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Getting There

A/N: SORRY LATENESS again. Really sorry. Right so I've just decided to finish this story in the next few chapters maybe two more and that's it, and as for the anonymous comment; my “format is annoying” ??? Okay that's kinda not my fault is it! That's how I write and if you don't like it I'm not forcing anyone to read my story but anyway I got my GCSE results the other week and I passed every one! 3A's. 5 B's. 3 C's. So proud of myself right now! So nothing is gonna ruin my mood so hell yeah baby! =) But crappy school started the other day and I'm swamped with new sixth form stuff. AHHH! So that's the reason for my lateness.

Rating: T

Copyright: I own Nothing, Apart from my original characters.

Story Type: Multi Chapter

Published: 6th September, 2009

Main Character: Blair Waldorf

Characters: Chuck Bass, Dan Humphrey, Nate Archibald, Serena Van der Woodsen & Vanessa Abrams (Others will be included)

Summary: Inspired by the movie 'Little Miss Sunshine'. The NJBC have graduated high school and Serena persuaded the gang to take a road trip since they are all being separated next year by going to different collages. They all go and have a few bumps along the way. Which makes them realise who their real friends are.

More Details: Blair and Chuck did happen but after 1x18 nothing happened. Chuck left Blair and then that's how that kinda ended. They are kind of avoiding talking about their relationship and are kind of back like they were in the start of season 1. Serena and Nate did happen. Nate still has feelings for Serena even though he's not aware of it. Nate is dating Vanessa. Dan and Serena are still together.


