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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
A/N: My FINAL writing for the day, and I really think I deserve some reviews after this. I’ve only received a couple! *gasp* But anyways, I have a schedule for when I’m writing things and lucky for you, I had THREE fics planned for today. ;p
Okay, though this may seem like a repeat from when I wrote a CB Blair birthday fic for Season 2, because everyone else was doing it….it is not. I had this planned SINCE I saw the episode pretty much, and the fact that I’ve read like 2 or 3 fics that have taken this same idea and put it to paper, does not mean that’s where I got the inspiration from. Pure LeightonEd inspiring here! Oh, and uh…Blair and Chuck. Lol. XD So, this fic is basically going inside the heads of Blair and Chuck during the elevator scene and a little bit after too. I mainly focus on Chuck’s thoughts….but the end scene is BLAIR’S THOUGHTS!!! Lol. So, I hope you love this and please review. ENJOY!!! =D
DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Gossip Girl. *sigh*
    The ride to Blair Waldorf’s penthouse had never been so long.
    Never been so painful.
    She’d forgiven him before.
    But he had crossed a line.
    They were different people now.
    Had EXPRESSED different feelings.
    They had been at an ‘I like you’ stage the year before. It was bad when he set things ascrew at the Cotillion, but she had forgiven him…eventually. It had been even worse when he had abandoned and ditched her at the helipad, awaiting their summer vacation together in Tuscany.
    But she had forgiven him…eventually.
    Then, the ‘I love you’s’ came…or rather, DIDN’T come. But they knew they were there. They KNEW they were in love with each other.
    The snowflake ball changed everything. The death of his one and only parent, who appeared to care less about him, minus that small conversation brought up by good for nothing Humphrey, changed things.
    Blair’s confession of love changed things.
    When he left with nothing more than a sorry sad note on her bed and was dragged back, high and more drugged than ever.
    THAT changed things.
    Blair cried. He knew she did. Knew she would. Knew she had. But wouldn’t believe. He COULDN’T believe that a person would care that much for him, of all people.
    Nobody cared about Chuck Bass.
    But she was there for him. Time and time again.
    SHE cared.
    And he ditched her from the dinner she had planned.
    She stumbled in on the whores he had spent the night with.
    He lost his place in the company, the place SHE had helped him get…with HER confidence in HIS abilities….because all of the company’s staff had stumbled in after her.
    He had insulted her. Spitting in her face how her wife abilities were NOT wanted there.
    He cringed at the memory.
    It was all her fault somehow.
    She had done nothing but help, but try to be there.
    And yet…it was HER fault?
    No, it was JACK’S! He had set him up. For failure. For disaster.
    The blossomed pink flowers lying next to him on the leather seats taunted his very thoughts. Reminded him that it was HIS fault, and NO ONE ELSE’S.
    He looked away. Out of the limo. To real life. To a world he was hardly aware of anymore. A world he hardly even TRIED to recognize.
    How could he have done this to her?
    The ding of the elevator caught him off guard, since he had gotten lost in his thoughts the whole way up. Not that it was that long of a journey, but still his thoughts had wandered. He clutched the flowers tightly in his right hand, finding it ridiculous the choice of purple tissue paper wrapping around the delicate stems. He was wearing the same thing as the day before. The outfit he thought would get him places, maybe by pure luck itself. His fathers favorite outfit, or at least a look alike.
    And there she was.
    How had she known?
    He hadn’t called her.
    Hadn’t texted her.
    As far as he knew, she wasn’t going to be home.
    She would be off at some random party or with Serena trying to forget about everything that had gone wrong that day.
    “I’m sorry,” he almost whispered, holding out the flowers to her, “I screwed up.”
    It was the truth, but it was such an understatement that he wasn’t even sure if he, himself, believed it.
    But she took the flowers from him, inspecting them, and he could see her mind. He could almost feel the wheels spinning.
    It wasn’t enough.
    She looked to him. “It’s too late, Chuck,” she said, and reached over to her right, pressing the button for the elevator to go down. She had had enough of Chuck Bass and his screw ups. “I’ve stood by you through all of this, but I can’t watch you self-destruct anymore.”
    “Jack set me up,” he defended, pushing the elevator door back as it began to close in on him. She wasn’t going to push him away that easily. Not just with the touch of a button. He may have messed up a lot lately, but one thing he had always been sure of was without Blair…he was nothing. He was less than nothing, because he couldn’t recognize a world beyond the haze he had created for himself. She offered a light out of that pit of darkness. He NEEDED her.
    “You have no one to blame but yourself.”
    He was silenced. He could have insinuated she was exaggerating or taking this too far or being too angry at him.
    But she wasn’t. She was speaking plainly, and she was even talking softly to him. She had been hurt. She had been crying, and if she hadn’t…she would be as soon as he was gone.
    “I believed in you,” she began again, gentle as ever, and he looked at her because of it. “Your father believed in you. YOU were the only one that didn’t.”
    Her expression was incredulous, but her eyes were filled with so much pain, so much hurt for him, that once again…there would be no way for him to blame her of anything mean or harsh.
    He watched her.
    Waited for what would come next.
