Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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posted by ryomaidol
My cousin says we, Harry Potter fans are insecure about this ranting. How should I respond to this?!

(I HAVE TAKEN THINGS FROM OTHER ARTICLES HERE, sorry if used without permission)


Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: says Twilight ang pasimuno ng mga JEJEMON (ANGRY) (Twilight started the Jejemon movement)
46 minutes ago via Plurk · Comment · Like · View comments on Plurk

** ******: weh? PROVE IT!!!
41 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: link wahahahah
33 minutes ago ·

** ******: duh! nonsense!
23 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: haha Twilighters are retards~! LOL
22 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: ok, PROVE it is nonsense~!
21 minutes ago ·

** ******: i don't care!now i know.. Harry potter fans are truly insecure with TWILIGHT! duh! wala kayong mga magawa!! hahaha.. baka kayo ang mga JEJEMONS!! :))) (you cannot do anything with your life, maybe you're the JEJEMONS)
20 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: You're not answering my question.
18 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: BTW, Twilight fans are the ones who are insecure, saying that Edward is hot and that is the reason why Bella loves him. That's it? When you look at someone, it is on the outside, not the inside. My, my, the world's has gone Topsy-turvy. What if Edward is ugly?

Another thing: Twilight does not have love. Bella does not love Edward. She would never have even looked twice at him if he weren't oh so gorgeous. It is pure lust. Same goes for Edward. If she didn't smell so wonderful, do you think he would have cared? If he could read her thoughts, he would be repulsed. As for the whole Imprinting thing? It is an excuse, an easy way out, a way for Meyer to make Jacob fall in "love" with Renesmee without looking like a pedophile. In Harry Potter, there are all different types of love. There is romantic love (Ron and Hermione are the cutest couple on the face of the earth! And there's failed relationships, look at Harry and Cho. Haha), love of friends (Harry would die for his friends, and they would do the same for him), unrequited love (if you weren't touched by Snape's story, you must be heartless!), motherly love (Lily dying to save Harry, Molly Weasley killing Bellatrix for her love of Fred and Ginny), and all sorts of things. If you want to talk romance, though, let me tell you; Ron and Hermione fell in love slowly through the years. They didn't know each other for, what, one week? then say "Oh, I am eternally in love with you! You are my one true love!" They are in love, not overpowered lust.
16 minutes ago ·

** ******: obvious naman eh.. mga insecure kase mga harry potter fans! (It's obvious, harry potter fans are insecure)
15 minutes ago ·

** ******: harry potter is just a fictional story! do you believe in potions?magic spells? etc?
12 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: vampires are also fictional :P
10 minutes ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: Twilight is by no means more realistic than Harry Potter. Yes, I know, Harry Potter has magic, Twilight takes place in a real setting. First thing: the "logic" in Twilight is embarrasing. It is clear that Meyer did as little research as possible, not really thinking things through before deciding what happens. Harry Potter, on the other hand, does not need logic. It's magic! Secondly, the characters of Harry Potter are a lot more realistic that those of Twilight. Besides being well developed, the characters of Harry Potter are not passing for "perfect". Each one has flaws and strengths, and each reacts appropriately for different situations. Twilight, on the other hand, is extremely unrealistic when it comes to character reactions. For example, Bella is one of the least likable characters of all time (I will get to her later on, though), yet everyone seems to LOVE and ADORE her. In fact, anybody who does not love her either changes their mind later on or is viewed as a bad guy, a bitch, or extraordinarily shallow. Also, did you notice that in Forks High School, there are only two cliques? The Popular Folks and The Vampires? Not to mention, the two groups merge into one in the end. At Hogwarts, you have Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, Slytherins, Quidditch Players, Pranksters, Extreme Studiers, Dumbledore's Army, Fan Girls, Rich Folk, Death Eaters To Be, Bullies, Outcasts, the list goes on.
9 minutes ago ·

** ******: yeah I know.. but Spells are MORE FICTIONAL! :P
about a minute ago ·

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: binasa mo ba yung sinulat ko, LOGIC ang hinahanap hindi fiction~! (Did you read what I posted, LOGIC is the important one, not the fictionality (there is no word as fictionality) of it.)

** ******: sorry hindi ko binasa! boring kasing basahin! :P (Sorry if I did not read it, it was so boring)

** ******: And besides, I'm not interested! and I DON'T CARE!! Opinion lang naman yang mga yan eh!!!
49 seconds ago · (It's just an opinion!)

Kjerrimyr リョーマ Andres: But it is the DAMN TRUTH~!

