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A.N I have edited the previous chapter as it was too vague and I may have confused reader about the whole arrangement between Chuck and Blair so please re-read at least the last half of the previous chapter (Chuck and Blair conversation) before reading this as I have added detail to it to explain their feelings and reasons behind their actions and choices, I hope I have done enough to clarify and haven't confused you too much! Thanks for reading.

It was 6am when they both woke, thanks to Blair's alarm clock.
"Fuck Blair...turn it off!" he groaned as she rolled off of him to get to the alarm clock, yeah, she had been lying on top of him. She lay on her back now after turning off the alarm and Chuck rolled towards her pulling her into him.
"What time is it?" he whispered onto her collar bone. she was warm and looked so good with her hair messy.
"6" she replied returning his hug, his skin was warm and almost moist as her fingers glided up and down his back.
"Fuck Blair..." why did he have to use the word fuck whilst lying half naked on top of her in bed! "...do you always wake up this early!" he slurred and she continued to rub her fingers across his back and he had to hide his enjoyment by pursing his eyes closed and focusing on something else before she turned him on too much.
"Yes." she answered, "Oh shit!" she yelled as she sat up suddenly.
"What?" asked Chuck, confused at her sudden outburst.
"I have to go to work early today and then I was going to Connecticut...to...to visit....Eleanor." she said as she tried getting out of the bed but was stopped by Chuck.
"You're visiting Eleanor?" he asked bringing her back under the sheets.
"Yeah, but she doesn't know, I thought I'd surprise her, so I'll probably be late home tonight" she finished once again getting up from the bed and once again being pulled back by Chuck. She had decided a week ago that she would try and win her mother back, she knew that her equivalent had a major falling out with Eleanor after marrying Chuck and it sounded so ridiculous that her family had been torn apart just for falling in love with a guy, so she had promised herself that she would make amends with her mother and today was the day she had planned to visit her.
"It's 6am B, come back to bed for a bit," he murmured, drawing her into his arms and pinning her legs down with his, it was too early and he had been looking forward to snoozing with her.
"Chuck! I cant...I have to go...please" she begged as she tried to free herself from him, not that she actually wanted to, she would love to just stay right in bed and waste the day away in his arms, their silly argument last night seemed so ridiculous now.
"Stop struggling, just stay a while, I don't bite...well actually I do and i'm sure you'd enjoy it, but I promise not to bite right now." he giggled as he teasingly reached his lips to her neck and bit her flesh. She trembled at his touch and regretted not sleeping with him last night, if his touch could make her feel like this she could barely imagine how good it would feel to have sex with him. She realised that he hadn't tried to touch her again and she didn't want him to think she wanted more so she got up from the bed once more and this time he didn't stop her, he just smiled and snuggled up under the sheets watching her every move as she looked for something to wear and a towel before disappearing into the bathroom. He may not have had his way with her this time, but he had a feeling their time was coming soon. He would just be patient.

She was at the dresser after her shower and had finished applying her make-up, she was almost ready. Chuck was still in bed, awake, watching her get ready, she was so precise with everything she did, her hair, her clothes, her jewellery, her make-up, everything had to be perfect. She was incredibly adorable, he thought, as he smiled and felt himself harden under the covers. She didn't seem like the quick fuck in the morning type so he tried not to even think about it. Then she turned to him a smiled, a huge smile, wow, she looked fucking hot, he thought.
"You look fucking hot!" shit, did he just say that out loud? He must have because she had turned bright red and turned to look for something before she picked up her handbag.
"I'm all good to go. I guess i'll see you...tonight then." she asked as she moved closer to the door.
"Sure, tonight." he winked at her and she blushed again leaving the room before returning when he called her name, "yeah?" she asked.
"Good luck with Eleanor, she's going to be ecstatic when she see's you." and he gave her a sweet smile and it excited her because she couldn't wait to see her mother and couldn't wait to return home to her husband.

