Gossip Girl Club
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A/N: Hey all! Okay, so I was planning on updating the story once more before Thanksgiving but it really didn’t happen. Instead, I finished making my CB vid, so you should go check THAT out on youtube! *gasp* (Username: ChuckBlairLuvA) Hehe. ;p Anyways! I’m really going to try updating this as soon as possible…and as often as impossible. Thank-you for all your reviews. I really love this story, so on with it! PLEASE REVIEW! =D
CH.4—Cold Goodbyes
    The elevator slowly began to move. Both of them should have been ecstatic at their final departure when it finally reached ground level, but neither of them could so much as offer a smile, when the doors finally slid open.
    Several mechanics were there to greet them. The first of many offering their hands to Blair and Chuck in order to exit the vacant box that had given them all so much trouble. Blair nodded politely, simply picking up her purse and walking out into the lobby. Chuck watched her and then exited the elevator himself, not so much as acknowledging the men in dirty, greasy suits just outside the entrance. Many apologies were uttered, until finally Chuck waved them off and they returned to their stations.
    Chuck brushed off his velvet maroon suite and calmly strode outside to see Blair standing there, alone and in the cold, shivering in the darkness. There were no limos around, no taxis either, surprisingly. What was she waiting for?
    He came up from behind, taking his jacket off and wrapping it around her bare shoulders. She was startled by his actions, but when she realized what he had done…as much as she appreciated the gesture, she was not willing to accept his kindness, not yet at least.
    Once he had stepped away a few inches, she took the jacket off and shoved it at him, never looking directly at him. “Thanks, but no thanks,” she spat, staring at the street.
    He looked offended first, but it was instantly consumed by hurt and a concern of some sorts.
    “Blair, it’s co—”
    “I’m fine,” she said sharply, looking him in the eye to prove her point, and then after a long moment turning her gaze back to the street.
    He sighed, folding the jacket up neatly in his arms. If she wasn’t going to wear it, he wasn’t going to feel guilty about wearing it himself. No doubt she’d probably smack him if he’d put it on again. However the possibility wasn’t entirely unlikely that it would just fuel her sadness, not anger…sadness.
    She rubbed her arms up and down, as the goosebumps covered her. He looked at her agonizingly, wanting to do something….deciding any attempt to be civil was hopeless.
    “I know you’re cold,” he said.
    She said nothing.
    “Blair, I…” he paused, as he saw a limo pull up in front of the hotel, Blair’s limo.
    She walked forward, and he followed her slowly, hesitant to every move. She paused just before getting inside the vehicle. Paused for TOO long. She finallly turned to look at him, witnessing all the hurt on his face, and now he truly saw the pain on hers.
    “What, Chuck?” she asked.
    She raised an eyebrow, growing impatient.
    “I’m sorry,” he concluded, slipping his hands into his pockets.
    She shook her head, scoffing, then looked at him again, lips pursed. “I’m sorry too.”
    He watched as she got in and the limo sped off. He looked on in the direction she had gone for another ten minutes, before slowly turning around and walking back inside. When he asked the single mechanic who had not yet retreated to his station if the elevator was safe, he assure him that it was, but it might be best if he took the service elevator and then took the final flight of stairs to get back to the party.
    Chuck nodded, and in any other situation would’ve just taken the elevator regardless, but tonight had been much too stressful, even for him. He took the mechanics advice and followed him to the service elevator, waving him off once he had heard the man’s instructions near five times.
    When he got to the top, he opened the door leading from the stair entrance and was met by Vanessa in a tight hug. “Chuck! I heard what happened—literally,” she pulled away from him, when the hug was not returned.
    “Sorry,” she said, awkwardly, when she noticed how oddly he was looking at her. “I was just worried about you,” she looked down at her feet and then up at him. Same expression, and she couldn’t read it. But it wasn’t happy.
    “I think you need to leave,” he said harshly, striding past her.
    “Wait, Chuck!” she grabbed a hold of his arm, spinning him around to face her. He looked angry.
    “What’s going on?” she asked, almost afraid of her own words.
    He just glared at her.
    “Did something else happen with you father? What is it? You can tell me,” she said, stepping closer to him, squeezing his arm gently.
    Chuck looked down at her hand on his arm, absolutely infuritated. No wonder Blair had gotten jealous! No matter how innocent it seemed. He KNEW he was leading Vanessa on, and for the one time in Chuck’s life, he was angry he had such a talent for doing so.
    He snapped his arm out of her grasp. “Leave,” he said, his eyes cold. When she said nothing, he turned around in a rush and stormed off and away, into the party. But she saw him as headed upstairs, no doubt towards his room.
    She was taken aback by his actions, but decided to leave him alone. Some things just need to be dealt with in their own ways. She turned to leave, grabbing her purse from out of the closet and heading towards the abandoned elevator.
    She stepped inside, pressing the button for the ground level. With Chuck gone, there really was no point in her staying there any longer. Rich, upper class people were really not her cup of tea.
    As she reached the far corner of the elevator, she noticed a phone on the ground. Puzzled by this, she bent down to pick it up, noticing the screen was black. She pressed a button and the screen lit up. She gasped at the message.
    She tried to rush out of the elevator, in an eager hurry to discuss the matter with Chuck, but the doors had already closed and she was well on her way to the ground level. She shook her head, looking back over the message.
    What the hell does Blair have to do with Chuck?
    The elevator doors opened and Vanessa stepped out, slipping the phone in her purse.
The ride home was not a pleasant one. She was thinking about Chuck the whole time, and the love songs the driver had playing were not helping her situation. She grumbled at the odd turn of events. Leaning her head back on the seat, she closed her eyes and began to play back all the memories of her and Chuck. From the time they were kids, they had always been pretty close, in the terms of manipulations at least. Why she had fallen for that lame Archibald nobody, she had no clue. She knew she did still care for Nate as a friend, but they were not at a place yet where she could admit even that. All she knew was that she was in love with Chuck, she had no idea how it had suddenly jumped to that stage in their relationship (whatever it was), but she knew it was true. She could just never tell him, because he would NEVER give her what she needed: honesty and faithfulness. She was sick of playing games. Now all she wanted was him….kissing her, loving her, talking with her, protecting her. She sighed. But it was only wishful thinking…nothing more.
The songs became silent.
“Miss Waldorf, we’ve arrived,” the driver announced.
Blair nodded. “Thank-you,” she said, opening the door and climbing out, shutting it behind her.
She headed to her room, once inside the penthouse. There was no one to stop her, to ask her if she was okay from getting stuck in that elevator, to ask her how in the world she’d survived from putting her feelings on the line again and being predictably disappointed. Her heart had shattered again. No thanks to that good for nothing Bass.
But she still missed him, she still…loved him. She dropped her purse at the door. Sulkily, she sauntered over to her closet and took off that beautiful Tuscany dress, hanging it up delicately on a hanger. It held so much sadness for her now. She took out one of her favorite nightdresses and slid it over her petite brunette head. Then, she crossed the room and opened the top drawer of another of her dressers, filled with her most precious possessions. The Erickson Beamon necklace.
She closed her eyes, remembering her birthday party just but a year ago. A tear fell from her closed eyes and dragged itself down the side of her face. When she opened her eyes, they were overflowing with the watery substance.
She opened the carefully decorated box and unlatched the necklace, placing it around her neck and reclasping it. Every movement was careful and hesitant, because at every second she swore she felt Chuck there beside her, putting the necklace on her himself…just in the soft gentle way he would do it, the way he had done it, in what seemed so long ago. How did it come to this? She thought, turning to look at herself in the mirror. Teary gasps escaped her, and she turned the light off, crawling into bed. Her fingers never letting go of the precious silver dangling around her neck.
She moaned in the darkness. “Dorota…..” she muttered. Nothing. She sighed aggravatingly, tearing the covers off of her, then lingering on her bed.
    “Ugh, fine. I’ll get it,” she grumbled, sauntering over to her purse and pulled her phone, frustrated at the constant vibrations. She should’ve DEFINITELY turned it off before going to bed. There was NO ONE she needed to talk to.
She flipped open the phone and was started by what it told her.
A/N: I HOPE YOU LOOOOOOOOOOVED IT!!!!!!!!! Please review! =D

