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Story: 'You make me feel funny'

Author: Ana

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl.

Summary: Blair is determined to never get involved with a man again and she was successful until she met her new boss. He annoys her since the first day and she really doesn't know why she feels like she’s high school girl again around him. Still she knows she can't give up as she has a secret that would make someone like Chuck Bass run away the second he found out. AU

Happy Easter everyone!

‘I didn’t know you can cook.’ He murmured, sneaking his arms around her from behind and biting her earlobe softly.

He has just woken up and found his girlfriend gone. And in his search for her, he’d found her cooking in his kitchen which surprised him a little.

They were now dating for a month and he had to admit, it was even better than he had thought it would be. Blair was the most amazing women he had ever met and with each day he liked her more. Or maybe he already loved her? He shook of this thought as it would bring some complications he didn’t need now.

They would have a lunch at work everyday besides the days he was too busy to leave then she would bring him something up. He never had someone to take care of him and it felt rather nice. They would go out for a dinner on weekends and often spend a night together during work days.

The only thing that confused him was this strange secrecy of hers. They would always go to his place and only one day on weekend. On the other days she wouldn’t come with him after work, just come much later after it was already dark.

Thinking about it now, he realized that he was never in her apartment. He has never ever entered her building, just waited outside for her when they were going out together. But she couldn’t really have someone else. She spent at least three nights a week with him. Who would agree to this?

Besides he had her checked by his PI to make sure she didn’t have a husband or even a boyfriend. Mike confirmed it and the last mention of any other male in her life was her high school boyfriend. Maybe these flowers were just from her father? She told him he lived in France after all and couldn’t make it on her birthday.

He decided to stop it at that as she didn’t give him any reasons to doubt her during this month and walked to her.

‘You don’t know many things.’ She replayed with a smile and continued to make their breakfast. ‘Besides that’s only pancakes. I’m sure you would manage them too.’

‘You’d be surprised then.’ He chuckled and moved his lips to her neck. ‘What are you doing today?’ He asked as it was Sunday and they had spent half a day together yesterday which has become a small ritual for them.

‘I’m meeting Serena.’ She answered and freed of his arms to put the pancake on the plate.

Blair has been really happy too. She enjoyed her time with Chuck but had more troubles everyday to keep her secret. She knew he was interested why they never went to her place and she wasn’t sure she could brush it off much longer.

She also had too little time. She had to choose between spending time with Chuck and spending time with her baby. She knew Chuck wanted be together more but he seemed satisfied for a while at least and didn’t protest much.

So, Blair spent Saturdays with chuck and Sundays with her son. She couldn’t just be in Chuck’s suite all week either so on the days she slept over at his place, she would go when her son was asleep living him with Jenny. She did it usually two times a week but still was a little worried about him if he would wake up at night and needed his mommy.

Still something stopped her from telling her boyfriend, she really liked to call him that and he seemed to like it too. He was great towards her since they started meeting and she was starting to think she might have fallen for him after all. Hell, who was she kidding? She was so in love with him it was scary and this made her afraid of telling him. She was scared he would go away and she couldn’t take it again.

‘Why do you always have to meet her? I need my Blair time more and she has her boyfriend to occupy her.’ He whined from his seat at the table.

She smiled happy to see Chuck Bass begging for more playtime with his girlfriend.

‘I need to spend time outside this suite too, Charles. Besides she’s my best friend sine we were kids and we always spend Sunday together when we can.’ She said not entirely truthful. Serena and she often meet on Sunday but she hasn’t even had plans with her today.

Chuck waited as she put the plates on the table and then tugged her by her arm to get her on his lap.

‘But you can’t today.’ He complained and began to run his hand over her thighs.

‘Really? And why would be that?’ She asked with amusement and gave him a peck on his lips.

‘Because you’re entraining your handsome boyfriend’ He answered giving her his own kiss which lasted a lot longer of course.

‘Sorry honey but I rally can’t today.’ She finally broke out of his lips and hands and went to the other side of the table to take her seat. ‘Now be a good boy and eat your breakfast.’ She added with a smirk.

He gave her his best glare but murmured ‘Fine’ before he started to eat.

It was an hour ago when he left the shower and was about to exit the bathroom when he heard someone talking through the door. He knew Blair was there as she was getting ready to leave after he finally let her leave the kitchen and his arms. Still she demanded he replace the dinning table.

He started to think who she would talk to and decided it was probably Serena calling to confirm their plans. He had his hand on the knob where he heard something that stopped him.

