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Sit on something Bass?
Sit on something Bass?
Read Part 1 if you havent already:)

Read Part 2 if you haven't already:)

Omg!! I don’t even know where to start on saying my THANKS to everyone who had reviewed it or made it as a story alert/favourite alert etc…. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Honestly I never would expect to even get one review, or at least having one person to like it. So thank you guys<33
And, sorry about the lateness in this, I actually wrote this entire thing without editing in one night, but I didn‘t get a chance to edit it sooner due to homework=] So hope you guys enjoy, and again thank you so much.


It was seven in the morning, and usually Chuck would never in any circumstances wake up that early. Except for today.
His eyes started fluttering open welcoming him with moist eyes. He first smelt a mixture of heavenly strawberries and vanilla close to his shoulders. He would recognize that smell anywhere. It was Blair’s shampoo. He carefully tilted his head to take a better look of the angel that was resting on his shoulder. He took a short glimpse at her, not being able to see her entire face because of her chocolate swiss curls falling on her apple cheeks. He slowly turned his body around to push them away, when all of a sudden he heard a big crack by his ass.
Chuck eyes flew open praying that he didn’t break his ass bone. Wait. Did asses even have bones he thought. He slowly lifted himself off the seat, and went to look down.
It was worse then breaking his ass bone.
“Fuck..” Chuck mumbled.
He lifted the fragile broken glimmering golden pieces into his hand. Blair was really going to kill him.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” He mumbled again.
He frantically gathered up the rest of the pieces.
Chuck’s mind went racing, and panicking on what to do next. What could he do? If he wasn’t stuck in this fucking car, then of course he would buy a new one in a heartbeat. But no. He was trapped in this fucking doomsday car with dumb blonde over there, man bangs, humpty-dumpty and of course the….his….Blair.
For a second he forgot about everything, and went to lean over her, smiling to himself at her long list of perfection. Her fair porcelain skin glowed as her soft cherry lips curved up. Even when she was asleep, she still looked mischievous but with peace and serenity. She must be having some good dream, Chuck thought. He went to sweep her silky hair off her delicate face.
His instinct started kicking in again, making sure he went back to business.
“Shit.” He said aloud.
He frantically started looking around to see anything that could mend it together. Nothing.
“Shit.” He said again.
It was impossible. Maybe if he couldn’t fix, he could find a way to replace it. He scrambled to look around. He ran his fingers through his tousled hair. He slowly looked down and saw his purple tie sitting on his chest. Without another thought, he quickly untied it from his neck, and began examining at it. Yes he thought, yes, it was perfect.
He now began looking everywhere for something to rip it with. He smirked when he saw Blair’s trusty protection tool with her.

Blair has never had a good dream in a long time. The last dream that fantasized her was when she was still with Nate and had a dream that he told her he loved her. But this time it was better. She had a dream that Chuck said it. The exact same three words, but with someone she actually loved.
She woke up still smiling and gradually lifted up her eyes to see Chuck’s back to her. He was doing something with his hands. Whatever it was, her smile rose.
Her smile immediately dropped when she saw shattered golden pieces laid out on the seat next to her.
“MY HAIRBAND! YOU BASSHOLE!!!” Blair screamed in the cool morning car. He jumped slightly turning around seeing a frustrated Blair with her arms crossed firmly around her chest.
Nate, Serena, and Dan both woke up from their slumber for the second time today, seeing Blair look extremely pissed.
“WHAT?!! What‘s wrong?” Nate yelled.
“CHUCK, HE---”
“UGHHH..…” everyone started groaning.
“What?!” Blair asked disbelieved.
“Not another Chuck and Blair battle, especially in the morning.” Serena groaned falling back to sleep.
“But…”Blair began.
She faced back at Chuck. “You Basshole.” Blair whispered, fury in her eyes.
“Blair I….” Chuck began.
“No, shut up.” Blair insisted looking away.
“Blair, I’m sorry.” Chuck began grabbing her wrists trying to face her.
“I’m sorry it was truly an accident.” Chuck said sincerity showing in his eyes.
Blair’s heart melted a little.
“Here.” He said cupping a purple like cloth and placing in her hands.
“What? Bass if this is some sort of joke? I am going to ---”
Her words stopped flowing when she saw some teary purple and white cloth in shape of a headband in her hands.
“Don’t tell me you, Chuck Bass, who hasn’t even cooked a meal in his life, made this?” Blair asked, trying to hold in her smile from showing, and her heart that was melting into his hands.
Chuck started to blush. Blair immediately spotted that. Chuck Bass never blushes. She couldn’t hold it in much longer.
“I…” Chuck began, but was interrupted by massive of hugs that was pressing against his body.
“Chuck Bass, thank you, that’s probably the sweetest thing you have ever done for me,,,, or for any human being” Blair laughed still holding him.
Suddenly she stopped and her face tilted to the side staring at his chest.
“Wait, where’s your..”
Chuck’s smirk interrupted her.
“Some things are worth giving up for.” Chuck grinned.
Blair’s laughed echoed in the small car.
She sat back down in her seat, mesmerized by the piece of work in her hands. She could never imagine something that is so imperfect, to be at the same time absolutely perfect.
“Wait…what’s the white part of this? I don’t remember your tie having white in it.” Blair asked showing him.
“Let’s just say that Brooklyn-Boy’s shirt was much easier to rip. Well, it is from Brooklyn so what would you expect?” Chuck said smirking starring at Dan’s shirt.
“Wha--” Blair asked. Then she cut herself off by laughing hysterically starring at Dan’s ripped up shirt near the bottom hem. She slouched back into her seat, slipping her new hair band on her head and mumbled,
“Bass, I don’t know how you did it but ---BASS!? DID YOU USE MY TWEEZERS TO RIP UP YOUR TIE?!” Blair yelled slapping his arm constantly.
“OWCH Waldorf watch it. It was either your tweezers or my precious teeth, and we all know that my teeth is made to do something else other then eating.” Chuck smirked.
“Shut up Bass, way to ruin a perfect moment.” Blair rolled her eyes.
“My pleasure Waldorf.” Chuck grinned closing his eyes.


