Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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Hmm... this could take a while. Haha, I have a lot of reasons for my strong dislike of Twilight. Before I start, I'd just like to explain that I was once a Twilight fan, so I've read all the books and stuff, but I just can't stand it anymore. Therefore, I can give a more complete explanation of my views. Sorry if it's really ridiculously long.

First reason I hate Twilight: the media. Twilight, in all honesty, isn't a great book. I have read worse books (though not many... Twilight was pretty bad). However, if Twilighters and Twilight articles and such weren't all "OMG ITS THE MOST AMAZING SERIES IN THE WORLD AND EDWARD IS SO GORGEOUS IT IS AMAZING ITS THE BEST BOOK EVER!!!!" I probably wouldn't hate it nearly as much. Also, do not compare it to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet is a better story by far than Twilight can ever hope to be. They aren't even that similar; where is the forbidden love in Twilight? Oh, right, it's non-existant. The only similarity is that Romeo and Juliet are supposed to be in an obsessive lust relationship, mistaking it for love. Bella and Edward's relationship is exactly the same. The difference is that Stephenie Meyer doesn't realize it, while William Shakespeare does.

Now about the book itself, Bella is the worst, most pathetic excuse for a protagonist in the history of forever. She is utterly Mary-Sue. Everyone "loves" her, everyone thinks she is "selfless" and "mature" and "brave" and "strong". I beg to differ. Nobody really likes her if you think about it. Edward just lusts her because she's pretty and she smells good and he wants to invade her privacy like the creepy stalker he is. Jacob only likes her because of Renesmee (whenever I read that name, I always think of Smee from Peter Pan. Sorry, that's random. I just kind of felt like mentioning it :D). The rest of the Cullens only like her because she makes Edward happy. That only leaves her parents and her "friends". I do not call them her friends, however, because she selfishly uses them when it benefits her, then dumps them like rubbish and expects them to remain loyal to her. That is arrogant, rude and abusive. Just because Bella feels bad about doing something does not give her the right to do it again. Also, she is completely ungrateful. All she does is whine and complain about how horrible her life is, which it really isn't. However, the people who actually do have reason to complain are seen as whiny if they utter one little complaint. Anybody who doesn't like Bella is automatically a bitch, as well as anybody who doesn't allow Bella to use them. She is completely dependent and shallow. Her boyfriend dumps her, it sucks, yes. But she completely overdoes it, showing just how weak and needy she really is (and proving the relationship to be pure lust when she falls for Jacob, the next hot guy to lust after her. The only reason she even thinks about Edward again is because she knows that he is hotter than Jacob.) and the only reason she even likes Edward is because he is hot. That is all she ever talks about. She never talks about his personality, they never just talk about anything (other than how hot the other is), they just lust after each other.

Twilight gives many bad messages, but minimal good ones. It says that all good guys are hot. Can you name me just one good guy who isn't super gorgeous? I do not count Emily because 1: she is supposed to be pretty despite the scar, and 2: she is barely even in the books. She does virtually nothing. Twilight says that stalking is hot, but only if you are stalked by a hot guy. Edward stalks Bella, watching her sleep before he is even officially her boyfriend. Does anybody else find that to be creepy? Just a tad? According to Twilight, pedophilic relationships are okay. I do not care if it is "Imprinting". I personally do not buy that whole thing. It's just a desperate excuse for Meyer to make Jacob fall in love with Renesmee without it looking creepy. However, it failed. He is lusting her from the moment he sees her. That is not love. That is over-obsessive lust, just like every other Twilight relationship. According to Twilight, your true friends will let you walk all over them and use them, then dump them and forget about them. The friend who is doing the walking (Bella) is not a friend at all; just a desperate selfish bitch who doesn't care who she hurts to get her own way. Also, Twilight leads you to believe that if you feel guilty about doing something, it's perfectly okay to do it again. However, this is completely untrue. It once again shows how Bella is just completely selfish and apathetic. One more thing: Bella gets pregnant at age 18. This is not frowned upon, however, it actually leads her to have an even happier happily ever after. That definitely cannot count as a good message. Now, what are some good messages? Um... let me think... hmm... nope, can't find any.