Thoughts of their arrangement were still rushing through her mind on her way to the design studio, she knew they would end up sleeping together soon and she couldn't help but wonder if this was it. Was Chuck the one. Ever since she had lost her virginity in her own world with that stupid guy from her firearm training group she had decided that sex wouldn't be just some past time for her it would be meaningful and she would find that guy whom she would share an undeniable connection with, she didn't care what others thought of her decision. Serena, Chuck and Nate had always made fun of her about her non-existent sex life because in their world she was the only one they knew that took sex so seriously, she still remembered how shocked Serena and Chuck were when they found out she had finally lost her virginity.

"You what!" exclaimed Serena. Chuck just looked at Blair in shock, unsure of whether to laugh or congratulate her. They had been waiting for this day for a long time and never actually thought they would see the day that Blair lost her virginity and here she was telling them all about it, she didn't look very happy either.

"S, it was the worst thing ever! Ugh! I'm never doing it again!" Blair made a face and Chuck couldn't hold back his laugh this time so he burst into a fit of laughter and Serena punched his arm in an attempt to shut him up. Serena knew Blair was really insecure about things like this even though she would go out of her way just to prove that she wasn't, which was the precise reason she didn't mind Chuck being around when she made this delicate disclosure.

Chuck managed to halt his laughter and tried to extract some more information, "So who was the, urm, unlucky guy? Did you manage to scare him off afterwards?"

Blair scowled at him and looked for the nearest object she could throw at him, grabbing hold of her handbag she repeatedly hit him over the head with it as he tried to duck away and defend himself, "you conceited, self absorbed, heinous ass! I hate you!" she yelled fiercely as he managed to extract the bag from her hands and hold her wrists firmly in his hands.

"Calm down drama queen, I was just winding you up! Now get back to the story, it was getting rather interesting." he drawled and she pulled her hands away from him before turning her back on him and facing an amused Serena who was obviously trying to hold back laughter.

"What, is this some kind of joke? Is it that funny that someone actually slept with me! Why is that so hard to believe!" she yelled almost near to tears.

Serena managed to come to her senses in time to calm Blair down, "No honey of course not, I was laughing at you attacking Chuck, I swear, look why dont you just tell us what happened," she began, as she carefully wrapped her arm around her best friend and led her to the divan to sit down, "so, who was it? Anyone I know?" she finished.

Blair took a moment to decide whether to reveal any more about her night and how things turned out. She remembered when Serena had lost her virginity and she had told Blair how awful her first time had been, so she knew there was nothing wrong with feeling the same about her first time, so taking comfort in that fact she began telling Serena what happened. "Well, you know Jimmy from my firearm training group, we were always partnering up for our training and I knew for a long time that he kind of liked me and wanted to, well you know, do it," she checked Serena's expression to make sure she was following, seeing her nod her head encouraged her to go on, "well last night when he dropped me off to my apartment, well I invited him up for a drink." Serena continued to nod and Blair wondered if she was even listening at all, it was normal for Serena not to get things the first time around and Blair was used to explaining things numerous times for her friend until she finally understood especially when Blair preferred to talk cryptically in order to leave more to the imagination and also because she hated going in to detail about things such as sex.

"He didn't force you into anything, like take advantage of you?" Chuck interrupted. Blair looked at him angrily for interrupting, for a second she had forgotten he was still in the room and now he had just made it uncomfortable for her to continue, she was insecure about this enough already without having Chuck prodding on details.

"No, I mean, I was kind of, scared at first, but, he wasn't too demanding." Blair explained and even Serena looked at her with a worried expression now.

"What did he do, I mean how did you go from drinks to sex, I know you Blair, you're really fussy when it comes to people getting close to you?" questioned Serena and Chuck had moved closer to them looking slightly concerened which made Blair feel more at ease so she continued her account of the night before.

