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Summary: Blair Waldorf is a young, beautiful, 18 year old, dark haired girl who was raised in California by her New Yorker parents. As a little girl she used to visit her grandparents in the Upper East Side, and she remembered having friends there. Now she graduated from high school and went to college, Yale, only to find there people who she no longer remembered existed. What will happen?

Chapter 1: Yale Material

It was a long night for Blair Waldorf; she unpacked, tried to put it all into her smallish new wardrobe and then decided she had to go shopping because the 37 designer dresses she had were not fit to New Haven, so she packed again.
It was now morning, and no sign of her alleged roommate, she was at the same time disappointed, and happy, meaning she wanted to meet the girl with whom she’ll be sharing a ‘home’ but she also enjoyed having it all to herself.

The water was hot, and running trough her entire body; her mind was set in fitting in, she needed to be accepted, she needed to feel like she belonged, after all this is not high school anymore, here she can’t just rule by dethroning the Queen like she did with Vanessa, a girl she used to go to school with, she was a troll, Blair kept thinking. Blair’s life during high school was like a summer fairytale, she was Queen, she kept bringing the ‘troll’ down and had the most amazing billionaire surfer as a boyfriend; she wasn’t the surfer type, but he also had the charming prince, delicate side she so loved; all these thoughts were going trough her head when… “KNOCK. KNOCK”. It was back to earth Blair.

Thinking it was Serena; Blair got the ‘tiny’ towel that was next to her and exited the shower, covering her body a little bit above her knee.
“I’m coming, just a sec” she tip toed her way to the door. “Hey Ser… Oh, shi...” She got a scare and suddenly dropped her towel, making her confused and embarrassed, not knowing whether to look for the stupid towel or try to cover her intimate parts with her hands. Standing in front of her staring and not saying a word was a blondish, blue eyed, very handsome guy, with a newspaper in his hands; he could swear he didn’t even notice the time he was staring at her for.

“Oh my god… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” he snapped out of his trance, he turned around and covered his eyes with the newspaper, and handed her the towel she was looking for. “I just came to give you your newspaper; they got the room wrong… I didn’t see anything, I swear!” he kept saying while walking away, when she was already with the towel rapped around her skinny body and looking at the floor in shock and holding the door, he remembered he needed to give her the towel and came back. “I think this is yours” he said nervously, handing her the paper.

“Okay… hummm, thank you… Yeah” she got the paper and slammed the door on his face. She was more embarrassed than ever, she just showed all of herself to a guy she didn’t even asked the name… although he seemed pretty nice, pretending not to look and all, she was hoping not to look at his face for along time. “Way to make an entrance B” she whispered falling onto her bed.

Nate Archibald had the most amazing morning ever, Chuck wasn’t at the dorm because he spent the night at some girl he met at the bar last night, he ate his favorite waffles and he saw the hottest girl ever naked. This is what college was supposed to be, full of surprises and hot neighbors, he thought.

“Nathaniel, I’m talking to you” Chuck called; he has been calling his friend for about 6 minutes before he was noticed. He had just got here from Missy’s room, or was it Marie? And they were already late for the first class. “We’re late”
“Oh sorry man… I just had the best morning, and I hope to continue. Did I tell you we have the best neighbor ever?” Nate asked, while preparing to leave.

“Blair wait up” Serena cried. It was the end of their first day at college and unfortunately they had no classes together, Serena ended up in class with Nate and Chuck, and Blair with weird guys named Norman and Guantino, they were weirdoes.

“Hey B” she hugged her friend. “My classes are so cool, I can’t wait to tell you about it. How was your day? I hope it was amazing like mine. I have such great teachers, Oh my god, I can’t believe how perfect college is…“ Serena was one of those people that when she started talking about something she like she couldn’t shut up about it.

“Hey, you’re a talker today” Blair smiled. “My day was… not so great. This morning this guy I don’t even know the name saw me naked, because I thought it was you at the door” Serena wanted to interrupt to ask ‘really?’, but Blair didn’t let her. “I got to class late, and made quite a bad impression on my obnoxious professor, and my classmates are all nerds with weird names. Like there’s one guy name ‘Coke’ like the drink, or the drug” Blair stared at the floor and looked disappointed. “Oh and last night this guy told me I was beautiful while almost knocking over my dorm door, so my day was awful. This was so not how I thought Yale would be for me. Guess you got the best S”.

