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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
[u][b]Potions, Spells and Magical Objects[b][u]

Accio (Summoning Charm) - Latin for "I summon."
Alohomora (Spell that opens locks) - Derived from the Hawaiian "Aloha" meaning "goodbye," and the Latin word "mora," meaning "obstacle."
Amortentia - "Amor" is the Latin word for "love," and "tentia" is derived from "tentare," which means "the handling of," "the making of an attempt," or "the attack on." Hence, "the handling of love," "making an attempt to love," or "the attack on love."
Anapneo (Spell that clears blocked airways) - In Greek, "anapneo" means "I breathe."
Aparecium (Spell that makes invisible ink appear) - From the Latin word "aperio," meaning to "uncover, lay bare, reveal, or make clear" or "apparere," meaning to "make clear." It is spelled with only one "p," perhaps because of "apertus" which means "open, obvious, public."
Arithmancy - A method of fortune-telling based on names, numbers, and mathematical calculations. From the Greek, "arithmo" meaning "number" and "mancy" meaning "prophecy." It is also known as numerology.
Arresto Momentum (Spell that stops the descent of a falling object) - This is strictly a movie-based spell and literally means "stop movement."
Avada Kedavra (Killing Curse) - Aramaic phrase that means "I will destroy as I speak." Also similar to "Abra-cadabra", which is an ancient spell (dates from the 2nd Century) used by conjurors to invoke spirits or supernatural powers for protection against disease or aid. "Kedavra" sounds like "cadaver," which means "corpse."
Avis (Spell that Ollivander used to make birds fly out of Krum's wand) - Latin for "bird."
Bezoar - A bezoar is indeed "a ball of indigestable material that can be found in the stomach of certain animals," most notably the so-called bezoar goat (capra aegagrus). And indeed it was believed in ancient times that a bezoar could serve as an antidote for most poisons.
Bluebottle (Make of broomstick) - A type of annoying fly with a loud buzz and iridescent body. Also a small, blue jellyfish (also known as a Man-O-War). They appear on beaches after strong winds and their sting is very painful.
Boomslang - One of the ingredients used in brewing Polyjuice Potion, a boomslang is actually a South African snake. Boomslangs live in trees and bushes and feed on small animals and bird eggs. They are greenish to brown or black in color and grow to about 1.5 m (about 5 feet) long. Most members of the family (Colubridae) to which the boomslang belongs are harmless, but the boomslang has a potent venom that it delivers through large, deeply grooved fangs that are located at the rear of the mouth. The bite of the boomslang can be fatal.
Bubotuber pus - "Tuber" refers to the fact that the bubotuber is a plant, which extends perpendicularly into the soil. It's pus is dangerous to the skin. "Bubos" is an English word for an inflamed, tender swelling of a lymph node, especially in the area of the armpit or groin. It is characteristic of certain infections, such as Bubonic plague and syphilis.
Colloportus (Spell used to lock doors) - "Coller" means "to stick together" in French, and "portus" means "door" in Latin.
Crucio (Cruciatus Curse) - "Crucio" is Latin for "I torture."
Conjunctivitus Curse (Spell that Krum used to "do something" to the eyes of the Chinese Fireball during the First Task of the Triwizard Tournament) - Conjunctivitis is the scientific name for pink-eye -- the illness that children often get that makes their eyelids crust together.
Deletrius (Banishing Spell) - Latin for "that which is erased."
Densaugeo (Spell that Malfoy used to make Hermione's front teeth grow enormous) - "Dens" is Latin for "teeth." "Augeo" is Latin for "I enlarge."
Diffindo (Spell Harry used to cause Cedric's bag to split apart) - In Latin, "Diffindo" means "I split."
Ennervate - See Rennervate.
Engorgio (Spell that makes things grow) - In French, "engorgement" means "swelling."
Evanesco (Vanishing Spell) - Means "I disappear" or "I vanish" in Latin.
Expecto Patronum (Spell used to conjure a Patronus) - In Latin, "expecto" is to "await, desire, or hope for" and "patronus" is "protector." Hence, "to hope for a protector." A Patronus is used to protect against a Dementor.
Expelliarmus (Disarming Spell) - Latin combination of "expellere" meaning "to expel" and "arma" meaning "weapon or upper arm."
Felix Felicis (Luck Potion) - "Felix" is Latin for "lucky, fortunate, or happy." "Felicis" is derived from two Latin adjectives, one for "lucky" and one for "of the lucky." It translates as "lucky of the lucky," but seems more acceptable to write it as "luck of luck." Could haves ties to the word "felicity" which means "extreme happiness."
