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A.N.(Please Read This A.N)

I initially posted this on my fanfiction(dot)net profile and I had two alternate endings.
The first possible ending was very smutty, i.e. it had a lot of explicit adult content in it and I didnt get many reviews so I assumed that people didn't really like to read explicit sexual content (I dont like to write it either but I assumed that the readers who reviewed Part 1 wanted some Ed/Leight sex so I wrote it)....of course I was gutted that Part 2 didn't get any reviews so I went back to the drawing board and wrote another chapter as an alternate ending...(with less explicit content) and posted that as well...it did end up getting a better reception so that is the version I have posted here...!

It is still rated M because of the bad and crude language which I decided to keep because it makes Ed more interesting when he's pissed off! They still "do it" but I dont describe it...and there is sex talk...but it's just talk! The beginning is the same as the smutty chapter but the middle and ending is different!

I hope you like this better! Also if you wish to read the smutty, sexually explicit version (which I have actually edited to make it less crude) just head to my fanfiction(dot)net profile and it's Part 2....


She was frozen. Phone still in hand, almost shaking. Her heart began beating erratically, her fingers trembling, butterflies in her stomach, even her mouth watered. Then she realised that he would be here and minute, in her house.
She leaped out of bed in record time, racing to her closet and and fumbling with her outfits.

"Too boring, too yellow, too old, too much...he's seen this before...." she murmured to herself whilst flinging various outfits back and forth. "Jesus why is this so hard!" her eyes landed on the negligee compartment and her eyes widened. He was always hell bent on teasing her, maybe it was time for some payback.
She rummaged through her best negligee, finally settling on a black and red number which revealed enough of her legs and cleavage to drive him insane. She wore her black silk robe over it leaving the belt undone and then stood in front of the full length mirror to admire herself.

"Oh gosh, I look desperate." she whispered and then quickly ran back to her closet ripping her robe off and trying to find something a bit more subtle. She finally settled on a little red skirt and a sleeveless rose pink frilly blouse, checking herself once again in the mirror and feeling more comfortable with her current attire.
She sat back on her bed checking her watch and then her phone and then her watch again. Realising that she was becoming way too nervous she decided she needed to calm down and take a few breaths, it was just Ed, she'd seen him a million times why was she getting so excited.

He couldn't believe what he had just done. He had just basically admitted that he wanted her and now he invited himself to her bloody house to do God knows what and she hadn't called or text him back to stop him. She knew he was coming and that in it self caused a slight strain between his legs.
He leapt of the sofa and began pacing around wondering what predicament he had just put them in. He could call her back and say he was just joking and they could go back to normal. He stopped in his tracks thinking about what that would mean. 10 minutes later he had a hoody over his head and he was inside the taxi he had called.

Leighton decided on waiting in her lounge that way she could answer the door faster when he arrived. She passed a mirror on her way through the landing and noticed that her hair looked to perfect, like she had actually put effort into getting ready. She knew just how he liked her so she popped into her bathroom and removed her make up before letting down her hair and letting it cascade down naturally, he preferred her natural look over any other, just as she preferred his rough and rugged look.
She smiled to herself, blushing slightly at the thought of his mussed hair and unshaven jaw, his half opened shirt revealing the soft curls of hair on his chest. She jumped at the sound of a loud rap on the door and then her door bell went off and she began to tremble again. She raced towards the door and then just stopped before answering giving her a moment to compose herself.

He waited patiently outside her door after knocking and ringing the bell, rubbing his hands together to help him focus. What would she look like, what would she be wearing, what the hell am I wearing, fuck I look like a hobo he wondered to himself, his mind fumbling with thoughts that had not occurred to him before he had decided to make the journey.
He heard a noise behind the door and held his breath as the door opened slowly and revealed the woman he had been fantasising about all evening. She looked perfect as always in her classy clothes complimented by her beautiful soft curls that just begged to be touched. She smiled at him sweetly and he felt as though he was at heaven's door. He was gob smacked and couldn't even bite out a hello, she turned and walked away leaving the door open for him.