Will You Marry Me?
Will You Marry Me?
Chair Tales- S02E07- Desperate Housewives.

Serena's house.
There are house keepers and other employees rushing around on Serena's order. She is hosting a pre-engagement party. Dan is confused because they are already engaged, but Serena wanted to have a pre-engagement party before having an engagement party!
Her plans include ending the night with Dan formally proposing to her in front of their guests to officiate their engagement, this would then be followed by an announcement to inform guests of an engagement party which would be held the following weekend.
Dan is arguing with Serena about the...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Okay I said I'd post this on Thursday but I got busy revising my ICT work. God I hate revising! I can't wait until my GCSE's are over with! But then there's A-Levels *cry*. But anyway since I didn't I just read through it and was not happy with the ending so I changed it around a little and added another scene. Just to say thank you to you guys, I really appreciate you taking time to read and leaving me comments, Thank you and I'm so glad you who left comments on chapter 1 liked it. I thought It was bit trashy but I guess not that bad right?! Anyway leave...
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Queen J?
Queen J?
(Sorry but this one is kinda long, we had a power cut and I just started writing galore! Couldn't stop, I think I wrote like 4 episodes in one night =] )

Episode 20: The Changing

GG: To quote Christina Aguilera “Some days I'm a super bitch”, Define that quote; Blair Waldorf. Just days after being de-throned Blair is back on top, apparently... Sources say B is not giving up her crown without a fight, Who's ready to fight the former Queen?

