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Hello there. As many of Harry Potter fans surely know, there are many characters who have received a lot of illogical hate from some people, often poorly explained, since in general, the haters are unable to express their own opinion and lack fantasy, so the arguments are basically the same, especially for females. Let’s talk about Ginny for example, obviously my rant below concerns this character in particular.
Of course, when a part of fandom (of course, I’m not generalizing, that’s why I said SOME and A PART delibarately) starts to bash feminine characters (more generally – mainstream behaves the same way towards famous or not so famous women, doesn’t matter which one), one of the most “necessary” thing to do for them is to insult their looks, then attack their sexuality, and finally – stick a label, trope or stereotype. Now I’ll try my best to deconstruct these tendencies and show that such behavior is a direct result of double standards and sheer hypocrisy sadly common in our society. So, here we go.
Stupid argument 1 – she’s a slut
OK, so just because Ginny dated Dean Thomas and Michael Corner, this fact only makes her a leg-spreader “slag”. I’m not sure whether those who rattle out such low idiocy have actually read the books.
First of all, It was HERMIONE GRANGER in HALF-BLOOD PRINCE who advised her to stop waiting for Harry and go to MICHAEL CORNER, hoping that both her friend and Harry would clarify their feelings for each other in time. Well, I guess if we follow the pattern of our haters, Hermione is a “slut” as well, for giving her close friend this kind of advice. Lovely logic…
Second, I thought we lived in a world which stopped shaming women for their sexuality; unfortunately it’s not the case. Women are still expected to be either “pure, sweet, virginal” good girls, or “horny, slutty, whoring” bad girls. If we don’t dress sexily we’re “prudes”; on the other hand, if we’re clothed in short skirts and cleavage dresses, we look like “harlots” and we’re “asking for being raped”. In romantic matters, if we don’t have a boyfriend, we’re just prim and proper virgins; if we have more than two --- the horror!!!! We’re less than prostitutes! We’re expected to fit into pornographic images, do what “brings money”, follow fashion without any criticism, believe everything glossy magazines tell us, and right after, we’re scolded for it! Sexualization => public shaming. We create frustrated Bella Swans from Twilight, Anna Steeles from 50 shades of Grey ourselves and then spit incredible hatred in their faces! We assert that sex is something intimate and sacred, homosexuality is acceptable, yet we either condemn or perverse them; we use the word “gay” as offensive slur. We put pressure on men that they must be insensitive “bad boy” macho domineering machines, then wonder why Edward Cullens, Christian Greys, Voldemorts, Draco Malfoys are born. What’s next, I wonder? Insulting Dumbledore because of his homosexuality? Start glorifying Death Eaters’ actions or what? But let’s continue speaking about Ginny.
Since we live in messed up “values”, that’s why hypocrites screech every time a girl goes against above-mentioned labels. Had Ginny not been in love with Harry, involved with Dean or Michael, fought in Dumbledore’s Army, she would still be hated (Cho Chang anyone?). Poor 11 year old shy, adorable girl is thrashed for “fangirling” over Harry in the beginning, and then when she becomes a beautiful young woman, loved and admired by many male students, the same hypocrites scream obscenities at her!
I can’t remember a single moment someone criticizing, say, Sirius Black so harshly. Typical tall, dark, handsome guy, whom nearly all female students fawned over. I’m sure he would’ve move through the girls just like Ginny moved through the boys quite quickly. The same dashing cool guy was a total jerk towards Severus Snape, just saying. Yet he’s blindly revered!
This is not to say that Ginny’s treatment of Dean or Michael was perfect. Nor I excuse her offensive attitude for Fleur, far from it, or course! I’m just pointing out that she’s hated for her sexuality, just because she’s got a vagina. It’s totally okay for Harry to get over Cho, but not for her!

Stupid argument 2 – she’s ugly
All right, here I can’t really say anything. This “reason” is so dumb and disgusting, it’s not even funny. Perhaps just because she has freckled skin and red hair. Oh well, I guess all females must look like tall, curvy, dark-haired, strikingly handsome Bellatrix; slim, fair, golden-haired Narcissa or comely brunette Andromeda to be considered beautiful. Nothing but classic sexism, non-existent “ideals” of beauty forced upon many young girls; moreover, it’s a rude innuendo aimed at Bonnie Wright, a wonderful actress who does her job in an awesome manner. Or maybe “it’s not what they meant” according to haters, doesn’t matter. We still have blatant and clear sign of sexism here, what’s even worse --- sexism spread by women. It hurts me to see how the number of women treating their own gender in such a disdain has increased. And some snooty, know-it-all folks argue that we don’t need feminism anymore?! WTF!