Ferula (Spell that creates a splint or wooden rod) - From the Latin word "ferula," meaning a "rod to beat children with." In Spanish, the word "ferula" refers to an object used to immobilize a limb, like a broken leg. The object can be either a stick to tie to the limb or a cover of plaster.
Fidelius (Charm that makes someone a Secret-Keeper) - In Latin, "fidelis" is the comparative form of "fidelis." Thus, meaning "a person who is more faithful, devoted, loyal, earnest, true, trustworthy, dependable, reliable, constant or lasting."
Fiendfyre – literally translates, fiend as enemy, fyre as an Old English spelling of fire.
Finite Incantatem (Spell that cancels out other spells) - "Incantatem" could be related to the Latin "Incantationem," which means "incantation." Together the phrase translates as "Stop the incantation!"
Horcrux - "Horcrux" when broken down in many languages means "outside the cross." This is consistent with the very unholy nature of creating one, and why it is stricken from the pages in a lot of textbooks. "Crucis" means "pain or torture," and "hor" is a shortened form of the noun "horreum," which means "storehouse." Thus, "tormenting storehouse." A Horcrux is effectively a "storehouse" for the part of the soul that an individual destroys when killing someone. "Hor" can also remind readers of the words "horrible" and "horrid." The English meaning for "crux" is "the critical feature or essence," like the crux of an argument. Similar to the Latin translation, it then becomes understood as "essence storehouse." Many consider the soul to be the essence of an individual. A "crux" is also defined as a "difficult puzzle," so Horcruxes can then be seen as "horrible" or "tormenting puzzles." In Egyptian mythology, Horus was the son of the god Osiris, who became the God of the Dead. Crux is also Latin for "cross." If you combine these two words, you get the "cross of Horus," also known as the "ankh" (a cross with a loop at the top). The ankh was the symbol of life. Thus, a Horcrux would ensure life.
Impedimenta (Spell used to slow down attackers) - "Impedio" is Latin for "I hinder." In Latin, "Impedimenta" means "obstacle," as in creating an obstacle to impede one's path or goal.
Imperio (Imperius Curse) - "Imperio" is Latin for "I control" and "imperium" is Latin for "absolute control."
Incendio (Spell that sets things on fire) - In Latin, "incendere" means "to set fire to something." "Incendio" also means "great fire" in Spanish.
Incarcerous (Spell that makes ropes appear to wrap someone up) - In Latin, "carcer" means "prison." The word "incarcerate" means to "imprison."
Legilimency - In Latin, from "legere" meaning "to read" and "mens" meaning "mind." Hence, the ability to read one's mind.
Levicorpus (Spell that suspends an individual in mid-air) - In Latin, "levi" means "to raise" and "corpus" means "body." Combining these words translates as "to raise the body."
Liberacorpus (Spell that releases or frees the individual suspended in mid-air) - In Latin, "libera" means "to free" and "corpus" means "body." Combining these words translates as to "free the body." Counter-curse to Levicorpus.
Lumos (Spell used to make a wand emit light) - "Lumen" is Latin for "light" and "luminous" means "emitting light" in English.
Mandragora - In medieval times, Mandragora or mandrake root was though to have magical properties. It was thought to resemble the human figure and was known to cause sleepiness.
Mirror of Erised - Erised backwards is desire (as in "you'll see what you desire"). The inscription around the top of the Mirror of Erised, if shown backwards with the spaces rearranged, says: "I show not your face, but your heart's desire." Oddly enough, Eris was the Greek goddess of strife.
Morsmordre (Makes the Dark Mark appear in the sky) - Combination between "mors" (Latin for "death") and "mordere" (Latin for "to bite"). Death bite? No -- Death Eater.
Nox (Spell that cancels out Lumos) - "Nox" is Latin for "night, darkness."
Obliviate (Spell that erases one's memory) - Used in Chamber of Secrets when Lockhart tries to wipe out Ron's and Harry's memories. Comes from the word "obliterate," meaning to "wipe out, erase, or remove all traces." Also sounds like "oblivious" meaning "forgetful."
Occlumency - From the Latin word "occludo," meaning "I close, shut up, or close off" and "mens" meaning "mind." Hence, "Occlumency" means "the closing of the mind."
