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posted by PotterLambert93
Chapter 2
Bad News

    A few days had passed since the disaster. Ginny and her mother were preparing dinner while everyone was at work. She was doing everything she can to avoid Harry in her thoughts by doing chores. As dinner was set on the table, Mr Weasley arrived home, looking distraught.

Ginny: Is everything ok at work dad? she noticed The Daily Prophet in his hands

Mr. Weasley: Well, I think this should explain it...

He gave the Daily Prophet to his daughter. Suddenly, Ginny gave a huge outcry. Right in front of the paper was a picture of Harry with big huge words:


Ginny: How could they?!! Mum! look at this! Molly takes a look, she was more angrier than Ginny

Miss Weasley: I can't believe it! they have gone absolutley too far this time! They're all mad! doing this to a 17-year-old boy!

Mr. Weasley: That's not the only thing though. The Ministry has also decided to call muggle-borns into questioning. They believe that all of the muggle-borns "stole" magic and will do anything to punish them! out of their minds they are! and to make things worse, that horrible Dolores Umbridge is now in charge of all that!

Ginny was even more angry. Umbridge was The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts during her 4th year. Harry, Ron and Hermione started a group called Dumbledore's Army because Umbridge refused to teach them how to actually defend themselves. As they sat down on the table, Arthur began to speak again.

Mr Weasley: But I also wanted to tell you this Ginny. I;m afraid that you have no choice but to go back to Hogwarts this year. You-know-Who made it clear that Hogwarts is mandatory for every witch and wizard, and that they will be checking all of the student's blood status as well.
Ginny and Molly are in shock, there was silence at the table. After the longest time, Ginny finally spoke

Ginny: No... I won't go back!

Miss Weasley: Ginny, you have too!

Ginny: I don't care, I can't bear it! they can go ahead and find me if they want to!

Mr Weasley: Don't talk like that young lady! you are going and that's that. Besides, I'm sure most of the professors will do everything they can to help all of you. I know Professor McGonagall will do her best, she's in the Order of the Pheonix after all.

Miss Weasley [quietly]: At least Ron and the other won't have to worry about all of this, especially Hermione considering she's muggle-born. Poor girl, having to erase her parents memories and send them to a different country. God only knows what would've happened to her... just thinking...

Ginny: Let's not talk about anymore then, shall we?

Arthur: Yes, well on the good news, I ran into Remus today and he told me that Tonks is pregnant!

Molly [suddenly cheerful]: Really? oh how wonderful! I'm so happy for them! But I never really thought of Tonks as the mother type though.

Arthur: Yes well, he didn't really seem too happy about it though. He was on his way to Grimmwald Place to tell Ron, Harry and Hermione about what's been going on.

They finished dinner. Ginny went upstairs to get ready for bed when suddenly, an idea came to her head. If You-Know-Who was going to take over Hogwarts as well, she wanted to do something about it. She didn't want to just wait and have Harry stop him himself, she wanted to take action, and somehow, get everyone involved. If only the D.A. was still there...

    The next morning, after Mr Weasley left for work, Ginny and Molly traveled to Diagon Alley to get her usual school supplies. Diagon Alley wasn't as cheerful and colorful as it once was. It was now full of gangs of bad wizards [which made Ginny stay very close to her mother] and most of the shops were borded up. The only places available were the robe and book shops, and Fred and George's joke shop which, suprisingly, was still successful with many customers inside. Even Gringotts, the wizard bank was still running. After getting all of her supplies, Ginny and Molly agreed to stop by Fred and George's shop to say hello. As they walked in, she spotted her friend and fellow Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood and her father Xenophillius looking at the Dungbombs. She went up to them while Molly went to find the twins

Ginny: Hey!

Luna: Oh Hi Ginny! how's everything been since, well, that night?

Ginny: Well, after you guys left, we were questioned but that was about it. My dad and brothers are still going to work though. Did you hear about what's going to happen at Hogwarts this year?

Luna: Oh yes, it's so unfair, especially for the muggle-borns. I wish there was something we could do to help. Did you see Harry's wanted pictures as well? My Dad is doing all he can to get people to support him on The Quibbler.

Ginny paused. Everytime she heard about Harry being wanted she was always on the verge of tears, but did her best to control herself.

Ginny: Yeah. Well, I've been thinking last night and [looks around and makes sure no one was listening] I think we should take a stand. Maybe... get Dumbledore's Army back or something.

Luna: That's a great idea! but how are going to do that with You-Know-Who watching us?

Ginny: Oh... well I didn't think about that actually.

Luna: Don't worry, we wiil find a plan. We should find Neville and start planning. Oh look! here he is!

