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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Three

The plan was totally flawed and it hadn’t worked in the least. He had been planning to stay away from Blair but then he had gone skydiving with her and almost kissed her. Fuck! Why couldn’t he stay away from her? What was it that was so special about her? Chuck knew what it was instantly. It was personality and how free she was. He actually really liked the real Blair Waldorf. She was so different from what he knew her to be.
But that didn’t excuse his behavior. He couldn’t have her. Nate would never allow it and Chuck didn’t want to go through losing his best friend just for Blair. He could never do that. Or at least that’s what he kept telling himself, but he knew that it might turn out to be a lie.
He just had to summon all of his willpower and stay the hell away from Blair for good. It hadn’t been working but he was determined not to screw around with her anymore. She knew what she was doing and she knew the power she held over him. She had tried to use it last week when they had gone skydiving.
What a fucking mistake that had been. He had to stop putting himself in these situations and just ignore her for good. But, how was he supposed to do this when she kept throwing herself in his face?
He rubbed a hand down his face wearily. This was getting bad, the more time he spent around Blair the more he wanted to be around her and it wasn’t just for sex either. That was the thought that scared him the most. When had he started desiring anybody other than just for sex? What the hell was his life coming too?

Nate grabbed Blair the next day just as school was ending. Chuck was only a few feet away but he would be able to hear everything because he was standing right behind a pillar. This was his forte, spying on people and he was very interested to hear what Nate and she would say to each other when he wasn’t around.
Nate pulled her closer to where Chuck was hiding. “Blair, we need to talk about what you said to me last week.”
She sighed tiredly. “I don’t want to do this anymore. I’ve already told you I don’t want you and I know that you ego can’t handle that, but you’re going to have to accept it sooner or later. You know who I want.”
Nate gripped her upper arm tightly. “That is the main thing I want to talk to you about. Chuck’s not here now so you can tell me the real reason why you acted like you wanted him. I know that you don’t want him, Blair.”
Chuck felt steam almost coming out of his ears as he heard Nate talk about him. What happened to them being best friends? Nate sure as hell wasn’t acting like a best friend right now.
Blair pressed her Jimmy Choo heel down on Nate’s foot, hard.
“What the fuck was that for?” He asked as he massaged the foot that she had surely broken.
“That was for acting like nobody would want Chuck.” She said sweetly. “I don’t know how anyone could prefer you over him. I wasn’t lying; I really do want him in the worst way possible. And I won’t give up until I have him.”
He looked at her in dismay. “You really have changed, Blair. I didn’t believe it to this minute but you really are a different person. And I know that I don’t know much about you right now, but can’t we start over so I can learn? I still love you, Blair.”
“No, you don’t. You love the idea of me being different, but you’ve never loved me Nate. And we certainly aren’t getting back together, for the millionth time I don’t want you. And that’s another thing, Chuck’s your best friend don’t you want him to be happy?”
“With you?” He asked with a harsh laugh, like she was delusional.
Blair pushed her mane of curls back. “I could make him happy Nate Archibald. I could make him happy like you never made me. One of the things I love most about Chuck is that he understands me like you never did. He knew that I was always pretending to be someone that I wasn’t and it’s thanks to him that I’ve finally unleashed my true self.”
“Is that why you want him?”
Chuck pushed his ear closer to the wall so he could hear her answer. He was very interested to hear what Blair would say to this and he absolutely loved that she kept sticking up for him against Nate. Nobody else had ever done that for him and he only made him like her more.
She fiddled with the top of her skirt while looking at Nate. “No, that is not why I want him.”
“Then why, Blair? Why him over me? What is so damn special about Chuck over me?” Nate exploded. He couldn’t stand that she wanted his best friend over him.
She narrowed her eyes at him and looked like she was ready to kill him. “How many times do I have to tell you this? I never thought that you were this stupid, Nate. Chuck has so many qualities that I prefer over you. He actually pays attention to me and listens when I talk to him, he is unbelievably sexy, he accepts me for what I am, and most importantly I have this deep attraction to him that I feel in the pit of my stomach. It’s like nothing I have ever felt before.”
Nate gazed back at her with hurt eyes but said nothing else.
“Now, if you will finally accept that I want Chuck then we can try to be friends. I don’t regret breaking up with you in front of the entire school because I think it will make Chuck realize that I want him more than anything. I hope you can finally understand Nate and just try to be happy for me.” With that she walked away from him.
Nate stared at the spot when Blair had been standing. He couldn’t seem to believe that she had really been there but finally he stormed away too.
Chuck finally came out from behind the pillar. She was fucking amazing. Everything she had just said made him feel happy and that was a foreign sensation to him. Things just weren’t going to work out. He wouldn’t be able to hold Blair at bay forever and maybe he shouldn’t anymore. Nathaniel was proving to be a shitty friend, so maybe he should just fuck Blair and then forget her. He could do that, right?