Stupid argument 3 – she’s a Mary Sue
Just beyond my understanding – how the Hell is Ginny Weasley a Mary Sue or Joanne’s self-insert? What’s the proof of this? Joanne is blonde, Ginny is redhead; Ginny is athletic, Joanne does not seem to be; Ginny is a witch, Joanne is not interested in occult stuff. Where on Earth are Mary Sue elements?
Fine, it can be argued whether her character development has happened “too quickly” but one thing is certain : Mary Sues don’t have any flaws, and Ginny HAS. Mary Sues are depicted to handle everything perfectly; Ginny does NOT show this characteristic – she’s good at hexes, charms, Quidditch and duelling, but not in potions, non-verbal magic or Parseltongue unlike Harry. She’s not as academic as Hermione either.
In conclusion, perhaps those who accuse her for “being perfect” don’t even know what the words Mary Sue or Gary Stu mean. Some people throw such tropes without even being able to explain why they think a particular character embodies these stereotypes. And if Ginny “grew up too fast” then so did Harry! Everybody can claim : “Oh, he’s just a dumb unrealistic Gary Stu” despite the fact that we’re SHOWN his growth and character development.
Many acclaimed authors find very difficult to create books with NO loophole or very slight inconsistency. And this is understandable because of a clear reason : when the author focuses on a hero’s or heroine’s personal journey, he/she simply has no time to describe EVERY SINGLE character in detail. It’s only possible in annotated guides.
Therefore, in this case, JK would’ve lose her own time, had she been sitting for years explaining, say, Mcgonagall’s, Hermione’s, Hogwarts founders’, Weasleys’, Hagrid’s, etc etc etc biographies. Elementary – it’s HARRY’S story that Joanne tells. What’s more, we have many, many guidebooks now, containing much more information (by JK herself or other authors) than one could find in canon books.

Overall, there are other issues and problems Harry Potter books deal with. They’re NOT discussing how many boys a girl should be with. They speak about prejudice, racism, corruption, violence, facing difficulties, overcoming the pain of being rejected by society, sacrifice, friendship, loyalty, compassion, mercy and many other things.
Dear haters, if you think that Bellatrix’s loveless sex within “proper” marriage to Rodolphus just because of money (which basically equates with prostituting oneself in patriarchal world), bullb**ch Marge’s rant about children needing “a good thrash” and Arthur Weasley beating his own child (one of the biggest endemic problems many people deny), horrific abuse of house elves and scorn werewolves are treated with, domestic abuse Eileen Prince lived, how Lucius Malfoy harassed his son, how shamelessly Rita Skeeter lied, the shitty way Tom Riddle, both her father and brother treated Merope Gaunt, rotten Cornelius Fadge’s and his lackeys’ propaganda, Harry’s humiliation, school bullying, Hermione disfiguring Marietta Edgecombe, Umbridge’s racism, torture, pure blood mania, death penalty (plus, very gruesome one – by Dementor!) are less problematic than Ginny having more than two boyfriends; if you believe that we, Muggles don’t have similar troubles and instead we should fumble our hands in women’s private areas and worry whether their hymens are intact or not, congratulations! You’ve won the prize “THE MOST DUMBASS AND SELF-RIGHTEOUS PERSON” ever created to pollute our Earth.
In all seriousness, please get a life. You don’t even realize that you’re just parroting the hypocritical “values” your precious mommies and daddies forced down your throats. You painfully lack originality, you simply mimick and swallow every bull…. mainstream brainwashes you with. You’re so lame Ginny wouldn’t even pay the attention to your worthless, spiteful gossip. She’s too awesome for that; you know damn well it’s true and you’re just jealous, because you fail at everything. And you also know that everything I wrote is true, truth always hurts in the butts.
Pheeew, what a relief to put something out of chest. Hope my readers will know that this was aimed towards HATERS only. Of course, as I said, not all Harry Potter fans are like that. :)


While Harry Potter was in Hhogwarts getting hit by Bludgers and losing his memory, Lord Voldemort was having problems of his own. So far, all of his plans to capture Potter had failed.
"What is the news?" Bellatrix Lestrange asked. Like all the Death Eaters, she was fiercely loyal to him, perhaps too much so.
"Nagini tells me that the boy is as vulnerable s ever. Dear, Bellatrix, for the plan to succeed, the boy must trust us," Voldemort said, caressing the huge snake. Bellatrix bowed and went to find Yaxley, who came quickly.
"You requested me?" he said,...
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1. Dumbledore has absolutely no clue how to act like a muggle, so you should never encourage him to try

2. Secretly, Draco Malfoy is obssessed with reading fanfiction about himself

3. Secretly, Hermione knows how to shoot a gun, so if you're a Death Eater, you might as well surrender

4. Hermione couldn't be a party girl if she wanted to..she's too nerdy

5. Harry Potter has a passion for pottery (hence his last name, Potter)

6. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are secretly dating...oh yeah and they made out in the Chamber of Secrets during their 6th year

7. Harry Potter is emo

8. Harry Potter is very...
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New from J.K. Rowling


Wizards at large in the Muggle community may reveal themselves to each other by wearing the colours of purple and green, often in combination. However, this is no more than an unwritten code, and there is no obligation to conform to it. Plenty of members of the magical community prefer to wear their favourite colours when out and about in the Muggle world, or adopt black as a practical colour, especially when travelling by night.