“RISE AND SHINE!” The man yelled through the window.
All five of them groaned. Blair snuggled in closer to Chuck’s warm chest following his breathing with her own.
“I SAID RISE AND SHINE!!” The man yelled. “IT’S TIME FOR BATHROOM BREAKS!” The man yelled some more.
This time, all five of them heard this perfect clear and jumped from their seat racing towards the door trying to open it, pushing each other away.
“Ha I knew you all would be ecstatic over this.” The man smiled.
“Just let the fuck of us out!” Chuck grumbled.
“Oh, I see you’re not a morning person.” The man said.
“Alright, alright.” The man sighed unlocking the door.
The five of them bolted out the door.
“OH MY GOD! I have never felt so alive,,,,,, and disgusting.” Blair grumbled staring at her reflection in the store’s mirror.
“Ewww, S! I look like Little J, and Brooklyn Girl just threw up on me.” Blair whined.
“Hey!” Nate said offended.
“Oh right sorry, forgot you kissed them both.” Blair smirked rolling her eyes walking away.

“Dan, oh my gosh, doesn’t this feel so refreshing.” Serena smiled twirling around in her bubble dress.
Dan smiled “Yes, yes it really does” he agreed, holding her hands swirling around with her.
The man looked over at the two couple who were playfully dancing with each other.
“I see you two had a good night.” The man winked at the two couple starring at Dan’s ripped up shirt.
Dan and Serena both looked down following the man’s gaze.
“OH NO! IT’S NOT LIKE THAT…” Serena and Dan frantically said trying to explain themselves.
The man just laughed and walked away shaking his head at the two hopeless couple.
Chuck and Blair started laughing hysterically.
“GUYS! IT’S NOT FUNNY!” Serena complained.
“Of course it is!” Blair giggled.
“Come on Bass.” Blair continued laughing dragging Chuck by his hand with her.
“I can never get them.” Dan sighed, still flushed with embarrassment.
“Neither could I.” Serena sighed as well.

------------------------------15 minutes later in the car----------------------------------------------------------

