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Party Time!
Party Time!
Chair Tales - S02E09- Groundhog Day

It's Serena and Dan's official Engagement Party.
Lily, Eric, Rufus, Jenny have been in New Haven for a couple of days.

At Serena's house the party preparations are in their final stages and it is early afternoon. Blair has been at the house helping out for almost an hour now. Serena had tried to get Blair to tell her the reason she came to her house a few nights ago night but Blair keeps telling her it was nothing.

Chuck now arrives at the house, invited by Serena. Serena has told Chuck and Blair (separately) that she has a surprise for them.

B: So are you going to tell me already? You've made me wait for like a week!
S: Don't worry...it'll be soon!
B: This is the same surprise you told me about last week right?

Chuck walks towards Serena.

B: (whispers) Uggh what is he doing here?
C: Serena...whats this so called surprise you have for me?

Dan also approaches.

D: Hey Serena...the door attendant says you have a visitor outside.
S: Great...ummm B, Chuck come with me....you too Dan...

They follow Serena outside. Once they get to outside they are all shocked to see who is waiting for them. Especially Chuck who runs over to the surprise guest immediately and embraces him.

C: Nathaniel!
N: (after they hug) Chuck! My man!
B: Omg...Nate?!...(looks to Serena) this is the surprise?
S: Yes! isnt it the best ever!
B: (laughs) definitely! (runs towards Nate)
N: Blair...(they hug) it's so nice to see you again...after so long!
B: It's been way too long!
N: Well...i've been travelling the world like i told you!
B: Yeah like two years ago! How have you been?
N: Im great! You have no idea how many stories i have to tell! Seriously guys! You should all travel more...the world is such a big place everywhere you go is so different...
C: Well we'll have to catch up.
N: Yeah definitely....(looks to Serena with a big smile and she runs an hugs him) Wow! Mrs. Humphrey?
S: Yep! Nate it's so great to see you! Im so glad you took some time out to come back to the States for my engagement!
N: I know...im sorry i wont make the wedding...i told you my situation.
S: I know, dont worry about it...your here now, that's all that matters. (they hug again)
N: Congratulations Serena...and Dan (Dan walks over to Nate and they shake hands) im glad that you two are finally tying the knot...im really happy for you.
S: Well, lets all go back inside....there are so many things that need doing and we need to hear all about your adventures later!
B: Yeah...the adventures of Nate Archibald! (they laugh)

They all begin to make their way back inside, except for Chuck, Nate notices.

N: Chuck...you not coming in?
C: Umm...i'll be back later...i've got a few things to do.
N: Maybe i can come with you? We can catch up?
S: Yeah...go ahead...i dont mind... as long as you boys are back tonight for the party.
N: Dont worry we wouldn't miss it...(he makes his way towards Chuck and the others carry on inside)

In Chuck's Limo.