He shook his head at how pathetic he was acted, like a deer caught in the headlights or a sick puppy in love, it was definitely pathetic.
He followed her in quickly and decided to change his approach, she much preferred him with his cocky and confident attitude.

"Hey" he finally said as they reached her lounge and she turned back to him smiled widely again. She looked incredibly hot, and all he could think was how desperate he was to rip her clothes off and devour her.
"Hi," she answered quietly making sure that she put on a confident face and didn't show how excited and giddy she felt on the inside. Even though he looked so scruffy she couldn't help but think he was sexy and she couldn't wait to see him naked and have him maul her like an animal.
"You look..." he looked her up and down raising an eyebrow, "amazing by the way," he finished earning a blush from her and she giggled a little before sitting down on her sofa and motioning for him to join her. He felt fluttering in his belly and even the idea of sitting next her gave him goosebumps, he suddenly felt so self-conscious and that wasn't like him at all.
"you look a mess Ed." she said as he sat down beside her and she reached for his hood pulling it away from his head and ruffling his hair with her hand. He closed his eyes at the the sensation of having her touch him so innocently. "In disguise are you?" she added, removing her hand after noticing the effect she had on him.
"Well, I didn't want to get seen coming to your house," he drawled whilst removing his hoody jacket and leaning back on the sofa, spreading his legs in front of him and resting his head on the head rest.
Leighton edged close to him until they were almost touching and then followed suit by mimicking his posture, she turned her head to face him and he did the same, their faces a mere inch apart.
"You came." she whispered and she watched as his eyes flickered closed at the effect her breath had on his lips. She unconsciously placed a hand high on his thigh, but not high enough and he instinctively jerked upwards so slightly anyone else probably wouldn't have noticed the movement, but she did.

"Leight," his breath hitched at feeling her hand on his thigh and he knew he wouldn't be able to wait any longer, having her this close and all to himself was just too much to handle. He covered her hand with his before looking deep into her eyes, there was something stopping them, he couldn't put it into words but he knew that they both felt it, like it was something so powerful that even though they were so evidently crazy about each other and so desperate to feel each other there was just something stopping them from making it a reality. He thought back to how easy it was in front of the cameras to kiss her, to touch her when they could just pretend that it was Chuck and Blair.
"Ed..." she returned with an equal dose of arousal.
Her body moved closer to him as if magnetised by him and she could tell that he was hesitating, that was until he whispered to her hotly, "Lights....camera....action." and then his lips crashed in to hers not giving her a second to realise what had just happened and then all she knew was that he was on top of her on her sofa, in her house, his tongue in her mouth, his hands in her hair and cupping her ass. She could have came there and then and he would have gladly joined her in a hurried and wasted orgasm because they were just so relieved to have got this far and of course they knew they had the whole night to make up for it.
"Fuck Leight..." he moaned onto her lips trying his best not to break contact with her. His lips were urgent and his tongue rough and passionate, his hands were all over her body feeling every inch of her body and making her tremble at his touch. She couldn't believe this was actually happening, finally.

"Ed....Christ...dont stop." she moaned back whilst ripping at his shirt trying to feel more of his skin. He kissed her hard on the lips ripping off the blouse she had so carefully selected for their illegitimate rendezvous and continued kissing down her jaw and her neck as she cried out in ecstasy. She tried to counter the intense arousal by digging her nail in to his back and she heard him hiss and groan at the sensation whilst trying to focus on devouring her with kisses.

"Clothes....off....now.." he breathed against her neck and he pulled her out of her blouse flipping her onto her back as he straddled her.

They continued to make love, if that's what you could call it now, until they were both panting with satisfaction. Once they were finished she rested her head on his chest which was rising and falling hard with exhaustion. They relaxed for what seemed like hours but was probably only 20 minutes until the silence was broken.

"Leight...that was....you were fucking amazing!" he groaned onto her neck and then jerked his head up to look her in the eye. What he saw was something along the lines of admiration or maybe even victory.
"It was pretty amazing," she smiled at him stroking his hair and letting her fingernails dig into his scalp a little, he closed his eyes at the sensation.
"ok now tell me...was it sex tape material?" he teased lightly but she could tell even through his laughter he was actually serious.
"Not exactly Eddy," she replied smiling cheekily and patting his head if he were a child.