"Well we were talking, he was moving closer to me, I knew what he wanted and to be honest I didn't want to stop him," she waited and looked at both Serena and Chuck to see their reaction at her admitting that she wanted to let this Jimmy guy get close to her, everyone knew that Blair wasn't easy and people usually found that odd because no one really made a big fuss about sleeping around, it was just normal to everyone. "So, he got close, we started making out, then he picked me up and took me to my bed, at that point I obviously knew what was going to happen so I just let him, I told him I didn't want to, well," she paused and then whispered, "take my clothes off fully" she looked to see if Chuck had heard and he averted her gaze to save her from embarrassment, he noticed how she had whispered so that he wouldn't have heard, but he had. "I don't think Jimmy understood though because he started doing it anyway," she stopped and couldn't believe that she had just told them that, she quickly jumped up from where she was sitting and turned away from them both, but she was on a roll now and she just felt like letting it all out, "I was scared to tell him to stop, but I was so uncomfortable when he started taking my clothes off and he was so desperate to speed it up, I just told him that it was my first time and to go easy," she paused and even though she was facing away from Serena and Chuck they could easily tell she was close to tears, her voice was shaking and she was sniffing more often, "he laughed, I don't know why but he did, after that he didn't try taking off my top again but we still, I still let him do it...he was more gentle near the end and when it was over he just got dressed and went, he told me he'd see me at training, it was like nothing happened with us, we were just back to normal again." she turned back to face Serena and found that Chuck had walked up towards her and was standing right behind her, well in front of her now that she had turned around.

He placed his hands on her shoulder and looked at her sincerely, "did he hurt you Blair, I can take care of him, you'll never have to see him again?" he asked and she looked at him in shock. Chuck was one of the most powerful people in their city seeing as his donor, Bart Bass, was one of the wealthiest and most powerful scientists in the world so if they ever wanted to get rid of someone, it would be easy to do.

"What? No! We're still going to speak, he's in my training group, i'm not a wimp that i'm going to be afraid of him, it was nothing, i'm fine, so he hurt my feelings and made me feel....horrible, it would've been the same with anyone," she walked past Chuck and towards Serena, "S, you said no one enjoys their first time, you said you hated your first right? Well then i'm normal right?" she looked back at chuck, "it's nothing, i'm normal, just like Serena." she turned back to Serena who was nodding in agreement trying to hide her true opinion about the situation.

Sure Serena hated her first time, but not because she was overpowered by the guy she was with, or because she was insecure or embarrassed or scared like Blair had been, she just hadn't enjoyed it as much as she thought she would, but there was no need to make Blair feel worse than she already did. "Of course Blair, it's fine, you'll get used to it anyway," she stood and walked towards her friend hugging her, "i'm just glad you're ok Blair."

"I'm ok, but that doesn't mean I ever want to do it again! I didn't enjoy it at all, even the part that you're supposed to enjoy, it just didn't feel right, I didn't want him to look at me or touch me. Im going to wait until I find someone who I actually want to do it with, I don't care how long it takes S, I wont ever sleep with anyone ever again until I know that I have a special connection with them." Serena and Chuck looked at each other, bemused, they hadn't expected Blair to make such a declaration, Chuck couldn't believe that anyone would want to wait for such a ridiculous reason just to have sex, what was the big deal anyway. But Blair had made her decision and she wouldn't back down now, she had learnt one thing from her experience and that was that she wouldn't just let anyone come near her body in such a way again unless she felt a part of that person and shared a sense of unity with them, only then would she ever have sex again. She didn't care what people thought, just because sex was meaningless to others, it didn't mean she would share their perspective, she hated her first time because she felt disconnected, exposed, insecure, unmoved, unwanted amongst a number of other things she hated to feel, worst of all afraid. "I know you guys might think that i'm weird or alien or something, but this is just me, it's how I feel, who I am, sex is going to be something meaningful for me, maybe one day you'll both understand," she turned to Chuck, "maybe even you Chuck, maybe one day you'll understand, who knows maybe you'll even agree with me!" she smiled.

"I doubt that Blair," he smirked, "but if I do, I'll make sure you're witness to it." he winked at her and she blushed.

