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A/N: so i'm like officially the worst updater in the world, i know. But i really hope that you all like this chapter, since it was quite hard to write. And please review! It'll make me happy! =D

    “No!” Blair suddenly shouted cutting off Nate’s ramblings about where to begin the story of their life. Everybody turned to see her staring at the future Chuck and Blair who just previously had been whispering to each other and laughing, their hands still entwined. “No, No, No, No, No. This is not happening. How could that possibly happen,” she wildly gestured to Chuck and Blair. She then turned to the Chuck who was seated right next to her. “You don’t believe them do you? I mean us…together….that will never happen.”
    Chuck laughed under his breath as he stared back at Blair, “I don’t think it’s that much a stretch, Waldorf. Apparently we’re inevitable,” he finished with a smirk on his face.
    Blair let out a small cry then continued, “This is not happening. I refuse to believe this, because no matter what you say I will not end up with Chuck Bass. I have a whole plan and nothing you people say will screw it up.” And with that she ran into the elevator.
    Silence engulfed the seven people still left sitting in the room. Young Chuck sat looking back at the elevator with a sad expression on his face until he covered it up and looked back to hear a conversation between the older Chuck and Blair.
    “I have to go talk to her,” Blair said.
    “Of course. But let me come with you. I don’t want you to be alone,” Chuck said, his voice softening at the end.
    “No. I’m sorry, but this is something I need to do alone. Anyway you should stay here and talk to yourself.”
    Chuck nodded, laughing at Blair’s humorous smirk. “I understand. Just be careful ok. I love you,” he finished as he gave her a long kiss.
    “I love you too,” She said, walking towards the elevator, leaving Chuck watching her, almost mirroring his past versions expression as she walked out. He then turned to see himself staring at him with a look almost impossible to read. It was filled with every emotion from disbelief to fear and maybe even joy and excitement. Then he suddenly put up a tough mask and started for the elevator. “I can’t stay here. You can come with me if you like, but this still doesn’t mean I’ll believe,” he called back, getting future Chuck to follow him to the elevator.
    “Well it looks like it’s just us four,” Serena said as she adjusted herself to get more comfortable.
    “Why do they never pay attention to us,” Nate laughed. “You’d think they live in their own world. But anyway, we’ll just go on without them, I guess.”


    “So let me just get this straight,” Nate started. He then gestured at him and Serena sitting next to him, “We are together. We got together after college and that’s that. I mean, how did Blair and I…how did we…” he trailed off.
    “Break up?” The older Nate finished the boy’s sentence. “Well the first time she broke up with me because after Serena and I slept together she realized I didn’t love her. It actually took her awhile until she realized….”
    “Wait, I slept with Nate while he was still dating Blair?!” Serena spoke up incredulously. “You can’t be serious, how could I possibly do that to my best friend and be ok with it! Am I seriously that messed up!”
    “You weren’t. Actually I ran away to boarding school right afterward. Well it wasn’t only because of that, but still I left. But while I was there I changed, and you’re going to too,” older Serena answered.
    “This is just….too strange. I mean Blair and I break up, she gets with Chuck and I’m just ok with that! He’s my best friend!” Nate said beginning to get a little frustrated.
    “Trust me. You don’t care. I mean you might’ve at one point, but when you see them together you’ll understand. Anyway you both are just trying to ignore the facts. Care to share your feelings?” Older Nate finished, trying to hold in his laughter as he looked at Serena’s annoyed face, automatically understanding that she wanted to hear people’s opinions.
    At his comment the younger Serena lifted her head from where it had been placed in her hands. “How are you two so calm about this? I can’t handle this, it’s just too much. I need to be alone,” and with that she ran out of the room and into the elevator.
    After watching the doors close Nate turned around, awkwardly meeting the stares of the two people sitting across from him, both apparently concerned with young Serena’s reaction. “Well, don’t look at me. I need some time to process all of this too. This is just way too weird.”