She smirked to herself while she was talking to Serena. She was supposed to be concentrating on what her best friend was saying but she found that she couldn’t. She was thinking of Chuck and how she hadn’t seen him in a week. But that was all about to change because Blair Waldorf had a plan. It was bound to work but it would also make him furious. Probably furious enough to kill.

He had been doing well. Yesterday, he had only thought of her once but that was probably because he had been drunk most of the day and passed out in his bed. He hadn’t seen Blair in about a week and while he missed her presence he knew that was what was best for both of them. He hoped that she had given up but he knew her better than that. What she had told Nate was true, he did understand her and he accepted her for who she was because she did the same for him. They were basically two of a kind, although Chuck was never going to admit that to her.
He heard his cell phone chime in his pocket and hastily pulled it out of his pants. When he saw the name on the caller id, he mentally cringed. It was Blair. He should ignore it, that’s what he was going to do. But instead he found himself pushing the answer button on his phone.
“What is it, Blair?” He asked in a clipped tone.
“Chuck, you’ve got to help me.” Her voice was hysterical.
The tone of her voice immediately made fear grip his stomach. He had never heard her like this before. She sounded terrified and he knew that he had to do whatever he could do to make it better. “What’s wrong, Blair? Are you okay?”
She sobbed through her end of the phone. “No, I really need you. You’ve got to come and get me.”
Her voice scared him even more. He felt desperate because he had no idea of what was going on with her. His control broke. “Tell me what’s wrong, Blair. If anyone’s hurt you, I swear to god that I will kill them.” His voice had turned cold when he thought of anyone doing anything to her.
“C-H-U-C-K.” Her voice broke and she said nothing more.
“Where are you? I’ll come and get you.”
She gave him the address to where she was and he realized that she was in Upstate New York, deep in the woods. That spelled deep trouble for her. “I’ll be there soon, Blair. I’m not going to let anything to happen to you. I would never let that happen.”
“Okay.” She hiccupped and the disconnected the phone.
He ran out of his house, like he was dying and only had a certain amount of time left to live.