    She became even softer, even MORE gentle, and an incredible vulnerability made itself known on her face as she looked away from him slightly. “All I wanted to do…was just….be there,” she sighed, and it took everything inside of him to not just kill himself right there. For how much pain he had caused her, and the fact that there was pain he was probably not even aware of on his account…scared him even more.
    “But today when you called me your wife,” her voice rose slightly, but retained its gentle pain.
    He turned away, pursing his lips hard to hold back the tears. Everything in him just wanted to burst, and he would have just run away to kill himself right then, if he hadn’t remembered her plea only a few nights before…it would only cause her MORE pain. He couldn’t do that to her.
    “…you made it sound like the ugliest word in the world.”
    He didn’t look at her at first. He thought she was going to say more, say more of the awful things he had said or done. Maybe about walking in on him with all those ridiculously pointless women she had seen him with earlier. They had meant nothing to him. NOTHING.
    He took a chance and looked up just in time to see her subtly nodding, confirming her statement of it being too late for him to save anything they had. If this had been a happy moment, he would have commented on how beautiful she looked right then. He would have said that she knew EXACTLY what to wear and how to wear it, and that she was a queen in his eyes, if not also the rest of the world’s.
    But it was not a happy moment, and he knew she was giving up.
    “Blair…please,” he spoke, in desperation, trying to grasp her hands frozen around the flowers she clearly did not approve of.
    But she snapped away, making a huffing noise.
    He had broken her, for sure.
    “I’m sorry,” she said weakly.
    And Chuck’s face broke into a million hidden tears.
    Even NOW she was being gentle.
    Apologizing for snapping away from him.
    Apologizing for where this left them.
    Because it was the last thing she wanted, and he KNEW she felt she had no other choice.
    “…but I’m done,” she finished, trying to shake off the blunt emotions that were pouring out of her.
    Frozen. Shocked. Taken aback by everything. Chuck slowly took the couple steps back into the elevator, staring ahead at her as her tears threatened to fall.
    He couldn’t look away from her though. His fallen angel. Not until the doors closed and he had lost her forever. She wouldn’t be there to console him. To give him confidence. To let him know that everything would be okay. For support. For…love.
    And all her anger and sadness, and he was sure…hate, flew at him in the form of those flowers. She chucked them at him, probably in an attempt to rid herself of him, of everything that happened.
    He had torn her apart, and now she was breaking away so she could put herself back together.
    She would never make the mistake of involving herself with Chuck Bass again.
    The door slid shut. And he glared at the flowers. Those stupid god-forsaken flowers that had been mocking him the whole way there and would continue to do so until he left that elevator. Then, their image would be stuck in his head…just like the tears that had almost fallen from Blair’s eyes.
    He looked up and stared at the wall, refusing to let any tears fall. Refusing to EVER let tears fall again. He needed to believe there was something outside of sadness. That there was something he could achieve yet in his life that didn’t cause such pain. Had happiness only been an illusion? Something everyone believed but was never actually real?
He was dazed…as He waited for the ding. As he waited for the relief which would never come. Not to him. Not this night.
    He had told her that he was sorry…that she deserved better…and that she SHOULDN’T come looking for him.
    Breathing in and out harshly did nothing for him. Thoughts of suicide did nothing for him. Memories of him and Blair…did nothing for him.
    She hadn’t listened.
    Tears sprung for her eyes, when she realized he would not be coming back. It wasn’t that she expected him to or that she wanted him to (and she NEEDED him not to), but the realization that it would actually NOT be happening got to her, and she walked slowly up to her room, stumbling to her bed in her heels and crying hard into her pillows. The calm façade she had played up to keep him from doing something drastic afterwards…fell apart the minute the doors closed. Even now, she was trying to protect him from himself. Even if it was the last time she would do so in a long while.
    She wanted him. She needed him. She LOVED him.
But she wouldn’t stand for it anymore. She wouldn’t be destroyed again. He wouldn’t do to her what Nate had done. However unintentionally it would be. He would destroy her more than Nate ever could have. Because she loved him. She loved him with a passion that hurt. She had never gone in this deep with Nate. She had loved him too, but it had never been like this. If she let herself keep going in this nasty downwards spiral Chuck had created for himself, she would never come out alive. And then, neither would he. THAT would be what would kill her.
She needed to be strong.
For herself.
For Chuck.
So, after tonight she wouldn’t cry for him.
She promised herself.
No more tears.
Sobbing uncontrollably, and forcing herself into night-wear and into her bed without the slightest suspicion from the paling walls, she repeated the phrase.
“No more tears. No more tears. After tonight….”
No more tears.
A/N: Okay, I’m not sure if this one’s the best…but I have been writing all day, so blame it on that…if nothing else. Lol. XD Please review if you liked it! And even if you didn’t. This scene was SO tragic in the episode, and yet SO beautiful. And believe me, it took lots of consoling from numerous CB fans to get me to that place, so it’s okay if you weren’t there right away either. I hope you loved this! ;p
added by lilie2
added by lilie2
added by lilie2
added by amytrynka
added by Kirsty
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added by notesofchange
Today begins the end of gossip girl and I’m gonna miss THE guy who made us fall in love with ♥
” And you ARE?
CHUCK BASS the love of her life …
anyone else is just a waste of time”