‘Sweetie, I will be there soon, promise.’ She said with a sweet voice he has never heard her use before. ‘Ok, bye!’

He opened the door just as she pressed a button to end the conversation. His girlfriend then turned to him with a smile.

‘I really have to go, Chuck. I’ll see you tomorrow.’ She said kissing him quickly and walking to the door. He was stunned in place and before he came back, she has already left.

Maybe it was for the best as he really didn’t know what to do. Bigger part of him wanted to do what seemed obvious in this situation. Go after her, find this little bastard and end it once and for all… or hire a hit man. Both seemed rational in Chuck’s mind.

But as much as he wanted to do that he knew it wouldn’t help with anything. If something Blair could hate him after this. Still she cheated on him so why should he care? He should know getting into a relationship wasn’t a good idea. That was exactly why he had never done it before. Everyone knew you just get hurt eventually and to this moment in his life, Chuck succeeded in avoiding even a possibility of that happening.

But then he had to go and fall for some women. Fuck, he was in love with her. And to all of this, it wasn’t just some women. It was Blair Waldorf and he was sure there wasn’t any more stubborn, bitchy and gorgeous girl alive.

He is Chuck Bass and if there is one thing sure about a Bass is that he always gets what he wants. And he wants Blair more than he has ever wanted anything. So damn it, he’s going to keep her, no matter how many idiots she had hidden from him.

That’s it; he will go there now and see what’s really going on.

Meanwhile, Blair got a frantic call from Serena who insisted she had to come to the blonde’s apartment immediately. She also found out that her son was with Jenny Humphrey right now as Serena left right in the morning because Nate hadn’t showed up last night. Apparently something was wrong with him and they needed her help too.

She made sure Jenny could stay longer and took a cab to her friend’s place. It turned out that Nate’s dad had come back from wherever he was hiding and Nate didn’t know what to do. She texted Jenny that she might need all day for this one and went to make some coffee for them.

Chuck arrived at his assistant’s place and knocked at the door impatiently. He really has to know what is going on here.

After a minute a dark haired man opened. Chuck spotted he was holding a small, maybe four year old boy in his arms. Shit, he thought. He had to mistake the number as there was no way she’s married and has a child, right?

‘Excuse me, is Blair Waldorf living here?’ He asked just to be sure.

‘Yes but she’s not home now. Can I help you with something? Do you want to me to tell her you stopped by, Mr. …?’ He stopped, not knowing who he is talking to.

‘Bass. Chuck Bass. And no, thank you. It’s not really important. Goodbye.’ He managed to get out before going quickly away.

The man shrugged and closed the door. He then placed the boy who wanted to go play with the toys down and walked to kitchen.

‘Who was it?’ Jenny asked turning to him.

‘Bass? He wanted to see Blair.’ He answered and kissed his girlfriend.

‘It’s from her work. She mentioned something about him, I think.’ She replayed before kissing him back. Good thing Blair liked John and didn’t mind if he stopped by sometimes when she watched Christopher.

It was few hours later when Blair returned home. She was tried but they finally managed to convince Nate to meet his father and gave him a chance.

‘Hi, Jenny. Everything’s ok?’ She asked and poured herself some juice.

‘Yeah, everything went fine. Christopher is watching TV.’ Just then her son ran in and jumped on her. ‘Well, I guess he isn’t anymore.’ The blond added with a laugh.

‘Hi, baby. Have you had fun yesterday with Serena?’ She questioned seating him in her lap.

‘Yes, mum. She let me watch a scary movie!’ He answered excited.

‘Really?’ She asked chuckling as her best friend told her everything about this ‘scary’ movie which was some ghost film for kids.

‘Yes! There were ghost there, mommy!’ He exclaimed jumping few times in her lap.

‘That had to be really scary, sweetie. Haven’t you been afraid?’ She asked, pretending to be scared.

‘No! I watched it all and aunty Serena had to close her eyes!’ He told her proudly and she kissed his head with a smile. ‘I’m watching new movie, Serena bought me. It’s about fishes!’ He added and quickly went back to his room before she could stop him.

She laughed along with Jenny. They both knew he loved fishes. He had a lot of stuffed fishes in every color and someone bought him a new movie about them all the time. She already promised him one for his next birthday.

‘Oh, Blair I would forget. Mr. Bass was here today. He wanted to see you.’ Her son’s nanny said after a while.

