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A/N: Okay…STORY TIME!!! Lol. XD First of all, I want to apologize for not updating any of my stories in so long, but on the 21st of March, I definitely had a seizure and was in the hospital for four days. On top of that, I come back and learn that CV and NB are happening and that is just about the worst thing ever. I AM glad C got chewed out for sleeping around with Elle and that we got a piece of the Carter/Serena (favorite AU couple ever! XD) story. I do find NB really sweet, but I was screaming ‘Noooooo!!!!’ for Chuck at the end of ‘The Grandfather’. The reminiscing scene was awesome though. I am not watching the next episode tonight, because even though I live in the U.S., I have no T.V. here at college and so will just be downloading it and watching it either tomorrow or sometime the rest of this week. I absolutely HATE the idea of CV as a couple, but don’t kill me if I found them kind of hot in the tail end of that Canadian promo. I haven’t admitted that to anyone till now….and since they’re just a jealousy sexcapade, I guess it doesn’t bother me as much as I thought it would, or as much as it does logically. CV makes no sense and doesn’t work. But if Chuck couldn’t be with Blair b/c Blair didn’t exist for some God-awful reason, I would put him with Vanessa. Because I love her….and they’re possibly possible. But nobody works with C or B like each other, which is why NB and CV will not and cannot possibly work. Like I said, CV are a jealousy sexcapade and will eventually fight, b/c although Vanessa understands Chuck to an extent, if she couldn’t stay with Nate, there’s NO WAY she can make it with Chuck. And although Nate is all sweet and adoring to Blair now…FINALLY, and I love him for giving her the admiration and attention she SO deserves…all he can do is repeat what happened before, without…you know….sleeping with Serena again. XD Plus, Chuck needs to freaking GROW UP. And Ed has told us that in COUNTLESS interviews. If CB is going to work Chuck has to realize once and for all, that HE is the bad guy this time around and he needs to make up for all the crap he’s put Blair through! CV just hook up over jealousy. Vanessa’s in love with Nate, and she is going to regret sleeping with Chuck soon enough….that’s just who she is. Morality whore—Vanessa Abrams. Nate is always confused….so I can’t really explain his actions, but I have been loving him these last few episodes. XD Enough said. Heh. NB hook up because Blair has been alone and in need of security for far too long. Chuck should’ve been there. He shouldn’t have screwed Elle OR Vanessa….and he needs to grow up, b/c he’s the bad guy and Nate is saving Blair. Until Chuck stops his STUPID COCKY SELF-SERVING act and realizes that….CB is not going to happen, and I’m proud of Nate for giving Blair what she SO needed all season. CB and NV ftw….END GAME. But I think I might actually enjoy….or at least tolerate NB & CV for a little while. ;p (though obviously the fanfics will probably multiply over the next few weeks….b/c non-endgame gets painful to watch and even think about after awhile. XD)
Haha…..so I happened to take up like a page on my current GG thoughts. XD lol. So what! XD hahahaa.
This Idea #7 (It’s A Wonderful Waldass) is a preview kind of going off of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’—the movie, not 2x12. Lol. And begins in the midst of 2x14 when Blair is going up to her room after confronting Chuck at Victrola the FIRST time (heh), and feeling as though everything is falling apart, and maybe it would’ve been better if she had never fallen for Chuck at all…
The tears begged to come out of her swollen doe-brown eyes.
But none would come.
Only the gasping, shrieking sighs from her frail, shivering lips.
She told Dorota ten minutes…and she would keep to that promise.
That promise…
She always kept her promises.
She wouldn’t break another one by succumbing to one of her most addicting weaknesses.
She couldn’t, wouldn’t do it…for Chuck.
For the old Chuck, she told herself.
The Chuck that had lied beside her on her bed…so many weeks ago. He had given in to all her love.
And even though she had wanted those words to just slip out of his mouth…she was willing to wait, as long as he was safe. And beside her. And she had hoped that if she dared to close her eyes, to join him in his sleep…he would be there when she woke.
And they would get through this awful tragedy together.
But he wasn’t there when she woke.
And that note was only too awful to imagine any thought of sanity until he was back in her arms.
She cringed, trying to fight the urge to crawl to the bathroom floor and force that shaking finger of hers into the depths of her throat. She closed her eyes slowly, and opened them with the slowest most careful precision.
She was scared to look at herself.
In that vanity mirror.
The last time she had thought sanely…of her and Chuck, as she gazed in that mirror…he had asked her to wait.
And she was waiting.
She had waited.
For so long.
Too long.
She opened and closed her eyes. Tried to force tears, but they never came….still. It happened over and over, and never had the need for control drowned her so desperately.
The colony women were coming…and she honestly could care less.
How could he mock her like that?
“Was that it…or were you going to tell me you loved me again?”
How could he poke fun at the essence that was them?
“…it’s time you let go of your fantasies…”
That was Chuck and Blair?
She sighed, pushing her elegantly framed chair back in a vegence. She turned away from the mirror, and in a fury felt the stray brunette locks decorating her face….felt them brush away that one lone tear.
“I should’ve never…”
She stormed towards the bathroom, feeling herself trip over the most obscure objects.
“…never loved him….” A frail whisper against those perfect lips.
The path intended seemed to be getting farther away and smaller and more difficult to get to.
And that light…whatever normality it was….grew brighter and more painful to her tear-brimming eyes.
She cried.
Hard and loud and nobody heard her. Nobody heard that angel crying in despair.
She had never gone this deep with Nate.
She had never gone this deep with anybody….
“Shh…” a voice quieted her sobs wracking through the empty building.
She shivered in the cold, unaware of her new surroundings.
She wasn’t in her house…
    …not even in New York.
A gasp.
