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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Eighteen

He continued to stare speechlessly at his father, not quite believing the words that had just come out of his mouth. He couldn’t be serious, could he? But that was when he remembered that his father never joked about anything, and judging by the stern expression on his face at the moment, he was being completely serious.
When he still said nothing, Bart cleared his throat importantly and asked again, “So, what do you think of coming on board with me at Bass Industries? It’s your rightful place and I’ve waited a long time for this day, but I finally do think you’re ready. The events of the last few days have proven to me that you really have changed and I know that you can achieve success here at Bass with me.”
Chuck looked into his father’s hopeful face and found an expression that he had never seen before there. He continued to look around Bart’s study and gazed upon all the things that meant so much to him. His father was a man of few or no emotions, the only thing he did get emotional about was his company. That was the only thing that had ever mattered to him, and as he looked around the room, he found that he didn’t want the same life that his father had. He wanted something unique and different, something that wouldn’t make him into a power hungry executive with no life except for work.
Bart tapped a foot in an impatient manner. “Are you ever going to say anything? Tell me what you think about the offer. It’s something that not many people have the chance or opportunity to do, so I suggest that you take that into full consideration.”
Bart always did this to him. He made him nervous about everything, he had always tried to please his father and do everything that he had asked of him, but this was something that he couldn’t do. He hoped that he wouldn’t be mad, but he wasn’t going to be stuck doing something he hated for the rest of his life.
“Thank you for the offer, father. I appreciate it, I really do and you coming to me and asking me to join the team is something that I will never forget. That’s all I wanted for my whole life was to gain your approval on what I do, but I’m still going to have to decline.”
Bart’s mouth opened in surprise, but it quickly shut it again. He could never betray any of his emotions, in his opinion that was when someone could classify you as weak. And if there was one thing Bart Bass wasn’t, it was weak. He tilted his head to one side and studied his son. He had really grown up. He wasn’t the same boy he had been a few months ago, he was a man now. He was someone that he desperately wanted to be with him at Bass Industries. “Chuck, do you actual know what I just offered you? How can you refuse that? I always thought that you wanted nothing more than to do well by me and the company.”
Chuck shifted his feet and stared into his face. He would not be intimidated by him anymore, it was time to make his own decisions and not worry so much about what Bart thought of everything. That would take some getting used to, but it was something that he was determined to do. He nodded his head once. “I know what you offered me, and like I said, I appreciate it more than you will ever know. At one point, the only thing that I ever wanted was to come work for you at Bass Industries and prove myself to you. But now Blair and our baby are more important to me than this company ever will be.” He waited for his father’s stunned reaction and he wasn’t disappointed, Bart delivered.
Bart was a man of very few words, but he couldn’t help feeling hurt by Chuck’s reaction. He didn’t do hurt well though and would usually lash out at someone who had dared to incur his wrath, but he wasn’t going to do that to Chuck anymore. He had been through enough. “Explain.”
“Excuse me?”
Bart tried again. “Explain to me why you can’t work at Bass Industries and be with Blair and the baby. You do have to work. Is there another reason why don’t you want to do this? Is it because of me?”
Chuck could tell that him it wasn’t, but he wasn’t going to back down now. And a part of the reason why he didn’t want to work at Bass Industries was because of his father, but he would never let him now that. He had become very responsible over the last few weeks, but he could never do that to Bart. Although he didn’t think that he could stand working in such a close capacity with his father day after day. They would never have the type of father-son relationship that they should, but he still loved him, he always would. It didn’t matter what Bart did to him, or what he did to him for that matter.
He hurriedly turned around and avoided looking in Bart’s eyes because he was afraid that he would crack if he did so. “Father,” he began before stopping to take a big breath. “So much has happened over the last few months with Blair being pregnant and it just doesn’t feel like the time to do this now. I need to prove myself in my own way. I don’t want to be known as the son of a mogul who had his father give him everything on a silver platter. I want to work for it myself and be rewarded in that way. I need to do this for myself, Blair, our son, but especially you. You’ll be much prouder of me this way, you’ll see. I want to do something by myself for once without any of your help.”