Neville Longbottom, who was in the same year as Ron, approched them along with his elderly Grandmother.

Neville: Hey guys. Did you hear about what's going to happen at school this year? It's completley mad!

Neville's Grandmother: Those rotten idiots! I hope that bloke you-know-who is defeated soon! Well Neville, you can stay with your little friends here while I look around this place, seems to take all troubles away...

As she walks away, Ginny told Neville of her plan. When she was finnished, Neville was excited

Neville: We should! I think it's about time that WE do something with Harry, Ron and Hermione gone! I think they would like us to help Hogwarts.

Fred and George appeared. They caught everything they were talking about.

Fred: Planning to rebel, little sis?

Ginny: This is none of your buisness!

George: Really? cause we were going to say we support you 100%, and decide to not turn you in to Mum and Dad, but I guess not...

Ginny: Wait! I'm sorry! you can join us if you want

Fred: How? when we don't go there anymore?

George [ignoring his twin]: Well, we were going to tell you all that our friend Lee Jordon is planning to start a radio show called "Potterwatch" in which he and us will be informing those who are rebelling against You-Know-Who about things that The Ministry leaves out on the The Daily Prophet, and also those who support Harry as well. Kingsley Shackelbot is also involved.

Luna: That's a great idea! When will it air?

George: Well, that's the thing. Since The Ministry and You-Know-Who are watching us like hawks, he's planning to set a password for people to use in order to listen, and to be in a different location everytime he airs.

Neville: I always thought Lee was annoying, but this is brilliant!

Fred: Well then Ginny, if you and these two plan on rebeling, all I can say is good luck.

Ginny: Thanks guys. You seriously won't tell mum and dad?

George: Promise. as long as you don't get kicked out of school or something.

Ginny: Well, Mum seems to be waiting for me, so good luck with Potterwatch. I will try to hear it soon, and I will see you two in a few weeks.

As August wore on, Ginny comtinued to help her mother around the house. All she could think about was her plan to recruit the D.A. and help fight You-Know-Who. For the first time in her life, she felt a lot more stronger than she usually was. On the night before school began, while packing her supplies and robes, she heard her father come home, shouting and her mother gasping. Ginny ran downstairs to see what was going on.

Ginny: What happened? who died? who was attacked?!
Her parents took one look at each other, and then finally told their daughter the news...

Arthur: Severus Snape...is going to be your new Headmeaster.
posted by Twilight-girl-x
You guys are just so Supermegafoxyawesomehot! Some of the things people tell me about my writing of this story are brilliant it makes me want to cry because I love to write!! I really hope you enjoy this…this Chapter is dedicated to Koolamelia on Fanpop.com, she leaves the most amazing comments for me and really is brilliant. As are the rest of you I just desperately needed to get her name out :D And don’t forget to tell me what you think of the chapter :D Oh and just so no one is confused- I have posted this story in different place’s ~ Fanfiction.net, Fanpop.com and my Facebook page...
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The cast of the Harry Potter films were always generous in helping our organization grant wishes to young fans and in celebration of today’s new release, we would like to tell you about them.

In 2004 Kids Wish Network granted the wish of Alexandra, a Harry Potter fan suffering from spina bifida and hydrocephalus. Spina bifida is a birth defect that occurs when a portion of the spinal column fails to develop and close properly, and hydrocephalus is a condition in which the cerebrospinal fluid builds up in the skull. She has endured many surgeries and relies on a wheelchair for mobility.

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posted by Hermione-Fan361
Dear Professors of Hogwarts,

I am writing to you about a very serious matter. Many of us have not received our Hogwarts Acceptance Letters. All have watched out their window, waiting for those faithful owls to come in for a landing, but alas, not a single one showed up. I am to be participating in my second term at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Others may be ready to come for their first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or even seventh term! All of us have learned a lot about Hogwarts over the years, about the Professors, classes, activities, and so on. We are all quite ready to "Fill our brains with some interesting stuff!" We will wait no more. Our letters are quite late in some cases. Please, Professors, do not leave us standing here. Bring us to Hogwarts!

