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Harry Potter Question

Do you get mad at people who favor unlikely couples?

Like Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Draco, Draco/Luna, Ron/Luna, Hermione/Fred, Ginny/Draco..etc..does it bother you now that the books are out and the pairings are set in stone? I mean I know not everyone was happy with the pairings and they write fanfics to satisfy their unhappiness, but doesn't it just get annoying? I especially hate Harry/Hermione..was never going to happen, not in a million years. XD.
I disagree, Harry/Hermione could have happened. They're best friends. What if Ron didn't come back to help them find the horcruxes? It might have happened...
LifesGoodx3 posted over a year ago
Yes I do, some people ship absolutely senseless couples like Dramione, for example, in the books you have never ever seen either of them sharing a moment or even liking each other
xxHpfreak9xx posted over a year ago
^That may be true, but that doesn't mean it's not fun to ship them. It's where the imagination comes in. It doesn't have to be realistic for it to be a possible ship.
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
 slytherinangel posted over a year ago
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Harry Potter Answers

Eirinaki_b_13 said:
No, not at all!
Everyone has the right to ship/like any couple he wants! And just because some couples were Endgame doesnt mean people sould like them!
And some people think Harry/Hermoine would be good/better than Ron and Hermione together. So they still ship them.
Why would it mind you?? You should just be happy that the couples you like were together instead o being annoyed by oher fans! :)
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posted over a year ago 
There's a fine line between people just favoring the couple and being they don't believe the couples ever got together or anything XD.
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
Well, no one can say that a couple isnt together! You know it, they get married or something! But still i get what you are saying!
Eirinaki_b_13 posted over a year ago
bri-marie said:
Depends on the coupling. Draco/Harry, Hermione/Draco, Luna/Harry ectect, no. I have ones I don't particularly care for, of course, but I don't get mad.

However, if it's a random coupling (Voldemort/Harry, McGonagall/Snape) that is completely unbelievable, then, yes. I get mad. And creeped out :x
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posted over a year ago 
Oh, yes! Some couples are creeopy! Like Dambledoor and Hermione!!
Eirinaki_b_13 posted over a year ago
See...Voldemort/Harry is scary..and McGonagall/Snape is just weird and creepy.
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
Fred and George? That totally ruins it all :(
HecateA posted over a year ago
amy_x_ben said:
I may not like them personally, like Dramione - but I don't get mad at them. I also can't stand pairings like Snape/Hermione or slash pairings. But I understand that it's all for fun.

Personally, I ship Harry/Hermione, but I was never a 'delusional' who believed that H/Hr were destined even after OotP. I always knew it was going to be Ron/Hermione, and that's fine. I'm as big of a fan of canon couples, as I am fanon couples.

I wouldn't get mad at them if they ship these couples for fun, like I do. But if they do insist and argue, even after DH, that Harry/Hermione is still gonna happen, and that JKR carefully wrote the epilogue in a way that hinted toward an affair before '19 Years Later' (some hard core fans think that since JKR never showed Harry and Hermione interacting with eachother in the epilogue, they must've had some relationship issues in the past), then I might get irritated, because that IS delusion.