It seemed a long time ago now, thinking back to how she had first experienced sex and how awful of an experience it was. She had faltered from her promise during 2nd world where she had to become close and intimate with her equivalent's high school boyfriend and she got so close to him that she had actually slept with him once. At the time she was assumed to be a virgin by her boyfriend and so she had to fake her virginity. She hadn't enjoyed the experience that time either, again feeling fearful and exposed, she knew that she still lacked that special connection with the guy and it hadn't felt right. Luckily Chuck had quickly found another portal and they were onto 3rd world before she would have to explain to her then boyfriend why she didn't want to rekindle a sexual relationship with him because there was no way she would have slept with him again if they had stayed there any longer. since then 3rd world and 4th world were hardly a good experience for either of the four of them and luckily, due to the wars occurring in each of those worlds there was no opportunity to embrace relationships or do anything other than fight in the wars and take care of injured soldiers and casualties of war. Now here she was, a little over 5 years after their journey began, finally in a world they could consider near perfect, except she was married to her life long friend and she was beginning to develop alien feelings towards him. This sort of lust and desire for a long term relationship would have been laughed at in her own world, but now it brought a smile to her face and made her giddy. She couldn't wait to get closer to Chuck and it made her laugh that after all they had been through and all the places they had been to, she had ended up here with Chuck. She couldn't help listen to the voice in her head that was telling her that this was it, this was what she had been looking for, waiting patiently for, she was finally ready to feel connected, to Chuck. Everything was finally falling into place and now she would have that extra bit of joy after visiting her mother and forging a lost relationship with Eleanor and Cyrus Rose, the parents that her equivalent had lost in favour of the love of her life, she was finally getting the chance to pick up the pieces.


It was almost 10pm when Chuck decided to go to bed, he thought he could maybe wait for her there. He didn't want to fall asleep and he definitely didn't want to wait until tomorrow to celebrate her reunion with Eleanor. He saw her book on her bedside table and decided to read it. He had never read an actual book before, there were no such thing back in their own world except for in the museums, where Blair would often go to read books. It was how she knew so much about worlds like this and maybe why she blended in so perfectly here, this was her perfect world. But this book was no history book, it was a story book, romance, a love story. Love, Chuck had never really believed in love and didn't ever think he would. It was something so alien in his world and something he knew was important to the people of this world, so he was also aware that he would have to learn more about such emotions and become accustomed if he were ever to fully conform. He wasn't as against the idea as he had first been and he felt that maybe being with Blair had caused him to feel this way. Blair had always been a good friend of his even though they were usually at each others throats, but he knew that he cared for her deeply and would always be there for her, the arguing was just to wind each other up, deep down they cared for each other a lot. He was sure that he would never be able to live without her and even though she could be weird at times with her perspectives on life and how one should live their life, he still found her incredibly intriguing. Not only had he become fascinated by her elegance, class, modesty and looks but he found that he admired her and was intent on pleasing her even though she was so hard to get. He knew Blair would have fantasized about things such as love, or of finding her perfect man and being loved immensely, being someone's one and only. He smiled, blushing slightly at not finding the idea as revolting as he used to, in fact the thought of love warmed his heart slightly, so he began reading the book. He was absorbed in the novel 20 minutes later when Blair finally walked in, throwing her bag down, removing her coat and collapsing on the bed.
Chuck smiled, she didn't even look at him or bother saying hello, stubborn woman, "long day?" he asked breaking their silence, no answer, "You must be tired...come under the covers." he finished as he moved lower down the bed closer to her, still she did not look at him.
"I'm....an idiot." she finally murmured laying back and looking up at the ceiling.
He sniggered, "well that would be an understatement." he joked as he tried to pull her higher up the bed but she pulled away from him, "hey I was just joking, you're not an idiot, now what the hell is wrong?" he asked beginning to get worried at her behaviour. She turned her face away from him before bolting under the covers and digging her face into her pillow.
"Blair! What the hell is wrong with you..." he got under the covers next to her and tried to turn her around and towards him then he began tickling her.
"Chuck!" she screamed out of anger finally facing him, "leave me alone! Just leave me ok!" she had tears streaming down her cheeks and he stared at her now with worried eyes. Why couldn't he just see that she was genuinely upset did everything have to be a joke or a game to him.
"Blair, tell me what happened? Please...you can talk to me." he tried to calm her and touch her cheek to wipe away her tears. Finally, he's concerend, she thought, she looked up at him with teary eyes, his question brought back the memories of her day and how awful it had been.
"She didn't even speak to me! She couldn't bear to look at me! She....she hates me Chuck!" Blair burst into tears crying as hard as she could and she fell into Chuck's arms as he held onto her tightly comforting her. She had gone to see Eleanor in an attempt to reconcile and to make up for her mistakes, or the mistake her equivalent had made in leaving her family behind. She had gone, uninvited, into Eleanor's home and had sent the maid to call for her whilst she had waited in the foyer. The moment Eleanor saw her Blair had smiled and greeted her but Eleanor had stood frozen to her spot as if she had seen a ghost. Blair had tried to get a reaction from her, tried to apologise, ask her questions, anything that would get a reaction, but Eleanor had simply given her a look of pure hate before storming off and telling her maid to advise "the visitor" to leave and never return. Blair had been heartbroken, she had never felt so rejected in her life and she had felt as though her entire world had collapsed in front of her eyes. On her way back home the only thing that had cheered her up and given her a little hope was the fact that she was going home to Chuck.
"Hey it's ok....I promise it'll be ok...ssshh B," he massaged circles into her back hushing her, "it's the first time she's seen you since she lost you, or your equivalent, whatever, what I mean is....it doesn't mean you have to give up ok...it's not the end of the world." he tried to reassure her. She lied down on the bed after retracting herself from Chuck's arms, her cheeks still stained with mascara, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