The Wizards and Witches of Fanpop
posted by Thecharliejay
Accio Brings an object to you
Aguamenti Creates a gush of water from the tip of the spell caster’s wand
Alohomora Opens locks
Aparecium Makes invisible ink become visible
Avada Kedavra The Unforgivable Curse; Kills your opponent; taken from “Abra Cadabra”
Avifors Turns things into birds Avis Makes birds fly out of the end of your wand Bombarda Causes a small, locally contained explosion. To make a bigger explosion, one could use “bombarda maxima”
Colloportus Closes a door and binds it so that it can’t be opened.
Confringo AKA the Blasting Curse; Causes the item targeted to explode...
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posted by midnight123
hey people! heres part 3. i'm literally just coming up with this off the top of my head. comment. please tell me your thoughts. thanks!
• • •
I woke up to them standing above me. Them. The shadows in my bedroom. Unidentifiable shadows. Death eaters? Dementors? I didn't know. What I did know is that they were ripping me from my bed. These figures. Taking me away. I thrashed and shrieked. They persisted. I continued shrieking. Screaming. For Harry. For anyone within hearing distance. No one came. Harry didn't wake. Who were these things? People? Creatures? They wanted me. But why? Why was...
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The Snidget!!! :D
The Snidget!!! :D
- Hagrid is said to be twice the height of a human, but in the films he is mentioned to be 8 feet 6 inches.

- Crookshanks is no ordinary cat, as he is half-kneazle. Kneazles are intelligent cat-like creatures who can sniff out suspicious characters, and if a kneazle takes a liking to a witch or wizard they make excellent pets.

- Members of the Order of the Phoenix are the only wizards who know how to communicate using their patronuses.

- Dementors don't breed. They grow where there's decay, like fungus.

- The tattoos on Sirus Black's body are borrowed from Russian prison gangs. These are to...
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A comment made on my previous article about Lily Evans motivated me to write this one. I will try to explain why I think most Slytherins, as portrayed in the books, shouldn't be considered 'good', but 'not bad' at best. When I say 'most Slytherins', I mean everyone Harry dedicated a few thoughts to except for Andromeda who remains unknown.

Salazar Slytherin's favourite students were the ambitious and cunning ones, preferably purebloods. While none of those traits are negative, the house still managed to produce more dark wizards than any other. Voldemort is Slytherin's descendant and most of...
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Throughout centuries the House of Slytherin has attracted ambitious and cunning students seeking for success and personal glory. It is the house favoured by old pureblood families, such as the Malfoys or the Blacks, and the house the has apparently produced more dark wizards than any other. In the following article I will give the reasons why I think Lily Evans should've been a Slytherin.

Lily is a Gryffindor, and a fitting one. Harry Potter's famous mother and reason why he was able to put an end to Voldemort, was a talented muggleborn witch who attended Hogwarts in the 70s. She was teacher's...
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posted by katlovesbtr
Harry Potter Jokes

Why did Harry potter?
Because he didn’t feel like rushing!

What’s the difference between a wizard and the letters M A K E S?
One makes spells, the other spells makes!

Why was Dobby always saying sorry?
Because he had low elf-esteem!

What did Harry's godfather say when Harry kept poking him?
"That's enough now Harry! I'm Sirius!"

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
You know!
You know who?
It's okay, he's dead! You can say his name now, silly

knock knock.
who's there?
wingardium levio.
wingardium levio-who?
It's wingardium leviosAAAAAAAAR

How many wizards does it take to change a lightbulb?
None —...
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General Facts Not Disclosed in the Books

(Facts go from newest to oldest, with newest on top)

◦Prefects can take points; Ron got it wrong in Order of the Phoenix, which makes him a pretty poor prefect, eh?

◦Fred and George Weasley were born on April Fools' day (no joke).

◦Ginny Weasley's first name is Ginevra, and she is the first female Weasley born for "several generations," says JKR.

◦Arthur Weasley has two brothers.

◦Molly Weasley's maiden name is Prewett.

◦Crookshanks is half Kneazle.

◦The infamous Weasley cousin who was cut from the books was named Mafalda. She was in Slytherin....
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posted by ThatDarnHippo
We grew up in the world of Harry Potter.

We were at his side when he found the Sorcerer's Stone.
We followed him into the Chamber of Secrets.
We helped him free The Prisoner of Askaban.
We called his name from The Goblet of Fire.
We joined him in The Order of the Phoenix.
We helped him identify The Half Blood Prince.
We and him learned the ancient tale of The Deathly Hallows.

And now the end is near.

We have all been with Harry throughout the pages of the books and the scenes of the movies.
Harry Potter's followers from all over the globe ache from the closing of a decade filled with magic and...
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Every Harry Potter fan worldwide is waiting for the conclusion to the hugely famous HP series.
After the relese of the first Deathly Hallows film, I decided to read the book first,. And so I read and read until I ran out of pages, my eyes barely leaving the book. Adventure and excitement in every chapter, and suspense building up with every word, I found this book fantastic. And so I watched the film, and though it was not accompanied by the amazing literary skills of J.K Rowling, it did the first half of the book justice. So now we wait for the final film, some of us jumping for joy, others...
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I thought of this cool Tik Tok Harry Potter parody.