I ship them purely for FUN. If you get mad at me for shipping this couple for FUN, then it is you who has the problem.
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posted over a year ago 
Yes, I totally agree with you.
CrimsonShadow posted over a year ago
I totally agree.
MrsEmmaPeel posted over a year ago
KathyHalliwell said:
I don't really get mad, maybe frustrated. I actually hate it more when people say they hate my favourite couple. I know everyone have their own opinions, but it just pisses me off. xD
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posted over a year ago 
I understand what you're saying. I mean, Harry/Hermione do have chemistry but Ron/Hermione's relationship was set in stone before the books were finished. JKR always knew they would end up together. Some of the others I just don't get..
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
I hate it when they hate my couples too and mine are canon.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
actually ron and hermione weren't supposed to get together since the beginning JK rowling said that she originally intended for hermione and fred to get together
jodarchy posted over a year ago
LifesGoodx3 said:
I think I land in the category of "people who favor unlikely couples". I'm a shipper of Remus/Sirius & Drarry, yeah I definitely fall under that category. Doesn't mean I don't like the canon couples though.
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posted over a year ago 
I'm the same.
MrsEmmaPeel posted over a year ago
delamico said:
Haha! That's used to be like: Howdareyouinsult Arwenwhenshe'stherightoneforAragorn-andEowynisonlyapushybitch?!
But nowadays I just shrug or tell people how their favorites a much more ridiculous and how stupid they are for such a preference. I usually get back such looks... if people could kill with a glimpse of the eyes (we know, listeners, that's a Basilisk) I'd be dead long ago. Well naturally, everyone should be a bit jumpier when it comes to our favorites, right? Otherwise, we'd not call the 'favorites'.
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posted over a year ago 
pleeeeeeeeeeeez..between every word but a space u made me blind by solving ur puzzeled swntences
binq posted over a year ago
pleeeeease.. want me to pay for your glasses?
delamico posted over a year ago
Vixie79 said:
I get mad at ones that question JK's decision and judgment. To have a favorite non-cannon couple is okay...I got one myself, but to actually question it, even after JK's explanations on why, who she paired is pointless and annoying to me.
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, like I said..there's a difference between having a favorite couple and being completely dillusional and still not accepting the fact that the characters were paired off and married at the end of the book and from what JKR has told us.
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
Exactly, I use the word delusional too...LOL!
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
* spelling is not the best today XD.
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
It's okay, mine hasn't either. I have to keep double checking my comments. lol
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
AvaMarch said:
YES! Especially Hermoine/Draco >:(
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posted over a year ago 
Yeah, I agree that couple is totally ridiculous.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
Thank you! :) I thought I was the only one who didn't ship Dramione.
amy_x_ben posted over a year ago
Same, that and Drarry *shutter*
ghstgrl posted over a year ago
zanhar1 said:
No because, I'm one of those people.
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No because, I'm one of those people.
posted over a year ago 
I like Voldemort and Bellatrix. I believe they had a relationship of sorts. She loved him more than she loved her hubby.
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
Its still considered unlikly because Voldemort cant love. I also actually like DracoxHermione HarryxHermione and LunaxNeville
zanhar1 posted over a year ago
They're my favourite couple, allthough I know it's inmpossible because Voldy can't feel love haha
GaiaBVGSR posted over a year ago
szitaliandude said:
i agree with that other guy at the top, harry hermonie could have happend... but no it does NOT bother me that people think weird things about cupples in books. but, it does bother me that hermonie is not in ravenclaw! i think she was put in gryffindor just 2 plot with harry!
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posted over a year ago 
Had she been in Ravenclaw she probably wouldn't have been friends with Harry. It was important that they all be Gryffindors so that they would be around each other often so they could develop their frienships. What better way to do that then stick them all in the same house?
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
Yeah IT COULD have happened, but it didn't.
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
CrimsonShadow said:
Nah, since I'm one of them. :P Many of my favorite couples are unlikely/non-canon. There's nothing wrong with simply preferring a non-canon couple to the official one.

I didn't have much of a problem with the official couples in Harry Potter, though.
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posted over a year ago 
nikki5516 said:
I dont get mad and it doesnt bother me. I think that every couple is cute nomatter who the people are.
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posted over a year ago 
ShadowQueen013 said:
Let's just say tat these pairs scare me:
Draco/Hermoine (which this wasnt always my thought I used to think they could be cute together but now I'm just like noooooo ew.)
Others like Luna/Neville,Harry/Hermoine,and Voldemort/Bellatrix are fine to me I guess.especially Luna/Neville they would be cute :)
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Let's just say tat these pairs scare me:
Draco/Hermoine (which this wasnt always my thought I used to think they could be cute together but now I'm just like noooooo ew.)
Others like Luna/Neville,Harry/Hermoine,and Voldemort/Bellatrix are fine to me I guess.especially Luna/Neville they would be cute :)
posted over a year ago 
Neville and Luna are cute!
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
I was actually expecting them to get together but I guess not :(
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
i completley agree with u!!
magic18 posted over a year ago
Persephone713 said:
NOT AT ALL- I'm one of them that makes not " Unlikely couples" but non book canon ones. I think Bellatrix and Voldemort were meant for each other and forever will be companions of each other. Voldemort may not love, but he can love her out of vanity. Plus they are just..just meant to be.
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NOT AT ALL- I'm one of them that makes not " Unlikely couples" but non book canon ones. I think Bellatrix and Voldemort were meant for each other and forever will be companions of each other. Voldemort may not love, but he can love her out of vanity. Plus they are just..just meant to be.
posted over a year ago 
that picture is awesome! :)
yermam posted over a year ago
HecateA said:
It depends. Harry/Hermione, well, if not for Ron, it could've happened. Ron/Luna as well, and am I the only one who thinks Draco should've ended up with a muggle or muggleborn?

