ones that do I doubt that any of them besides House would go as far as House goes to find out the truth behind it all. Wilson's selfless nature doesn't allow him to share his personal issues with anyone else in order to keep his focus on the problems of whoever he's with.
Wilson didn't bother telling Cuddy or Cameron about being on antidepressants or having a homeless brother, and he didn't bother to tell House either. House himself only found out after stalking him, drugging him, spying on him and much deducing. And I think this is exactly why House might just be the perfect friend for Wilson, or rather the only kind of real friend Wilson can have. No one else would've ever found out about this stuff, because no one would do all the creepy stuff that House does to get to the bottom of things, but apparently it is the only way anyone can ever get to know any personal stuff about Wilson, he certainly doesn't seem willing to volunteer any of this information.
House pretty much sucks at being there for people, specially in delicate momments, he is terribly insensitive and his selfishness and arrogance know no limits, he basically sucks at supporting Wilson in rough times. But at least he knows, and sometimes that is about most of what people really need, to know that there is someone in the world who knows your misery, someone who is aware of what you are going through and to know that they give a crap, even if they aren't very good at showing it and they don't have the right words of support. He hangs on to House because House is the only one who ever sees the real him.

I guess there is no way of measuring screwed-up-ness, so we may never know exactly how screwed up is Wilson, but one thing I know is that the only way a "stupid screwed up friendship" can ever really work is if the members of such a friendship are just as screwed up on their own.
first if you havent, please read link

here is a part I just decided to add, to give a little more background to the story. its part of part

please rate and give constructive critizism! :)
and stay tuned for the continnual story!


The winter grew sparse as it blew toward spring. The trees had significant buds, the grass had shed its deep white barrier, and perhaps the most tell tale sign of winters end, the wind shifted its face to bring air from the southern most tips of the sky, instead of the cool Canadian air. Though the wind had its’ fallacies,...
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Firstly, wow. Good episode. Great episode.

Secondly, I'm gonna get the Huddy stuff out of the way, because I don't really have anything to say that Huddy fans will be interested in, and Hameron fans will be able to read my thoughts when I publish that article in the Hameron spot.

So, House and Cuddy didn't actually do the deed. Apparently there is a school of thought that suggests that actually they did do it, but I'm not sure where that came from, but whatever. Despite the fact that I love the House/Cuddy relationship and their kisses make my brain explode with wondrous joy, I have never actually...
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posted by huddyforever
That bitch doesn’t know who she’s messing with. Well she’s messing with me. Lisa Cuddy. Dean of Medicine. Her boss. Allison Cameron has no clue. I thaught she was over House. I guess not. What nerve! Chase is a decent man. He deserves better than Cameron. I’ll show her. I’ll just walk right up to her and ask her if she loves House. Not that I’m jealous or anything. I’m just…shit! I’m jealous. House won’t fall for her anyways…I don’t think…SHIT! Now I have to talk to him. It’s hard work loving an egotistical asshole!
posted by HugeEgoSorry
By next day afternoon, Cuddy was surprised when she noticed their house was silent than usual. Rachel wasn’t crying and the garden grasses were trimmed. She opened the door and still no cries, no noise and no mess. Just when she’s about to place the food she bought, she noticed the kisses chocolates shaped like a heart on the kitchen counter. She got one and pulled the paper out of the chocolate.
Paper one says: “I have you in my heart”
She smiled and got another one, read it and smiled. After doing this for several times, she realized that all paper that were in the kisses chocolates...
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Why these people cannot get cut off..

> Cuddy- Lisa renewed her contract, Huddy sex, Her baby she just got this season, no reason to cut her off.

>House-....Kinda obvious why HOUSE can't get cut off the show named HOUSE!!

> Wilson- He is supposed to get some romance, Robert renewed his contract, His brother kinda just got introduced, no reason to get cut off

>Chase- Jesse renewed his contract, him and cameron got a big role in season 6, no reason to cut him off he hasn't had any screen time lately

>Cameron- Jennifer renewed her contract, Her and Chase have a big role in season 6, no reason to cut her off.

>Thirteen- it says no one we would expect but ehh idk

>Kutner- why cut him off???