    Blair caught up to her younger counterpart who was walking down the street.
    “Blair! Stop!” She called ahead. At the sound of her voice the young Blair turned around and let out an annoyed grunt, continuing her walk but she did slow down until they were walking side by side.
    “I know that this must be hard to hear, but I’m trying to explain it to you. You may think that this is most horrible thing to happen and believe me I thought that it was once, but I changed…and so will you,” the older girl tried to explain as she grabbed herself so that they were facing one another.
    “Ok then. I guess I’ll let you explain. I mean since you are me it’s the least I could do,” Blair attempted to shrug off this whole situation, but couldn’t hide her intrigue.
    “I guess I’ll start with the beginning then…” she trailed off trying to decide where to start. “Well I broke up with Nate when it got too hard to pretend that everything was perfect anymore. Then right afterward I went to Chuck and…” she looked meaningfully at the younger Blair, attempting to ease her into the news.
    It took a minute and then… “NO! OH MY GOD NO!!!!! Chuck Bass! How could I do that with Chuck Bass!! I feel violated just thinking about it! I mean what were you even thinking? And what, are you going to tell me that just like that I start dating Chuck Bass?”
    “Well No! There was a lot more to it then that. We did end up spending a few years chasing each other, until he finally said he loved me-“
    “No way. Did you just say Chuck’s name and love in the same sentence? I must be delusional or something because I’ll never see the day…” she trailed off.
    “Well not many people believed it at first, but now look at us,” she stuck out her left hand to show a ring that caught the lights of the streetlights perfectly. “He proposed last week and I’ve just started planning the wedding,” pride and excitement was evident in every part of her voice.
    “Wow. Just ummm……wow. And this ring is absolutely gorgeous, how could anyone even afford this?” Blair asked, normally not that concerned with price but this ring looked really expensive.
    “Well he is the richest kid on the UES and is CEO of Bass Ind.,” noticing the other’s confused face she quickly mentioned. “Bart died, left it all to him in the will.”
    “But now I feel bad because Chuck’s not really going to have any relatives there, because there’s no way we’re inviting Jack. And Cyrus and Roman both want to be a part of the ceremony since Daddy’s walking me down the aisle of course, and I’m afraid it’ll be too much to ask of Chuck to include them,” she rambled on, forgetting exactly who she was talking to.
    “Ummmm… sorry to break up the dream wedding planning to…Chuck Bass,” she said his name with a mix of disgust and absolute disbelief. “But who’s Cyrus and Roman?”
    The minute the words left Blair’s mouth her older version froze, realizing exactly how much still had to be said. This was going to be a long night.


    Chuck had just sat down in his limo and was about to grab some scotch when the older Chuck walked in and sat down next to him, grabbing the glass and downing it.
    “Let’s hear it,” the younger Chuck finally blurted out while grabbing another glass.
    “Well, what do you want to know?”
    After several minutes of silence he answered, “How? I mean, how did it happen?” he questioned, staring straight ahead trying to act like he didn’t care about the answer.
    “Well, in a very short version. I took her virginity, then after two years of pain and humiliation I told her I loved her and now we’re engaged,” He said with a look of such pride on his face.
    “Engaged?...To Blair Waldorf? How…is it?” To anybody else this would seem like one of Chuck’s normal smarmy comments, but the older Chuck understood. He was talking about all of it, being in love, dating, he just didn’t know how to ask.
    “It’s amazing. Every single part of it. After all the pain, and trust me there was a lot…from you hurting her to her hurting you. It’s perfect, absolutely perfect, and no matter what happens I’m never going to lose her,” Chuck said his voice softening as he turned to see himself staring back, his face softened, hanging off of his every word in disbelief.
    Right as younger Chuck was about to open his mouth to say something the limo stopped outside his building. Quickly he placed an indifferent, slightly skeptical mask on his face as he said, “Want to come up?” At the other Chuck’s nod they both headed outside and into the elevator.
    Right before the elevator closed the younger man turned and said quickly, “This doesn’t mean that I believe you.”
added by Marta1717
added by laley_lover
added by gossipchic13
Brittany Snow as 'Lily Rhodes'
Brittany Snow as 'Lily Rhodes'
"So did you like this Valley Girls prequel?"