But Sirius/Lupin, Lili/Snape (It's Lili and James!)and Draco/Harry, if I'm cranky I will, but I wont say.

The totally unvelievable stupid ones, I'm just annoyed.
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posted over a year ago 
oh I hate when people put two guys together or two girls. like as you said sirius/lupin.
ShadowQueen013 posted over a year ago
Draco wouldn't have. His family beliefs are engraved into him too much for him to ever consider a muggle or muggleborn.
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
The heart wants what the heart wants :)
HecateA posted over a year ago
SangosFire said:
It all really depends if it's all for fun, or in all seriousness.
Or the couple in general. Like lets say Pansy/Neville....big no no.
Some of them, I happen to like, such as Ron/Luna, Neville/Luna, Fred/Hermione etc. However, I have my OTP's, and am quite close-minded when it comes to HP pairings, but when someone is pointing out all the reasons why Draco and Hermione should be together, it gets highly annoying
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posted over a year ago 
Agreed! :)
amy_x_ben posted over a year ago
Why does it annoy when people tell you why Draco and Hermione could happen? Theyr'e just voicing their opinions on what they think could be believable.
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
^ *annoy you *they're.... typos XD
ArcticWolf posted over a year ago
Misharrypotter said:
no i was one i thought it was going to be Luna and harry
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posted over a year ago 
ashleigh192 said:
I don't get mad at all. If people like a certain pairing, far be it for me to tell them that their imagination is faulty.
It's ridiculous. I don't get ship wars at all.

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posted over a year ago 
vanillaicecream said:
Especially when people start shipping
Hermione/ Voldemort

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posted over a year ago 
Those ships are creepy..
LifesGoodx3 posted over a year ago
EW hermione/voldemort XD
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
thats just freaky
magic18 posted over a year ago
I don't think I've ever read Hermione/Voldemort, but a well written Harry/Voldemort is one of my favourites. :)
terhenetar posted over a year ago
ginny_potter_97 said:
no i dont care i think its just imagintion working up in someones mind thats what it's fanFICTION!!!! its not real. so get off your high horse and smell the roses you need imagination in you life!!!!!!

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no i dont care i think its just imagintion working up in someones mind thats what it's fanFICTION!!!! its not real. so get off your high horse and smell the roses you need imagination in you life!!!!!!

posted over a year ago 
Pretty graphic!! :D
MrsEmmaPeel posted over a year ago
Although I'm not a Dramione fan, I still love the graphic! :)
terhenetar posted over a year ago
DiNozzosShorty said:
no actually i love it scpecially when they hav this whole plan how they are gonna end up and stuff and i m one of them i dont right stories but actually i favor luna/harry hermione/seamus ron/gabrielle (fluers little sister) ginny/draco tell me wat u think bout my couples dont worry if u dont like them i can take cthe heat haha
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posted over a year ago 
wasn't gabrielle like 10? O.o
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
draco would never end up with a blood traitor of a muggle born!!!
magic18 posted over a year ago
Ellernnn said:
Ahhh, It always annoys me

all ther "hermione/harry" thing.
Read the books!!! Harry & hermione are best-friends, who confide in eachother, about how much they like other people.

harry gets advice on ginny from hermione
and hermione gets advice on ron from harry.

There just best friends :D

ron & luna- No wayyyy! Theyre so oposite, luna+neville all the way!

And draco shouldnt get paired up with the good guys URGH, its annoys me.
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posted over a year ago 
magic18 posted over a year ago
I agree!
Vixie79 posted over a year ago
I honestly think that the Harry/Hermione shippers determined in their minds that they were going to wind up together when they read the first book. Then they psychologically suppressed all the evidence to the contrary.
Pensieve_Seeker posted over a year ago
sickla said:
I AM ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE! YOU HAVE INSULTED MY HONOR! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A DUEL! do you accept or are you a coward? please answer in the comments.
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posted over a year ago 
Grow up and learn how to spell. What are you, a five year old?
slytherinangel posted over a year ago
no im a lazy 9 year old. now shut up.
sickla posted over a year ago
and i havent had a good online duel in a while.
sickla posted over a year ago
ArcticWolf said:
Why would I?