“I’m sorry Blair, but you’re smart, you’ll eventually fit in here… I mean come on; you’re the only smart girl I know who is not a nerd, so you have to be pretty special to be this hot and smart. Look at me… I just got into Yale because my grandmother went here” she smiled, trying to make Blair feel better. But nothing Blair kept looking down. “Okay, I know something we can do to make you feel better. How about we go out and meet some guys tonight, you said you’d let me teach you how to party California girl… What do you say? I’ve got great friends from NY here, and I’m dying to introduce you to them.” She waited for Blair’s response.

“Fine, only if we get to wear real hot dresses, I got this new Dolce dying to be worn”.
“Perfect, I love you B” Serena hugged Blair, and both of them entered Blair’s dorm. Lucky for Blair, she heard from somebody responsible for the dorms that her roommate wasn’t arriving for another week, so she and Serena could hang out all they wanted.


Blair was looking dashing in her golden new Dolce & Gabbana mini dress with black pumps, showing her tanned legs. While Serena was like fire in her Valentino red mini-dress, with her hair all messy falling on her shoulders.

“This bar is cool, where did you find it?” Blair was charmed with this bar Serena brought her too. Who knew partying could be so cool.

“Oh, my brother Eric brought me here last year. He’s 21” Serena responded looking around, looking for the friends she was waiting for so they could hit the real party scene.

“Oh my god S” Blair hid behind her friend. “You will not believe this, look” Blair pointed to the two guys who were approaching them behind Serena. “The two guys I told you about… the one who hit on me and the one who saw me naked are here… and coming this way. Cover me, quick”.

Serena turned around to see who Blair was talking about “What? Those are my friends” the boys were now in front of them.

Oh boy, Blair thought, this was going to be worst than she ever imagined.

“Hey guys, you’re late” Serena hugged them both. “This is my friend Blair Waldorf, she’s from California. And this is my stepbrother Chuck Bass and our friend Nate Archibald”. Blair was red like a tomato, this was worst than this morning.

“You’re the door butt kicker. I always knew we were destined to meet again” Chuck kissed her hand.

“Hey, you’re the naked girl… I’m Nate, sorry about this morning. So you’re the girl who closed the door on Chuck’s face? Normally he’s the one sneaking out and closing doors.” Nate laughed and looked at Chuck, he was surprised the same hot girl Chuck was charmed with was the same hot girl Nate saw naked.

“That’s… funny… So you’re Serena’s friends. Look Serena… the guys I told you about seem to be your stepbrother and your friend, now I’m even more embarrassed."

“Don’t be. What is beautiful should be set free for everyone to see, guess Nate was more lucky than me, but I’d be more than pleased for a closed display. If you’re game I’m game” Chuck smirked. His charm always worked on girls, but Blair was not just a girl.

“Games are for kids, seems you’re still one then” Blair responded smirking back.

“Chuck leave her alone, you’re disgusting. I’m so sorry about that Blair. I don’t think this was such a good idea” Serena held her friends hand, and with a look apologized.

“Hey guys, now that we all know each other, how about hanging out? After all we’re all new here, and admit it or not Chuck, you and I could use a new friend, so we’ll be four again… What do you say Blair, are you up for it?” Nate asked. He really liked this girl, he didn’t know why, but he knew they could all be great friends.

“I guess I could need some friends besides Serena and all, and you already saw me naked, so… why not?” she smiled.

“I knew you couldn’t resist me Waldorf” Chuck caressed Blair’s bare shoulder and whispered.

“Don’t flatter yourself, Basstard was it?”

“Bass” he corrected. “You better remember it for when you scream you’ll keep repeating it”. He turned around and left, leaving the three of them looking confused. Serena and Nate confused to how he could hit on someone so quickly even without showing any interest in their lives, and Blair confused to why she couldn’t respond to that, she was never the quiet type.

So this is it so far, this chapter was a little hard to write, it had to be written because they really needed to meet, but still I wanted them to be Blair and Chuck. So comment it please, it’s really really appreciated. xoxo
A/N: hope you enjoy it, it took longer to write than expected.
***1 week later***

blair was sitting in her bedroom and the bed, her legs crossed playing with her phone. serena came in and walked over beside her.

"what was the big problem blair?" serena asked scared "did you relapse?"

"no no nothing like that but it is a big problem" blair bit her bottem lip.