I am sure interested in what Lily's life was, it somewhat mirrors Serena's life now. How was Brittany Snow as Lily Rhodes? Did you think she looked like Lily. The transitions between Lily Rhodes and Lily van der Woodsen were well done, as I found myself comparing both individuals and they were somewhat the same. I know they are the same person, but think about it, has Lily van der Woodsen ever really grown up? There is still a hint of Lily Rhodes in there, mixed with a bit of her mother's (Cece) cliche moments.


Telling Serena 'Mother Knows Best'...
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Summary: Blair Waldorf is a young, beautiful, 18 year old, dark haired girl who was raised in California by her New Yorker parents. As a little girl she used to visit her grandparents in the Upper East Side, and she remembered having friends there. Now she graduated from high school and went to college, Yale, only to find there people who she no longer remembered existed. What will happen?

Chapter 1: Yale Material

It was a long night for Blair Waldorf; she unpacked, tried to put it all into her smallish new wardrobe and then decided she had to go shopping because the 37 designer dresses she had...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey guys. So here's chapter seven and the return of Serena. =D So I hope you're all happy about that. This chapter is mainly a Blair and Serena chapter but I'm gonna throw Chuck and Nate in there too so hopefully you'll all be happy with that. I'm so proud of myself for this I wrote it all in only two hours. I decided to take some time off from my revising for a few hours after all it was only science and who needs that right! =D Not really I would like to pass it but it's not one of my main priorities! =D Anyway I hope you all like this chapter. Thank you for...
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Avoiding each other...
Avoiding each other...
Chair Tales S02E03 - Dawn of the Dad

Its been a week since Chuck and Blair's recent fall out and things have been a bit cold between them. Blair is going on a weekend trip with the D.A.Y to New York as this is where the original West Side Story was set. Meanwhile and coincidently, Bart is visiting Chuck in New Haven whilst Blair will be away.
Blair has told Chuck about the trip but he seemed uninterested, his response was minimal and in her opinion he wasn't very bothered.
Blair is just glad that she can have a weekend break and can go back to New York, maybe even visit her mother, which she hasn't...
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Grown up...?
Grown up...?
This is Season 2 of Chair Tales.
Catch up: Blair, Serena and Dan are at Yale University and it is set in their final year at Yale. Nate is not around as he is travelling the world. Blair's mother is still living in their house in Manhattan. Lily still lives in Manhattan. Eric and Jenny both attend other Universities. Rufus has moved out of Brooklyn to Jersey City.
Due to the fact that they have all moved away from the Upper East Side, unfortunately there will be no Gossip Girl Blasts anymore, in fact Gossip Girl isn't around any more so this season is based on their futures after High school...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Okay, This is my new fan fiction. I hope you all like it, I know it's a bit crap... Okay a lot crap, but I've had a crappy week. Ugh! God do I hate school!! And I've been ill, so don't let first impressions put you off, please! So to sum up Everything that's happened in the show has happened in this fan fiction, nothing is different. It begins eight years after everyone left for their collages. The main characters are Blair, Chuck, Nate, Serena and Dan. Vanessa and Jenny might pop up for time to time but they wont be that important. And a few new characters will...
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-So i have read alot of fanfics about what if blair was really pregnant (season one, ep.13), and i loved all of them, but it's always chuck's baby... so here's a different look at it...blair doesn't really know who the father is! Hope you enjoy it!!!
-I own nothing!

* Blair is at home, she's getting really annoyed because she hates morning sickness...

B: Oh God... not again (runs to her bathroom)! I thought babies made you eat more, not throw up!

-she comes down for breakfast and is surprised her mother is back..