“The girl’s been through enough,” the voice continued, but no matter where she looked Blair could not find a body to pair up with the mysterious whispers.
A sigh. Not belonging to her either.
Blair turned to look around the long, white, abandoned room, slightly disappointed that there was no toilet in view.
No place to maintain her control, and attempt her escape.
Her eyebrows scrunched together. “Sh—Sh” she paused, afraid to really request what she was thinking.
Did she really want to see who this odd voice belonged to? It so obviously did not belong to an upper east sider. And she did not have the energy to critique the clothes this stranger might have been wearing…
But it didn’t look like she would be escaping this domain any time soon.
She sighed.
“Show yourself,” she said, less confidently than she would have liked.
The voice snickered briefly before beaming a spot of light not two feet in front of her, and then fading into the form of a young brunette, stunning eyes…and a face of curiosity.
“I was wondering when you were going to ask…”
Blair raised her eyebrows.
“Or rather, demand,” the girl rolled her eyes.
She scoffed. “What right do you have to—“ she paused when the girl raised her eyebrows.
Oh right. She was controlling where she existed at the moment….great, once again, lost control.
“Relax,” the girl said, noticing Blair’s tensed nerves so evident across her face. “I just need my wings.”
She scoffed again. “And how I exactly can I help you with….wing-getting?” she questioned, suddenly becoming cocky and placing a hand delicately on her left hip jutting out.
She noticed the room had stopped spinning.
The little girl walked forward, proud smirk across her face. “You don’t even question my need for wings?”
Blair rolled her eyes. “I’m not exactly in the mood for questioning. I have no tools to scheme or plot against you…and no energy to devise some sort of plan to get out of this…white….” She looked around, “container.”
The girl raised her eyes at this.
“If you need wings, then let’s get you wings,” she gestured with her hand spontaneously. “Let me guess, you’re an angel, right?”
Truth be told, Blair had been quite vulnerable and near falling apart only moments ago…but she had put the pieces together and she wasn’t going to fall into the trap that idiot George had in It’s a Wonderful Life. At least she hadn’t wished away her own existence…
The girl fell back casually, her snug white dress falling in creases around her when the plump one-seater suddenly appeared. She landed her elbow on the arm of the chair and placed her chin on the palm of her right hand, analyzing Blair’s every certain move.
“It really sucks when they make a movie of this type of thing…”
Blair looked at her confused. “Excuse me?”
Now the girl was just clearly annoyed. She stood up, and the chair instantly slid away. She extended her hand to Blair who shook it reluctantly.
“You’re Blair, yes? Blair Waldorf?”
She nodded, expecting the girl to know these sorts of things. Men can be so stupid.
“I’m Tiffany,” she said, matter of factly.
This caused Blair’s head to shoot back from shock more than anything. “T-Tiffany?”
“Yes, that’s right,” she said, acting the part of a snob. “Tiffany. Like Breakfast at Tiffany’s…I believe you’re a fan?”
The small girl turned away from Blair and began to walk towards the opposite end of the room, where she noticed…suddenly…a door had appeared, and the room was getting smaller. At an incredible rate.
With nothing really left to do and no other belongings with her, Blair followed on after the small girl.
“Are you controlling this?” she asked, bezurked and not quite satisfied by the sudden change of her surroundings…twice in the last ten or so minutes.
Tiffany snickered quietly. “No….unfortunately, I’m not.” She turned back to Blair suddenly, who was forced to a swift stop, towering over the girl. “But I have learned to become aware of the hints of when departure necessary.” She smiled brightly.
Blair looked strangely at the girl, as she continued her journey to the glass door luring on the far wall. “How old are you, five?” she asked.
Tiffany laughed, and quite loudly this time. “Um, no. Definitely not. Try twelve,” she said, severly annoyed by the teen Waldorf’s guess.
Blair just rolled her eyes. But not soon enough.
They reached the door, and Tiffany only slightly cracked it. Allowing in a brief whiff of summer air. Blair stepped back, unable to take the happy fragrance.
“So, you wish you’d never loved, huh?” Tiffany asked, continuing on with her cocky tone.
Blair scoffed. “That’s not what I said.” She had bent down near the girl to take in a better whiff of the garden air the door seemed to withhold. Now, she stood, and crossed her arms forcibly across her chest. “I simply said—”
Tiffany lifted a hand, closing the door and Blair frowned.
“Not with Chuck,” she concluded.
“I’m upset,” Blair began, “A lot has gone wrong…and I just thought….”
“NO!” The girl’s eyes flared dangerously wide, and yet a sadness shown clear as day.
Blair was taken aback again.
“Do you honestly think never falling for Chuck would fix things? Or even make it better for you?”
“No! It wouldn’t!” Tiffany sighed, “You and Nate were doomed from the start.”
“Hey!” Blair defended, “We worked….once.”
Tiffany leered dangerously close to the door’s handle again. “And you think you would’ve worked again…?” she opened the door again, a little more this time. Flowers flooded in across her face, and when she turned to look at Blair, the arm she extended was decorated in a greenly aura. “Come with me,” she said.
The tall brunette had not even answered her question, had not even begun to think if her and Nate could ever be…if Chuck had not been so forward with her at the Van der Bass wedding. By the time he had ditched her nearly a month into summer, she had fallen too fast. Being with Nate wasn’t even an after thought, it was an impossibility.
But the girl was starting to enter the meadowy precipice extending just beyond the corners of the glass door. The room was close to diminishing completely, and Blair Waldorf had no time for second thoughts. She grasped the small fingers, closed her eyes once again, took a deep breath and stepped forward.
A/N: I was pretty sucky for inspiration before the girl came into play, but I totally have a plan now (even if I won’t write this story for like…EVER XD) Please R & R! ;p
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