‘Chuck was here?’ She asked after she gulped the juice she was drinking with difficulty.

‘Yeah, John answered the door. He didn’t want to leave any message though.’

‘Did he saw Christopher?’ She asked the only thing running through her mind at the moment.

‘Yeah, I think so.’ She answered with a shrug.

‘Shit.’ Blair murmured and closed her eyes. ‘I have to leave Jenny. Will you stay the night?’ She asked quickly grabbing her shoes and coat.

‘Sure, Blair. Is something wrong?’ The girl asked watching her boss acting strangely.

‘I’m not really sure yet. I’ll be back as soon as I can.’ She said fast and after a minute was in the cab.

‘The palace, please.’ She gave the driver the directions and landed against the seat.

Who was she kidding? Everything was so wrong. So fucking wrong, she just hoped he would be there and she will convince him just to listen to her. She preferred not to think about the thoughts that were bond to be running through his head right now.


God, it was longest chapter I’ve ever written, I think. It deserves a review, doesn’t it? :)
added by lilie2
posted by Sugarplum1117
Ill give Serena the credit for being one of the most kind and good-hearted characters in gossip girl. She doesnt judge anyone or put herself in front of others. But i cant help but notice how incredibly annoying she is. Not all the time obviously but 90% of the time. She constantly makes the dumbest decisions and never makes any sense when she speaks. Shes always confused and thinks shes the cutest thing in the world. Like seriously, im trying to re watch gossip girl from the beginning to catch up and im on the second season and i cant stand any scenes with Serena anymore. And Dan is just as annoying. Everytime some new kind of drama happens that she has to fix or hide, her methods for going about it are always the same pointless idiotic solutions. And how she just lets Blair walk all over her and take over her life just proves my point even more. Serena Van Der Woodsen..most annoying girl on the Upper East Side.
All Is Fair In Love and War – Chapter One – The Shake Up

The deal was easy. He finds her the perfect date, and she finds him one. How hard could it be?


“Blair,” Chuck began. “You look…amazing.” He smirked.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, Bass.”

“So…where’s this ‘date’ of mine?”

“Aw, tired of me already, Chuck?”

He chuckled. “Never; we’re inevitable, Waldorf. Remember?”

All Blair could do was nod and smile. “I’ll always remember.”


“My father is someone who goes after what he wants and Lily van der Wooden was no exception. A typical...
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Tue, Jun 23 10:29 PM
New York, June 23 (IANS) A sex tape starring American drama TV series 'Gossip Girl' actress Leighton Meester has sparked a bidding war on the Internet, touching the $1 million mark.

Hollywood.com reports that Kevin Blatt, the dealer behind socialite heriess Paris Hilton's sex tapes, has said he is surprised by the level of interest in the footage, as the bids for the Meester video have exceeded $1 million.

Blatt also revealed that the footage features a younger Meester performing a striptease for a boyfriend.

'It's very playful, actually. It's not shot in high definition and looks like it has been shot using a video camera while they are both fooling around,' said Blatt.

Indo Asian News Service
Part 2
She was in the bathroom sweating out the fact that her and Nate are...dating? She didnt remember this happening. She remembered dancing with Chuck a hundred times and Nate sitting down and not drinking or talking.

Wow. Wasnt he the life of the party! she thought sarcastically.

All of a sudden she heard a knock on the door.
"Blair?" Nate said.
"Um. Yeah Nate?" she said awkwardly.
"Are you okay? I just wanted to check on you." he said caringly.
"Yep. Perfect." she said brushing her teeth with the toothbrush she leaves at Serena's house.
"Um. Okay then. Come see me when your ready....
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass- Chapter 11

The table had gone quiet; nobody spoke for what seemed like a long time. Finally, Lily found her voice. “You want to take over Bass Industries?”
He nodded once. “Yes, I do. It’s my rightful place and it’s about time that I start doing something that I’m supposed to be.”
Lily looked him at with a sad expression on his face. “That’s very noble of you Charles but you don’t know anything about running the company. And you are only seventeen years old. Don’t you think that’s a little too young?”
He didn’t want this to get ugly but he...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Ten

Okay, was she going to be able to go through with this? He was standing right next to his locker but he was surrounded by his friends, and she certainly didn’t want to go over there around them. She was a Van Der Woodsen though and she wasn’t going to give up. That was not in the plan. She tried to pat down her hair which seemed to want to disobey her and twist every which way. She also tried to smooth down her school uniform but then she chided herself. Why was she primping for Nate? It wasn’t like he would refuse her outright.
His friends disappeared a...
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Tragedy of revelation.
Tragedy of revelation.
Chair Tales S02E21- Daddy Day Care

It has been a week since Bella, Zach and Pheobe were Christened. Blair and Eric were named God parents to Pheobe and Zach. Serena and Dan were named God Parents for Bella.

