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posted by elsafan1010
First of all I should say this are the deaths of the movies, because more people died in the movies then books such as Lavender. I was so sad nearly about all characters! So I'm reviewing their sadnesses and remembering, listing them.


Hedwig is Harry's loyal owl which was a present from Hagrid to Harry for his birthday. He died in Harry Potter and the deathly hallows while everybody drank a potion to look like Harry. The death eaters kicked him out of the way and he fell down from all the meters, never be sawn again. He has a wildly underrated death and Harry shouted "Hedwig," but never thought of him again which was kind of sad... I would give his death sadness an eight out of ten. 8/10

Alastor Moody

Alastor had so much screentime in the goblet of fire, but it was another person pretending to be him so I didn't really like him but I admire that he was brave. His death wasn't on screen, but it was later told to Harry that he was dead and he didn't get attention like even more underrated than Hedwig but Ron actually was sad a bit and told Harry "don't go there look Alastor's dead" but that could also be something to convince Harry not to go. Anyway, it was sad but not that sad as I didn't really like him so I give it a four out of ten. 4/10

Bellatrix Lestrange

I know Bellatrix fans will be disappointed but.. I thought her end was what she deserved. Bella was a death eater and I love how she was a female supporter but I hate all the death-eaters. Bella died in the battle of deathly hallows and was killed by Molly Weasley while tryna kill Ginny Weasley. Her death was short but wildly overrated by all Bellatrix fans like what the heck she deserved it Molly's daughter's life was on the line?! It wasn't sad at all, in fact I burst out laughing. I give it a zero out of ten for sadness lol but would definitely get a ten out of ten for funny! 0/10


Dobby was a loyal elf that belonged to the Malfoy family but later on Harry set him free and he became a free elf. Dobby promised to protect Harry at all costs and he did. He saved Hermione, Ron and Harry while Bellatrix was throwing a knife at them and sadly when they were teleported Dobby was hurt and he died in the hands of Harry. His death scene was long and sad, I wanted to cry and I looked at his big green eyes. I definitely give it a ten out of ten. 10/10

Albus Dumbledore

This could be one of the rare scenes I cried for. Dumbledore was the headmaster of Hogwarts and the greatest and wisest wizard of all time. His death was so sad.. Dumbledore was falling so slow and I was devastated, my sister and I immediately started crying while watching though I have read the book a million times and watched spoilers on YouTube every day. Dumbledore's voice was so trembling and I could sense the fear in it ( at least I thought so) and I could give it a one million out of ten. But then I learned it was already his plan to die so its a ten out of ten.

Severus Snape

"The bravest man ever"
This was way TOO sad. He died crying and last words were:
" Your eyes are from your mother, Harry,"

And later on we learn about how he spied to help to Dumbledore and was innocent all the time while he wasn't being loved like he is such a brave man. And all the things he did for Dumbledore, Lily and Harry.. This was way too much. I give it an infinity out of ten. infinity/10?

Remus Lupin

Remus wasn't character I loved but he was still a good written character and he died in the battle. The way he was dead wasn't showed on screen but we saw his dead body lying. Remus was brave and I liked him more in the order of phoenix. He could have lived longer. A seven out of ten. 7/10

Nymphadora Tonks

I thought Nymphadora was pretty brave and it was so sweet that she was tryna protect her husband but she died in the same way as Remus.. Though I felt more sorry for her cause she got into this because of Remus so I give her a eight out of ten. 8/10

Sirius Black

He was such a good man.. I felt so sorry for him because his amazing relationship with Harry was too good and Sirius died really sadly being killed by Bellatrix. I give him a nine out of a ten. 9/10

James Potter

I really love Harry but I thought of James as a jerk, personally. He bullied Severus and was rich plus spoiled which reminded me more of Draco then Harry. Still he was Harry's father so lets give him a seven out of ten. 7/10

Lily Potter

As I saw how cute as a child she was and how much love she had and how much she sacrificed for Harry, I loved her more and she was killed by Lord Voldemort. She didn't deserve this end and also gave Snape more pain than ever. Ten out of ten. For sure. 10/10


Umm why nobody talking about a few of these cute creatures deaths? Those unicorns were so innocent but Voldemort sucked up their whole blood and I was angry! Poor animals. Nine out of ten. 9/10

Quirinus Qurriell

At first I thought of him as a sweet professor but later when I learned his real face and while he was dying we were crying hard and shouting for Harry with my sister. H e died while tryna get the stone out of Harry's hand and got what he deserved! Heyy! A -100000 out of ten. -100000/ 10