Chuck lied down next to her, "i'm a dreamer," she whispered to him. He had crept off the bed to get something from her dressing table and rejoined her in the bed. He couldn't believe how broken she looked or how upset she was because of Eleanor's rejection but something inside him told him that seeing her hurt was making him physically sick, he couldn't handle seeing her like this. He knew that he had to show her that she was still wanted by him, even if it wuold bring a small smile on to his face.
"Blair," he began, as he used the facial wipe to clean her face of make-up, "there's nothing wrong with having dreams, it gives you something to live for, hope and aspiration." he assured her continuing to cleanse her face.
"You used to mock me for being a dreamer." she questioned him, surprised at his sudden caring tone.
"That was...just me teasing you," he said disposing of the wipe he had used and staring at her face, now free from all the make-up. Of course the only reason he ever insulted her before was just part of the banter between them, it should have been obvious that he would never actually mean any of the mean things he had said to her and that he just got a kick out of teasing her.
"It's me isn't it? I wasn't good enough for her, not pretty enough, not slim enough, not creative enough, not intelligent enough..." she was interrupted by him putting a finger to her lip and hushing her.
"Blair, don't be so silly," he stroked her face and lowered his face inches above her, "you're the most intelligent and most creative person I know, you've been amazing with your design company...and your the most beautiful woman in the world," he giggled whilst carrying on, "in this world, in our world, in 1st world, 2nd, 3rd, 4th.." he giggled some more and she laughed with him as he continued to caress her face and neck with his hand and then she lifted her hand to his collar and before he could continue complimenting her she pulled his face to hers and their lips collided, passionately, hungrily, perfectly. She didn't know what made her do it but seeing him so close to her, physically and emotionally gave her a feeling of comfort and longing, she had wanted him so desperately and this seemed like perfect timing for them, she knew it felt right. They kissed frantically, opening their mouths and mating their tongues, tasting each other for the first time, after being together for so long. Blair pulled him closer, wanting to feel every part of him all over her and he was. He was on top of her, his hands touching her in places he had never touched before, exploring every corner of her mouth and then he let go of her lips and began kissing her neck, descending as each second passed.
"Fuck" he moaned. He had waited for this moment for so long, the built up desire had become to much for either of them to handle lately and this was just inevitable. They were both desperate and it was evident in their harsh breathing and their frantic movements. Chuck had never seen anyone as beautiful and immaculate as the woman before him, she was everything he could ever ask for and here he was on top of her pulling at her clothes and kissing her passionately like there was no tomorrow, he had never felt like this before and he wasn't even intoxicated, except by her. If this was what meaningful sex was then he would willingly convert for Blair. He could see something deep in her eyes and he hoped that she could see the same in his, even if neither of them could ever admit how they felt in words, at least they could express themselves through this. Blair realised that she had no complaints this time, she wanted to touch him, she wanted him to touch her and to see her like this. She wanted him to rip her clothes of and ravish her, to see her naked and touch her everywhere, Christ, she wanted him so badly.
"I want it...now," she panted out trying to catch her breath as he kissed and sucked her skin, he had managed to open the buttons of her blouse and was kissing her stomach now as she arched her back towards him, her words just encouraging him.
"Your so fucking beautiful Blair..." he had hardened now and knew that there would be no turning back, he faced her as she wriggled against him wanting to feel him. They continued to rip at each others clothes until they were both moving against each other completely nude and Blair felt as though it was the most beautiful experience she had ever had, he was so masculine and firm as she dug her hands on to his back, he was exactly how she had hoped he would be.
"This feels...so amazing" she moaned, he shivered at her every movement as her legs danced against his, "Blair, are you sure?" he whispered, he wanted her to be sure of this because he knew how important sex was to her and he wanted this to be special and perfect for her, he wanted to make her feel special. She immediately pulled him down for another kiss not wanting it to end and then he entered her with just as much desperation as they had begun, crying out each other's names in unison. This was it, this was finally how she had wished for sex to feel like.