His expression hardened and he sat up a little to face her, "what the fuck do you mean by no! That was better than you've ever had it!" he demanded and she quirked an eyebrow at him.
"How would you know! I've had better actually," she teased him, "not everyone is a pig headed as you and that's a big turn off!" she smirked at him.
"Oh really," he snarled whilst grabbing a fistful of her hair and tilting her head towards him, "you were getting pretty turned on while I pounded into you deeper than anyone's been before and i'd say you were pretty turned on just from the sound of my voice over the fucking phone! I bet you were so dripping wet then!" she managed to get him to release her hair after struggling a bit and then she quickly reached for her dress pulling it over her and backing up to her end of the sofa.

"You cant get away from me baby girl." he smirked at her. He knew she liked to play dirty and she loved playing hard to get, he also knew that there was nothing he could say to put her off him, because they were in that deep.
"Dont call me baby you bastard!" she snarled back at him. She couldn't stop her body from betraying her every time he was around her because he was right, even the sound of his sultry voice would turn her to jelly.
"Aaw...is my baby pissed off with me...dont you know that your fire doesn't burn me...it fucking exhilerates me" he growled whilst crawling closer to her, he could sense the tension as she shivered at his nearing proximity.
"Dont" she whispered, because she had no idea what would happen if came any closer and as much as she didn't want to prove him right about the fact that she couldn't resist him, she actually didn't want to resist.
"Dont what?" he whispered whilst approaching her, "dont come closer? Dont touch you?" he said whilst running a finger up her leg towards her thigh as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "or maybe you dont want me to do this" he whispered as his hand reached under her dress and between her thighs, she wasn't wearing any underwear. She gasped at the sensation but managed to find the strength to back away from him a little.
"Maybe you dont want me to do this," he growled whilst closing the distance between them and kissing her hard on the lips. His hand immediately went under her dress again and she moaned into his mouth wrapping her arms around his neck and playing with his hair until she remembered her resistance. She founf the courage and pulled away from him smiling wickedly pretending that her momentary lapse of judgement was part of her plan.
"You like that Eddy? Thinking that I actually want you?" she challenged and he looked at her sceptically still recovering from their heated kiss.
"You really think that you're the best I could have?" she asked him with a smirk.
"I know I am...I see it in your eyes...you think you dont feel it? There is no one else for either of us!" he argued incredulously.
She brought her right hand up to her face and admired her fingernails putting on an apathetic face, "i'm actually pretty happy with my boyfriend" she teased him. She loved having this control over him, if he didn't fall for it they would probably argue a bit more and then have great make-up sex, if he fell for it then it wouldn't be that bad either. He would hate her thinking that she used him and they could pretend that nothing happened between them, she would just have to get over him and go back to her boyfriend, Ed would have to do the same.

"Dont fucking kid yourself you slapper, you want me just as much as I want you!" he frowned, surprised by the fact that he was laying out all his feelings to her, but he could never know when she was lying, she was an amazing actress after all.
"Mind your tongue Eddykins," she cooed whilst ruffling his hair, "you dont talk to someone you claim to care for like that." she warned him. She loved getting a rise out of him, he was hilarious to watch when he was frustrated, she knew all he wanted to do right now was grab her and ravish her there and then, there was nothing she wanted more than for him to take her, but there was no reason for him to know that just yet.
He crawled up to her again and grabbed her by the jaw, "you're always fucking thinking about me, I see it every time we're working when you kiss Chuck, you're so fucking desperately wishing that it was real, us!" he challenged her and he was right but she would never admit that because it would ruin their professional relationship.