Chapter 10: Terrible Liar

        Lying. It comes so easy to some people and harder to others. It depends on the circumstances that surrounds that lie right? If it's only a little white lie, it can do no harm to hide the truth. But if it's a big lie that could hurt someone, it's always better to keep that lie well and truly buried and not to speak of it again, but however deep it's buried it always comes out in the end.
Serena had barely thought about her lie over the days since it happened. She hadn't really talked to Nate about it, nor should she want too, God knows where that conversation would end up, but Serena was starting to worry about it though, how long before Dan would find out? Chuck and Blair knew about it and they could hardly keep a secret for long now could they?
        They pulled up just on the outskirts of Nevada their last fuel stop before hitting Vegas for the evening and then it was non stop to LA. As Dan was paying Serena and Blair walked around the van to the trunk. Blair wanted a change of jacket as they were nearing their next stop.
“Are you going to talk to Chuck?”
Serena asked trying to find the jacket Blair wanted as she stood casually against the van doing nothing to help whatsoever.
Blair snapped. “Are you going to talk to Dan about Nate?”
“What? Stop changing the subject Blair”
Serena acted like it didn't bother her, turning things around to be about Blair and not about her.
“I'm not! I'm just trying to find out what's going on”
She chuckled and muttered so as no one else would hear. Too late.
“Nate hasn't said anything and neither am I, so it's just better forgotten”
“Does Nate know that? You don't kiss someone for no reason Serena”
Blair's voice got a little louder, which was a mistake since neither of them had noticed Dan had returned from the fuel station.
“What did you say?”
Dan stepped from the other side of the van shocking Serena and Blair into total silence.
Serena spat quickly.
Blair jumped in shock of seeing him and wondering had he heard.
“What did you say Blair?”
Dan asked pointing at her.
Blair muttered in a very unconvincing tone.
“Is that true?”
Dan's eyes widened in disbelief.
“What is?”
Serena tried to giggle it off.
“What Blair just said. Is it true?”
“No of course not!!”
Serena shouted as Blair tried to take a few steps back each time either of them spoke, this conversation was going to be an awkward one.
“It is isn't it?”
“No. I just... Blair was just speaking hypothetically”
Dan noticed she was trying to make a hasty escape so he asked her knowing they had grown closer over the past few days, they had respect for each other. He'd know if Blair was lying, not because they were friends because Blair was a terrible liar.
“Umm....I was just....Uhh... Well...I...”
In some way Blair was speechless, she was stuck on what to say but on the other hand she wanted Dan to know she was lying to help Serena, but Serena wasn't her only friend.
“Thanks Blair”
He smiled and paced away back into the van.
Serena gazed at Blair wondering why she had let her down but half expecting it she ran quickly to try and stop him from telling Vanessa, because Serena knew that's exactly what he was going to do next.
“Dan!! What's wrong?”
Vanessa jumped in her seat, her eyes widened at the sight of Dan so agitated.
“I'm guessing you don't know then! About this lying bastard”
He yelled, his eyes like daggers throwing themselves at Nate. He shifted away from Vanessa at that second, not being his confused self he knew that Dan must know about their kiss.
“Know what?!”
Vanessa chuckled noticing the tension between Nate and Dan.
“About Nate and Serena!!!”
He yelled.
Vanessa screamed in shock. “Don't be stupid Dan”
“Ask your fucking lovely, wonderful boyfriend”
Dan muttered sarcastically, still gazing at Nate. He wanted to grab that lying, cheat out of the van and beat him black and blue but he could never actually do it. Dan just muttered a few more curse words and ran off into the sandy distant. Serena quickly ran after him to try and catch him up. Blair followed, she felt guilty for not sticking up for Serena but even more guilty for Dan. He must be so angry with her for not telling him earlier.
A while later they must have walked at least a mile the wrong way but Dan wasn't looking for direction he just wanted to get away from Serena, too bad she was right on his tail. She apologized over a million times in those minutes that past. Blair tried to keep quiet and tried her best to catch up with Serena, but as she saw Dan stood still she thought she better leave Serena to talk to him.
“Are you just going to ignore me?”
Serena yelled tiredly.
“Pretty much”
He nodded stubbornly.
“Dan I swear... It was nothing”
She pleaded with him again.
“You seem to forget Serena. We've been here before”
He remembered the whole Nate drama. He always was a cheat.
“This isn't like before”
“I can not believe I was so stupid. You and Nate, it was always going to happen right? It was just a matter of when”
He was nearly in tears. Never. NEVER before had Serena seen this much hurt in Dan. She felt broken hearted for him. She had done that to him and it made her feel like the most awful, selfish person in the world... And so she should.
She tried to hold onto his head and beg for forgiveness once again.
“Just lets get out of here”