chuck and blair. 5 years of epic love.
iheartchuckandblair :

‎”You were amazing up there” ”You sure?” ”Do you like me?” ”Define Like” ”So you said you loved her.” ”You don’t belong with Nate. Never have never will.” ”Three words, eight letters, say it and I’m yours” ”I…I..””We’re Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. The darkest thing you’ve ever did.The darkest thought...
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I chose to respond to link article via another article because the comment would be too long. I suggest you read that one before reading this one unless you intentionally don't want it to make sense.

You do realize that Blair is the one who always called Dan for help right? He didn't pull her away from anyone. She distanced herself from her other friends because the only person whom she felt could help her in any way was Dan. She could be herself with him. "You were the only one who could save me from my own worst instincts," (5x03). I'm pretty sure this was made clear throughout all of season...
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Plz don’t attack me I’m just stating facts, and as they always say the truth hurts

As we all know from the first season until now Dan was always the OUTSIDER, LONELY BOY he even wrote a whole book about being the outsider and that’s after spending 4 & half years with the upper east sider’s circle.

No matter what he been through with them (Nate, Serena, chuck, Blair …) he still judge them and saw himself BETTER than them, still after everything he still looks down on them, want a proof Nate his best friend didn’t even have a dissent role in his book, the girl he loved since he...
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A/N: i hope you enjoy this one. it might not be as long as yesterdays but it is only a follow on. please review.

chuck and blair were in his limo blair was sitting on his knee facing him. a leg on either side of him. she was rubbing her body up against him kissing him. she was stradling him as chuck's hands ran under her dress. he pulled up her dress and pulled his mouth away from blair's to look at her lacey underwear. he nodded in approve meant and blair pulled him to her again. who knew all...
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1. Because only Nate can mess with another guys sister.
2. Because that touch was more than enough.
3. Because here comes Cinderella and Prince Charming.
4. Because he's her knight in shining armor.
5. Because he definitely smelled her hair.
6. Because it's bound to happen.
7. Because he sees her like no one else.
8. Because she's the light of his life.
9. Because they got the pretty factor down.
10. Because Fairytales got nothin' on theese two.
11. Because Serena? Blair? Who they hell are they?
12. Because he only has eyes for her.
13. Because he doesn't even know her and he still talks about her.
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A.N. Ok This is an Ed/Leighton Fic. It happens after the Leighton Sex Tape scandal hits the news...