She had sex with Chuck Bass. Chuck Bass for crying out loud and it was the best sex she had ever had...he was made to have sex, thought Blair as she exhaled onto Chuck's sleeping form. It was probably way in to the night now, but Blair couldn't sleep, she was way to excited and the fact that the was lying next to the most handsome man on the face of the planet didn't make it easy for her to sleep, especially seeing as he was naked. She couldn't help but smile, this was too good to be true...way too good. It was so different from anything she had felt before, thinking back to all the other times she had slept with someone, it hadn't been many times, but it had never felt like this, she had never felt so connected with a person. Everything was so much more intimate, more intense, more meaningful and she blushed at remembering when she had looked into his eyes whilst he moved within her and gave her a soft smile before kissing her on the lips and on her cheek as they both came together, it was just so much more different than how she thought sex would be. With Chuck it was something else. Maybe this was what it was like for their equivalents, but the question that plagued her all of a sudden was whether Chuck felt the same.

A.N. I hope that chapter was good enough, im not good at writing sex scenes and that as my first attempt, i'm not much of a good writer, i'm better at the creative aspect so I can come up with ideas but I find it difficult to put them down on paper, and when I write I have all the dialogue in my head and rush to get it down and that results in a lack of detail which i'm not so good at writing anyway! so I hope you're all with me so far, if you dont get anything about the story just ask and i'll try to clarify the weird ideas I come up with!
thank you s much for reading, please review!

coming up...there will be a new twist coming up so I hope you stick with the story!
added by crazyMaSha
added by lilie2

After taking a short break, our favorite teen drama series is back with a brand new episode to entertain our manic

Monday night. It is time to indulge ourselves with high class drama as the Gossip Girl Season 4 Episode 10: Gaslit

premieres on The CW on Monday, November 29 at 9:00/8:00 PM (ET/PT). The Gaslit episode was directed by Tate Donovan

and written by Joshua Safran and Robert Hull. This episode is the 75th episode of the entire series and the 10th of

the current season.

In the previous episode of Gossip Girl, Serena have to choose between Dan and Nate and Blair wanted to become the

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posted by edwestwick
Story: "French Kiss"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl or movie French Kiss.

Summary: After being left by her boyfriend Blair Waldorf goes to France to get him back. But what will happen when she meets not really honest guy who will not leave her alone? Based on the movie 'French kiss'.

Hi! Sorry it wasn't sooner but I was busy with Christmas and oneshots for my Secret Santa gifts =) Hope you'll like it and thanks for reviews on the last chapter!

Chuck Bass thought he couldn't sit better. This woman was not only the most beautiful girl he has ever...
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Last night's Gossip Girl threesome, while definitely real and pretty hot, was at the same time fairly tame, at least compared to what some critics feared.

But fear not, next week things will get much saucier via flashbacks of the DOV shocker as the lovebirds piece together what happened, reports say.

And, according to E! Online, none other than Lady Gaga plays a role.