“NO NATE. Look it says here in the magazine, this is how you give CPR.” Serena shoved the magazine into his face.
“I know Serena, it‘s wrong though. I already know how to give CPR. If you don’t remember I did save someone last year.” Nate reminded her.
“But Nate….” Serena began going on.
“Ugh what are they fighting about? Nate and Serena never fight.” Blair rolled her eyes.
“Something about how Serena wants to be a lifeguard next summer, and she wants to know how to give CPR. And then something about Nate knowing what he’s doing, and she doesn’t” Dan said bluntly.
The argument continued for another 5 minutes.
“UGH WOULD YOU AND BLONDIE SHUT IT NATHANIEL!” Chuck yelled annoyed banging his head against the window.
“Shut it Chuck, this is important, and it’s not like you and Blair never fight.” Serena snipped.
“Well, to help you guys out, I’ll show you guys how to really give CPR.” Chuck snapped.
“Chuck, you never even been passed the shallow end, so shut it.” Serena snapped back.
“Oh really? Move it Brooklyn. Blair lie down.” Chuck demanded.
“Excuse me Bass? You can’t tell me what --” Before she could finish, Chuck lightly pushed her down.
“BASS!” Blair yelled. Chuck continued to hold her down.
“Okay see Blondies, watch, this is how it is done.” Chuck said. He tilted Blair’s chin upwards slightly. He then started unbuttoning his shirt.
“Okay, now take your top off too Blair.” Chuck commanded..
“BASS! How the hell does this have anything to do with CPR?!” Blair yelled.
“Because, if I’m saving you from drowning in the water, then you must be in your bathing suit. But your bra, and panties will do.” Chuck smirked.
Blair slapped his arm. “BASS, I’M WARNING YOU.” Blair screamed.
“Fine, fine, no nudity then.” Chuck smirked a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
“Okay as I was saying, Blair close your eyes, and then follow what I‘m doing.” Chuck instructed.
“Serena if he starts touching me, kill him for me.” Blair stated while hesitantly closing her eyes.
“Okay now…” Chuck started slowly coming closer to her lips.
“Make sure you get a good grip of her tongue, and make sure you hear her start to moan, then that’s a good sign.” Chuck smirked leaning even closer to her lips.
“Chuck, how the hell is that CP…” Before Nate could finish Chuck dove right in.
He started making out with Blair fiercely. His fingers in her hair, pressing her down with his body melting into one. His tongue swirled and intertwined with hers. Blair didn’t stop him. At first, she was about to protest but when she felt his familiar mouth on hers, she caved right in. Everything just felt right. She could never get enough of him. It felt as if she couldn’t breathe. Her pulse was racing with excitement and passion sinking in. She usually would play around with him as well, stroking his hair or rubbing his back, but all she was doing right now was gripping onto him for dear life. Afraid of letting go, afraid of returning back to the real world, and wanting to make the moment last forever.
“Blair!?” Serena said.
“Chuck!?” Nate said.
They both were ignored.
“CHUCK BLAIR!!!” Dan finally yelled.
They both looked up, Chuck with confusion in his eyes.
“Oh right, and that’s how you do CPR.” Chuck shrugged leaning back in to kiss Blair.
“CHUCK!” Serena yelled, putting a hand in-between his lips and Blair’s.
“MOVE.” Chuck growled, manoeuvring over Serena’s hand, while Blair was giggling.
“Blair?!” Serena yelled.
“Oh right.” Blair said sitting up, pushing Chuck away playfully fixing her hair and skirt.
“UGH. Now I never want to be a lifeguard. You just wasted a minute of my life watching you guys make out.” Serena whined disgusted.
“Mine too.” Dan said also disgusted.
“Sorry.” Blair mumbled trying to hold back a smile.
“What can I say, I’m a good kisser.” Chuck smirked.
Nate and Serena both looked at each other and smirked, before smacking him on each cheek.

------------------------------------------1 hour later…------------------------------------------------------------