A small smile tilted the corners of Bart’s mouth which Chuck was shocked to see. “I can’t deny that I’m disappointed by this Chuck, but I do understand where you are coming from. That is the same thing I should have done when my father asked me the same thing.” His eyes focused on Chuck’s and stayed there. “I did want you to come work for me, but what you just did and said has made me prouder than anything else ever could. You have finally grown up and are taking responsibilities for your actions. You will prove yourself, but the most important thing is that you are happy with whatever you are doing. That’s all that matters to me and it hasn’t always, but it does now. I am very proud of you for fixing the mistakes you made with Blair and the baby, but mostly I’m just proud of the person you’ve become. That’s all I could ever ask for.” He patted him lightly on the shoulder and walked out of the room.
He didn’t want to get to soft, so he figured that he would quit while he was ahead.
Chuck watched as the door clicked softly and he couldn’t quite wrap his mind around everything that had just happened. He had thought that Bart would be furious at him for giving up a position of this nature, but instead the opposite had happened. His father never did cease to amaze him that was for sure.
At one time, he had hated and loved Bart at the same time, only because of their strict and basically unloving relationship. That was changing now, they both could feel that. They were getting closer and nothing could ever make Chuck happier than that except Blair, he thought with a grin.
Then it hit him. His father was proud of him. Those were some of the most perfect words he had ever heard. He couldn’t wait to go and tell Blair.


They all decided to meet at a café for lunch. He held out the chair for Blair as she lowered herself slowly into it. Nate did the same for Serena.
A grin tilted the corners of his mouth, as he thought about the situation. Who would have thought all those months ago that he would be having lunch with Nate Archibald? When he was dating Blair, he had hated him only because of his obvious attraction for her. But Chuck was glad that they had become friends, Nate was a really good guy when you thought about it. As he looked at Nate and then Serena, he realized how much that he did love Serena. He loved Serena in the way that he loved Blair. Complete, unrestricted, willing to do anything for that person kind of love. That was the best kind.
He wrapped an arm around Blair’s shoulder and smiled down upon her. She frowned back at him. Uh-oh. Blair had always been somewhat of a bitch, but that was something he had always loved about her. Pregnancy just made everything worse for her though. He continued to smile at her and he noticed that her face relaxed. He let out a sigh of relief, it was obviously not going to be one of those days.
Nate stared over at them and finally asked, “So, when are you two going to get married? Before or after the baby comes?”
Chuck exchanged glances with Blair and they finally both broke out laughing.
“What?” Nate asked in puzzlement as his eyes pursued the menu in front of him.
“Do you want to take this or should I?”
Blair patted his thigh lightly. “I’ve got this one,” she said as a smile spread across her face. “We don’t mean to laugh at you Nate, but it’s just that so many people have asked us that question lately. We always give the same answer.”
“Well?” Serena blurted out. She covered her mouth with a hand, she didn’t want to appear too nosy.
“Chuck and I currently have no plans to get married,” She watched as Nate’s mouth opened in shock. “We’ve discussed it and have decided that it’s better to wait. We’re both only eighteen and our main objective is to raise our son right now.”
Chuck stroked the back of her neck and she leaned into his touch. He cleared his throat, “That being said though, Blair and I fully expect to get married one day, it’s just not going to be right now. One day though.”
Serena nodded her head in agreement. “That sounds reasonable. It’s good to know that you seem to have everything all planned out.”
Nate continued to appear baffled. “How far along in your pregnancy are you, Blair?”
She placed a hand on her very swollen stomach. “Seven months,” she said happily. She continued to rub her stomach through the fabric of her dress while Chuck smiled down gently.
Blair looked down at her stomach and said, “And we are so excited to meet you! Only about two more months to go and then you will meet your bitch of a mother and your reformed womanizer father.”
Chuck grinned and chuckled while Serena laughed with them. Nate, again, looked like he had no idea what was going on. “You talk to it?” he asked in shock.
Chuck narrowed his eyes. “It? That’s our son, Archibald. It’s not an it, and of course we talk to our baby. Why wouldn’t we?”
Nate continued to have the vacant expression in his eyes. “You don’t actually think that your baby can hear you, do you?” He continued to gaze at Blair and Chuck, like they were insane.
Serena shook her head in disbelief as the honey gold strands whipped across Nate’s face. “Don’t be so obtuse, sweetie. Of course the baby can hear them. Babies can hear everything. That’s the way you establish a connection with your child early on. I think it’s one of the best things that you could possibly do for the baby.” She said with an approving glance at Blair and Chuck. She turned to glare at Nate. “You better bulk up on your knowledge of babies, so when we have ours, you know what you’re doing.”