No, she's not joining Dan, Olivia and Vanessa in a foursome, but her visit to the show serves as a catalyst through which Dan, Olivia and Vanessa have to stay connected and work together, even more closely, for the time being.

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The much-anticipated Gossip Girl threesome scene in next week's episode of the hit show is coming under criticism from the Parents Television Council (PTC).

The group has released an open letter to The CW that they are objecting to the idea of such scene, which they are claiming is "reckless and irresponsible."

"Gossip Girl routinely depicts teenagers engaging in promiscuous, consequence-free sexual behavior, and that's bad enough," PTC president Tim Winter wrote.

"But will you now be complicit in establishing a precedent and expectation that teenagers engage in behavior heretofore associated...
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When Blair handed her flame over to Jenny she didn't contemplate on her throwing it in the dump to burn elsewhere. The one thing Constance could tolerate was change especially the type of change Jenny delivered with that rusty speech. Really who was she kidding?

The three girls attempting to replace Hazel, Penelope and Isabel came off as mere imitators. They were a trio we could have done without.

Surely Jenny's epiphany granted Blair an opportunity to ditch her tormented life in NYU and seek higher familiar ground where she once reigned. I actually expected that Blair would move in Constance...
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posted by wrightmatthewm
Men’s suit is the link of the millennium. Aside from giving that professional look, it is designed the wearer impressive and fashionable. So it is a must that you choose the perfect fitting suit for you. If this is too large or too small for you, you will be in big trouble aside from being uncomfortable.Of course, not all men can very well afford to buy business suits because it will cost you a little. Save your worries because Megasuits is bringing this end of summer sale so you can take advantage of our great saving promos. We are the one stop shop that provides discounted men’s suits,...
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posted by LoveLiesAndLust
Real Life Fairytale; One-Shot

A/N: Yet again, another new fic by me this week, hehe. Except it’s a one-shot, which makes it different from the rest of the fanfics I wrote this week. XD

So I haven’t written a one shot in quite some time (like, two months), and I realized tonight how much I despise episode 2x20 (‘Remains of the J’). I mean, CV and NV and NB all in one eppie? *gags* Worst. GG. Episode. Ever.

Anyways, I decided to write this, and I know Chuck might seem just a tad bit out of character but I kinda had to make him, LOL, to make this fic work. ;)

Oh! And I know it's not very...
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The Gossip Girl Chronicles

A/N: Hey. I'm back to scripted. Hey I'm gossip-girl999 you may remember me from such fan fictions as The Chuck and Blair Chronicles. LOL I just watched The Simpsons Movie! I love Troy! LOL =D Okay Hey so I was just in the mood today to start writing my new fan fictions and I'll just be updating this one when I get time to write a new episode. And cos I only got one review on my latest chapter of 'A Million Love Songs Later' I'm just giving up on that story. I've written chapter 10 already so I'll post that one then I'm done cos there is no point for only one review...
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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter One

His brain was addled from the lack of sleep, but even in his semi conscious state he knew what he had done. He only prayed that it had only been a dream. That would be his only excuse. It had to of only been a dream, right? He would never have had sex with his best friend’s girlfriend and not only that, but he was the one that took her virginity.
Fuck. Who was he really kidding? He was Chuck Bass and he knew he would do it if he wanted too, nothing ever stopped him. Chuck slowly pried his eyes open and found that he was lying on his side in the middle...
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Annoyed B?
Annoyed B?
[Read Part 1 if you haven't already:)]

Okay to start off THANK YOU GUYS SO EFFING MUCH for those who read it and reviewed. You all literally made my day<3
I actually am clueless about how many majority shippers are either DS or NS. Lol, so bare with me if it’s not your ship.
Honestly I have no idea where this story is going,,, so pretty much every chapter is what just comes to my mind, and whatever floats my boat that day=]

[omg my computer is so screwey right now, its posting multiple times, and it is so slow, so if any multiple chapters occur i appologize for my stupid computer:(]

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Wedding Prep!
Wedding Prep!
Chair Tales S02E15- The Wedding Fate


...The wedding has arrived and everything is chaos, but in a good way.