Blair has come to Serena's house. She has had to drop Bella off to the hospital for a check up and observation.
Blair is upset and sits with Serena on a sofa. Lilly is still at Serena's house and is leaving for home later today. She is talking on the phone near by.

B: I dont know what to do any more.....i think im losing her.
S: Hey...(puts her hand on Blair's) we've been through this before...we...
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Together they were lethal--CB--One shot

A/N: Okay so here comes another one shot. Another Chuck and Blair one. I've always wanted to write one kind of like this but never got around to it but I got a chance last night so I thought I could write chapter 7 to AMLSL but I really need to do some thinking about that and I just didn't have the energy to do much thinking but I had this idea months ago just didn't have time to write it so here goes. I hope you all like it and please if you read comment I just had some 'bad news' about my writing recently so I really need some cheering up and comments...
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-So i have read alot of fanfics about what if blair was really pregnant (season one, ep.13), and i loved all of them, but it's always chuck's baby... so here's a different look at it...blair doesn't really know who the father is! Hope you enjoy it!!!
-I own nothing!

*It's been 3 hours since Blair blew up and broke off everything with Chuck, because he was trying to be something he wasn't. Serena was coming over to tell Blair about Nate jetting off tonight for good.

S: Hey B, i have something to tell you, I don't know if i should cuz i understand things aren't easy for you already but (gets cut...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter 6

This chapter is rated M.

Blair and Serena had become quick friends and she thanked god for that. Blair desperately needed someone to talk to now about everything that was going on in her life.
“Serena, I just don’t know. What do you think I should do about Nate and Chuck?” She had told her everything, including how she had fallen for Chuck.
Serena titled her head to the side, while she contemplated her choices. “I think you should go for it, Blair. You obviously don’t feel it for Nate, so you should give it a shot with Chuck.”
She smoothed her headband...
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A/N: Here's the second chapter of mine (rush7) and waldorf's fanfiction

Ring ring.

Chuck looked at the phone and sighed when he saw who was calling them. Humphrey. ”It's for you, sis”.
Serena reached for the phone and suddenly looked very uncomfortable. Chuck frowned.
”Something wrong?”
”Well... Dan and I are... well, things have been kinda awkward between us.” she stuttered and looked down at the floor. ”Tell him I'm not here, I should go... uhm, yeah.”
Though nothing Serena said made any sense to him, Chuck picked up the phone and answered anyway.

”Humphrey. I'd love to say how...
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Pour Your Heart Out Blair!
Pour Your Heart Out Blair!

Gossip Girl: # Well Well Well Upper East Siders....there were suspicious reports of Blair's disappearance this weekend...and is it a coincidence that Chuck Bass was also no where to be seen? Something seems a bit fishy....keep it posted as i'll have updates throughout the day....xoxo Gossip Girl #

Back in Manhattan...at school.
Serena and Blair are talking, she tells her everything about the wedding and what happened, she is confused and needs the advice of her BFF. Serena is shocked about what happened to Chucks mother and feels that partnered with the way...
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A/N: Hey all…I know the last one was a bit angsty, and YES, this one gets more intense…but hopefully you will all still be in love with it and review wonderful things! Lol. XD Ah…or maybe I’m too hopeful. Lol. XD
ANNOUNCEMENT 1: Make sure to vote on the future CB stories poll on my profile!
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: If you are a beta, or you know of one…who betas quickly (as in within a week), please let me know! I’d like to acquire one, so I can be positive that there are little to no typos within my lovely chapters. ;p
Ch.15—Line of Vision
    It was cold and empty...
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I'm gonna write something diffrent from the average fan fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.

Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Serena Van der Woodsen

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of love with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.

Scene 1- Waldorf Appartment

Blair and Serena are chatting in the living room.
Chuck enters.

Chuck: Blair

Blair: Hmm, Look what the wind blew in

Serena: I'll go, I'll see you later B

Serena hugs Blair goodbye...
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added by saBRUCAS
added by kuhriissten
added by kuhriissten
added by JoeysBabyGrL
Source: Just Jared