Twilight has no substantial plot. The first 7/8ths of the book is pointless rambling about how hot Edward is, about how Bella hates her life, and how cool it is to be a vampire. The real plot comes and goes far too quickly, resolved way too easily. New Moon is just Bella sulking around feeling sorry for herself for most of the time, then the plot, once again, comes and goes far too easily. The plot in Eclipse goes nowhere until the very end, then is once again resolved way too easily. Breaking Dawn did have a plot, but it ended rather pathetically. No sacrifice, no work, just a happily ever after handed over to Bella on a platter.

Stephenie Meyer has no respect towards animals. She talks about them as if they do not matter, nobody ever feels any sort of remorse or guilt for killing them. In fact, they talk about it as if killing animals is fun. I know some people love hunting, but I personally think that hunting for sport is just wrong. It is pointless killing, and why are animals so unimportant that we can just go around killing them off as we please? I think it is wrong. Killing for food is one thing, and if the Cullens felt remorse or guilt for having to kill, that would be one thing. But they don't care, in fact, they enjoy it.

The Cullens themselves are rather pathetic. They are hot, and... ? They really do not have much personality. They would break up VERY easily (as seen in New Moon). They do not really care about each other, only about themselves and their partners. They only stick together for convenience. They have all the time in the world to do anything, go anywhere, see all sorts of magnificent things, and what do they do with their time? Repeat high school over and over? They separate themselves from other people, anyway, so it's not for social purposes. It's just... pointless. They may not be the classic "evil" vampires, but they are not good people either. Look at Eclipse. They say that killing the young vampires would be "so much fun". Another example of them thinking killing is fun, and it is their own kind this time. Killing is fun? And they are supposed to be the good guys? Really? Also, they are extremely cowardly. This can be seen in Breaking Dawn. Apparently, The Volturi are evil and reckless and power-hungry and abusive. However, when they finally have a chance to destroy the Volturi, the Cullens chicken out. They know it won't be an easy win, they may actually have to sacrifice something *gasp*. So, they leave and continue to let evil triumph. Then, people say they are brave? After all that? How are they brave? When is there a single time the Cullens have ever actually done something brave? (Fighting James doesn't count; there were five of them and one of him. 5 against 1 isn't saying very much. Fighting Victoria's army doesn't count either; they went in knowing it would be an easy win).

Stephenie Meyer obviously didn't research much. Look at Rosalie's story, for crying out loud! She escaped being poor during The Great Depression because her father was... a bank owner. Really? You don't even know the history of your own country, Meyer? Why do you think The Great Depression happened in the first place? Oh, right, because the banks FAILED. It doesn't make sense. Also, Renesmee shouldn't be born. I know, I know, human girls bodies change, vampire girls bodies don't. That isn't what I'm talking about here. I think I recall it saying somewhere that the girls eggs couldn't survive the venom? Doesn't it also say that Edward's semen is mixed with venom? So how did Bella's egg survive then? Yet another plot hole right there.

Twilight is completely and utterly anti-feminist. Meyer makes it seem like a good relationship should be one where the male is completely and totally in control of the female. She shows Bella as having no hobbies or life other than to cook and clean. Edward is always the one protecting her, he is the one who is always there to save her. She cannot do anything for herself. All of the men are significantly stronger and faster than her, therefore making it easier to control her. Even Alice is completely dependent upon her power. Without her power, she is useless and helpless (as seen in Breaking Dawn).

In Forks High School (at least in Meyer's version), there are two cliques; the popular kids and the vampires. In the end, the two groups merge into one. This is utterly unrealistic. In high school, there are many cliques. Not everyone is automatically popular (especially if they abuse their friends).