Taub - i really think it is him...

he is miserable, he is losing money which leads to suicide, he didn't renew his contract

Foreman- i have no clue about him but they can't since her renewed his contract also
You're unbelievably annoying,
with every word you say,
your unrelenting arrogance,
just pushes me away.
But something drew me near,
in that meeting those many years ago,
I'm not really sure what it is,
but I still can't, and haven't let it go.

You're bitter and your a pain,
those I can't deny,
but you have this special quality,
where to you, I cannot lie.
I think I'm predictable,
but I know that this couldn't be true,
because no one knows my next move,
no one, except you.

You can be an real ass,
that, everyone can certainly see,
but you can be kind,
if you really wanted to be.
Despite these imperfections,
for you,...
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so this is the first rendition of my first ever fanfiction

Episode 1: All Isn’t Lost

    Moments were a scarce feature in the winter. Mostly, the time passed quickly. Days moved through time with a definite purpose and overwhelming guilt. Snow blanketed over streets and railways and bus stop benches, heaven had never been so beautiful. But this was Chicago, and winter had its kryptonite.
    Along the alleyway the snow pilled in dirt ridden clumps and around the multiple tracks of ambulance tires. Footprints delved into the softness every few inches, yet...
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So today, I suffered another day of eighth grade health(bleh) and today I actually desided to pay attention. We were learning about mental disorders and the first one that came up was OCD (and if you don't know what that and I thought about how obsessed I was about The Greater Good on Monday, then i remembered how obsessed I am about HOUSE... and I stopped paying attention and made up this disease in my head.


*HOUSE MD thoughts all the time
*constant wnt to watch HOUSE MD
*constant watching of HOUSE MD
** if member of Fanpop or HouseWiki, cheacking...
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Things for Cuddy just hadn’t been going very well lately. Since Cameron bailed, Cuddy was having a hard time. She really couldn’t blame Cameron though, it wasn’t her fault. She had done a great job with everything, even House, but she was right, Cuddy was the only one for the job. Even though she had been having a rough week at work, things hadn’t been nearly as bad as they were about to get. She knew that the current medical examiner had retired, that’s why she had hired a new one two weeks ago. What she hadn’t known was that he had taken a vacation in Mexico the week after she...
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Cuddy couldn’t stay in her bed any longer; she hopped out at 5am and got dressed in flash and headed to the hospital. She didn’t even eat breakfast, she went to her office, what would she do? She had promised Wilson they’d see them together but he didn’t come in till 7. She could eat; no she was too nervous, she sat at her desk writing meaningless things on meaningless pieces of paper. Nothing like that mattered when in just an hour she would find out whether she could save her best friend’s, no the love of her life’s life. She fiddled and she wrote,...
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A beautiful icon describing what I did during the season 5 episode 'Joy To The World', courtesy of mimika_s!
A beautiful icon describing what I did during the season 5 episode 'Joy To The World', courtesy of mimika_s!
Well, as 2008 draws to a close, I thought I would write about stuff, mainly because I will be house-sitting until the 10th of January 2009, and will have no access to the internet during that time, so I won't be able to come Fanpop and that means I will be in serious withdrawal and that I will miss all you fine people! So, I thought I would share some random thoughts with you, basically to fuel my own Fanpop addiction for the last time before my 2 impending Fanpop-less weeks.


I got season 4 on dvd for Christmas, so I am currently reliving its greatness. Like...
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Author’s Note: Please don’t make fun of the detective’s name. I put it in there for a valid reason that I will explain in a little challenge I’m going to put in a later chapter.
Murder in the Clinic
Chapter 3: Inspections

    As he drove into work the next day, House couldn’t help but notice how cramped Princeton Plainsborough’s parking lot was. News vans and police cars were scattered over the property, and House was particularly thankful for having a reserved spot. Despite this luxury however, a few unfortunate members of the staff seemed to have lost their places...
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Hi!As everyone knows I love hameron and wameron!They are both favourites ships of mine!But I want Wameron to happen more because a)hameron has already sort of happened and b)because when I started watching house I first became a wameron shipper.
But now I think it will happen.
Yes cameron is with Chase and yes things are going well and would continue to go well but we don't know anything about the epis after episode 10!
Chase is getting a story line!It might involves cameron it might doesn't!
But heres the things we know!
Wilson lost Amber such as Cameron lost PDH.He was alone and miserable in his...
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Hi, um, I did this when I got bored the other night, so, don't leave too many negative comments.
And I put some homosexual ones in there, so don't be mad about that.