Oppugno (Spell that makes conjured creatures attack on the command of the conjurer) - In Latin, means "I attack."
Orchideous (Spell that makes flowers spring out of the tip of a wand) - An orchid is a type of flower.
Patronus (Charm used in defense against Dementors) - "Patronus" is Latin for "protector."
Pensieve - The verb "penser" in French means "to think." Perhaps a combination of the English words "pensive" and "sieve." To "be pensive" is to be "wistful or thoughtful" and "a sieve" is "a utensil of wired mesh used for sifting."
Protean Charm - Most likely named after Proteus, a Greek god who could change his shape at will. Hermione uses this charm to alert members of Dumbledore's Army of future meetings in Order of the Phoenix.
Quibbler - To "quibble" means to "evade the truth or importance of" an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections. A "quibble" is an archaic term for a "pun." A term used to describe Ancient Greek philosophers. The philosophers were referred to by the commoners as "quibblers" and the act of philosophizing was known as "quibbling."
Quidditch - J.K. Rowling has stated that the origin of this name is entirely made up (she wrote five pages of "Q" words until she found one that she liked), but it is still interesting to the note that the word "quiddity" means "the essence or real nature of a thing."
Quietus (Spell that cancels out "Sonorus") - Obviously "quiet" means to be "silent", and "quietus" in Latin means to be "quiet."
Reducio (Shrinking Charm) - "Reduce" means "to make smaller" in English and also "Reduco" in Latin means "to reduce."
Rennervate (Spell used to revive someone who has been stunned) - J.K. Rowling originally changed the name of this spell from Ennervate. Possibly from the French "revenir" meaning "to return." Also means to "add nerve" (daring or strength). Sounds similar to "re-energize."
Rictusempra (Laughing Spell) - In Latin, "sempra" is derived from "semper" meaning "always" or "at all times," and "rictum" meaning "jaws" or "open mouth." D erived from the Latin words to mean "constantly laughing."
Riddikulus (Spell used to transform a scary boggart into a humorous shape) - "Ridiculous" means "absurd."
Sectumsempra (Spell used to seriously cut another person) - In Latin, "sectum" means to "cut, wound, or amputate" and "sempra" is derived from the word "semper" meaning "always" or "at all times." Hence, "to wound always or make a permanent wound."
Serpensortia (Spell used to make snakes appear) - In Latin, "serpens" means "snake" and "ortus" means "origin." In French, "sortir" means "to go out."
Silencio (Spell used to silence) - Derived from the word "silence," meaning "to be quiet."
Sonorous (Spell used to magnify a voice like a loudspeaker) - "Sonorus" is Latin for "loud."
Stupefy (Spell used to make someone unconscious) - "Stupefy" in English means "dull the senses of; daze."
Veritaserum (Truth Potion) - "Veritas" is Latin for "truth" and "serum" is a potion.
Wingardium Leviosa (Levitation Charm) - "Wingardium" is a combination of the English word "wing" and the Latin word "arduus" meaning "steep." "Leviosa" contains the Latin word "levare" meaning "ease, lift, or pick up".
My opinion is that it gives way too many spoilers. I mean, I watched someone playing it and it was like reading the book! So my advice is to not play video games of books you have not read yet. Please don't unless you want to ruin your life. Your whole entire LIFE. To any sane person out there, follow my advice. Either that or READ FASTER. To any Harry Potter fan, From Me!
P.S This is advice from one Harry Potter fan to another. And never name a yorkie shihtzu Howard. EVER. It just doesn't fit him. Or her.
-The world is not split into "good people" and Death Eaters.
-Know your weaknesses and learn to use them to your advantage.
-Belief in Wackspurts doesn't make you less of a person.
-Eat chocolate, it really helps.
-It isn't who you are, but what you grow to be.
-Even if you just believe you swallowed Felix Felicis, you will still do amazing things.
-Dementors affect both wizards and Muggles alike.
-Though the Snitch is small, it earns the most points when caught.
-The Sorting Hat might put you in one house, but Hogwarts fights best when fully united.
-Death is but the next great adventure.
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After rereading both DH and SS, I began to wonder. You may have seen the picture of Harry releasing the snake in the zoo with JKR's comment on the snake being Nagini. I actually have a few problems with that. I realize that some of this can be called book-movie inconsistency, but this is a Wild and Crazy theory.