The Basilisk

I hate snakes, but Harry killed him with the Gryffindor sword. Gosh he was so scary and I'm so happy he's dead! A zero out of ten. 0/10

Cedric Diggory

Cedric was brave and he was killed by Voldemort and I was so sad about a young and handsome man's loss although a place for Harry to be with Cho was opened, and I give it a nine out of ten for sadness. 9/10


Well he was a good friend to Hagrid. A spider he grew with but the spider tried to harm Harry and Ron so it kinda falls a bit low. He was found dead and Hagrid, Harry and Ron made a ceremony for him. A five out of ten. 5/10

Lavender Brown

Lavender was a girl who had a crush on Ron and his formal girlfriend. Although I felt sorry for Hermione, she didn't deserve being dead by being eaten by a creature and nobody even talks about her! She didn't deserve this. Ten out of ten. 10/10

Vincent Crabbe

One of the loyal sidekicks of Draco Malfoy. He wasn't really that affective in the story and he fall in fire plus nobody cared. I don't like him, but he wasn't that guilty. One out of ten. 1/10

Fred Weasley

Fred was so funny. He and George made a wonderful team. But when he was dying, nobody seemed happy and the scene was long even though in the battle. George is nothing without him. Rest in peace Fred. Ten out of ten. 10/10

Peter Pettigrew

Peter was selected to Gryffindor which I found strange and after betraying the good side he started to work for Voldemort. He's giving me the slave vibes and he is- I didn't feel bad for him at all. Zero out of ten. 0/10


Gosh I hate snakes and one more creepy again, plus if we think that he's the one finishing Snape I hate Nagini. No interrupting, zero. zero. zero out of ten. 0/10


Voldemort, a young handsome wizard called Tom Riddle younger is the one who made this kills the whole time. I hate him so much and he deserves all the hate. He's behind everything making all problems. When he was finally dead I clearly remember I was dancing like crazy and screaming that I woke up my youngest sister lol.
An -100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 out of ten. This was sooooo funny who cries for Voldemort? -1000000000000000000000000000000000/ 10

If I missed someone, please tell me. Now I'm noticing how many characters we have lost. I'm not even counting. Sorry if a character of yours wasn't in the list.

<3 <3 <3

Chapter 10: Quidditch Practice Can Ruin Friendships

I couldn't help notice that Harry was anxious in class all day.I guess I would be too,I mean,after that flying lesson when we were finally able to ride, I felt so free and relaxed.I would love to play Quidditch,especially with the best broom out there,but maybe next year or something like that.
After class we raced into Harry and Ron's room to open the package.
Whoa.I may not have see alot of broomsticks but that shit looked hot!He is SO lucky to be on the team.I told him how I would...
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Chapter 9: What's in the Mail Today?

As soon as we got in the room, we were showered with questions.
"Where were you?We were waiting for you after dinner."said Nix, as calmly as always
"I saw you leave with Harry!Where did you all all go?" Em nearly screamed out.
"You left with Harry?"
"What did you do?"
"HEY!!" that go their attention."Look long story short, we went to the forbidden corridor on the third floor." I explained
"Really?Well I'm happy you three survived,it would be terrible to have three of my roommates die a painful death."
"It WOULD be horrible. Then there would be no more people...
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Chapter 7: First Day of Classes Suck!

I had a dream,well more like nightmare,during
the night, which was weird cause I mostly don't
have dreams.It was me,and Harry,no one
else,only us two.And I remember Dream Harry
pushing me on the floor, standing above me
"Open your eyes!I don't like you! You're just
a worthless pathetic girl with no friends. How
could I want to be YOUR friend! I'm much more
important! You really have to WAKE UP!" he
was saying and I was crying, not believing what
he was saying.He was supposed to be my
friend. He was my friend, and now he's saying
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Today I was reading a book on my kendle , WELL it was reading to me and I bought a book called MUGGLE NET .COM : HARRY POTTER HAVE SHOULD DIE! I READ A SAMPLE OF IT AND IT SAID THAT SIRIUS BLACK LIKED LUPIN AND I WAS LIKE WHATTTTTTTT ! It book was a lie and it also said that ALBUS .D was gay so don't read that book but here is a sample of the wierd , selfish and GAYYYY book. " ALBUS D. DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO FALL IN LOVE WITH A GIRL SO HE FELL IN LOVE WITH GRIMWATER AND SIRIUS BLACK LOVED LUPIN , HIS MOTHER WANT HIM TO MARRY A PURBLOOD SO BLACK GOT PICS OF MUGGLE WOLMEN IN THERE BATHINGSUITS...
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Chapter 1:

You know how sometimes your mom and dad lie to you about stuff sometimes, like saying the tooth fairy exists or Santa Clause or the story of how a stork drops kids on people's doorsteps or..hmm, what am I missing?
Oh,that they forget to tell you you're a WITCH! I can't beleive my mom didn't tell me sooner!
When she finally did at first, I thought she was joking. It was a couple of months ago,before we moved to London for my hometown of Queens, New York.Strange...
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DH poster
DH poster
Yesterday,when I woke up,I was distracted.
Today,as I sat in the Multiplex almost 62 kms away from my house,I felt a sense of relief and satisfaction wash over me.A movie with great graphic effects and lot more other factors,Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows;Part 1 is a must watch for all the Harry Potter fans.