C: So...tell me...how were your travels?
N: It's been the best thing i've done you know...going places, meeting new people..a change of scenery...it's all good!
C: So i guess you have a whole new outlook on life then.
N: Well...i've realised that life's too short to stand still. And it's definitely too short to hold grudges....talking of which....Serena warned me about your situation with Blair....you two...broke up?
C: To put it simply...yes.
N: It's a shame....i thought you two were...you know...Chuck and Blair...Blair and Chuck...
C: Well that's history now.
N: It cant be that bad...tell me what happened.
C: It's a long depressing...complicated story...
N: Come on Chuck...tell me.
C: Did you come all the way here to give me and Blair couple's counselling?
N: Chuck?!
C: Fine...it kinda goes back a long way...for me anyway.
N: Go on.
C: We started arguing ever since I began the franchise with my father here in New Haven...i was going back and forth from here to New York...at first i dont think she minded, but then we had this massive argument about it and she was pissed that i was never around. But that's lies because im always around and she never complained when i used to go away. She has no idea what i've been going through with the business and with Father...it's been hell...there were funding issues, i had serious money problems and i didnt want father to bail me out because he was waiting for me to slip up...it's why i was so stressed. It was putting a strain on my relationship with Blair...obviously i didnt tell her what was happening because i didnt want to worry her. But i didnt realise that it was causing so much trouble for her. I was coming home in bad moods...but i never took it out on her...i swear...if anything i used to come home and try and get comfort from her....but she took it in the wrong way and accused me of being a pig...only after one thing...then that night we argued again and she went off on this trip so we didnt see each other for ages.
N: So you broke up?
C: Well that basically led to her "wanting a break". We were apart for a while, a few days...i was staying at the office...i had something big going on at work and id just managed to resolve my money problems thanks to selling drugs to raise cash...
N: What?!
C: Another long story...it was one big deal and one big cash payment...that's all...dont worry im not a dealer it was a one off.
N: Woah...i didnt realise your money problems were that big.
C: Well when you have Bart Bass on your case it can get out of hand.
N: So you sorted your troubles with work?
C: Yeah...i went out to celebrate with guys from work....and all to conveniently Blair turns up looking for me. She finds me at the bar...ok so there were a couple of women chatting to me but it wasn't anything serious....she comes up to me and starts accusing me of cheating on her!
N: Did you?
C: No! Nate im not like that any more. I haven't slept with another woman since high school...only Blair.
N: Why would she think you cheated?
C: I have no idea...she's just fickle....she sees me standing next to another woman and thinks ive cheated. So we have this massive argument at the club and she goes off for the night... to Serena...then she tells me that we need a break....so here we are now...we're not together.
N: Did you tell her you didnt cheat?
C: She didnt give me a chance to explain....and you know me....im not going to chase her. Im through with that. If she doesn't want to be with me what can i do?
N: Do you want to be with her? (Chuck doesn't respond) Do you love her?
C: (looks at Nate) I do.
N: Then tell her.
C: No. She broke up with me. She told me she needed time away from me o figure things out. Im not going to break the ice.
N: Ok, its your choice. All im saying is we both know what Blair's like...she's not very good at being open...dont wait for her to make the first move...
C: Well she said it was her decision to make.
N: And what if you get bored of waiting for her?
C: Then thats her bad.
N: So you'd let go? Just like that?
C: I'd have no choice. Im waiting for her now. I have no idea how long i can hold on for...you should probably head back....(points to a building outside, where the limo has parked up) this is the office...ive got a few things to do here, the driver will take you back to Serena's and i'll see you later.
N: Ok...i'll see you at the party.

Chuck gets out the limo and Nate watches him walk away. The driver heads back to Serena's house.

* * * * * * *

Serena/Dan's house

Nate has been talking to Serena, Dan and Blair about his travelling and he tells them all the best places they should visit. He even recommends that Serena and Dan go to Malaysia for their Honeymoon.

Dan and Serena get called away by Lily and Nate is left with Blair.

N: So...Blair....Serena told me about you and Chuck.
B: I've been waiting for you to bring that up...i knew you would.
N: Im sorry...i know it must be hard for you...to talk about it. I just cant believe you guys aren't together.
B: Well things happen...its over.
N: Surely it cant be over. He said it was more of a break than a break up.
B: You spoke to him about it? What did he say.
N: (sighs) Blair....i cant tell you what he said....he told me stuff in confidence....i just want to hear your side of things.
B: There's not much to tell...he's probably already told you everything. He was never committed to a relationship...i was always thinking of our future...i put everything into that relationship...everything! He couldn't even spend one whole week with me without going off to New York for so called business! I bet he was only going to enjoy himself!
N: Blair...there's more to it than you think.
B: No there isn't! You haven't been there every day of my life...you have no idea what it's like! I've been through so much! I've been going through hell and he's just enjoying himself...he's a liar and a cheat!
N: Blair...you really need to talk to him...you've got it all wrong...did you ever think that maybe there was a reason for him being away so much...and that he might be going through stuff....stuff that you dont understand because he's not felt confident enough to talk to you about?
B: What are you talking about?
N: You need to speak to him...get him to be honest with you...about everything.
B: Honest isn't exactly one of his better qualities....i just cant believe how things have changed...i always thought he'd fight fo me.....(short silence) Do you remember the end of high school...my great escape from the Ostroff centre...he was there for me when i needed him...i can still remember what i was going through back then...
N: Those were rough times Blair. It was kinda crazy....i remember you....cheating on him...i know it was just a kiss...but he forgave you.
B: Not easily....it took a lot of time...and amnesia!
N: Blair....he didnt cheat on you....he told me....and i believe him.
B: No, he did....i know he did!
N: Do you have proof? No, you cant possibly have proof because it's not true. He did nothing wrong....not this time. Which is why you need to speak to him. There's more to it...and it's not my place to tell you. just know this much...he's changed...for you. He loves you and he's never been with another woman since you two got together. I can promise you that.