The International Statute of Secrecy laid down clear guidelines on dress for witches and wizards when they are out in public.

When mingling...
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posted by saraandjess2448
Hello! I am a representative from the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, better known as S.P.E.W. I invite all reading to join the fight against house elf enslavement and join the S.P.E.W. fan club! By joining, you become an official member of S.P.E.W, founded by Hermione Jean Granger in the 1990s. To join, simply type in SPEW in the "Search Fanpop" bar above. thank you for your time, and I hope to see you join the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare!

Please join the fight against house elf suffrage. So far we only have about 25 members, and we need more! please Help!!!!!
Here you go.

--This Fanfic was made possible with the help of peppergirl30--

Scorpius POV
The train stopped. The lights in our compartment shut of. I felt something grab my arm. "Scorpius, d'you know what's going on?" squeaked Rose, obviously terrified. "No, but I'm sure we're fine." I replied. It was Second Year, and we were on our way to Hogwarts. A figure stopped in front of the door to our compartment. The door slid open, and there stood the conductor. He informed me and Rose that the train had broken down, and that we would b spending the night on the train. He waved his wand and bunks...
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posted by saraandjess2448
first years Snape and Lily are sitting by the lake at Hogwarts

Lily: Sev, you look depressed. Is something going on?
Snape: *sighs* Its just, you got sorted into Gryffindor. Everyone thinks I shouldn't be your friend.
Lily: well, I am. Whether everyone likes it or not.

*Snape and Lily look out onto the lake. James, Sirius, Peter, and Remus pass behind them.*

,Sirius: *yells* Hey, James, look, it's Lily Evans!
James: *yelling also* Hey, Evans! Why're you hanging out with slime like Snivellus? Come hang with us!
Snape: *whispers* see? Your people are doing it, too!
Lily: Just ignore them, they'll...
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posted by Twilight-girl-x
The Hogwarts express was moving steadily through the countryside, as Hermione walked slowly past the full compartments, waving and calling Hello to friends she hadn’t seen in what felt like forever, the smile on her face never faltering, Ever since she had received the letter with the red wax seal she had been ecstatic, with the risk of Voldemort gone, Parents had been more willing to bring their children to kings cross station this morning and say goodbye without having to worry about them being murdered while they slept, for this reason the magical train had added on another two carriages,...
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Chapter 2 - To speak the truth or to not speak the truth that is the question?

This is it poppy right take a deep breath "erm yeah I'm new I was home schooled by my mum" and their was some truth in that my mum did home school me in my world, demention whatever you want to call it "oh does your mum work at the ministry" he replied "no she works for a muggle orphanage though my dad works for the ministry of magic in Korea" I half-lied because my mum does in fact work in an orphanage and my dad is Korean but is the British priminister's assistant.

Before he could question me further the compartment...
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Wow. I had to open with wow, because I'm speechless. I saw the midnight premier earlier this morning, and I had this uplifting feeling. To see all of these loyal fans showing their pride and coming out for the last big Harry Potter event was simply heartwarming (I actually only feel this now - I was too tired to really focus on the little details before the movie). Plus, we got these killer Harry Potter 3D glasses, which went far beyond my wildest hopes and dreams.

I'm doing this review out of sadness, mostly. It's just now hitting me that now this remarkable series will fade away from my life....
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I KNOW YOU ALL LIKE HARRY POTTER.I AM ALSO LIKE THIS MOVIE.IN DEATH OF ALLOWS HARRY POTTER WAS FOUGT WITH LORD VOLDEMOT ANEMY OF HARREY POTTER WHO's KILLED THE PARENTS OF HARRY.ITS A WOUNDEFUL FIGHT IN PART 1. WE KNOW THAT THE SECOND PART IS RELEASED ON 15 JULY 2011.SO FRIENDS WE CAN SEE FINALE AND SHINE THE NAME OF HARRY AND MOVIE.SO ENJOY IT.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................BYE BYE