** ******: damn truth?! okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! whatever!

I do not think we are insecure, we are just fighting for a cause, right?
There once was this girl named Bri, who had a best friend (for this article, we'll call her Z). Bri and Z had identical taste in books. So, when Z gave Bri Twilight for Christmas and told her how “great” it was and kept going on and on. She tried to convince Bri that it was better than Harry Potter (the book Bri had been obsessed with since she was nine) but Bri didn't believe that at all. Still, if Z liked it, then Bri knew she would like it. She had no hesitation when she cracked the binding. She was hooked.

Now, this was before Twilight grew to be psychotically massive, so when Bri came...
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It's pretty obvious from just my username that I am a 'Twilighter',but I will try not to be biast in this article. So, lets compare the two...

Which made more money?

♥ The movie 'Twilight' made $69,637,740 in the USA and £2,508,422 in the UK, in its opening weekend. 'Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone/philosphers stone' made $90,294,621 in the USA and £16,335,627 in the UK, in its opening weekend.

♥ 'New Moon' in its opening weekend made $142,839,137 in the USA and £11,683,158 in the UK, whereas 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets' made $88,357,488 in the USA and £18,871,829 in...
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I have researched the following and well, I am not really surprised about the results. But I still ask some questions.

Why is Twilight more "popular" when HP sold more than 400 million while Twilight only sold 53 million? Also, Twilight is just 45% in the tomato meter while HP is 83% in the tomato meter? Third, Twilight sold about $191,449,475 while HP sold about $283,879,025? Another is Twilight is never shown in Kid's almanacs (the World and Time yearly almanacs) while HP is seen may times over. Twilight fans, don't you see, HP is better even of you turn the world upside down or inside out!...
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added by Brysis
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: education.wisc.edu
posted by LilRavenclaw95
These are the weirdest, saddest Twilight defenses on the planet. *NOTE: I have nothing against reasonable Twilight fans, but ones like this? *facepalm*

Tiwlite deost scuk jew bichezz!!!!!1!!” twilite iz da beste buck i hav evar red in mi lief!!!! so wat if inot have red so maney bks in my lief!! i actualey hav ay lieff and bukks hapen to b four peeple wizout eny frends!!!!!!!1111 sou dant juzt PRUVVEZ hou gud twilit iz!!!!!!!!! adn anuzer ding i am sexteen not twelve adn i reeli LUVE TWAILITE wish usst PRUVVEZ it iz four mature, enteliggent peepolnot like hary poter dat is juzt four lusers...
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added by Andressa_Weld
added by goodtimes
posted by one_a_kind4ever
Harry Potter vs. Twilight has always been an argument. I believe that Harry Potter is obviously the upper hand in my opinion. Both stories are both interesting and entertaining but the problem is deciding if one is better.

Harry Potter was written with an amazing storyline and many people have followed it for many years and even dress up for the premiers. In the eyes of danger Harry and his friends risk their lives to save their world from falling apart. The story takes seven books to tell their story. Each book is filled with adventure and a new lesson that Harry learns. Fans of the series...
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It was the time between the fourth and fifth Harry Potter books and right after Bella leaves Jacob for Edward in the Twilight series when IT happened.
James, the evilest of the evil, had no money. He knew his antagonist part required him to have money. He needed money. There was only one thing to do....
He stepped into the swirling nothingness, and seconds later turned up in a gloomy, slimy hallway. "Are you here, Lord Voldemort?"
The dark shape slid out of the shadow. "More money, James?" He said cooly. "We may both be the antagonists of our books, but you do owe me...."
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posted by AstridGoof8219
There once was a young adult woman named Astrid. One day in Spring 2008, her good friend, Rhonda visited her. She told Astrid about this book series called Twilight, Rhonda said that she read the books and that they were really good. Astrid then went to Borders and bought the three books. When she got home, she opened up the first book and started to read away. Astrid then decided that she liked it too. A day later, she read New Moon, only this time, Astrid didn't like it as much as Twilight. Wishing to continue reading after the slight disliking, she read Eclipse hoping it would be better...
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posted by luv_warriorcatz
lets say that bella and hermione were off friends (really off). Hermione is at hogwarts where she is happy and bella is at forks with her vamp buddies where she is happy. And they know each other's secrets. One day, Hermione wrote bella a letter.

Dear Bella Swan,

I have heard about your acts in Forks and how your boyfriend, edward broke up with you. I feel really sorry for you. Then you found him again in Volterra, Italy and you started going out with him again. My opinion might not matter in this but I feel as if I should tell you about this. I am afraid that you might be a little bit obssessive....
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added by youknowit010
added by Italktosnakes
Source: Deviantart-Slinkers
added by Italktosnakes
Source: Deviantart-Slinkers
added by LoopyLuna96
Source: Green watches on Deviantart, not mine!
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by Roxyrose007