His limo wasn’t moving fast enough to please him and he had already screamed at Arthur to drive faster some many times that he probably thought he was having a nervous breakdown. Which he was. He had never felt dread like this in all of his life. If anything had happened to Blair, he didn’t know what he would do. She had become a very important part of his life and that would never change no matter how many times he wanted to deny it.
What could have happened to her? All sort of horrible possibilities ran through his mind, each one worst than the next. He actually shivered and was just thinking about what else could be wrong when there was a sharp knock on the door of his limo.
The limo stopped completely and his door was wrenched open. He heard a voice tell Arthur, “Thanks for bringing him here. He’ll be back in a few days.” Chuck felt his hand being pulled and the next thing he knew he was standing outside the door of his limo. Arthur drove off and he was left standing there in the middle of nowhere.
“What the fuck is going on?” He yelled, talking to no one in particular. He was just stunned at the latest turn of events. He turned to look at who had done this and his jaw dropped when he saw who it was.
It was Blair.
She was standing there with a huge smile on her face and he couldn’t help feel the relief pour through him. “You’re okay? How did you get away from whoever you were with?”
She said nothing but just stood there with that big, goofy smile on her face. It dawned on him, nothing was wrong with her. It had all been a plan and she had tricked him. He didn’t know why, but he was going to find out. “Bitch.” He growled and pulled her body to his. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Do you have any idea how scared I was when I heard you on the phone? I thought something terrible had happened to you!” He realized that he was shaking her.
Blair placed her arms around his neck and his flesh immediately started to feel hot. “Chuck, I’m sorry that I had to trick you but it was the only way that I knew that you would come. And I wanted to be alone with you. I haven’t seen you in over a week.”
Her words melted his anger a little but not much. “Why the hell did you bring me here? You better tell me quick because as soon as you do I’m getting the fuck out of here.”
She tightened her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck. “You’re not going anywhere. Not after everything that I had to do to get you here.”
Her breath fanned his neck and his resolve was starting to weaken. “What the hell do you want, Blair?” His voice still holding an edge to it.
“I’m going camping this weekend and I wanted you to come with me, and spend some time together.”
“What?” He didn’t understand the words that were coming out of her mouth. For the first time since he had seen her today, he noticed the clothing she was wearing. A ratty pair of old jeans and a faded plaid shirt. Her hair was loose and framing her face. He had never seen her look so simple, and yet she had never turned him on more than at that moment.
She smirked. “You’re going camping with me.”
“Chuck Bass doesn’t go camping.” He scoffed.
“Well, he does now.”
He decided not to comment on that for now. “How did you get here anyway?”
Her smirk grew bigger because she knew what his reaction was going to be. “I hiked here.”
Chuck clutched onto a tree for support. “I think I need to sit down. Hiking, camping, those are all words I never want to hear again.”
She laughed. “You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want too. I just want you to be here with me.”
“Why?” He questioned.
She looked earnestly in his eyes. “I want to spend time with you. You know what I want but for now I just want you to get to know me better.”
“I’m still pissed as hell that you did what you did to get me here. But I have no choice but to stay here with you now. I have no escape method.”
Blair squealed with excitement and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, which made him weak in the knees. He didn’t think that she knew how bad he wanted her because surely if she did, she would be attacking him right now and he would be giving into her.
She dragged him all the way into the woods and showed him where she had set up camp. That’s when they ran into another little problem. He saw the tent. “No fucking way am I sleeping in that.” He howled with indignation.
Blair pulled the zipper on the tent down and shoved him inside. “You most certainly are. You fit and so do I. I don’t want to hear any more complaining.”
He pulled on her arm and she fell on top of his chest. “That’s too fucking bad, princess.”
They both suddenly realized that they were moving against each other and causing stimulation. He looked into her face and wanted to taste her mouth again more than anything. She looked back at him without saying anything but licked her lip seductively. He felt that gesture straight to his groin. She was just about to lower her lips to his, when a loud sound squawked outside.
He jumped about a foot in the air while she laughed at him. “What in the hell was that?”
Blair was still snickering. “It was just a bird. Are you scared of them now too?” She asked innocently.
He glowered at her and moved away from her. “So, what are your plans today?”
“I was actually going to go fishing.” She replied with an impish grin.
He shook his head. “I can’t believe Blair Waldorf goes fishing.”
