Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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Discussion regarding Twilight vampires and reply to Drisina at link

First Part:
The thing is Drisina, one cannot by fiat change a legend to whatever one very well pleases with. Vampires have been in mythology from the 17th century, e.g. Countess Elizabeth Bathory who alledgedly drank her female servants blood to stay young.

So what Stephenie Meyer does is that she takes the vampire-myth, and discards the gorier details and imperfections, replaces them with what she thinks they should be and et voila, we have Edward Cullen.

Now I shall dissect why most people think its a bad thing to do. Recall that I said the vampire-mythology has been in existence since the 17th century, and have been established in its modern form by Bram Stoker and his likes in the 19th century.
It is per the standards of social inertia that conservatism will then be dominant. After all, the same story has been in circulation since the 19th century, do you not think that people will get used to that prevailing model? Yes, I applaud change but such large a change will often be the cause of extreme responses.
By analogy, who here would dislike the idea of calling Jedi's mechanical drones which rolls - literally rolls - around the universe in big starships? Who here would dislike the idea of the Star Trek Enterprise being a large space limousine and only a large space limousine?
I would, I think most fans of both Star Wars and Star Trek would deplore that model.
The thing is Drisina, Meyer's vampires are up against 400 year old ingrained traditions that has permeated every social class, do you not believe that most people will dislike that idea and criticise it?
It's related to out-group hostility Drisina, anything unfamiliar will be first disliked then if rigorously tested and proven that the general population likes it after a large amount of time, it will be received as tradition.

Second Part:
Yes, I hate out-group hostlity and xenophobia, but it is only some forms of it that I hate, it is those forms that have been hijacked from their original purposes. Originally, the purpose of xenophobia is exemplified by:
"A human meets one unfamiliar entity out on the African continent some 10 million years ago, he or she does not know this entity. For all that her or she knows, this entity may carry a lethal disease or is a dangerous animal, in which both cases he or she will die. Death for the selfish genes in his or hers body is monumentally bad, for they want to propagate and prosper, if the host they reside in dies, then there will be no chance of propagation, therefore they programme the host to avoid unfamilliar situations just in case those situations are dangerous."
Now because we are humans and because those same selfish genes have granted us the development of a moral and thinking brain, to which we are definitely solely possessing, we can override the evolutionary obstacles that is out-group hostility. Therefore it is possible for us to do things not to the liking of our in-group.

But what is the good part of "xenophobia" then? When we meet the same kind of people around our offices, read the same stuffs we usually read, does nothing out of the ordinary of our lives, we have stability.
Now one will probably infer that a normal life is pretty bleak. But lets give it a thought, if everyone did something new everyday, how long will it be before everything is descended into chaos? For a life without stability is inherently self-destructive. Balance, ladies and gentlemen, is my obvious conclusion.

Part Three and conclusion:
How did I start with discussing Meyer's vampires and transgress into a dissection of xenophobia people? xD
I conclude that what Meyer did was one of the bigger leaps of vampire mythology we have observed lately. But it is, at least for now, too vast a leap to be successfully appreciated. One does not impose vast flying changes to a mythology without dire consequences ladies and gentlemen. Balance, as I have noted earlier is the middle way. We cannot have a stagnant vampire mythology, because everything will be dull after ten years, but we cannot have vast changes all the time too, because after ten years we will be asking ourselves questions like: "What is a vampire?" Now would that be a good thing? Reply!
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***NOTE: I did not write this but found it online! No credit to me***

From link

The Twilight vs. Harry Potter debate : Team Potter and Team Twilight take on Question #1

December 24, 12:44 AM
by Michelle Kerns, Book Examiner

If you haven't met the members of the Twilight versus Harry Potter Debate Team, cast your eye on their qualifications here.
Now, on to the debate! If you've got your own opinions (and what self-respecting Twi-hard or Potter head doesn't?), feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page. However, let's remember we are civilized witches, wizards, vampires, and werewolves...
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posted by mariella721
Okay guys, I know everyone's got their own opinion and not everyone has the RIGHT opinion, but as a Twilight fan, can one of you Potter fans explain what you guys see in Harry Potter? Honestly, I haven't read all the books, but I've seen all the movies and they just don't make any sense. And another thing, the plot is bland and there's no real depth to it, like in Twilight. Harry Potter, also has no love in it, which makes for a boring story. Anyways, I just wanted to know what you crazies see in those books and stuff...