Edward is, undoubtedly, an abusive boyfriend. Yes, I know that he has never hit her, he has never intentionally hurt her. Just so you know, there are other types of abuse. Edward abuses Bella psychologically as well as abusing her rights. There may even be some physical abuse in there, as well. He always messes with her emotions, sometimes even intentionally. He purposely dazzles her with his "gorgeous eyes" in order to get his way. He also takes away many of her rights. He forces her to go to the prom with him when she clearly does not want to. He does everything he can to keep her away from Jacob, who had done so much for her in New Moon, simply because he doesn't like the guy. He even goes as far as to remove the engine from her truck and convince Alice to hold her hostage! He also stalks Bella. Stalking does not equal love. Stalking equals obsession, which can be very dangerous to Bella. He watches her sleep and invades her privacy before he is even officially her boyfriend. That is surely a sign of being deeply disturbed mentally. He constantly reminds her of how superior he is to her, how she is such a klutz and how she is so stupid, lowering her already low self confidence to an abysmal level. Another instance is in New Moon. He leaves her, which he knows will destroy her. However, that is not the abusive part. The abusive part is when he steals all of the things she owns which may remind her of him. Not only is thievery wrong, but he won't even let her deal with her depression in her own way. He just made everything worse for her. The physical abuse is at the very end of Twilight. She is in the hospital, and he forces painkillers on her. Another instance of physical abuse was in Breaking Dawn, when he makes it clear that if not for Rosalie, he would have forced an abortion upon Bella. He has no respect for Bella whatsoever. People still say he is a good boyfriend? His only redeeming feature is that he is good looking. He sure doesn't have a life, he has no hobbies nor does he have a personality (other than being creepy). There is a lot more to being a good boyfriend than looking pretty.

Another reason I can't stand the books: Stephenie Meyer. She is completely ridiculous, obnoxious, and not very bright. Who is she to criticize William Shakespeare or Jane Austin or Anne Rice? These are great writers, even some of the best writers ever. Does Stephenie Meyer really think she is better than them? Honestly, having read each and every one of her books (including The Host), I'd have to say that she is on the opposite end of the spectrum. In my opinion, she is actually one of the worst writers of all time. Another thing: when Midnight Sun was leaked, she handled the situation extremely irresponsibly. She isn't the first author to have her work leaked. She was the one who posted part of it up in the first place, what did she really expect? Don't get me wrong: I'm perfectly fine with the idea of the Twilight “Saga” ending once and for all, but she is going to stop writing Midnight Sun because of that? That is really pathetic and immature. Her excuse? She is going to change the whole plot because she is angry. What? You really haven't done any planning at all whatsoever, have you, Meyer? She is acting the way a toddler would if his/her drawing was shown to their friend before they finished. She should just stop whining and get over it. It sucks, but it's not that big a deal. If she really cared about the story itself, she would continue writing it. It seems that she only cares about making money to me. (The first book was only written in six months. How much could she really care about the work itself?) She also speaks like the fate of literature depends on her, as if she knows everything about writing and no other could ever even compare to her glory. *rolls eyes*

Then there is the whole Bella-Jacob relationship. Bella is supposedly in “love” with both Edward and Jacob. However, does she really love Jacob? The way she treats him, I rather doubt it. She uses him constantly, then after feeling sorry for a couple of minutes, uses him again. Especially in Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, she is extremely disrespectful and rude to him. Has she completely forgotten all he had done for her in New Moon? In Eclipse, she kisses him despite already having a boyfriend, then the very next day, when he is in great physical pain, she breaks his heart. Or how about in Breaking Dawn? She attacks him at one point, not for falling in an obsessive lust with Renesmee, (which would be a decent reason for being upset, but of course, whoever said Bella was a good parent?) but for giving her daughter a nickname she didn't care for. After Jacob put everything at risk to protect her, she attacks him for giving his daughter a nickname she didn't like. Oh, yes, we can see just how much Bella “cares” for Jacob. Then Jacob isn't so great either. He sexually assaults Bella in Eclipse, never even apologizing for it. So that makes both of Bella's boyfriends abusive. In Breaking Dawn, when his “true love” is in moral danger, in excruciating pain, basically dying, what does he do? Nothing. As soon as the baby comes out, he doesn't give Bella a second thought, just lusts over her baby. Wow, what a “loving” relationship. (Thanks to Sophia21 for this point)