Serena/Dan's house is already full of people, all helping Serena get ready.

Blair is the maid of honour and is Serena's sidekick for the day. Blair has of course been living at Serena's house since her and Chuck broke up.

Chuck has already made plans to leave New Haven after the wedding is over. He would have left immediately but doesn’t want to let Dan down by refusing to be his best man and not attending the wedding. Dan is...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Five

He bit down on her lip, and Blair gasped. As she opened her mouth, he used the opportunity to sink his tongue inside her mouth. They both groaned out loud at the contact. His tongue swirled around inside her mouth, memorizing every crevice and corner and making Blair his. She tangled her tongue with his, and Chuck had to grip her hips to steady himself. The passion was threatening to overtake them both.
She tangled her hands in his hair, and they kissed for what felt like hours. He finally broke the kiss and looked at her face, and he had to admit he loved what...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters-Chapter 1

Blair’s alarm clock rang and she reached with her hand to turn it off. But instead of getting up, she snuggled further down into her covers. Her alarm rang again, and she decided that it was time to get up if she didn’t want to be late for school.
She had a smile pasted on her face; everything was finally turning out right in her life. After a few rocky years of feeling misguided, she was feeling perfect. For starters, she was going out with the perfect guy. Nate Archibald. He had finally asked her out about three weeks ago, although she had been trying to land...
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The Mess that is Chuck Bass~ Chapter 6

“You want to go have dinner?” She asked, shocked that Chuck had suggested it.
He moved away from her a little bit. Chuck was dismayed by her reaction and embarrassed no less. “Well if you don’t want too Blair, I can just go by myself. It’s up to you.”
Blair held up her hand to stall him from saying anything else. “Don’t be silly. Of course, I want to go with you. But I have to go back to my hotel and change clothes. Should we just meet there?”
His mind started whizzing. This was it. Even though he was the one that suggested dinner, he was...
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Will You Marry Me?
Will You Marry Me?
Chair Tales- S02E07- Desperate Housewives.

Serena's house.
There are house keepers and other employees rushing around on Serena's order. She is hosting a pre-engagement party. Dan is confused because they are already engaged, but Serena wanted to have a pre-engagement party before having an engagement party!
Her plans include ending the night with Dan formally proposing to her in front of their guests to officiate their engagement, this would then be followed by an announcement to inform guests of an engagement party which would be held the following weekend.
Dan is arguing with Serena about the...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey, Okay I said I'd post this on Thursday but I got busy revising my ICT work. God I hate revising! I can't wait until my GCSE's are over with! But then there's A-Levels *cry*. But anyway since I didn't I just read through it and was not happy with the ending so I changed it around a little and added another scene. Just to say thank you to you guys, I really appreciate you taking time to read and leaving me comments, Thank you and I'm so glad you who left comments on chapter 1 liked it. I thought It was bit trashy but I guess not that bad right?! Anyway leave...
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Queen J?
Queen J?
(Sorry but this one is kinda long, we had a power cut and I just started writing galore! Couldn't stop, I think I wrote like 4 episodes in one night =] )

Episode 20: The Changing

GG: To quote Christina Aguilera “Some days I'm a super bitch”, Define that quote; Blair Waldorf. Just days after being de-throned Blair is back on top, apparently... Sources say B is not giving up her crown without a fight, Who's ready to fight the former Queen?

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

(It's been a week since Blair has been dethroned, Jenny is now starting to become the new Queen B. Blair has done nothing so far,...
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posted by GGLover_1
it's christmas eve!
it's christmas eve!
-So i'm a first timer... hope you like it. I started to write it bcuz, i'm a huge fan, of all your fanfics and bcuz i <3 chair!!!

Chuck and Blairs 'Love Story', it takes place in the 1st season, right after nate breaks up with blair, after she slept with chuck...

GG: What will happen this christmas eve?! Is B gonna get her C present???

* It's christmas eve finally, blair and nate just broke up. Nate forgave her because he realized she really did have feelings for chuck. Now at the Van der Bass apartment, Serena needs to get chuck to forgive blair and go to her.

S: Hey eric, have you seen chuck?...
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