See ya :D

1. its just all thrown together and the movies leave out way to much.
2. it has no meaning just a girl falls in love then is a vampire the end.
3. is just plain stupid.simple as that
4. theres nothing to figure out. its to predictable.
5. it dosent have enough back story which goes back to # 1
6.and stephine myer wants to keep all the good players while j.k. isnt afraid to for the sake of the book
7.why doesnt she mentention why bellas parent got seperated which geos back to #4
8. it has no plot
9. the problem is the same all the way throughout the sires as h.p. faces many problems.
10.its down right boring hmm lets read the same boring thing over and over! yea! NOT!
posted by i-am-mariella
I’ve seen articles, like bri-marie’s, comparing Bella, Twilight’s “heroine” to the girls and female role models of the Harry Potter books like Hermione and Ginny. I agree with them whole-heartedly and I am happy to follow in the footsteps of strong women from Harry Potter – like Ginny, who is fierce and pretty bad-ass and just overall a strong female, and Hermione, who is studious and smart and witty and the boys often rely on her skills and “genius.” Because let’s face it – and Ron says it himself – where would they be without Hermione?
So I wanted to make my own because...
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"This kiss between Hermione and Ron is highly anticipated, it's been building up for eight films now. And Harry Potter is not Twilight, you know; we're not selling sex." - Emma Watson

If you think Emma Watson is stupid for quoting this, you are outta your mind. You think Twilight's not selling sex? Irony. Irony how some twi-hards reason out "BECAUSE EDWARD CULLEN IS SO SEXY!!!" if asked why Twilight is better than Harry Potter.

For me, Twilight is just popular 'cause it has sex appeal. Wait for several years, no one will be talking about Twilight anymore.. Harry Potter won't be talked about that much but it will never be forgotten.In my case, I know Harry Potter will be a future classic.

Twilight fans go ahead and attack me, whenever you're ready.
Obviously, this spot is about debating Harry Potter and Twilight, and I realised I've never written an article, so I decided to put down all my reasons for Harry Potter being better than Twilight.

Firstly, the 'love' in Twilight is not love. It is over powered lust. To my memory, Edwrad and Bella never have a conversation about from who loves the other more. Edward likes Bella because she smells good, Bella likes Edward because he's 'handsome' (which can't even be proven, he's a book character, we never see him).

The love in Harry Potter is shown as an amazing, all powerful thing that can sace...
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posted by harrypotterbest
Harry woke up the next morning with a feeling as though there was a heavy block in his stomach. He got ready and dressed and went downstairs. Ginny was already at the table, waiting for him. She smiled nervously at him, and he said to her ‘Don’t worry; compared to what we’ve been through, this is practice.’
Ginny laughed, and Harry felt pleased. They got their children ready, and dropped them off at the wizard day care, as every adult wizard would be in the battle.
Harry and Ginny apparated with Ron and Hermione to the Cullen backyard, where the battle would commence. When they got...
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posted by ABDCFan-
'Good Morning Voldemort' - The HP Version on 'Good Morning Baltimore', from the Musical, Hairspray.

Oh, oh, oh
Woke up today
Feeling the way i always do
Oh, oh, oh
Hungry for Magic
That i can't eat
Then i hear that beat
That rhythm of Voldie
Starts calling me down
It's like a message from
High above
Oh, oh, oh
Pulling me out
To the smiles and the
Streets that i love

Good morning Voldemort!
Every day's like an evil encore
Every night is a fantasy
Every sound's like a death to me!

Good morning Voldemort!
And some day when i take to the floor
The world's gonna wake up and see
Voldemort and me!

Oh, oh, oh
Look at my wand...
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posted by MissKnowItAll
I have read a lot of articles etc like this, but I thought I would write m own views down.

One thing I have heard about Twilight being better is that SMeyer is a better writer. I ask you, how on earth is SMeyer a better writer.

Take this sentence from New Moon:

'Suddenly, it(the bike) looked intimidating, frightening, as I realised I would soon be astride it.'

How does that flow as a sentence? It has two separate realisations together in one sentence. I found it awkward to read.

SMeyer doesn’t make us connect with her characters. She doesn’t describe their feeling well at all. She is not a good...
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So I surfing the web when I ran into one of the pages from this site. It was a question asking which would you rather be, a vampire or a wizard? I immediately answered wizard and I added 3 quick reasons why. That was several months ago and now I wondered if my answer was reasonable enough. I also read other people's reason and I admit some of them sounded very childish and naive.

Now I will start by defining the two by their origins. Vampires and wizards, because that was the question. Not Twilight Vampires or HP Wizards, but since that poll was under those topics I'm guessing I will talk...
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