“There’s quite a lot you still don’t know about me but you’ll learn in time.”
The rest of the day passed in ease. Blair went fishing and was actually quite good at it. He sat on the bank and watched her. The thing that was most surprising to Chuck was that he wasn’t bored; she made sure to entertain him. He was having a good time and talked freely with her, and laughed at her horrible jokes.
When dinner time came she cooked the fish that she had caught for them. Once they had begun eating, she asked him a question.
“Can I tell you a secret, Chuck?”
“Sure.” He saw the light dancing in her eyes.
“I don’t actually want to go to Yale.”
He almost choked on the piece of fish he had just put in his mouth. “Really?”
She put her plate down and walked around their surroundings. “Yeah, I’ve never wanted to go there. It’s just such a yuppie school and there are so many snobs there. I know I have acted like that all my life but I’m not really like that.”
“I can see that now, Blair.” He told her softly. “So, what do you want to do then?”
She turned around to face him. “I’m not really sure yet because I’m still discovering myself. I have no idea what I want to do.”
“Fair enough.”
They finished eating and they sat down around the campfire. Chuck was mystified to why he was not bored. This was actually the best time he had in a while.
Blair sat down next to him on the log. “So, now it’s your turn.”
“My turn for what?”
“You have to tell me a secret; it’s only fair since I told you something that I have never told anybody else.”
He swallowed hard. “Okay, but I don’t know if you’re going to like this.”
She shot him a quizzical look. “It will be fine.”
“I saw Nate having sex with Serena more than once. It wasn’t just at the Sheppard wedding.”
He waited for her stunned reaction but it never came. Instead she smiled. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I am. You’re not upset?”
She scooted closer to him and rested her hand on his thigh. “No. I mean obviously he was my boyfriend and it hurts a little that he always cheated on me.”
“How many times did he cheat on you?”
“A lot, Nate was never discreet about his indiscretions.”
“I’m sorry, Blair.”
“For what?”
He gazed at her and felt the heat of her hand through his slacks. “Everything, but mostly for what happened at Victrola. I knew you were upset about Nate and I took advantage of that.”
“Don’t blame yourself.” She said quietly. “And I wasn’t upset about Nate, it was more of how my life was turning out. I didn’t want it to be like that. Do you regret having sex with me?”
He wet his tongue and tried to answer her, but found that he couldn’t lie to her so he said nothing.
“I want to experience it again, Chuck. It was only that once for me. When was the last time you had sex?”
“Last night.” He answered her instantly.
“Oh.” Blair said in a small voice and looked down. It was the first time he had heard her sound discouraged.
“Does that bother you?”
“Yes.” She answered without hesitation.
His heart thudded painfully in his chest. “Why is that?”
She crawled down between his knees. “Because I want you and I don’t want anybody else to have you. We can work Chuck; you just have to give us a chance. Don’t have sex with anybody else.”
“We are never going to happen, Blair. You’ve got to get that through your head.”
“Why?” She asked angrily. “Is it because I was a virgin?”
He looked down at his feet and studied the rocks that were there.
“It is!” She cried frantically. “I know that I’m inexperienced but I can learn, Chuck. Was I that horrible?” She looked up at him with her amber eyes full of tears.
He couldn’t let her think that. He cupped her face in between his hands. “You were amazing, Blair. The sex was unbelievable that night.” He admitted.
“You’re not just saying that are you?” She was still insecure about it.
Blair got up and sat in his lap. “Don’t you want to experience it again?” She rubbed herself against him.
He closed his eyes tightly and tried to fight the pleasure that was invading his body. “No.” He lied.
She placed her mouth against the skin of his neck. “You don’t?”
“No.” He repeated again, his voice shaking slightly this time.
She started to kiss his neck and he knew he had to stop her before it went too far. He threw her off of his lap. “Stop, Blair.”
She dusted the dirt off of her jeans. “Will you stop being an asshole?”
“Are you going to tell Nate about what happened between us?”
She sighed. “No, Chuck.”
“I’m never going to pick you over Nate, Blair. I know that’s what you want but it’s not going to happen.”
“Why?” She yelled angrily. “He’s not even a good fucking friend! Why do you even care about him?”
Chuck ignored her questions. “I know one day I’m going to go too far and piss you off, and then you’ll tell Nate what happened between us.”
Blair walked back over to him. “Chuck, I will never tell Nate about us. What you just described is what the old Blair Waldorf would do but not the real me. I would never do that to you because I care too much about you.”
She kissed him quickly on the forehead. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight, I hope you realize eventually that you are too good to play these games forever.”
“Good?” He asked in shock.
She gave him a quick grin. “Yeah, that’s what I said. I can see right through you, just like you can with me. I know you Chuck Bass, and I am not going to give up on you.”
With that she went back to the tent and left him wanting so much more.