First off, gender. Consistently, Nagini is called female. HOWEVER, if you listen carefully to the snake's voice in SS, it is clearly male.

Next, location. Voldemort must have made Nagini into a Horcrux fairly soon after doing the same (accidentally) with Harry. Thus, the snake in the...
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Thank you very much for your letter addressed to J.K.Rowling. We receive many letters from young people who ask Ms. Rowling how to become a writer and ask about her inspirations.

As you can imagine, the great popularity of Harry Potter and his author have resulted in extraordinary demands on Ms. Rowling's time. The flood of letters reaching put to Ms. Rowling is truly overwhelming. Much as Jo Rowling wishes she could respond to each and every request, it is not humanly possible. She has asked us to respond to her many fans and then forward all the letters she recieves.

Jo Rowling tells young...
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posted by sharon-sel
Avatar is the highest-grossing film of all-time, with a global gross of almost $2.8 billion, and ten films have grossed in excess of $1 billion. All the films presented here have had a theatrical run in the last twenty years, and films that have not played during this period do not appear in the chart due to ticket-price inflation, population size and ticket purchasing trends not being considered. Gone with the Wind—first released in 1939—has earned $3.3 billion globally when adjusted to contemporary prices, making it the best all-time performer at the box office.[10] The most represented...
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All proper rights and respects to J.K.

Hermione's P.O.V

I let out a small gasp. When Wood described Abby, I though of a small, timid girl. I was quite wrong. In fact, as soon as she pulled up, I knew I was wrong. Even from outside you could hear up-beat music playing from the car.

But then she stepped out.

She wore a gray checkered mini skirt, a purple top, a cropped black jacket with fur cuffs, stripped knee socks, and chunky black boots. But her clothes weren't nearly as shocking as her hair. Her hair was streaked rainbow.

"OLLIE!" She squealed as she ran up to hug Oliver.

"Abby?!" He sounded as...
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posted by Thecharliejay
[edit] A
Mrs Abbott – Mother of Hannah Abbott, killed by Death Eaters
Hannah Abbott – Hufflepuff student in Harry Potter's year, member of Dumbledore's Army, later the landlady of the Leaky Cauldron and wife of Neville Longbottom.[1] She is portrayed by Charlotte Skeoch in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Euan Abercrombie – Gryffindor student who enters Hogwarts in Harry's fifth year
Stewart Ackerley – Ravenclaw student who enters Hogwarts in Harry's fourth year
Falco Aesalon – Ancient Greek wizard, first known Animagus
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posted by Thecharliejay
Rank Title Worldwide gross Year Ref
1 Avatar $2,782,275,172 2009 [# 1]
2 Titanic $1,843,201,268 1997 [# 2]
3 The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King $1,119,110,941 2003 [# 3]
4 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest $1,066,179,725 2006 [# 4]
5 Toy Story 3 $1,063,171,911 2010 [# 5]
6 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides $1,032,828,392 2011 [# 6]
7 Alice in Wonderland $1,024,299,904 2010 [# 7]
8 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 2 $1,008,460,000 2011 [# 8]
9 The Dark Knight $1,001,921,825 2008 [# 9]
10 Transformers: Dark of the Moon $982,892,000 2011 [# 10]
11 Harry...
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posted by dannylynn92
1 scoop of cool whip
butterscotch ice cream toppping mix till well blended
and cream soda <3 A&W

1 scoop of cool whip
butterscotch ice cream topping (mix till well blended)
cream soda A&W
1 scoop of vinallia ice cream

she made both for me today there her own recipes and they are so good you just HAVE to try the ice cream one its amazing ive got a pic of the ice cream one in my pics if you need to see what it looks like and make sure you have a spoon it sets fast but its good even when its set

<3 happy butterbeer drinking kids
link and I saw something similar by link on this spot for link, and we just had to think up a list together for Severus as well :-). I love these lists

1) Take Sirius to the vet to get him neutered.
2) Take Remus to the vet to get him neutered.
3) Hit Sirius with a newspaper on his nose and say “Bad dog!” just because you feel like it.
4) Introduce Dumbledore's leg to Sirius' new girlfriends as Sirius' ex.
5) Pretend to throw a frisby around Sirius...or Remus (it wastes a lot of their valuable time trying to retrieve a non existent object)
6) Stop with the conspiracy theories and telling everyone...
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posted by Persephone713
" always"
" always"
I hear all the time...from some how they think Snape truly hated Harry. Or how the two couldn't possibly like each other. But then again there are so many complex facts that would suggest otherwise. James and Sirius were mean to Severus when they were all at Hogwarts. And Snape had a fascination with the Dark Arts and preferred his studies to goofing off. Plus he had an abusive father and a mother who tried to show compassion but couldn't do anything about her husband. So Snape grew up bullied at home and at school and his only outlet of affection was Lily Evans. Then of course that fateful...
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Sumamry: How exactly did Barty Crouch Jr. join the Death Eaters in June 1981?
Main author: WolfAngel'JR at FanFiction.Net (bendaimmortal here).
Rating: PG13
Chapters: 2

Authors: WolfAngel'JR & DrRockter.
Voldemort is viewed and written by DrRockter and Barty Crouch Jr. is viewed and written by me, AngelJunior. This is our role-play game topic, which I fixed into a fanfic mostly form my Junior's point of view, translated it into English and changed the title. DrRockter doesn't have a pen name here. I have her permission to publish this.
Disclaimer: We don't own the Harry Potter world, Barty Crouch...
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A/N: I KNOW this is a Sue story, there's no need to point that out. This was written purely for the lolz.