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

(It's been a week since Blair has been dethroned, Jenny is now starting to become the new Queen B. Blair has done nothing so far,...
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posted by GGLover_1
it's christmas eve!
it's christmas eve!
-So i'm a first timer... hope you like it. I started to write it bcuz, i'm a huge fan, of all your fanfics and bcuz i <3 chair!!!

Chuck and Blairs 'Love Story', it takes place in the 1st season, right after nate breaks up with blair, after she slept with chuck...

GG: What will happen this christmas eve?! Is B gonna get her C present???

* It's christmas eve finally, blair and nate just broke up. Nate forgave her because he realized she really did have feelings for chuck. Now at the Van der Bass apartment, Serena needs to get chuck to forgive blair and go to her.

S: Hey eric, have you seen chuck?...
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posted by GGLover_1
serena's sweet gift
serena's sweet gift
-So i'm a first timer... hope you like it. I started to write it bcuz, i'm a huge fan, of all your fanfics and bcuz i <3 chair!!!

Chuck and Blairs 'Love Story', it takes place in the 1st season, right after nate breaks up with blair, after she slept with chuck...

GG:Hello upper esat siders, Gossip Girl here. It's that time of the year, when all of our elite tries to outshine themselves with the best gifts and the best sweets. Yes it's Christmas... What about you, any sweets for me? scandals i mean!

*at the waldorf's penthouse: blair is all alone, sitting in her living room, still confused...
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I think I know the reason. I love chuck and Blair, as do most of you. We don't want to betray chair. We think about it like this, Chuck and Blair.. That's it, that's love,that's Gossip Girl. We can't imagine either of them being in love with anyone else. We don't want nair, we want chair! But, there will always be nair. nate and blair will always have history that we chair fans can't ignore. So that leaves us with the ultimate question, who's it gonna be, nair or chair. Although most of us think it'll be chair, there's still that chance that nair could fall back in love like in the books, and crush all of us chair fans. They, wouldn't do that, the writers know we all love chair, right?? well, the writers always surprise us. I know chuck and blair will end up together, so while we wait, why not give nair a chance to have a cute little fling?? we don't have a choice.
posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
A/N: Okay, now that I’ve finally updated my three lingering CB multichaptered stories, I have gone insane and decided to write yet ANOTHER one shot. I know…crazy. And as we speak I do not know if it will turn depressing or into crazy CB fluff….at this point we NEED fluff desperately to get through the next few episodes of CB angst. Aww…poor Chuck! Poor Blair! *sighs* But perhaps my mind is sucking up the angry tension of the next depressive episodes and exploding it in this simple 5-pager, if even I write for that long…or for that little. Lol. XD But anyways! I’m getting ahead of...
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A/N: Hey all! Sorry this has taken me so long to update….but I plan on updating my stories a lot quicker now, so hopefully you’ll all keep up! ;p
Ch.4—Faulty Evidence
    Chuck stopped right outside the Waldorf residence and waited for his limo to arrive. He had expected the meeting with Blair to last longer, but apparently she hadn’t needed him for that much. Come to think of it, it was he, who had excused himself early with the insistence that him walking out of the penthouse would cause enough stirring on Gossip Girl’s part. However, his phone did not...
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posted by bl0ndy
Edward "Ed" Westwick (born June 27, 1987) is an English actor best known for his role as Chuck Bass amongst the main cast on the American television series Gossip Girl. He is also the lead singer of the English rock band The Filthy Youth.

Westwick was born into a family of two older brothers, his father a lecturer in Business Studies and his mother an educational psychologist. He attended St Ippolyts Church of England Primary School and the Barclay School in Stevenage, England. He was attending North Herts College when he made his first film, Breaking and Entering, directed by the late Anthony...
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Episodes - Gossip Girl (19 total Episodes)

5/19/2008: Much 'I Do' About Nothing
5/12/2008: Woman on the Verge
5/5/2008: All About My Brother
4/28/2008: Desperately Seeking Serena
4/21/2008: The Blair Bitch Project
1/9/2008: A Thin Line Between Chuck and Nate
1/2/2008: School Lies
12/19/2007: Roman Holiday
11/28/2007: Blair Waldorf Must Pie!
11/14/2007: Seventeen Candles
11/7/2007: Victor/Victrola
10/24/2007: The Handmaiden's Tale
10/17/2007: Dare Devil
10/10/2007: Bad News Blair
10/3/2007: Poison Ivy
9/26/2007: The Wild Brunch
9/19/2007: Pilot
9/19/2007: Pilot
added by Makeupdiva
added by Makeupdiva
added by Makeupdiva
gossip girl
serena van der woodsen
blair waldorf
jenny humphrey
dan humphrey
chuck bass
nate archibald
top 10
gossip girl
blair waldorf
leighton meester
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
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Source: zimbio.com
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