"I've seen the way you watch me when you think I aint looking. You're wanker of a boyfriend doesn't even let you near me when he's on set because he knows you'll get hot and bothered over me!" he threw at her, because he knew that Sebastian would look at him differently to the others and sometimes he would say stuff like how lucky he was to be the one to take Leighton home at the end of the day. It would piss him off but he got off on the fact that he knew Leighton disagreed with her boyfriends proud statement.
"You're deluded Ed...I love my boyfriend. You were a long awaited fuck...sexual drano...that's all," she tried to lie but he could see right through her façade.
"Fucking slut! Is that why you cant even say his fucking name in front of me! Is that why you came hard over me tonight instead of him like a fucking whore!" he growled out and he let go of her jaw and she trembled from the loss of contact, she hated it when she couldn't feel him and the heat that radiated off him when he was angry made her feel alive. She smiled wickedly at him to tempt him again and he swallowed, "you're the one that came all the way over here feeling left out or something at not having fucked me after hearing about that stupid tape! You must've had blue balls for the past couple of days thinking about me all by yourself!" she spat back at him and he nearly sunk down a little.

"You must have been gutted at the idea that I could sexually please someone other than you...or were you just so turned on that you couldn't wait any longer for me!" she snarled at him inching her face closer to him in challenge. He accepted and returned to his previous threatening position and grabbing her jaw in his hand again. She smiled on the inside at finally feeling his hand on her again and she waited for his next retort.
"You're just as much of a desperate whore, you couldn't wait for me to come over, you wanted me spilling myself inside you! You've wanted right back since that first day we met! You couldn't shut up about hot you thought my accent was! You didn't leave my side for a second that day!" he reminded her of their induction day for the pilot of the show. She had been so impressed with his demeanour and particularly his accent, she had kept telling him to say stuff because she thought he sounded sexy.
"You were the one who couldn't stop staring at me...touching me insistently, hands on my back, my thighs, arms, ass! Or was that just your way of getting to know me!" she choked out between his fingers.

"Fuck off you bitch...you should have seen your face when you found out I was dating someone! It didn't stop you from flirting with me though did it?" he smirked up at her, having her face within his hand giving him sweet pleasure whilst his other hand roamed her thigh.
"You were the one throwing yourself at me, I couldn't care less, I dont need a man!" she defended. Yes, she was stronger than that, she didnt need a man, she wasn't the kind of girl to depend or worry about men, she couldn't care less, she prided herself on being independent and free willed. But Ed had always had a unique effect on her, he made her weak and she loved being at his mercy, under his control, she could never let anyone else see her like this, it would distort her. "Your're right, how else would you know how much I wanted you! But you love the fucking chase dont you, but font fucking deny how much you need a man, a real man like me...your cunt is aching for me!" he yelled at her, he hated the lies, the teasing was ok but the lies weren't.

"I never liked you back then...not like that! You were the one hard for me always chasing after me like a sick puppy!" she accused. He gripped onto her harder then because he knew she was bluffing, he knew that they fell for each other at the exact same time, it's what made them so real.
"You're bluffing slut! Every time you read the fucking script you get dripping wet over all the Chuck Blair scenes and fantasise about you and me!" he growled gripping her jaw harder and making her gasp.
"No!" she choked out, "it's you...those are your own fantasies!" she accused.

"Yes they are! At least I dont fucking deny it! You think I dont fantasise about fucking your brains out in the back of a limo!" he yelled onto her face and she closed her eyes choking back tears. He loosened his grip on her jaw for fear of hurting her but didnt remove his hand from her face. Her eyes remained closed and she was breathing erratically, he noticed a little wetness threatening to seep through the corners of her eyes and he immediately began peppering kisses all over her face. To her surprise she let a strangled gasp escape her lips as she embraced the sensation of his lips on her face overtake her.

The sudden transformation in him, from anger to sweetness made her let go and raise her hands to his face steadying him. She opened her eyes, "when I read the draft script for that episode my chest tightened...as if all the air had been sucked out," she admitted in a breathy whisper, "I knew it was my chance to feel...you....even if it was just...acting." she finished.

He kissed her again, passionately on the lips before breaking it to whisper back to her, "I think I almost wet myself when I first heard we were gonna get together...on the show." they both broke into a hushed laughter. "Yeah, I was that excited! You're so beautiful I've just always wanted you...I was seeing someone back then and I hate myself fo missing out on you." he kissed her again and she wrapped her arms around him deepening their kiss, "I dont know if it was Chuck and Blair that let me and you happen, but if it was, I thank my lucky fucking stars for barely getting the part of Chuck fucking Bass!" he breathed on to her neck before looking into her eyes and seeing them water again. He reached up and stroked her face before giving her a chaste kiss on the lips.