Wake up in the mornin feelin like Harry Potter
Grab my wand
Im out the door
Gonna kill Voldemort
Before I leave, grab my glasses
Say goodbye to Hedwig
Cuzz when I apparate out of the room
I aint comin back
Im talkin about Death Eaters tryin to kill me (me)
Neville beheadin Nagini (ni)
Voldemort comin after me (me)
Stop, drop and save Sirius
Destroyin the horocrux
Runnin with Ron and Herrrmiiiiooooooooneeeeeee
Dont stop
Make it pop
And the chase doesnt stop
Gonna fight
Till we see the sunlight
Tik Tok
Round the clock
And the chase...
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posted by Ultimately57
Being sorted into Slytherin is one of the biggest things that will happen in Hogwarts. Not only are Slytherins described to be pure-blooded, prejudiced and evil, and no one in Hogwarts seems to like them.

First, how many dark lords have been sorted into Slytherin? Lord Voldemort, one of the most evil Dark lords ever, is the main one. He was cunning, sly and ambitious. But could he have been better? The Harry Potter book states that teachers liked him and his charm.

But Lord Voldemort isn’t the problem. It’s the fact that when people think of him, they know he was sorted into Slytherin. Many...
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posted by LoveDraco123
I've been a devoted Harry Potter fan since I was five. At that time, I didn't read the books, but just focused on the movies, and they fascinated me greatly. I knew all the spells by heart, and I used to say the lines as I watched the movies again. I had random Harry Potter stuff written down on my school books, and I used to make a wooden wand and practice all the non-existent spells.

Then, I moved to London, and there, my cousin forced me to read the books. It was the greatest thing I had ever done, and I thank my cousin for it. He shoved the first book in my face and said, "Read it! The movies...
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posted by gryffindorgal
It began with hello;
but ended before goodbye.

Niether of us thought
that either of us would die.

It started one fall day,
I was way in over my head;
all I needed was a friend.

I grew up by your side,
you grew up by mine.

We didn't know
I was living on borrowed time.

But now here I lay,
ahem, lie;
dressed in white,
blank eyes to the sky.

You walk over slowly and whisper goodbye.
You look so odd as you begin to cry.

Goodbye to you also, my friend
but in my sight,
our friendship will never die.

-Inspired by the final battle
I will not poke Hufflepuffs with spoons, nor will I insist that their House colors indicate that they are "covered in bees".

No matter how good a fake Australian accent I can do, I will not imitate Steve Irwin during Care of Magical Creatures class.

Growing marijuana or hallucinogenic mushrooms is not "an extra credit project for Herbology".

"I've heard every possible joke about Oliver Wood's name" is not a challenge.

The Giant Squid is not an appropriate date to the Yule Ball.

I will not use Umbridge's quill to write "I told you I was hardcore".

If a classmate falls asleep, I will not take advantage...
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Well, I posted some fan-pick questions some days ago about rating different movies. It's now closed.

My aim behind posting these picks were to rate the HP movie by fans on fanpop.com..

The ratings is something like this

Sorcerer's Stone/Philosopher's Stone

Rating----- 4.31/5

It's a Hit- 88.6%

Average rating of SS/PS movie is 4.31 and 88.6% of fans think, it's a hit movie...

Chamber of Secrets

Rating----- 4.48/5

It's a Hit- 91.2%

Average rating of CoS movie is 4.48 and 91.2% of fans think, it's a hit movie...

Prisoner of Azkaban

Rating----- 4.17/5

It's a Hit- 77.8%

Average rating of PoA movie is 4.17 and...
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Can you find a snobby, spoiled, pretty, and a bossy little girl like Samantha Jessa Crane? She is an American-British-Sioux Indian-Irish-Chinese-Jewish girl who likes to bullying every "useless people" in her school since kindergarten.

Her personality is a little bit of narcisstic and careless, but she don't mind with the latter because she have many perfect allies. While Hogwarts sent a letter to Karen Hoskins, the half-blood next-door, the postman incorrectly gives the letter to her because McGonagall accidentally writes the wrong house number.

Samantha, surprised, goes to London, only to...
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posted by Ann_Longbottom
An early page of Philosophers Stone showing an abandoned Plotline:
“So this Flamel bloke found the stone “ said Ron
“No- he made it, “said Harry, “He was an alchemist. Which means
“Someone who turns base metals into gold” said Hermione. She had
that old proving- I- know- more- than- everyone- else look on her face, the
other two noticed, “Of course. I read about this in Alchemy, Ancient
Art and Science, by Argo Pyrites”.
“I missed that one myself,” muttered Ron.
“(and)—of course it's some of the most difficult magic you can do.
And you end up not just with pure gold but...
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