He pulled away quickly and continued to march along the deserted route as Blair caught up with Serena.
“Is he okay?”
Blair looked over at Dan, kicking his heels into the dust.
“Of course not. I need to talk to him again”
“No Serena. I'll talk to him”
Blair pulled Serena's arm, it would do no good for Serena to try again.
She said catching up with him.
“Blair I know you're going to defend Serena so don't bother... I don't want to hear it”
He rolled his eyes.
“I'm not going too”
“Shouldn't you be on your best friend's side?”
He stopped gazing at the ground and looked up at her sympathetic expression.
“I'm not on anyone's side”
“Why not she's your best friend”
He wasn't used to Blair being impartial. After a while she placed her hand on his arm and gave him that sympathetic look again.
“You're my friend too”
Blair finally convinced Dan to return to the van. She forced Serena to walk ahead of them, she felt like if Vanessa, being Dan's best friend wasn't there she would have to be there for him.
Nate and Vanessa had had words. Loud words. Chuck had felt so uncomfortable the entire time until they walked a few steps away not far enough for Chuck not to see but far enough for him not to be able to ease drop.
As it it wasn't awkward enough in the van. Now there was Dan wanting to kill Nate and Serena. Vanessa wanting to kill Nate and Serena. Blair and Chuck barely speaking. Nate and Serena very tense around each other. But now it started with Chuck and Blair having to avoid each other now they were going to have to take charge of the situation, no one else was going too.
Dan drove along side Blair in the front. Chuck, against all of his wishes had to sit next to Vanessa leaving Nate and Serena at the back of the van.
        They finally past the famous sign;
Serena had already booked them into one of the best hotels Vegas had to offer. Blair wanted to scream with happiness as they drove towards the hotel. She held it in, it wouldn't exactly be ideal to the atmosphere in the van if Blair burst out giggling and smiling. However she manage to smile to herself a little as they drove in.
Chuck noticed her smiling as he gazed over at her from the seat behind, he knew she'd be overjoyed to arrive at the first stop of luxury she'd had in a week. Seeing her smile pushed a smile onto his face also but for some reason he didn't know why.
They checked in and as Dan and Vanessa had walked away from the group, feeling like they had always felt.
The Outsiders.
Serena forced herself to get into the mood that Blair was trying so hard to hold hidden. Serena smiled as she handed Blair her key card.
“Luxury. Finally and my own room”
Blair inhaled while smiling broadly.
“Is my B happy?”
“You're B is very happy”
Serena's smile soon disappeared, she couldn't keep it up.
“Is my S okay?”
Blair also stopped smiling and checked with her friend.
“I'll be fine, I'm just going to have a nice soak and go down to the spa. Take my mind off it”
Blair nodded and grinned thinking Serena had the right idea. Now that they had the luxury she was going to take every advantage of it.
        Blair had bumped into Dan before she headed off to the spa, making a rather foolish suggestion to him. After she said it, she wished she could take it back. It involved the words. Chuck. Out and drunk. Yeah... Mistake.
Dan of course being out of suggestions he took it. His next port of call was Chuck Bass' suite.
“What do you want?”
Chuck mumbled annoyed that Dan had turned up at his door.
“I wanna get pissed”
“Join the club”
Chuck was hardly in the mood. The whole Blair situation was just getting ridiculous. He had to do something about it soon or just drink himself into oblivion.
“I wanna get out of here, come on you must know of some way to drown yours sorrows”
“I'm not really in the mood to mend your broken heart”
“I really don't want you too! I just need to get away from Serena right now”
Dan needed some guy time. So it was either Nate or Chuck... It would have to be the lesser of the two evils.
“And I need to get away from Blair”
He added.
“and Blair says I should talk to you, she said you'd find some way of cheering me up”
“Lets go then Humphrey”
He unwillingly agreed to show Dan the Chuck Bass way of recovering a broken heart. After all Chuck had, had enough experience in that department.
        Serena had decided to try to speak to Dan one last time and then... She didn't know what then but she couldn't just give in, but he was no where to be seen. He wasn't in the bar, he wasn't in his room, or maybe he was and just avoiding opening the door. She could have asked Vanessa but she thought that be a little cold of her, Serena would hardly be Vanessa's favourite person at the moment. So she thought of asking his new best friend as she had finished her last treatment in the spa.
“Blair have you seen Dan?”
Serena marched into the spa.
“I have no idea, but Chuck's not here either”
She had thought of talking to Chuck, setting some peace but he was no where to be seen either. Blair removed the the cucumber slices from her eyes and flicked her hand towards the staff to give herself and Serena a moment alone. She then remembered her suggestion to Dan. “Oh yeah you can blame me for that, I kind of told him to go find Chuck”
Serena frowned.
“Because Chuck will probably take him to a strip club and get him drunk”