She tilted her head slightly before letting go and rubbing her nose against his lovingly."I love that Blair gets to be with Chuck, I love getting to kiss you in front of the whole world." she whispered whilst digging her fingers into his chest.

"I ...love..." he began whilst staring deep into her eyes with a twinkle in his but she interrupted him before he could finish.
"I do too." she whispered stroking his cheek lovingly.
"From day one." he added touching her jaw softly and stroking the redness he had created moments ago.
"Yeah...I know...me to." she agreed.
"I never stopped." he continued and she smiled at him approvingly.
"I never will." she completed, finally letting a tear drop down her cheek, he immediatly caught it onto his finger and wiped at her face as she sobbed quietly and then composed herself quickly.
"Promise." he said, both a proclamation and a question to her.
She nodded her head before replying and repeating "promise."

"Your fucking perfect love.....I think i'd die if I couldn't have.....you." he confessed and all of a sudden their heated banter had turned sweet and soft, intimate and passionate. She reached her lips to his and kissed him sweetly on the lips and he return the kiss passionately humming into her mouth and digging his hands into her hair, he flipped them over once more and they began making love again, ever so softly, ever so intimately. She purred his name over and over and he repeated hers with just as much passion telling her how beautiful and perfect she was as they came undone together.
"It will only ever be you my love," he whispered softly into her ear as their lovemaking was over and she had curled up against him, she didn't want to let go and he didn't want to remove himself from her, afraid that losing contact would mean losing her.
"one day baby..." she whispered back, because she knew that one day they would be able to be together. Just the two how them, how it should be.


ok so I hope that was better....there was of course the bad language and the angst so sorry again if that's not your cup of tea, but it wouldn't be the same without it...I tried to cut it out best I could whilst still trying to make it better than the phone call in part one...and I couldn't not make them sleep together after Ed came all the way to her house...

if you're still not happy with it tell me why! I would really appreciate that!

Dont forget to review on your way out!

Thank you so much for all the reviews! They really mean so much! Im glad you like the way things are going so far and I promise that CB are end game, I just want to make things fun until they actually get together for real...obviously if you're anything like me you love the journey more than the end result so I'm going to make the journey as fun as possible.....

Ok so the twist in the story happens in this chapter...I really hope you like it...and I hope you like the CB interaction in this chap!

Rated: M....there is sex in this....hope you like it!

The weeks went by and things were looking...
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Gossip Girl begins its third season Monday September 14, and the pre-premiere chatter is louder than ever. So to quiet everyone down (or possibly amp them up further), I'm presenting a three-part interview with Josh Safran, writer and co-executive producer of Gossip Girl. There was much to discuss.There is the kiss that launched a thousand spoiler alerts. (For those of you just returning from space, journalists and bloggers ran with a leaked storyline where Blair furthers a hairbrained agenda by fooling Chuck into kissing a man.) There is the heightened sensitivity that Safran, the show's only...
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A/N: It’s time for a bit of honesty. I’m going to be leaving this fandom shortly. And with that I give you my last fic that I will be writing for Gossip Girl. It has been fun.

The elevator doors opened slowly and Blair peered into the constricted space only to see the one person that she swore she would never like to see again, but then why was her heart beating so fast? There he stood, looking at her solemnly and holding flowers in his hands. She looked at him quickly, but she knew that he saw the disappointed look on her face. She wanted to show that she didn’t have any feelings or...
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Summary: Four years have passed. Today was graduation day.
Everything had changed. Loves were rekindled and found. Friendships were torn and lost. Lonely, confused, hurt, deceived: everyone was. They all thought it was over; that the drama was done.

How wrong they were.

Today was graduation day.
Also known as the day that changed all of their lives.