Last night had not been a good night for him. He had stayed up late to avoid going back to the tent and snuggling into Blair’s willing body. The result was that he was very grumpy and irritable the next morning.
Things didn’t improve when she woke him up at seven o clock in the morning and he actually had to fight the urge to kill her. This was getting to be too much; her closeness was really starting to affect him in the worst way.
“Now what, Blair?” He tried to smooth away the wrinkles from his clothes but found it was impossible. He gave up on that.
She was wearing another pair of ratty jeans but that difference was that these ones gloved her body like nothing he had ever seen. She was trying to drive him insane and it was working.
Blair grabbed his hand and led him deeper into the woods. “I found something that I want to show you.”
They walked for about a half hour until they came into a big clearing. He found that he was starting to get even grumpier, now he wasn’t only sleep deprived but also hungry. Blair brought him along the edge until they stood in front of a spring that had a waterfall.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” She asked. “This is where I come to bathe when I’m here by myself.”
He watched in horror as she started to strip off her clothes. She only stopped when she was naked.
Blair placed her hands on her hips. “Now, what’s wrong Chuck?”
He gulped, seeing her body naked again was going to be too much for him. She looked perfect. “You’re naked.” He said, his voice wavering slightly.
She arched one of her eyebrows. “So? You’ve already seen me naked before, remember? What’s the big deal?” She dived into the water.
His control was almost nonexistent up at this point. She asked him repeatedly to come into the water with him but he resisted. Blair decided after a time that she was clean enough, so she walked out of the water. “Can you hand me a towel, Chuck? There should be one in my bag.”
He did as she asked and was about to hand her the towel, but instead he wrapped it around her and dried her off. He didn’t know what had come over him but he stopped when he started to become aroused when her body kept coming into closer contact with his.
“Fuck!” He growled as he moved away from her.
Blair become concerned and wrapped the towel tighter around her. She moved towards him and placed a hand on his back. “Chuck? What’s wrong?”
He spun around to face her. “You’re what’s wrong!”
“What did I do?” She asked in amazement.
Chuck grabbed her hand and brought it down to his erection. “This.” He hissed as her hand started to move over him. He couldn’t take it anymore, he lunged at her mouth. He lifted her off the ground and brought her against his throbbing length all the while kissing her mouth. He inserted his tongue and she gladly kissed him back. He created a gentle suction around her mouth and feasted on it while his hands roamed down to her ass. He wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.