Getting mad at someone on what couple they personally like is stupid and petty. It's like arguing over which ice cream flavor is best - even if the majority of people like chocolate, people can still argue that vanilla is better because they don't like chocolate.

People like what they like, and not everyone is going to float in the same canon couple boat. It doesn't make them delusional if the couples are really crazy, it just means they have a sense of humor and/or fun. Not to mention it's insulting when people leave comments like "you like THAT couple?! O_O" or "you ship them together? No offense, but really?" Some people are really passionate about some of those couples, and people need to respect that without freaking out because someone likes a couple that *GASP* isn't realistic! It's not required for a couple to be realistic. That's what an imagination is. Some people try to give out reasons why their pairing is realistic, and instead scoffing at it I think people should actually listen. It's all about opinions, and people need to accept that and move on without judging anybody.
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posted over a year ago 
I totally agree. Well said.
MrsEmmaPeel posted over a year ago
MrsEmmaPeel said:
No. People just like to use their imaginations and I respect that. Plus it's a lot more interesting to read unlikely couples sometimes. I get bored reading canon couples in fanfics after awhile. I refer the Unlikely. It's a lot more fun. Just because they write unlikely couples doesn't always mean they hate the originals.
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posted over a year ago 
Plus I'm also a HUGE Severus Snape/Hermione Granger fan. SSHG all the way!!!!
MrsEmmaPeel posted over a year ago
terhenetar said:
No, since I would have to be mad at myself and ot even I am that insane. :]
Come to think of it, the only pairings I truly like are AU. I simply don't care about most canon pairings.
I fail to see why it should irritate other fans, however. I don't go around trying to convince everyone that the one true Harry Potter pairing is Drarry, Snarry or LV/HP or that Hermione is far more interesting when paired with Lucius instead of Ron. I respect canon pairings in some way, since JKR created them, but I don't feel inclined to like or ship them. After all, if I am not mistaken, JKR was happy about people writing fanfiction and since most fanfiction concentrates on AU pairings, it would imply that she has a somewhat 'flexible' attitude towards it.
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posted over a year ago 
helena87 said:
No I don't get mad at all. I think it's normal for people to want different couples to end up together. It all depends which characters you love and how much you like the canon couple.

I for one am guilty to sometimes thinking (and writing) about Tonks and Bill being together. Not that I would wanna change her being with Lupin. Gah love!! haha. But it's all imagination and it's fun to explore and think outside of the pairing box so to speak.

I think everyone has the right to ship who they want and like who they want. We also know the "reality" so why get annoyed. As long as it makes them happy =)
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posted over a year ago 
Chimeranangel said:
This is incredibly late but I think getting mad at people who favor unlikely couples is immature, I don't get angry at seeing unlikely couples (impossibly couples is another story entirely) because I can respect that other people have their own opinions. I do get mad at people fanatically defending pairings to the point of attacking anyone who disagrees with them. I read fanfiction and I have seen authors get attacked for pairings that the readers didn't agree with. I myself have been attacked by a Harry/Draco shipper because I hate Draco. Also Harry/Voldemort, what kinda sick, twisted person would you have to be to want Harry to fall in love with the guy who murdered his family and is old enough to be his grandfather. I also find it hilarious that you say Harry/Hermione would never have happened considering recent comments from JKR. I get that people like to have fun with shipping, but please don't try and pass off stuff like Dramione as a legitimate thing, it makes me think that people don't actually care for these characters' personalities at all, which saddens me because they're great characters and don't deserve to be twisted like that.
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posted over a year ago 
Flickerflame said:
Not mad. Why should I care what ships they like or support? I'd only get mad, possibly, if they were far too loud about their shipping, denying what canonically happened and criticising shippers of the canon pairings.
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posted over a year ago 
jodarchy said:
no, its incredibly immature to get mad at people over who they ship. some people don't like some of the canon couples like me, liking other couples isn't delusional nor is it disrespectful to the author, everyone has the right to their own opinions.

fanfiction is about writing or reading stories with couples you like that weren't canon. there are disclaimers on stories for a reason.

i personally dislike a number of HP canons like romione, that's just my personal opinion i don't dislike or hate those who do ship them.
i also like a lot of unconventional or non canon ships. There are also some that creep me out like voldemort with anyone but bellatrix and a few others but its not my place to hate on people who do ship them.
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posted over a year ago 
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