Fuddy (Foreman and Cuddy)

Wirteen (Wilson and Thirteen)

Thuddy (Thirteen and Cuddy)

Kuddy (Kutner and Cuddy)

Thameron (Thirteen and Cuddy)

Cumeron (Cuddy and Cameron)

Chouse (Chase and House)

Chuddy (Chase and Cuddy)

Chutner (Chase and Kutner)

Tuddy (Taub and Cuddy)

Tameron (Taub and Cameron)

Chaub (Taub and Chase)

Kouse (Kutner and House)

Thouse (Thirteen and House)

Louse (P.I. Lucas and House)

Fase (Foreman and Chase)

Fameron (Foreman and Cameron)

Thoreman (Thirteen and Foreman)

Faub (Foreman and Taub)

Filson (Foreman and Wilson)
posted by Chandlerfan
So here I was doing my Latin homework (as you do) when I came across the word made so infamous thanks to House MD, in one of the passages I was to translate. Lupus. Yes, I said lupus. (pfft to 'It's never lupus!') Anyway I've never come across this word in a translation before so I proceeded to look it up in my everso trusty dictionary and one of the meanings for it was wolf. See where I'm going with this? No? Then read on and you'll see - proided that you can decipher jibberish!

Now we all know that lupus is a serious disease and not one to be taken lightly. And also that it doesn't particularly...
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posted by amberRocks
Disclaimer:This fan fiction is made for fan not profit.I own nothing of the characters and/or the show.

(This is a silly short fanfic in which Chase is the star and has all the screentime.If David Shore doesn't give him any screentime I will!)

Chase was wondering around the PPTH to visit some patients.He was so hot.No seriously he was getting hot so he took off his shirt and tossed it away.
He started walking again and he met 13 on his way!
"Hi":she told him!
"Oh Shut up!":she told her and slapped her really hard!
Then he walked away and kept walking.
He saw Cameron on his way.
"Hi!":she told him.
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posted by Chandlerfan
As some of you may know, I’ve been going on about the ‘perfect song’ for a fic but never got round to writing one due to the damn writer’s block! But I have now managed to finish it. Finally. So enjoy, and let me know what you think! =]
One shot. Song lyrics in italics. Set in S5.

Sitting in his office, a lonely soul, wondering what went wrong. She was there for him, the only one sitting beside his bed. The reason why Wilson wasn’t there, he could understand, although he still expected him to forgive him sooner, being Wilson and all. But that didn’t quite work out the way he...
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posted by housecuddy4ever
This chapter is mainly about Cameron.
So...if you don't like Cameron,this chapter might not be as good as the others.
I just wanted to go into 1 day of the character's lives.The next chapter will be about Wilson,the next will be about House,and the next will be about Cuddy.Then it will be about the relationships and friendships.
I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Cameron was sleeping in her bed.She awoke immediately when she heard her front door being banged on."Who the hell is this?"she said getting out of her bed.She was wearing a tank top and white sweatpants.Her blond hair was in a low ponytail.She...
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Sorry I didn't post the remaining 3 chapters of my fanfic yesterday.I didn't have access to my computer.
I had to rewrite some parts.

Cuddy walked toward House.House saw her come towards him."I like it."Cuddy said putting her hands on his shoulder."I assumed..."House began."Don't assume everything House.I assumed you didn't like me.You assumed that I don't like music."Cuddy said going to sit on House's couch.House finished the song."Don't stop."Cuddy said disappointed."That's the end of the song."House said popping a few vicodin.Cuddy shook her head."What?"House asked."You took 5 vicodin."Cuddy...
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posted by Chandlerfan
I couldn't post this as a link because, well, I don't have a link. So for some reason I decided to write it out for you guys! =]
Aren't I nice? =P
Anyway this is from the 'Weekend' magazine (in the UK) so if some facts are outdated, that's why.
The bits in speech marks are what HL is saying, and the other bits are what the interviewer (Gabrielle Donnelly) is saying.
I used abbreviations sometimes, and a few bits have been missed out if thought irrelevant.

Another typically sunny morning on the set of House and, in the roomy reception area of the fictional PPTH, lounges Hugh Laurie. The character...
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