"well what is it?"

blair breathed in and said fast "i think i might like chuck bass"

serena laughed "so your telling me, you made me drop my date...
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A/N: please read my first one before you read this one. thank you. please review, i write these for fun but i always love to know what other think. so please review, i dont care if they are to tell me what i write is bad or good. review, review, review. please and thank you.
chuck had entered the kitchen after nate. no matter how hard he tried he couldnt get his eyes of blair. she was sitting on the counter laughing at something nate had just said, but he didnt really hear him. he was lost in...
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I just think I need to get this out there. I am not doing this to be mean I am just stating what I have seen from the show thus far.
So I guess I'll start off with what I know best. Chair. The love story that has been going on since the very beginning. There is no way that anyone can argue that these two haven't had moments where they were just totally happy and in love. From the scene from Seventeen Candles where he tells her she is beautiful to the "I love too" scene from The Goodbye Gossip Girl as well as Blair giving Chuck the photograph in The Lost Boy. These too are obviously in love,...
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Gossip Girl has resorted to political drama, celebrity gossip and child play in order for a good story to have its punchline. All they manage to achieve is constant chaos and overachievers that just grew up too quickly.

In this case, politics and celebrities does equate the vile drama and disarray with the touch of gossip somewhere in the middle, but I got lost to the point where Gossip Girl kept narrating the lives of the tarnished and the only text message received was to Dan's phone about Olivia's personal spill on live television. I think Gossip Girl has lost her touch, her witty remarks...
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Getting There

A/N: I know this chapter took a while longer than usual but after finishing A Million Love Songs Later I took a break from writing and went uh... camping with my friends! NEVER EVER EVER AGAIN AS LONG AS I LIVE will I go camping again!!! NEVER! I don't know why I went, okay fair enough it was only 1 night but it nearly killed me. I hate it so much! It's just awful, and it took me days to recover from that nightmare but I just was in such a bad mood after that I just didn't have the energy to write but today I just woke up and instantly wanted to write so I started again on this...
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Okay so I'm sorry for the wait my computer was completely broken and I got a new one!! Haha 'yay me'!! But the first thing I have to do is update this. To tell you all the truth when I ended the last chapter I was just improvising. I really didnt know the drama I was about to start. But there will be ALOT of drama in this fanfic. And maybe even an arrest later on. But that's later. I am only doing a max of 6. So like always fellow fans here goes nothing at all!! =]
As everyone greeted each other Jenny was shaking in her boots. She didnt want to tell anyone but she actually started to...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
Friendly Encounters- Chapter Eighteen

He continued to stare speechlessly at his father, not quite believing the words that had just come out of his mouth. He couldn’t be serious, could he? But that was when he remembered that his father never joked about anything, and judging by the stern expression on his face at the moment, he was being completely serious.
When he still said nothing, Bart cleared his throat importantly and asked again, “So, what do you think of coming on board with me at Bass Industries? It’s your rightful place and I’ve waited a long time for this day, but I finally...
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posted by Yankeesam32935
His lips traveled down her body and she felt the need in her body reach a feverous pitch. She needed him so badly that it wasn’t even funny. He kissed her stomach and worked his way down to the core of her body, which was pulsing with need. Just as he was about to kiss her through the silk of her panties, Blair bolted awake.
She cursed the heavens that her dream had been interrupted, just as she was about to get some satisfaction. Blair remembered the face in her dream which had belonged to the man that had been pleasuring her and groaned out loud. It hadn’t been her boyfriend, it had been...
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OMG. By far the MOST depressing episode I've seen...

Gossip Girl 2x14—“In the realm of the Basses”
I make crazy speedy thoughts comments on the episodes during them and during the commercial break and I have decided to extend them to the Gossip Girl Fanpop Spot instead of just the Spoiler Thread. Enjoy! And if it doesn’t make sense…it’s probably best for you to watch the episode while you attempt to interpret them. ;p
Part 1-
*squeals* Gaaaaah……too many stupid long commercials!!! *cries* *hyperventilates* Oh daaaaaang. Gossip Girl…oh daang. *sigh* Oh Chuck...
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posted by ChuckBlairLuvA
*This oneshot is not connected at all with the other fanfiction I put up on here. It takes place sometime into Season 2. Blair has tried everything to make Chuck jealous and even if there are signs of it occurring, they are very subtle. Chuck had tried his very best to put on a brave face and appears to be the very Bass he was, before he ever slept with Blair. Blair finally cannot take it anymore. She is heartbroken. She wants only him and can’t even seem to create misery for him to make him pay for what he’s done. She goes to him, to confront him on her feelings and to question his own....
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Source: celebritygossip.com
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Source: Just Jared
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Source: Just Jared
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Source: Just Jared
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Source: Just Jared
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Source: Just Jared
added by x_ellie_x
Source: Just Jared