A/N: Talking to Jovi randomly one day, the coolest idea popped into my head...what was it? Well, read on to find out ;)
Chuck -x- Blair, Serena -x- Nate, Carter -x- Georgina

Caution: This is story is pretty long, so be prepared :O
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Right last chapter here it is! Well nearly, this is the final one then just the epilogue. So right I tried to finish this asap and it's been so sunny here the last few days so I just took my laptop down to the beach with me and finished it there. I've realized just how fast I write in the sun, I think I wrote like all of it without stopping so now I have sunburn but anyway it's worth it to get this final chapter up, I'll just put some aftersun on it'll be fine. Right so if you read please do comment and let me know what you think like of the whole story and the...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Right I'm in such more of a writing mood today so I finished this all today. I'm so sorry for going on and on, on the last chapter but someone commented saying that I was saying it was crap for reverse psychology so to get sympathy- I didn't. I really feel my writing isn't that strong anymore or ever was so I'm just explaining myself to my loyal readers. So anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, but I know the majority or all of you will not, but please do still comment all the same. Thank you xoxo.

Chapter 20: Run away. Fly away. Hide

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Getting There

A/N: Right so I'm in such a writing mood today so I decided to get this chapter up asap and I'm nearly done with my pen-ultimate AMLSL chapter so I'm really happy with that. Now I can just focus on this one. Anyway yeah same reason for the slow update I'm sorry just been really busy and I have another art show competition this week so I had to make a load of new projects! I made a CB one! Lool! I just had too! Anyway I hope you all like this chapter, but I think that will be a no. Anyway thanks for all the comments so far. Please do keep commenting I really appreciate it. Thank...
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posted by LoveLiesAndLust
Forever Begins Now; Chapter Two

She was lying on the elevator floor in a pool of blood.

Before he knew what he was doing, Chuck kneeled down so that he could pick her up.

“What the hell are you talking-,” Nate stopped when he saw Chuck step out of the elevator with Blair in his arms. He quickly grabbed his cell phone and dialed 911.

Chuck softly laid Blair down on the sofa.

Nate hung up the phone. “They said they’ll be here soon.” He looked back and forth from a concerned Chuck to an unconscious Blair, and smiled. Nate knew it wasn’t the time for it, but he realized that the two were...
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Chuck finally turned around to face her. He hauled her up off her feet and brought her back against his chest. Never taking his eyes off of her face, he said, “I don’t care if he’s my best friend. I don’t want you to go back to him because I want you instead.”
She felt her mouth gape open as she stared back at him, thinking that this was his idea of some horrible joke. But after a few moments when he didn’t take it back and just continued to give her that penetrating glare, she knew that he was serious. Blair tried to focus her mind on Nate instead of Chuck, or anything that didn’t...
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Getting There

A/N: So sorry guys for the lateness of this chapter, I've just been really busy and it's been really hot here the past week and it's just impossible to do anything, And I've been working on some art projects too so that's why it's late. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, and to say thanks to everyone who reviewed so far, thanks and please keep commenting, I really appreciate it. Thank you xoxo

Rating: K+

Copyright: I own Nothing, Apart from my original characters.

Story Type: Multi Chapter

Published: 1st July 2009

Main Character: Blair Waldorf

Characters: Chuck Bass, Dan Humphrey,...
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posted by gossip-girl999
Getting There

A/N: Hey guys, sorry if this is a little late but I just got a chance to write it last night. So I had some comments last week about having mistakes in the last chapter, I know I make mistakes but English is my second language so if that is an excuse then that's it then but if not then... I'm sorry for my mistakes. Anyway I think you should enjoy this chapter well some of you will some of you wont. One part I'm actually not happy about but it needs to be done to add to the drama. So I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please do comment they really do motivate me to write more. Thank...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Serenate fans your day has come. If you were wondering if there was going to be any in this story then this is the chapter for it. But for Chuck and Blair fans I'm depriving you of loads of Chuck and Blair scenes, there's only two. But this is mainly a recap and to give you some answers. This is all about the past and I hope to fill you in on some mysteries. So I hope it's okay and that you enjoy it. Please comment. Thank you xoxo

Chapter 16: Things that kept them apart

        The east coast was looking rather glum. Nothing...
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Read Part 1 if you haven't already:

Read Part 2 if you haven't already:

Read Part 3 if you haven't already:

Read Part 4 if you haven't already:

Read Part 5 if you haven't already:

Read Part 6 if you haven't already:

Read Part 7 if you haven't already:

Read Part 8 if you haven't already:

Here it is. The last chapter. Believe me, it was so stressful trying to get the time to write this chapter when I had to study for exams. And I’m sorry I didn’t update sooner….I just wanted to get my stupid exams over with.
So I really hope you guys...
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posted by LoveLiesAndLust
In Your Arms, Here I Lay - Chapter One

“She’s going to be okay, right?” He was practically screaming at the doctor.