“And that's a good thing?”
Serena's jaw dropped in shock, thinking of that slightly odd pairing.
“Yes, it'll get some of his anger out at least” Blair explained her actions. “Where are Vanessa and Nate?”
“Nate's upstairs. I think Vanessa is avoiding me at all costs”
“I'm so sorry Serena... For not defending you with Dan. I'm a terrible liar”
“Yes you are, it's not your fault”
Serena held onto Blair's hand, reassuring her that their friendship would not be altered by this very unhappy incident.
        Meanwhile over at the fun club, or at least that's what is was suppose to be a fun night to forget about Serena and Blair. That's what Chuck had hoped for but after being at the sleazy strip joint for not more than ten minutes, all there was to speak about was the girls.
“I mean I love Serena you know”
It was at this point Chuck regretted stopping off at the bars that lead up to the club. Dan was way in over his head. He really didn't handle his drink well.
“I know”
He nodded along sipping on his whiskey.
“Why did she do it?”
Dan slapped down his fist on the couch they had landed on.
“I don't know for the millionth time”
Chuck rolled his eyes, this is why he wasn't friends with Dan Humphrey.
“I mean I love her”
“Yes! I know now just shut up and enjoy the entertainment”
He yelled and offered Dan the whole club, being Chuck Bass he could let Dan have any girl he wanted.
“Blair's great”
Chuck soon listened intently when Blair's name was spoken.
“Blair. Blair is great”
Dan nodded to every word he said.
“You're a Blair fan now?”
Chuck laughed.
“Blair is my friend and Blair told me...”
He gazed over at a few of the girls for the next minute.
“Blair told you what?”
“Oh sorry... You... What were we talking about?”
Dan's eyes flickered a few times trying to get his mind back.
Chuck yelled.
“Oh yes Blair. Blair's great”
“Yes. We're established that, what did Blair tell you?”
Chuck grew more and more annoyed with Dan and the state he was in.
“She said that she loves you”
Chuck thought it was new information, that's why he pressed for it but hearing it again just made him want to change the subject. “I think you love Blair”
“Look just pick a girl and I'll get her for you”
Chuck tried to quickly change the subject.
“You love her too don't you”
Dan punched him slightly a few times in his arm pushing for Chuck to respond. “Don't you!!”
He shouted loud enough for everyone in Vegas to hear. Dan paused for a few seconds allowing Chuck to realize what he had just admitted.
“You should tell her that, it would make her happy”
What the annoying, stupid, awful drunk had said made more sense than anything he had ever said before. That left Chuck speechless for the next few hours, his intention of getting another easy girl that evening wasn't his intention anymore. He didn't want that, still he couldn't say the same for Dan.
        Serena and Blair were returning from their nightcap drink at the hotel bar when a very unusual sight came traipsing in through the lobby.
“Chuck!? God! What have you done to him?”
Serena slapped Chuck on his free arm as he was trying to keep Dan standing up with the other one.
“I didn't do anything. I just took him to a strip club and got him drunk”
Blair couldn't help herself but giggle out loud, that's how well she knew Chuck.
Serena held onto his chin wanting a reaction.
“Ohh here she is! My girlfriend!”
He yelled over the whole lobby.
“Chuck!! Why didn't you look after him!?”
Serena shouted again. By now most of the eyes in the lobby were pinned on them.
“It's not my responsibility”
Chuck muttered.
“Get off me Serena! I can take care of myself”
Dan pulled away and tumbled out of the lobby falling towards the elevator.
“Dan, you're drunk you need to go bed and sleep it off”
Serena ran after him.
“Fine! Not with you”
“Dan! Come here”
“Leave me alone Serena”
Dan tried to get away but in his state he was going nowhere fast. He's be lucky to get to his room uninjured.
Serena yelled again trying to knock some sense into him. Blair shook her head and folded her arms gazing at Chuck, raising her eyebrows as she did.
“Enjoy yourself?”
“Not really”
He was used to those kind of nights by now, they didn't mean anything.
Blair muttered as she began to walk off towards the front entrance of the hotel.
“You off somewhere?”
He called out.
“I'm not really sleepy, I thought I might go out for a while”
“Mind if I come with you?”
He asked, being in the same sort of mood.
“Wasn't this awkward enough?”
Blair chuckled.
“I need to talk to you”
Those last words he spoke, he sounded so serious. Blair's eyes grew as did her curiosity what could they possibly have to talk about now?


A/N: I just have to say sorry if you didn't like it but sorry I did! DUCK FTW!!! My God! Finally I got to do a Duck scene! =D So happy with that! So I've decided while I was writing that! It's going to end in 3 more chapters! I just want to get this over with now, so maybe I can start a new fic on a new fandom. Gossip Girl doesn't seem to work for me these days! Skins or HP maybe. I'll be writing more in school these days anyway since I'm allowed to take my laptop in to do “work” but I'll be writing fan fics non stop, so they should be up quicker. So yeah thanks for reading all the same. Thank you xoxo
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