Background: Just for this fic, let's imagine that Ed and Leighton share that undeniable off set chemistry which they tease each other about in the privacy of their own relationship but have not ever acted on the sexual tension. So they are both dating other people, Sebastian and Jessica.

They have not ever explicitly talked about whether they have feelings for each other. Let's pretend that maybe they can see something happening between them in the future after Gossip Girl, but any feelings they...
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Thank you so much for all the reviews! They really mean so much! Im glad you like the way things are going so far and I promise that CB are end game, I just want to make things fun until they actually get together for real...obviously if you're anything like me you love the journey more than the end result so I'm going to make the journey as fun as possible.....

Ok so the twist in the story happens in this chapter...I really hope you like it...and I hope you like the CB interaction in this chap!

Rated: M....there is sex in this....hope you like it!

The weeks went by and things were looking...
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There may come a point in your life where you would have to choose between what's best for a friend or your boyfriend. Even if you think you would be right choosing one way, you would not be able to avoid hurting someone close to you.

Blair had a series of battles on her hands in 'How to Succeed in Bassness'. It made sense why Chuck's desires came over Serena's needs; Chuck was the one who resented her for manipulating him in 'Enough about Eve'. Blair seems to find different ways to make every situation centered around her and she rarely notices how her decisions affect those around her.

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Gossip Girl begins its third season Monday September 14, and the pre-premiere chatter is louder than ever. So to quiet everyone down (or possibly amp them up further), I'm presenting a three-part interview with Josh Safran, writer and co-executive producer of Gossip Girl. There was much to discuss.There is the kiss that launched a thousand spoiler alerts. (For those of you just returning from space, journalists and bloggers ran with a leaked storyline where Blair furthers a hairbrained agenda by fooling Chuck into kissing a man.) There is the heightened sensitivity that Safran, the show's only...
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A/N: It’s time for a bit of honesty. I’m going to be leaving this fandom shortly. And with that I give you my last fic that I will be writing for Gossip Girl. It has been fun.

The elevator doors opened slowly and Blair peered into the constricted space only to see the one person that she swore she would never like to see again, but then why was her heart beating so fast? There he stood, looking at her solemnly and holding flowers in his hands. She looked at him quickly, but she knew that he saw the disappointed look on her face. She wanted to show that she didn’t have any feelings or...
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Summary: Four years have passed. Today was graduation day.
Everything had changed. Loves were rekindled and found. Friendships were torn and lost. Lonely, confused, hurt, deceived: everyone was. They all thought it was over; that the drama was done.

How wrong they were.

Today was graduation day.
Also known as the day that changed all of their lives.

A/N: Talking to Jovi randomly one day, the coolest idea popped into my head...what was it? Well, read on to find out ;)
Chuck -x- Blair, Serena -x- Nate, Carter -x- Georgina

Caution: This is story is pretty long, so be prepared :O
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Right last chapter here it is! Well nearly, this is the final one then just the epilogue. So right I tried to finish this asap and it's been so sunny here the last few days so I just took my laptop down to the beach with me and finished it there. I've realized just how fast I write in the sun, I think I wrote like all of it without stopping so now I have sunburn but anyway it's worth it to get this final chapter up, I'll just put some aftersun on it'll be fine. Right so if you read please do comment and let me know what you think like of the whole story and the...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Right I'm in such more of a writing mood today so I finished this all today. I'm so sorry for going on and on, on the last chapter but someone commented saying that I was saying it was crap for reverse psychology so to get sympathy- I didn't. I really feel my writing isn't that strong anymore or ever was so I'm just explaining myself to my loyal readers. So anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, but I know the majority or all of you will not, but please do still comment all the same. Thank you xoxo.

Chapter 20: Run away. Fly away. Hide

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