“Chuck stop harassing Dan.” Serena demanded.
“I’m not harassing him, I’m just asking how many girls he have slept with.” Chuck said.
“UGH please Bass, no one wants to hear how many girls Dan slept with.” Blair said wrinkling her nose.
“Why not? We’re pretty much family.” Chuck said.
“Sweet Bass, but we’re not.” Blair rolled her eyes.
“No, see, I slept with you, you slept with Nate who probably slept with Jenny and Vanessa and not to mention Serena, and Serena slept with Dan, who was trying to sleep with you last night.” Chuck stated, with more harshness to his tone near the end.
“BAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSS!!!” They all screamed.
“What?! It’s true.”
“What and you probably slept with Vanessa huh?” Blair said disgusted.
“Blair, I’m not that desperate.” Chuck said
Blair hid her smile.
“WAIT WHAT?! YOU SLEPT WITH MY SISTER?!” Dan yelled at Nate.
“WHAT?! NOO… I wanted to though,,,I MEAN WAIT….” Before Nate could say another word Dan punched Nate.
“DAN!” Serena yelled in disbelief.
“Nate I can’t believe you.” Serena said shaking her head.
“Wait what? How is this all my fault?” Nate demanded holding his hand to his cheek still.
“Serena, it’s probably not Nate’s fault. Jenny was probably the desperate one here.” Blair stated simply.
“Blair!” Serena snapped. “Stop defending him, he was basically two timing both Vanessa and Jenny.”
“Just like you and I did to Blair?” Nate said anger in his eyes.
“No, that is completely different!” Serena yelled outraged.
The argument continued for a few minutes.
Suddenly Dan interrupted them. “WAIT?! Why the hell are we yelling each other?! We should be yelling at Chuck for starting this.” Dan spat.
Chuck whirled around, afraid on what was going to happen next.
“You’re right Dan, and sorry about the whole situation.” Nate said.
“It’s fine Nate.” Dan said.
“Oh, Nate I’m sorry.” Serena climbed over to hug him. “I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusion.” Serena said with a sad smile. Nate kissed the top of her head “Yeah, me too Serena. I shouldn’t have brought that old crap up again.” Nate said.
“And Blair I’m sorry too.” Serena said.
“Oh great, more mushy lovey dovey appologies.” Chuck snarled.
Everyone glared at him.
“It’s okay S, now what shall we do to Chuck.” Blair smirked her eyes sparkling with ideas.
“What, wait,,,no, I didn’t do anything.” Chuck defended.
“Of course you did, hmmmm, OH …. how about, no kissing OR touching Blair for the entire day.” Serena beamed.
“Serena! That’s no punishment.” Blair stated.
“Exactly.” Chuck lied.
“No B! It’s perfect!” Serena smiled seeing right through Chuck. “Trust me.”
“But…..I don’t want to be involved in this sort of punishment.” Blair lied.
“Fine, fine.” Serena sympathized since she knew that it would be a punishment to Blair as well.
Just as Serena was thinking, a knock from the window interrupter her thoughts.
Chuck rolled down the window and smirked, “Great timing.”
The man just stood there confused. “Right. Anyways here kiddies” he threw in 4 pillows. “The manager said he wanted you guys to be more comfortable.”
“Wait.” Nate interrupted.
“There’s only 4 pillows but we have 5 people.” Nate reminded him.
“Oh yes,,,I see, well we don’t have enough pillows, so one of you guys will have to share with someone beside you. I’m guessing that man over there with her…” Pointing at Dan and Blair. “Or you and her.” He finished pointing at Chuck and Blair.
“Enjoy.” He said, walking off laughing.
“How about you and me Wald---”
“WHAT THE HELL SERENA?!” Chuck roared at Serena who just slapped him on his face with the pillow.
“What?!” That’s your punishment.” She laughed.
And right on cue, Blair, Dan, and Nate grabbed the remaining pillows and began hitting Chuck with it
Blair was laughing hysterically like a little kid. She smacked him every chance she got. He finally smirked on what he was going to do next. He pulled her in towards him by her waist and held her in front of him as shield. Blair started squirming immediately.
“Don’t worry princess, no one will --”
“Oh shit.” Dan mumbled.
“HUMPHREY I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” Blair and Chuck both screamed pouncing on Dan and started slamming him with pillows on his face.
“DAN!” Serena screamed.
“I’M COMI---”
Serena whirled around to see Nate sitting there with a devilled grin on his face.
“Nate, did you just hit me?” Serena whimpered.
“Oh my god, Serena I’m sorry! I thought--”
“Gotcha Archibald!” Serena laughed.
“Vanderwoodsen, you really shouldn’t have done that.” Nate grinned.
“Whatcha’ gonna do about that Archi--”
She was laughing even more now, and started to climb over to the backseat where Nate was crawling over too.
“HEY NATHANIEL! Give us a hand with Brooklyn!” Chuck yelled.
“Give me that.” He stole the pillow from Serena and started hitting Nate with it.
Nate smirked as he and Chuck were fighting with pillows, while Serena, Blair and Dan were fighting with each other laughing…..


“Hey kiddies, lights turning out in --oh,,, never mind then.” The man said cutting himself off.
He took another look at the window, smiled slightly and carefully walked away. The mall echoed the man’s footsteps every step he took.
The lights slowly flicked off leaving the five exhausted teenagers sprawled in the backseat of the car sleeping peacefully, with smiles glued to their faces in the dusky black night.


Well that’s it for this chapter=]
Hoped this pleased most of you.
Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it. Thanks again.
PILLOW FIGHT! Gossip Girl style;)
PILLOW FIGHT! Gossip Girl style;)
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