To Be Continued…

A/N: Well, this was my longest chapter yet. I know that was a horrible place to leave off but that’s what I seem to do best. *laughs* What did you think? Thought, reviews, and comments make my day.
Read Part 1 if you haven't already:

Read Part 2 if you haven't already:

Read Part 3 if you haven't already:

Read Part 4 if you haven't already:

Read Part 5 if you haven't already:

Read Part 6 if you haven't already:

Read Part 7 if you haven't already:

Read Part 8 if you haven't already:

Here it is. The last chapter. Believe me, it was so stressful trying to get the time to write this chapter when I had to study for exams. And I’m sorry I didn’t update sooner….I just wanted to get my stupid exams over with.
So I really hope you guys...
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“Mr. Bass, please calm down,” the doctor tried to reassure him.

“Calm down? You want me to calm down? How the fuck am I supposed to calm down when the love of my life is laying in a comatose?” he asked angrily.

“Please, Mr. Bass. I assure you, we’ll try to do everything we can. Just please, calm down.”

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"Are you okay Dan...?"
"Are you okay Dan...?"
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Read Part 6 if you haven't already:

Read Part 7 if you haven't already:

[GRRRRR i hate Fanpop when i try to upload my fics...it either duplicates them or doesn't load:( so srry if theres two of them, i'll try to delete them asap]

THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH for the people who reviewed, they mean so much to me=] To be honest the beginning of the week I didn’t get many reviews which sucked,...
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“Nate? Hey!”

His head lifts at her greeting.

“Hey,” he returns quietly and then looks away again.

Serena looks around; they’re in an empty vestibule at the prom venue, several rooms away from the action; the sound of music and laughter dim even though the door is open. She’s looking for Dan, needs to tell him she’s going home with Blair.

“You having a chat with Bevy the Rabbit or something?” She teases, getting closer and tapping his shoulder with one palm as she waves the other around the room, “Room’s empty…”

Nate shoots her a sidelong look, “There’s a rule about...
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Temptation of the Best Kind- Chapter Eight

What was the best way to destroy Nate? The thought had raced through her mind continuously for the last twelve hours and Blair still didn’t have an answer to it. But the time had come for Nate to be absolutely humiliated in front of all his friends and to essentially be destroyed. She didn’t care what the consequences where to her actions anymore, he could try to ruin her if he wanted.
She had lost everything because of him and his stupid ultimatum. Nothing was more important than Chuck and Nate had made sure that she lost him forever. That had...
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It Had to End This Way

He was pissed and he had every right to be. Blair had chosen to go to the prom with Nate instead of him. He had thought he had been making progress, but as it turned out apparently he wasn’t. Jealously vibrated out of his body at the sight of them. It was all so fake, Chuck knew that but that didn’t stop the anger flooding through him.
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He buried himself in work. But eventually he ran out of things to do.
Waking up in the morning was the hardest part, because that's when he'd have to plan his day. Not only that, but every time he woke up he'd be reminded that everything that had happened wasn't a dream, it was real and he'd have to face it.
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A/N: Don't take me too seriously.


By the time eleven forty-five rolled around the night before Thanksgiving break of sophomore year, the floor was littered with napkins, cups and empty bottles. Lights were low and the two remaining occupants had changed the XM radio several times, finally resting on an old R&B station. Chestnut songs of love and empowerment filled the room.

Blair Waldorf was sprawled out on the aforementioned carpeting, red tights bunching at the knees, school uniform skirt wrinkled and out-of-place....
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Friendly Encounters- Chapter Eight

Blair was a little stumped. What would be the best way to seduce Chuck? She had finally figured out that she wanted him and now that she did, he wanted to wait. It was so likely, but she never ever thought that he would deny her sex. He was Chuck Bass after all.
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Ah, Okay first I want to apologize for this late chapter, but I've just been super busy with school revising and all that. But I just got a chance to write this. I really hope you like it I was up until 1am writing it, And as you can probably guess I will be revising more from now on so maybe I'll update one very 10 days maybe something like that, but I take my weekends off so I'll be writing then so anyway this chapter is mostly about their trip to Vermont so some Chuck and Blair, lets face it the show isn't giving it to us at the moment so I'm giving you some...
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It's the day after the pre-engagement party.
Last night when Blair returned "home" (to Zane's house where she is still staying) she wasn't in the mood to talk and went straight to bed.
Serena had tried to contact Blair to find out why she left early but Blair hasn't replied to her messages or calls.

It's early morning, Zane and Blair have had breakfast and are getting ready to leave for Yale.

Z: So, are you feeling better...(she doesnt respond) ummm...you were upset when you came home last night.
B: Im fine....i just had a long night...shall we...
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A Dan and Blair story

Meanwhile, Blair was thinking about how her relationship with Dan was going to work. Serena already knew about it, but every time Blair mentioned it, Serena changed the subject. It's hard when friends date each others boyfriends.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on the door. Blair peeked throught the peep hole.