Chapter 6: Roomie Bonding

"Gryffindor!" it yelled
Yes!! I ran over to my friends and sat with them.Ron and his brothers gave me high fives for getting Gryffindor.
We all enjoyed our feast laughing with Ron's twin bros Fred and George which I had officially christened as 'RedHeadFred' and 'GingerGeorge' which when I told them made them laugh so hard that pumpkin juice came out there nose,which made us laugh even harder.
After we were full...
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I suspect I'm not the only one, am I? XD...... Anyways, you know you're obsessed with Bellatrix when....
Credit: Me Myself and I

1. You throw away all of your hairbrushes.

2. You wear at least some black every day.

3. You rip your clothes on purpose.

4. You call people you don't like "filthy mudbloods".

5. You yell "CRUCIO!" at people when you get mad.

6. You carry knives on your person

7. Your desktop background and screensaver are of Bellatrix.

8. Whenever you're typing a word that starts with a "B" or an "L", you accidentally type out a Bellatrix or a Lestrange instead.

9. You think her birthday should...
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Chapter 3:Meeting a Celebrity

"So, if we're going to Diagon Alley, why are we still here?" I said as...
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Rita Skeeter
Rita Skeeter

Here I am, in an isolated bed wing at St. Mungo’s . And for once, interviewing ( not quite the right way ) Rita skeeter who apparently isnt in the best of condition to reveal about the extraordinary interview with the “MAN WHO LET THE BOY LIVE” and the “EATEN BY DEATH” crowd there . By hearing this we can easily guess why she has turned up at St.Mungo’s.

Anyways skeeter who – for the first time brilliantly found a way to penetrate into the after death world had successfully but unfortunately met them there in an interview.using a pensieve...
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Look at how popular Harry Potter used to be millions of fans all over. How many of you are on the pivoting point from switching like everyone else? Look at all the books now that have such great adventures like Percy Jackson, or 39, maybe Twilight. Its starting to bring Harry Potter down. Sure were getting a few more fans because of the movies. Now we only have about 75,000 fans all over America. Its really time to say Harry Potter is better in every way. Can you put a jinx on a werewolf in Twilight? Yeah didn't think so.

Now movies you get the Sorcerers apprentice, Percy Jackson, twilight....
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posted by ShadowQueen013
Mrs. Longbottom sat in a rocking chair cradling her baby boy in her arms.
"Shh," she said as Neville began to cry. She stroked his head and finally fell asleep. Alice Longbottom turned out the light and shut the door of the nursery when she heard a terrifying crash from downstairs.
"Alice!," her husband screamed, "Alice!!!"
She ran downstairs as quickly as she could only to see shattered windows and a group of people dressed in long black cloaks crowding their living room.
"Frank!" she screamed as unknown hands quickly dragged her next to her husband.
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How many times you answered yes..

The Books

1. Have you read Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone/Philosopher's Stone?

2. Have you read Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets?

3. Have you read Harry Potter & the Prisoner of Azkaban?

4. Have you read Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire?

5. Have you read Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix?

6. Have you read Fantastic Beasts & Where to Find Them?

7. Have you read Quidditch Through the Ages?

8. Have you read all the books more than once?

9. Have you read all the books more than four times?

10. Do you own more than one copy of the books?...
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I do not own Harry Potter or A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Having once this juice,
I'll watch Bellatrix when she is asleep,
And drop the liquor of it in her eyes.
The next thing then she waking looks upon,
Be it on lion, bear, or wolf, or bull,
On meddling monkey, or on busy ape,
She shall pursue it with the soul of love:
And ere I take this charm from off her sight,
As I can take it with another herb,
I'll make her render up her page to me.
But who comes here? I am invisible;
And I will overhear their conference.

Enter DRACO, PANSY, following him

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1. there are 132 stair cases at hogwards

2. 1.As of 2008, Harry Potter books have sold over 400 million copies and have been translated into 67 languages.i

3. Dementors are deadly, magical, wraith-like creatures. Rowling revealed that they represent depression and that they were based on her own experience with the disease. The remedy to lighten the effects of a Dementor is chocolate

4. Hermione’s cat Crookshanks is no ordinary cat as he is half-kneazle.

5. Dementors don’t breed. They grow where there’s decay, like fungus.

6. The tattoos on Sirius Black’s body are borrowed from Russian...
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Guaranteed to tick them off!

Started by Yvette, and continued by countless fans!

This list may contain spoilers!

1. Relate everything they say to the Harry Potter books and/or movies.

2. Say they look like a Harry Potter character of the opposite gender.

3. Quote Dobby.

4. Hog the computer 24/7 while logged onto MuggleNet.

5. Read out loud to them whenever they can't get away from you (Example: When in a car or an elevator). If you don't have a book with you, recite from memory.

6. Give them Harry Potter merchandise for their birthday and Christmas and demand that they keep it and treasure it...
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