Disclaimer: Is my name Joanne Rowling? Didn't think so.

The Slytherin Common Room quieted as Belle Perfetta entered. She was the object of all the boy's affections ever since she transfered from Beaxbatons. With her long white-blonde hair streaked elegantly with purple. Her eyes changed color with her mood, and now they were a jade green. Her pale skin glowed in the firelight. She was curvy but fit, and all the girls envied her.

One of the braver boys, Blaise Zabini she thought, stood up...
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Soft Harry Potters Fans will expierience:

1. You will actually remember a few of the actual spells/curses/charms/hexes etc..

2. You will propably almost always turn the conversation to Harry Potter.

3. You would have named SOMETHING after a Harry Potter character/object.

4. Whenever Harry Potter is mentioned you'll listen straightaway!

Hardcore Harry Potter Fans will expierience:

1. Whenever Harry Potter comes up in a conversation you'll feel as if they're talking about YOU.

2. You will accidently call someone at SOME POINT a character in Harry Potter.

3. You will propably name almost EVERYTHING after Harry Potter characters/objects

4. You would have read the whole series more than three times. Ditto films.

5. You can quote long passages off by heart.

So dahlings, see if you have any of these symptons and you'll know wether your a fanatic or a just a plain fan. :)
posted by monsy38
“Take it…take it…”
    Snape struggled to give Harry the memories that explained what had happened, why he had had to do what he did. He held on as tightly as he could, trying to filter into Harry just how important it was for him to see them. Snape felt himself drifting. He knew that he was about to die, after all these years he would finally get his wish. For him, life had been fueled by the dream of Lily loving him as much as he did her. She had been his one true friend, and though she didn’t know it, his whole world. Severus knew that he wasn’t easily liked...
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posted by AliceCullen353
This is part two!!!
Hope you enjoy!!!Its kinda long!I dont own harry potter!

Harry stood up and faced Voldemort.Tonks and Lupin stayed beside Siruis but the others formed a line behind Harry."The boy who lived Harry Poter!Time for you to be finshed Potter",Lord Voldemort spat at Harry."I'm not dieing tonight Riddle.I have to much to live for"Harry replied.
"Look at him he can hardly stand and he has the cheek to insult the Dark Lord!Master may i have a hand in his killing?"Bellatrix asked hopefully.
"No you may not.Potter is mine you can have your choice from the others nobody touches Potter"...
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posted by AliceCullen353
Ok im going to type this off the top of my head so if its bad don't have a hissy fit!!:P
I always wonder what would happen if Sirius didn't die so here goes nothing!!

It all happend so quickly.Harry was helping Nevile up when Harry saw Sirius and Bellatrix Lestrange.
She was winning laughing as ahe threw spells at him he faught back but was weak.Then she hit him with crucio.It hit him in the chest and he started to fall backwards into the arch way Lupin,Tonks,Mad eye and a few others all ran with Harry to stop Sirius falling his head and chest where in the archway but you couldn't them at the...
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posted by vampiress015
I just have to say that this isn't really Twilight fan-fiction, nor Harry Potter for that matter. It's a mix. I noticed on fan-fiction.net that loads of people were writing them, so I thought I'd give it a go myself. So, anyway, here it is:

Chapter One- The Essence of a Fan

'Edward, we love you!'
'No, I love him more'
'I swear on Jacob's life that I love Edward more than you'
'How does that work? You don't even like Jacob'
'Do too, I'm on Team Switzerland'
'Then you can't love Edward more- you love them both'
'Edward come back!'
Harry jumped out the way as two screaming girls flew past. His...
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To my fellow Gryffindor's

Hey! So even though Gryffindor was a very popular house in the movies and books, in real life most of the people aren't in Gryffindor. I don't know why that counts cool, but they wanna be "different" or choose Draco's side, Slytherin because they have a crush on him or somehow obsessed with him ( trust me, all the teenage girls I met are,)

As a Gryffindor, I sometimes feel very left out. You can always find a Ravenclaw, Slytherin or Hufflepuff out there but only the 1 percent is Gryffindor. However, I learned to be proud of my house. I really am. If you're in Gryffindor,...
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added by DarkSarcasm
Source: Chamber of Shitposts