How about the lack of obstacles? For example, the sparkling of the vampires is completely pathetic. This is not because sparkles are lame; that would be an opinion. For anybody who has even the vaguest knowledge of vampires, what is their one greatest weakness? The sun. Meyer has taken that away as well, leaving no weaknesses. So basically, the sparkling is just to make the vampires seem more perfect. I mean, come on! She could have at least made them turn hideous or something. But oh no, her Edward must be “perfect”. Also, why is it that every fight sequence either doesn't happen or is over and done with extremely fast? The Cullens never fight a battle they know they cannot win. They never put anything at risk ever. The only time someone gets hurt during a battle, he ends up being completely healed in about two days, thanks to the convenient super-healing-rate power that werewolves have. The only thing that comes even relatively close to being an obstacle is Bella's endless pondering over whether she likes Edward or Jacob the most. Of course, the hottest man has to win. After all, you really couldn't expect much more from a lust relationship. (I guess Renesmee could be considered the only real obstacle. Really, I think Meyer overdid the gore. It was almost as if she were straining to prove that yes, her story IS horror! In the end, of course, Renesmee turned out to be greatly helpful in providing Bella with a super happy ending. This plot was solved during the very first half of the book. Bella's ability to not feel physical pain also seemed to help the birth greatly. Did anybody else notice that?) It's almost as if Meyer is trying not to have a plot in her stories. (Thanks to VampyreFey for this point)

Then there is Jessica. This really pertains to Bella's abusiveness to her friends, but this is the one that really sticks out for me. On Bella's first day of school, Jessica is actually the first person to talk to her for a reason other than because she thinks that Bella is hot. She goes out of her way to welcome Bella and make her feel at home in Forks. In return, Bella never listens to anything Jessica has to say and complains about how whiny and shallow Jessica is, talking about how superior she is to Jessica. Then when Edward dumps her, she doesn't speak to Jessica for months. It's understandable that Jessica is not happy about this. Then, when Bella does speak to her again, it is only to get her father off her back. She puts Jessica in potential danger for her own selfish purposes. I think this is the point that Jessica realized she was being used and that Bella didn't give a crap about her. Despite these two things, Jessica stays. She could have run away, leaving Bella on her own, but she stuck with Bella. Obviously she wouldn't speak to Bella again after that. Who would? Bella, however, sees that Jessica won't be a push-over any longer, and this makes Jessica a bad friend in Meyer's eyes. Oh? So Bella is allowed to do all of these things Meyer accuses Jessica of, and more, but nobody else can do any of this even slightly?

I think the whole Imprinting thing is a sick excuse for Meyer to make Jacob fall in love with Renesmee without him looking like a pedophile. Imprinting is not “beautiful” in any way. It is sick and disgusting. It really is just lust; they fall in “love” without ever even speaking to the woman? How can it be real love then? It's just the same as ever other Twilight relationship. If a werewolf Imprints on a child (ex. Quil and Claire, Jacob and Nessie), it is pedophilia. Imprinting is about reproducing so that the werewolf genes can be passed on. This means that the werewolf intends on having sexual contact with the Imprintee. I do not care that the werewolf acts as whatever the Imprintee needs them to be, whether it be a father or a brother or a friend or whatever. This is called Child Grooming. The only difference is that this is child grooming with supernaturals. Another issue with Imprinting is when you have a case such as Sam/Emily/Leah. Sam and Leah were really serious about each other... until Sam met Emily. When Emily turns Sam down in order to defend her cousin, Sam attacks her, literally ripping half her face off. She is, in every sense, beaten into submission. However, this is not how Meyer sees it. She sees it as “devotion” and “true love”. So apparently, a true love relationship is one where the man is abusive to the woman, whether it be physical or psychological abuse, perhaps a mixture of both. It also proves that the Imprintee really has no choice, no matter what Meyer insists. The choice is either accepting your fate or being violently murdered (unless you change your mind in time). Leah, of course, is left in the dust with no sympathy from anyone. One more thing: why can't Leah Imprint? Why is Leah infertile? Can't a woman pass on their genes just as efficiently as a man can? Of course, you really cannot expect much better from Meyer; one of the most anti-feminist women of today.
First part