E: Is everything alright blair?
B: Mom, your back!! Yes, everything is...
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What is your game Miss G?
What is your game Miss G?

Episode 22: Made in Manhattan

GG: Yawn. That's what we hear is coming from the mouth of Chuck Bass, up all night...but not in a good way, stuck with N, wallowing in his latest break up from V, Oh well she wasn't the first and unless there's a holocaust of all females she certainly wont be the last.

(At the Palace.)

In Chuck's suite.
Nate is walking around holding a whiskey, he has been drinking all night.
Chuck is sitting on the couch looking very bored and isn't really listening.

N: You know It was just one mistake (drinks) And it's not like it matters anyway...
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Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
Who was your mysterious visitor Last Night?!
PART TWO- The Taming of the Shrewd

Gossip Girl: # Gossip Girl has photographic evidence of someone climbing down from Queen B's window last night...! Unfortunately our tip off came from an inexperienced photo taker! All we see is a black blur but im sure it is a male figure! Free blog space on Gossip Girl for anyone who finds out who it was! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Serena and Blair are in school sitting at the steps.

S: Let me guess...Chuck?
B: S! Ssshhh....people can hear you!
S: (whispers) Ok...so it was him?
B: ...Maybe.
S: Come on B...you can tell me.....what did he want?
B: What do you think!
S: Twice...
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A/N: Hello everyone, this is a fanfic I and Waldorf wrote.It's like a Gossip Girl spinoff and takes place after 2x13, but the ending is rewritten. Chuck never showed up in Blair's bedroom and left after she said ILY. After he left, Gossip Girl also left and was replaced by someone who calls himself Gossip Lord.It's mostly humor, but also pretty serious. There are also some weird pairings in the story, so don't freak out.

"Gossip Lord - Episode 1"

"Miss Blair!"
Blair opened her eyes and slowly sat up in her bed. She heard a knock on the door and Dorota entered the room, slightly annoyed.
"Time for...
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A/N: Yes, I know….shame on me. I should be writing another chapter of ‘so what if I’m jealous’…….*sighs* I apologize. It’s just…….*huffs*…….it will take soooo long and it MUST be perfect and I have another brilliant idea! Now, I know I don’t usually write up all my brilliant ideas, because let’s face it….then I’d have like 20 multi-chaptered CB fics and they’d NEVER get finished! Lol. XD
But! This is different.
I swear.
This story is simply the retelling of my Gossip Girl dreams, from my perspective. And I had TWO of them last night, so 2 chapters to start! *giggles*...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
...after both of their worlds have come crashing down, blair goes to chuck as expected...but awkward situations breathe life into what may be the greatest comeback ever known...

Ch.1-Last Resort

“You know what, Chuck, I’m done! You’ve taken everything away from me yet again and somehow I’ve come crawling back to you, just as you predicted!” she paced back and forth in front of him.
He pursed his lips, trying hard not to smile at how ridiculously cute she was when upset.
“So here!” she said, stretching her arms out to him and closing her eyes, so she wouldn’t have to see that predictable...
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Gossip Girl-Main Cast
Gossip Girl-Main Cast
Gossip Girl Cast

Blake Lively: Serena van der Woodsen
Leighton Meester: Blair Waldorf
Penn Badgley: Dan Humphrey
Chace Crawford: Nate Archibald
Taylor Momsen: Jenny Humphrey
Ed Westwick: Chuck Bass
Kelly Rutherford: Lily van der Woodsen
Matthew Settle: Rufus Humphrey

Gossip Girl Directors

Bob Levy: Executive Producer
J. Miller Tobin: Director
Jamie Babbit: Director
Jessica Queller: Producer
Jonathan C. Brody: Co-Producer
Josh Schwartz: Executive Producer
Lee Shallat Chemel: Director
Leslie Morgenstein: Executive Producer
Mark Piznarski: Director
Michael Fields: Director
Norman Buckley: Director
Patrick Norris:...
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added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared