Horror Movies Scariest Movie Made Since The Year 2000...

TheCountess posted on Dec 02, 2007 at 07:35AM
"Dagon" ...I'm not sure how easy it is to find, but it's a movie worth searching out. Fair warning... not for all tastes, and it may make you cringe at times.
It had really good effects, make-up, and a good twisted story. It doesn't star anyone I've ever heard of, but that sure didn't make a difference! I had strange dreams for about a week after watching this, and thought it was the scariest movie I've seen since "Alien".

It was directed by Stuart Gordon of "Re-Animator" fame, and the screenplay is by Dennis Paoli (think he worked for Full Moon Pictures).

...here's the blurb from the back of the VHS box... 'Based on a short story by HP Lovecraft, the undisputed master of macbre ...Paul and his girlfriend Barbara are celebrating the success of their new company on a yacht off the coast of Spain. When a sudden storm smashes their boat on a reef, Barbara and Paul swim to the nearest town for help. The decrepit fishing village of Imboca at first seems to be deserted, but unblinking eyes peer out from boarded-up houses. The strange inhabitants offer little help to the stranded couple. By nightfall, Barbara is missing and Paul finds himself pursued by the entire town...but a town of what?'
...if anyone else has seen "Dagon" I'd love to hear your opinion.
Back to original question:
What's the scariest movie you've watched that's been made since the year 2000?

Horror Movies 23 replies

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over a year ago daitheflu4u said…
One Missed Call, directed by Takashi Miike

People mysteriously start receiving voicemail messages from their future selves, in the form of the sound of them reacting to their own violent deaths, along with the exact date and time of their future death, listed on the message log. The plot thickens as the surviving characters persue the answers to this mystery which could save their lives.- imbd.com
over a year ago hay-hop said…
the orphanage or the ring!- both exstreamly scary for me anyway! dont like ghosts and stuff they scare me to death! i watched the orphanage in the cinema and i screamed infront of everyone i was so embaressed!-lol
over a year ago sufferkate said…
Mum and Dad! I saw it yesterday and really gave me the creeps
over a year ago rosangie said…
The Descent, Silent Hill, High Tension, Frontières, the Inside...and that´s it!

The Descent and Silent Hill are my favorite movies...but the one who scaried me the most was the Inside. There were parts I couldn´t even watch...and that never happened to me before. =S
over a year ago jennifer_02 said…
the descent was a good movie but not that scary
i loved house of wax not scary but i still liked it
over a year ago jlhfan624 said…
Well I thought The Descent was relatively scary. I mean being cooped up in a cave like that with nowhere to go and so many places to hide but so many places those "things" can get you - it's scary! I would HATE to be in a cave.
over a year ago Legenda said…
Wrong Turn, a few days ago when my friend and i were watching ti i let her hold my hand (cause she was so scared) and i still have the imprints from her nails.
Oh and diary of the dead (thank god i was watching it by my shelf)
over a year ago rosangie said…
I understand why The Descent wasn´t scary for some people. However, it really terrified me because of my claustrophobia (especially the tunnel scene). The same happened with Frontières (the tunnel scene).

Wrong Turn 1 was AWESOME, but the second movie was disappointing.
over a year ago TheCountess said…
If you're claustrophibic, you'd probably have a problem watching the movie called "CUBE". It came out in 1997, and I thought it was pretty good. I never bothered with the 2nd one though. I didn't think it needed a follow-up - that, and follow-ups generally aren't as good.

Out of all the films mentioned, the only ones I've seen so far are "Silent Hill" and the remake of "House of Wax".
The previews looked tempting for "Silent Hill", and I really enjoyed it - nice and moody.
I can't say the same for the previews of "House of Wax". I think the only reason I even bothered to check that one out was because Jared Padalecki (Sam Winchester from "Supernatural") was in it. I can't say it was scary, but I enjoyed it more than the original.
over a year ago rosangie said…
theCountess, I LOVE "Cube"! I have watched all 3 movies and yes, they were scary as hell, but it was much easier to watch them than the Descent. The rooms were big enough, so there was no chance of suffocation. Still very very scary and that´s why I love all those movies (the descent, frontieres and the cube).
And you´re right, the third movie was terrible. The second one was good, but not as good as the first one of course.

I also agree with what you said about "House of Wax".

over a year ago TheCountess said…
I didn't even realize there was a 3rd "Cube" movie - guess I'm more out of touch than I realized.
I'm kind of curious about "The Descent", but I'm afraid that "Frontieres" is another one I've never even heard of.
over a year ago johnsgirlalways said…
Stay ALive probably has scared me the most out of any movie since 2000 but i get scared alot so but that woman i could barely look at her without getting these strange chills. i love the descent and the grudge movies.
over a year ago TheCountess said…
I finally saw "The Grudge" about a half a year ago, and I was really disappointed with it. I think it's supposed to be a remake of a Japanese film (don't know the name). I know there have been quite a few different Japanese films that have gotten remade for the American (or English speaking) audience, but I've heard that all of the Japanese films are far superior.
over a year ago katiecain said…
I can't really think at the moment... But as people have mentioned it, Silent Hill was pretty awesome. Oh and I thought Creep was scary.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago axemnas said…
None of the reasent films scare me but prouble my favorite one since 2000 that i've seen would have to be Freddy vs Jason it had Awesome effects a stuntman played Jason and one of my favorite horror actors played in it Robert Englund it was great it had some creapy stuff in it maybe the new directors will figure out the secret to horror again
over a year ago katiecain said…
Oh I like Jason X too :)
over a year ago Hot4Dimitri said…
paranormal activity most definitely...wait when did the ring come out??? ok 2002,....that's my final pick
over a year ago Horroshow said…
murder she wrote
over a year ago Horroshow said…
oh after 2000 link
over a year ago Snake-Eye said…
Same as axemnas :)
over a year ago nathan1999 said…
after watching One Missed Call i would not pick up the phone
over a year ago EllaBlack said…
Rest Stop, and the Crazies, the Crazies is one of the best horror movies of this decade in my opinion.
over a year ago dpaisita97 said…
the Orphan, not so much scary as it is creepy, but it is one of my fave