“We’re going to have children, Serena?”
She smiled. “Now now of course, but one day, right?”
Nate shared a secret smile with her. “Possibly.” He admitted.
That seemed to satisfy Serena for now and it would have to do.
All through the meal, Chuck continued to talk to the baby and every so often, Nate would throw glances at them. Finally Blair looked him square in the eye and said, “You’ve got a lot to learn, Archibald. A lot.”
Nate nodded once. “I know.”
Chuck kissed Blair lightly on the lips and she put a hand behind his neck to keep him there. He finally lifted his head and looked into her delighted eyes. They still did have the friendship that they both craved, but it was with more intimacy. A big reason why for so long neither one of them wanted to chance their friendship was because of the fact of the strong bond they shared, but now it was only stronger. He sat back in his chair and intertwined his hand with Blair’s. Getting Blair Waldorf to sleep with him was the best decision he had ever made. He knew that now, all he had to do was look at how happy she made him.

“My father said that he was proud of me today.” He blurted it out the moment he stepped into Blair’s bedroom. He had waited most of the day to tell her and found that he couldn’t wait anymore, her gaze found his and she looked back in shock.
“Really?” she asked with a huge grin on her face.
“Yeah,” he sat down on the bed next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. Chuck proceeded to explain about Bart’s offer to Bass Industries and how he had turned him down.
She rested her head lightly on his shoulder. “Why did you turn it down?”
“That’s not what I want anymore. I don’t want to work for my father, I just want to be able to say for once that I did something without his help. That would be the most rewarding thing for me, and I don’t want to have to work long hours like he is sure to make me, and miss time with you and the baby. Do you think I did the right thing?”
Blair grabbed his face lightly in her hands. “I think that whatever you want to do is going to be the right decision. I told you once that I would stand by you through anything and I meant it, Chuck. I want you to do something that you want though, you just didn’t say no to your father because of me and our son, did you?”
“No,” he answered instantly. He felt her warm hand on his thigh and he placed a hand over hers. “I told Bart that I didn’t want to be a part of the company because I really don’t want to.”
“Okay, I know how important it is that Bart said that to you. I’ve told you all along though that he loved you, but he is incapable of showing his emotions very clearly. Now you know that he does. He’s proud of you Chuck, and what is more important than that?”
He grinned down at her, and realized that she was right. Blair had always understood everything where it had concerned himself and Bart. That was why they were such good friends for so long, Blair was the only one who had every truly got him. The bond they shared and would always share was unbreakable, it was only something that could be achieved only by trust and openness with another person. The only person he felt comfortable enough being himself around was Blair.
“Nothing is more important except you and the baby, Blair.” He touched her face gently and placed a soft kiss on her lips. The kiss deepened and he placed one hand on her stomach and used the other to caress her face. Her lips parted all the way and his tongue found it’s way home inside of her mouth. His lips were demanding and soon Blair was pushed all the way back down on the bed.
She lightly pushed back until he asked, “What’s wrong? Am I hurting you?”
Instead of answering, Blair pushed her cloth knit dress all the way down and was soon only down to a skimpy pair of panties. His eyes glazed over with passion, heat, lust, but mostly love.
Blair chuckled. “Are you telling me that I, Blair Waldorf, at seven months pregnant with your baby can still get Chuck Bass horny?”
He drew the panties down her legs. “What do you think?” he asked with a grin. “You will always be able to make me horny no matter what, and seeing you pregnant with my baby only adds to the desire.”
A smile lit up her face and with that he shredded the rest of his clothes, and with one thrust, he was buried inside of her. He stayed like that for several moments just staring into her eyes while their bodies were connected in the most intimate way. She placed her hands lightly on his shoulders and hitched a leg carefully over his hips.
He couldn’t take anymore and began to move slowly within Blair. He was always worried that he was going to hurt the baby, but Blair and the doctor had assured him that wasn’t possible unless he was too rough. He always treaded carefully though until she asked for more, which she always did.
He thrusted in an out, a sheen of sweat now covering their bodies. “Chuck,” she gasped on a breathy moan.
“Yeah?” he asked on a moan.
She bit her lip as the pleasure invaded her body. “More.” she panted.