There are certain parts in movie which moves you a lot,makes you laugh,cry and sometimes,you will be gripping the hands of your seats in anticipation.

I felt sad as I watched Hermione swipe her parents's memories.I also laughed alot when Mary Cattermole kissed Ron (disguised as her husband)and...
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June 1, 1998
    Minerva was sitting in her favorite place on the shore of the lake, watching the sun rise over the silent grounds. Just to be alive, to see the first light of day hit the castle that stood, so resolutely, silhouetted against fading stars, was a blessing. This was Minerva's favorite time of day because, for a few shining moments, all seemed to be as it should be; as the sun rose higher into the sky, the castle would come to life, and the students and professors alike would sit in the great hall and talk of meaningless things and be bathed in the fresh morning...
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WWOHP Interview of HP cast.

Actors Dan Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton, and Michael Gambon were interviewed , and spoke about their impressions of the park, as well as the production on the films ending. On the subject of the “Deathly Hallows” film wrapping, Mr. Radcliffe commented on a short film put together by the crew of the film, showing the last sixteen months of production. His response to this film: “I don’t think there is any shame in saying we all cried like babies.”

Other highlights:

Rupert is most excited about the Pub, while Dan is a fan of the frozen Butterbeer, Rock...
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All over the world people are howling
About those great books by J. K. Rowling
Three little books that appeal to all ages
One learns about enchantments and spells in these pages
And a young boy who is quite ordinary in appearance
Who discovers he's a wizard with powers quite immense
To learn to control them he goes to Hogwarts School
And becomes a member of Griffindor, the house that's really cool
But its not all work, there's also time for fun
A great game called Quidditch which has to be won
With broom that fly and a cloak that makes him disappear
We know this young wizard will enjoy his year
But it's more than one year - it's going to be Seven!
For the lovers of fantasy that sounds like heaven!
If you haven't yet read about Harry Potter
Well, you really ought 'ter!
posted by mitchie19
Attention to all Harry Potter fans!!
A new theme park in Universal Orlando, Florida, is set to open on June 18, 2010.
Its called "The Wizard World of Harry Potter."

It took years to finish by Universals creative department i collaboration with J.K Rowling and several of the film series' directors and production designers.

The Wizarding World Theme Park is to cost between $235 - $265 million.

Its going to be huge and really exciting for all of the Harry Potter fans. You will feel like you're inside the Harry Potter world and walking on real life places like in the movies and books.
Inside sneak peek...
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posted by bribee10
I was reading HP6, at the part where you find out that the guants are descended from the 2nd peverell brother.the ressurection stone was passed all the way down till it camme to be in the possession of Morfin, Voldemort's uncle. Young Voldemort stole it from Morfin. which means that the 2nd peverell brother is Voldemort's great great great great great great however many greats grandfather. well we learn that harry is descended from the 3RD PEVERELL BROTHER. WHICH MEANS THAT VOLDEMORTS LOTSA GREATS GRANDFATHER IS HARRYS LOTSA GREATS UNCLE! SO I REALISE WITH MUCH EXCLAIMATIONS OF "OH MY GOSH!" THAT VOLDEMORT AND HARRY ARE DISTANT COUSINS!
please comment on whether you found this helpful or if you already knew this. Me thinks hearing from other peoples of the webbernet is cool!
Genre: Drama/Angst
Rating: PG-13 (Mild language.)
Chapters: 2
AN: This is strongly related to my (much, much better written) one-shot, "Screaming In Our Hearts", which is about the day they save Junior from Azkaban.

My Junior's looks come from the actor Jamie Bell and Senior's from the director Thomas Vinterberg: link :AN

When The Sun Turned Cold

'I'm just the shadow of the man I used to be. And it seems like there's no way out of this for me. I used to bring you sunshine. Now all I ever do is bring you down. How would it be if you were standing in my shoes?'

He'd been told there's a world in every...
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posted by BatBogeyHex
Chapter 1
Renewal of Revenge

    Pant. Pant. Pant. The Disillusionment Charm I put on myself at the start of the battle was now wearing off. I was beginning to see the paled flesh of my hands. I’d better put on another one, I thought as I ducked behind a corner. “Occulto…” I whispered— but before I could finish the incantation I heard a voice.
    “Remus…Lupin. It will be my pleasure to destroy you.”
    “Professor Lupin?!” I silently gasped. The voice was eerily familiar; I know I’ve heard it before. But just as...
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Some great ways to annoy, harass, confuse, or generally scare Lord Voldemort.
Sure-fire ways to get yourself killed, or at least Crucio'd round the block and back again.

Make sure to read the whole thing, it's worth it!

1. Ask him why he doesn't have such a cool scar.

2. Call him The-Guy-Who-Let-The-Boy-Live.

3. Smile during Death Eater meetings and say you taught him everything he knows.

4. Remind him that he isn't even really alive.

5. Ask him when he last took a bath.

6. Pat him on the head and give him flowers when his plans are foiled yet again

7. Play "knock and run" at his bedchamber door late...
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posted by vanillaicecream
By Niche Eenhoorn

This article will basically cover a few tips on how to cast the Killing Curse. It comes in very handy when muggles are being particularily noisy, specially after having been through the Cruciatus Curse. (both curses usually go hand in hand, unless you are in a hurry of course, then the Killing Curse is more efficient.)

Let's start with the three basic points: the Incantation, Power of Mind and Proper use of the Wand.

1) The Incantation
First of all and perhaps most important: THE SPELLING of the incantation. It is NOT "Aveda kabrada", "Abba Kabreda" or, as the muggles have utterly...
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posted by vanillaicecream
Accio (Summoning Charm) - Latin for "I summon."

Alohomora (Spell that opens locks) - Derived from the Hawaiian "Aloha" meaning "goodbye," and the Latin word "mora," meaning "obstacle."

Amortentia - "Amor" is the Latin word for "love," and "tentia" is derived from "tentare," which means "the handling of," "the making of an attempt," or "the attack on." Hence, "the handling of love," "making an attempt to love," or "the attack on love."

Anapneo (Spell that clears blocked airways) - In Greek, "anapneo" means "I breathe."

Aparecium (Spell that makes invisible ink appear) - From the Latin word...
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1. Do not sing We're Off To See the Wizard When sent to the headmaster's office!!!

2. You're not dying.

3. Trees can be pretty dangerous...

4. Do not call Dumbledore Santa during the holidays.

5. The Chamber of Secrets is where Snape keeps all of his galleons.

6. Dont talk to strange snakes

7. Voldemort has anger issues

8. Harry sucks at Wizard Chess.

9. A dementors kiss is a kiss only their mother would want

10. There is a troll in the dungeon!

11. "You Know Who" is "He Who Must Not Be Named"

12. Trolls go into girls bathrooms

posted by SarahRabbit16
I know that this article may rise controversy, but whatever. Harry Potter is better than twilight. Stephenie Meyer didn't become the first billionaire simply by writing books; J.K. Rowling did!!! Harry Potter is just more....just more in every sense. You see, I have read both series-the "twilight" saga as well as the "Harry Potter and..." series. I love them both. But I have read Harry Potter since I was in elementary school, so I'm sorry that Harry Potter rules in taking over my life and making me squeal with excitement. The twilight saga has made me squeal with delight as well, but not as...
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Pusging the trolley through the wall at Platform 9 34
Pusging the trolley through the wall at Platform 9 34
Climb aboard as we take you on a two hour bus tour to some of the London locations used in the Harry Potter movies including sites from the latest film Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.

Learn how the films were made, discuss the books and get trivia about the magical world of J.K.Rowling’s boy wizard. Along the way you’ll have the chance to get off the bus, take pictures and see the locations up close.

Feel free to dress up as Harry Potter or any other character in the series, (only if you want to). Keep your wits about you as we’ll test your knowledge on the world of the boy wizard...
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Ways To Humiliate, Annoy or Infuriate Ronald Weasley.
(These work best if you are a Slytherin.)
2. Give him Clearasil wipes for his birthday.
3. Paint his room maroon when he isn’t looking.
4. Tell him Emerson’s considering making a move on Hermione, then look sympathetic and explain that you understand why he’s threatened, Emerson’s so... so...*dreamy sigh*
5. Depending on how badly he takes it and how funny you think it is, repeat number 4 with Harry/Draco/Dean/Michael Corner/Lockhart/Crabbe/Goyle/Snape/Sirius/any random boy or girl from Hogwarts, every few hours.
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