“Mr. Bass, please calm down,” the doctor tried to reassure him.

“Calm down? You want me to calm down? How the fuck am I supposed to calm down when the love of my life is laying in a comatose?” he asked angrily.

“Please, Mr. Bass. I assure you, we’ll try to do everything we can. Just please, calm down.”

Chuck took a deep breath. “If anything happens to her, I assure you, I will hunt you down; kill you with my bare hands. So don’t just fucking stand there, do...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey so right I've given up on getting reviews so I'm basically just writing this for me now, because I can't leave a story half done, so whatever review don't review...Ehh. So okay so now I'm really sorry for the last chapter. Some of you may think that Nate is acting more like Chuck but it has been 8 years and I had to make Nate really jealous and show his insecurities because he wasn't just going to take it, and also Blair isn't just his girlfriend now she's his fiancé so he's more protective of her. So anyway I've got more exams next week but I'll try to update....
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"Are you okay Dan...?"
"Are you okay Dan...?"
Read Part 1 if you haven't already:

Read Part 2 if you haven't already:

Read Part 3 if you haven't already:

Read Part 4 if you haven't already:

Read Part 5 if you haven't already:

Read Part 6 if you haven't already:

Read Part 7 if you haven't already:

[GRRRRR i hate Fanpop when i try to upload my fics...it either duplicates them or doesn't load:( so srry if theres two of them, i'll try to delete them asap]

THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH for the people who reviewed, they mean so much to me=] To be honest the beginning of the week I didn’t get many reviews which sucked,...
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“Nate? Hey!”

His head lifts at her greeting.

“Hey,” he returns quietly and then looks away again.

Serena looks around; they’re in an empty vestibule at the prom venue, several rooms away from the action; the sound of music and laughter dim even though the door is open. She’s looking for Dan, needs to tell him she’s going home with Blair.

“You having a chat with Bevy the Rabbit or something?” She teases, getting closer and tapping his shoulder with one palm as she waves the other around the room, “Room’s empty…”

Nate shoots her a sidelong look, “There’s a rule about...
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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Eight

What was the best way to destroy Nate? The thought had raced through her mind continuously for the last twelve hours and Blair still didn’t have an answer to it. But the time had come for Nate to be absolutely humiliated in front of all his friends and to essentially be destroyed. She didn’t care what the consequences where to her actions anymore, he could try to ruin her if he wanted.
She had lost everything because of him and his stupid ultimatum. Nothing was more important than Chuck and Nate had made sure that she lost him forever. That had...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
It Had to End This Way

He was pissed and he had every right to be. Blair had chosen to go to the prom with Nate instead of him. He had thought he had been making progress, but as it turned out apparently he wasn’t. Jealously vibrated out of his body at the sight of them. It was all so fake, Chuck knew that but that didn’t stop the anger flooding through him.
They had been getting closer lately, he had been helping her plot again Gabriel. For god’s sake, they had even fallen asleep holding hands! There was only one problem. Nate. He had gotten into several fights with him over Blair lately...
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Contemplating his future...
Contemplating his future...
Chair Tales S02E23- The Prodigal Son

It had been a long 2 weeks, he'd spent most of it at work, ignoring everything else that was going on his life. He hadn't been in touch with anyone other than work colleagues.
He buried himself in work. But eventually he ran out of things to do.
Waking up in the morning was the hardest part, because that's when he'd have to plan his day. Not only that, but every time he woke up he'd be reminded that everything that had happened wasn't a dream, it was real and he'd have to face it.
Maybe today was that day, the day he'd have to face the music.
Unlucky for him...
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