She gestured to a row of wooden
chairs against the wall. The looked like they belonged with someone’s dinning room
“Okay,” I agreed. I walked over to the chairs and sat right in the middle,
suddenly wishing I had a book. I hadn’t read anything for a while, outside of school.
And even then, when some ridiculous love story was part of the curriculum, I would
cheat with cliff notes. It was a relief to be working on Animal Farm now. But there had
to be other safe books. Political thrillers. Murder mysteries. Grisly murders were no
problem; just as long as there was no starry-eyed,...
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posted by ImBooOK
Before you read this, i must tell you something a little important. You may dilike my opinions, and i can deal with it. But this is just what i think, and why i choose both books.

Lets get down to the movie versus books.
Im talking books here people, not the movie stars who play them, not witch guy is hotter, who has more abs. NOT talking about that. Im speaking about how good both Twilight and Harry Potter (or other way around because i have seen fans fight about who i type in first...witch in truth is really childish) is.
Harry Potter. Its a very detailed and continuous story. I like how the...
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Hi, everyone :)

I first want to apologize for my leaving, and never telling anyone that I decided to go, why I wanted to go, any good-bye's etc. It's been something that has bothered me for a little while, and I truly apologize for that.

A friend of mine told me that someone asked about me on here, so I thought that I could write an article explaining why I left and why I decided to come back.

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Okay. Okay. I am a perfectly calm boy yes. That’s it. I will make myself forget what has just happened. There. All good. I forgot. (OH HERE LET ME HELP: HARRY, YOU JUST SET A SNAKE ON THAT JUSTIN FLICKEY KID AND NOW THE ENTIRE SCHOOL THINKS YOURE THE AIR OF SLYTHERIN!!!! ) Oh yeah. Thank you Emily. (YOURE WELCOME ) anyways because Emily is so eager to talk I should just let her share her point of view on things. Oh and Emily, its spelled h-e-i-r not a-i-r. A-i-r is what your head is full of. ( FINE, AND BTW YOU OWE ME A GALLION FOR THAT SMILEY. ANYWAYS, PEACE IS ACTING FUNNY, SHES...
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Once there was a young teenage girl named Hadley. She was walking around at the local library looking for some new books to read. While she was there, Hadley stumbled upon something. It was a black hardback book with two hands holding an apple with the word, "Twilight" on it. This interested Hadley and she decided to buy it. When she did, she got hooked. Hadley bought the other three books and after she read them, became a Twitard. She even started to think that Harry Potter and all the other fantasy books she liked weren't as good as Twilight. She drew pictures of the characters, wrote fangirl...
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Alright, part II is here! It's still pretty bad writing, but it gets better.

Dear Peace's Diary,
Peace blacked out. I don't know why. She just did. She’s just laying down in the middle of the common room she looks kind of dead.
Me Crabbe and goyle are taking her to Madam Pomfrey.
~Draco Malfoy

I visited peace in the hospital wing. She still isn’t awake yet. Carsilile said she will be alright in a couple of days. But carsilile seemed a little nervous. Edward said it was just because I was giving him the "don’t you dare lay a tooth on my best friend" look. I dint know what happened, but I...
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posted by bamagirl5899
okay dont leave bad comments if u dont like this ok i am having a bad day.

May pov

I was almost out the door when Alice said,"Do you want to go hunting?" I turned around to look at my best friend who knows how long it was ago when she saved me from dying in that carwreck it still brought back bad memories and also good ones that was the day I became a vamp. "Sure Alice. Does anyone ealse want to come?" I said. A little girl well a girl younger than me ran up and said "I do please take me, oh and I'm rennesme."she said. then Bella ran up and grabed her arm and she said "No u cannot go with her."...
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So Ven's friend asks her what her favortie book is. "Oh, that's an easy one." she replies. "Harry Potter of course." her friend laughs and says, "Of course. Well, my favorite book series is Twilight."

Ven, having never even heard of the books, makes a confused...
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“What’s going on?” a familiar...
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