Blair is confused, she has tears in her eyes....she'd just heard the words that she'd been wanting to hear for so long. Chuck hadn't cheated on her....she'd got it all wrong...she'd been longing to hear that she was wrong...that he did love her...she puts her head in her hands..Nates words repeating themselves in her head "he's never been with another woman..." It was like history repeating itself...she'd assumed he'd cheated only to find out that he hadn't...but it was too late...she'd slept with Zane...she was the cheat...what would she do now.

N: Blair...are you ok?
B: When we kissed...me and you...when he found out...it destroyed him didnt it....did he ever really forgive me for that?
N: Of course...it hurt him...badly...but he loved you and he forgave you for it...i know the amnesia kinda helped him forget the anger...but he did forgive you.
B: So it was thanks to the amnesia....he would never forgive me for cheating...never..(tears run down her face)
N: Blair...forget about the past...
B: Im not talking about the past!
N: Look....you dont have to base your decision to forgive him on whether he would forgive you if it was the other way around...and he didn't even cheat on you. What happened back then is different to what's happening now...just think about what you want....you want him...so just resolve this before you lose him....im sure he wont wait for you for ever.

They are interrupted by Serena who calls for their help.

N: Sure...we'll be there in a second...(looks back to Blair) Just think about it....

Nate gets up and follows Serena, Blair also follows closely behind.

* * * * * * *

Whilst helping Serena, Blair gets a text from Zane. He has been trying to speak to her since that night but she has been avoiding him and they haven't spoken. His tells her in his text that he has had enough of waiting around and is desperate to talk to her, he tells her he is outside Serena's house, as he knows it is where she would be. Shocked, Blair decides she should just go and speak to him, she didnt want him coming inside asking for her or others seeing them together.

Outside, Blair spots Zane and walks over to him, dragging him away so they are both out of site.

B: What are you doing here!
Z: I need to speak to you about that night...i remember everything...
B: Really! Well then you understand why i feel sick standing next to you! ive been afraid to even be alone in the house with you!
Z: I know...you have no idea how guilty i feel...
B: Well you should...it was out of order what you did to me! Now i know you were drunk...but you could have hurt me! You did hurt me! I was so scared! I though you were going to rape me!
Z: I would never do that to you...i was drunk...my behaviour was out of order...it just got out of hand...you have no idea how sorry i am...seriously...it will never happen again!
B: Your damn right it wont!
Z: I just....i dont want you to be afraid of me....i dont want you to be scared of being in the house...it wont happen again...you can trust me now...i wont even drink in the house again...i promise.
B: (looks down) well i have no choice...i've got no where else to go...you really freaked me out that night Zane...
Z: (holds her arm) I know im sorry...it was out of order...i promise it wont happen a again....you know how much i care about you...id never want to hurt you.
B: Look...we can put it behind us...you have to go from here...i have things to do...i'll see you later...
Z: Sure...i just wanted to apologise...i'll see you later...at home?
B: Yeah...bye.

Zane turns around and walks away...just as Chuck is walking towards the house. He noticed Blair speaking to Zane, but didnt see Zane's face because he had turned and walked away. Blair catches him looking and quickly turns towards the house hoping that maybe he didnt see her talking to Zane, but she knew that he had. That was the last thing she needed, Chuck finding out about Zane.

...to be continued...

Who were you talking to Blair?
Who were you talking to Blair?
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