He gave her what she wanted.
Minutes later they were both at the point of no return, and he wanted her to reach it before he did. His hand crept down and nestled in between her legs searching for that magic spot. He found it and Blair lost it screaming his name.
He pumped into her few more times until he felt his climax wash over him. As his seed filled her, he stayed inside of her, but brought her up to his side and rested his head on her stomach. He was connected to the baby and Blair at the same time.
Just as he suspected Blair was drifting off to sleep, he heard her mumble, “Love you, Chuck.”
“I love you, too.” He heard himself whispering and soon enough he was asleep with his arms wrapped around her.

The next day they found themselves in the doctor’s office for their monthly visit with Blair’s doctor. She changed into the required gown and threw a disgusted look at her stomach.
Chuck saw this and questioned it. “What’s the matter, Blair? Are you alright?”
“No,” her voice took on a disgusted tone. She peered down at her stomach again. “I’m fat!” she wailed.
His mouth dropped open at her dismay and he began laughing which turned out to be a big mistake.
“What the hell are you laughing at, Bass?” her eyes turned icy and he knew that he had to tread carefully. Blair was in one of her bitchy moods again.
He shoved his hands in his pocket and moved closer to her and the examining table. “Nothing. It’s just that you’re pregnant Blair, and that’s what happens.”
Her mouth formed a giant O. “Are you actually telling me that you do think I’m fat? And you’re the one that got me into this mess.” Blair pointed an accusing finger at him. “You’re the reason that I’m fat.”
He shook his head hurriedly. “Absolutely not.”
“Blair, come on, I didn’t say anything wrong.”
She looked at him carefully and her eyes softened. “Alright, I forgive you.” She gave him a light slap across the face.
He was saved from further trouble when the doctor proceeded into the room.
“Blair, Chuck.” He said with a nod in their direction. “How is everything going?”
“Fine,” Blair sniffed as Dr. Thompson came over to examine her. “Other than the fact that my boyfriend and the father of my child thinks I’m fat.”
He hung his head. “Blair,” he began, but was interrupted by the doctor.
“Don’t worry about it son. It happens every time I walk into a room where someone is pregnant.”
Chuck exchanged a grin with the doctor. At least someone understood what he was going through with Blair’s constant mood changes.
Soon thereafter, the ultrasound came and Blair clutched at his hand while the petroleum jelly was being poured over her stomach. Apparently everything was forgiven at this point, he placed a light kiss on top of her forehead and grabbed both of her hands.
Dr. Thompson consulted his monitor and nodded his head. “Everything is looking good.” He paused for a minute, before continuing, “Oh, wow.”
Blair exchanged a glance with Chuck and both of their expressions were worried. “What’s wrong?” she finally managed to get out, but it was more of a whisper.
When he didn’t answer, a fear of knot began to surface in Chuck’s stomach. He continued to grip at Blair’s hand and asked, “What the hell is going on? Should we be worried about something?”
Dr. Thompson finally glanced over at them, but gave them a reassuring smile. “I’m sorry, but usually something like this shows up beforehand. Ms. Waldorf is over seven months pregnant and I was just surprised to see this.” He continued to move the wand over Blair’s stomach and pressing in certain places and sure enough they did hear the steady thump of a heart beating.
Blair bit her lip in a stressed fashion and Chuck finally growled, “What is going on? What should have showed up? Is everything alright?”
The doctor nodded. “It depends on your definition of what alright is. I’m sorry; I’m just a little shocked here. Usually something like this shows up around the fourth month, but I have heard cases of it not appearing to much later.”
“Will you just spit out what is going on?” Blair asked in a frustrated manner.
“Of course Ms. Waldorf and Mr. Bass. It appears that you’re not just going to have one son, there are two showing up on the monitor.”
“We’re having twins?” both of them echoed at the same exact moment.
“No.” Dr. Thompson said as he swiveled around in his chair to face them entirely.
“But you just said that…” Chuck never got to finish what he was saying because the doctor interrupted him again.
“You didn’t give me the opportunity to finish, Mr. Bass. You’re not having twins, but you are having two boys and a girl. You’re going to be welcoming triplets within the next two months.”

To Be Continued…

A/N: Sorry for the delay with this. I’ve just had a lot going on, still do for the matter, but I managed to get this out. Thoughts? Did you like it or are we hating it?
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