"Chuck?" She whispered. Out of all people, why would Chuck be here? Maybe he is putting his plan into practice.

"Hey, Waldorf."

"What are you doing here, Bass?" She answered.

"We need to talk about stuff."

"Like what?" It was obvious that Blair was a bit furious at the...
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Episode 8: Just Missing

GG: Hey Upper East Siders, So things have been a little quiet here over the last few weeks, and Gossip Girl is not happy, What happened to scandal? I can't believe I'm saying this but it looks like Gossip Girl is...Bored!

In Class at Constance.
The teacher is giving a leacture.
Blair is sitting by Serena and is looking bored and is not paying attention, because her mind is on other things. (Chuck)

T: (Teacher) And so If you all open your text books to page 19, Which will focus on our creative writing techniques. So your work for this course will be to write a paper titled...
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Why can't we be friends?
Why can't we be friends?
Episode 3: The Italian Joy

GG: Oh that day is here! All our Upper East Siders are leaving us, but don't worry not for good just for a field trip, And i know what your thinking, how will Gossip Girl get the Gossip? Oh didn't I mention, I'm going too...

Dorota is packing Blair's suitcases.
Blair is on the phone with Lucas.

B: I know, but it's only a week, I'll miss you too, don't go having to much fun without me, Okay, Bye (Hangs up). Ohhhh. I just love him.
D: I am happy for you miss Blair
B: Are you? Ohh he is just wonderful
D: I am done Miss Blair
B: Oh good, you can take those down to the car, I'll...
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I'm gonna write something diffrent from the normal fan fiction. I'm going to write a scene for Gossip Girl for Chuck and Blair.


Chuck Bass
Blair Waldorf
Serena van der Woodsen
Dan Humphrey

Chuck has waited so long to tell Blair he loves her, that she has fallen out of love with him. Chuck is in total regret about what he hasn't done, and tried everything to convince Blair she still loves him.
- Dan, Serena and Blair are in a cafe.

Scene 3- Cafe in the Lower East Side

Serena and Dan are kissing in another area of the cafe.
Blair walks up to Dan and Serena.

Blair: Ohh excuse me while I...
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A/N: Okay, so I was really planning on writing this out MUCH earlier, lol. But for some reason I felt the needed to write an outline for this story, so I actually finish it and don’t just keep coming up with more ideas, for like…forever. XD lol. Besides, I’ve heard a lot of people write out outlines and it makes sense, but unfortunately…it took SO long to write an outline up through this current chapter, that I decided to just write it out, and I’ll finish the outline…hopefully tomorrow. Heh. So, with that said…I hope you enjoy this chapter. I own nothing, as usual…and please,...
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A/N: YAAAAAAAY!!! I’m finally back to updating this story! And aren’t you excited?! I know I am! *squeals* Oh maaaaan, I have missed updating this story. *sigh* But I am here now, and it is great.
I have officially updated each of my other CB stories (Never Again: A Chuck & Blair Story, Unable & Queen Bee For A Reason), which you should all look into and read and review. Also, don’t forget to vote on my profile page for which one you would like me to focus on after I have finished with this story. =)
As promised, I am going to get back to the drama in this chapter. Not that I didn’t...
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posted by Mrs_Ron_Weasley
The letter. She didn’t want to look at it so she did what was only logical; she got up, strode quickly over to her dresser drawers and pulled out the tiny drawer at the very top the drawer that you wouldn’t see unless your name was Blair Waldorf and you noticed when the wood didn’t math exactly, even if your mother didn’t. Ever since she discovered it when she was 8 Blair called it her Box of Treasures, even though it wasn’t a box at all and the only stuff in it wouldn’t be considered as treasure to anyone but her. The drawer contained a jumble of items that all led back to him....
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