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Rehearsing For Play
Rehearsing For Play
Chair Tales S02E06- The Way She Moves

It's been a couple of days since Chuck and Blair's fall out and Blair has been staying with Serena and Dan.
At Yale, Blair is in rehearsal's with her drama friends messing around and having fun. At the end of rehearsals Zane invites Blair out for something to eat, she agrees. They are at a cafe having a coffee and some food.

Z: So, how are you finding the play...you still loving it?
B: Yeah of course! It gets more and more exciting the more we practice!
Z: We're nearing the end now too....soon we're going to have to rehearse our...ummm...intimate encounter...
B: You mean....the kiss...?
Z: Yeah....i just thought id mention it....just to say it's no big deal you know....
B: Yeah of course....it's just a little kiss....and its for the play...
Z: I just dont want it be weird or awkward...especially since your boyfriend probably wont like it!
B: Ummmm atctually....we kinda had a big argument....i dont even know if i can call him my boyfriend anymore.
Z: Woah....really? What happened?
B: It's a long story.....i dont really want to talk about it...
Z: Well....im sure everything will be ok....it sounds like you just need a bit of a break....from each other...
B: You think? So you suggest i should talk to him....break it off for a while?
Z: Well....it's up to you....maybe you just need some space.
B: Im not sure....i was thinking of actually going back home and trying to work things out...i know its going to be hard for me to forgive him but i wanted to give Serena a break...she's already got so much on her plate....i feel so bad for staying at her place because her and Dan are preparing their wedding and stuff.
Z: Well why dont you stay on the campus, temporarily?
B: I cant....they'll never free up a space for me.
Z: You could always stay with me.....if you want?
B: Ummm....at your house?
Z: Yeah....come on....it'll be fun....we can practice the play...it'll be a nice break for you....i wont even give you a curfew!
B: (they both laugh) ok ....sounds like fun....i'll stay at your's.
Z: Great....you can stay for as long as you need to...(he puts his hand on hers and they smile at each other)

* * * * * * *

Later that day, Blair speaks to Serena about her new living arrangements,

S: Hey your more than welcome to stay here for as long as you like, Dan doesnt mind and neither do I.
B: I know, and you've both been so amazing...i just need a break from all this you know...
S: Where are you going to go?
B: I know you're going to raise your eyebrow at this but...Zane has offered to let me stay with him for a while.
S: (looks shocked) Blair! Zane? Since when did he become a good samaritan?
B: He's a good friend of mine...we've become closer because of the play and i think it'll be good for me to stay with a friend who is out of our circle you know.
S: I dont know Blair.....are you going to tell Chuck?
B: No! He doesn't need to know! Its none of his business.
S: How are things with you two anyway...?
B: I....i've decided to take a break from him.
S: What do you mean? Your breaking up with him?
B: No, i just need some time apart from him....just on my own.
S: With Zane
B: No, on my own to get my head around everything that has happened.
S: B, are you sure you need to break up with him to do that...maybe you two should just talk it through.
B: Like thats worked for us before?!
S: Well maybe if you try extra hard...
B: No, i've had enough....i need a proper break. I need to know if he's the one i really need in my life.
S: Omg...i never thought id see the day where Blair questions her relationship with Chuck!
B: Well....some people change and others dont...Chuck is the kind of person that doesn't....he cheated on me S....i cant keep ignoring the destruction he's causing to our relationship....it's not worth it.
S: I thought he was worth it for you...and he didnt admit to cheating.
B: Exactly...he wasn't man enough to admit that to me....i dont know if i can ever forgive him for it....i need to take a break for my own good....
S: I just hope your making the right decision...
B: Me too. I should probably go now....i need to gather my thoughts before i go to see Chuck.
S: (they hug) Good luck B. I love you.

They say goodbye and Blair leaves.

* * * * * * *

At Chucks Office.

Blair walks in to the office, Chuck is surprised to see her there, he immediately gets up from his chair and walks towards her, she looks down, she can barely make eye contact.

C: Blair...
B: I needed to speak to you. I'll be going back to the house....to get my things....
C: Your things? Why?
B: I think we....need to....take a break....until we can find a way of overcoming our problems, if we can find a way.
C: Your breaking up with me?
B: It's just a break...we need to be apart for a while....i need some space! I'll be staying with a friend from Yale, on the college campus, she said i can stay with her for as long as i need to.
C: You've had some space...you've been away for a few days...isn't that enough?
B: No! Im not discussing this Chuck.....i've made my decision....it's over between us until im ready to make a decision of whether this relationship is what i really want.
C: And if you decide that it isn't, then what?
B: (she looks into his eyes) Then....it'll be over for good. I should go.

Chuck stands in silence as she turns and walks away, shocked that she had just basically broken up with him. He couldn't believe it, he was expecting her to realise her mistake and come back to him eventually but she had just worsened thing by breaking up with him, he was angry because he hadn't done anything wrong, she was the one throwing accusations at him....she accused him of being a cheat! He falls back into his chair and knocks things off his desk in anger...

* * * * * * *

Blair has just arrived at Zane's house, he helps her with her luggage and has already set up a bedroom for her, so he helps her to unpack her things and make herself at home.
Zane can tell that Blair is upset as she doesn't talk much during dinner and the goes straight up to bed. He decides to take some cocoa for the both of them to her room. She is lying down when he enters the room.

Z: Hey...Blair....i brought us something to drink.
B: (sits up and turns her lamp on) Hey....you didnt have to.
Z: (sits on her bed next to her and hand her a mug, she takes it with a smile) I thought you might need some cheering up.
B:(smiles) Im fine.
Z: You dont look fine.
B: (after a short silence) I've just had a bit of a rough time lately.
Z: What happened?
B: We finally broke up....it was just a matter of time....and he didnt even try and stop me from walking away.
Z: Hey...(puts his arm around her) you did the right thing....

They spend the next few mintues drinking their cocoa in silence, he has his arm around her and rubs her arm while they sit.

Z: Hey, you finished? (she nods and he takes the mug from her hand) me too (puts both their mugs on the side drawer)
B: Thanks....for everything....and for being there for me...(she looks at him and smiles)
Z: Hey....im always here for you....and just forget about what's happened....its kinda crap when your unhappy
B: Really..? I dont think i remember what it's like to be happy....it's been such a long time...
Z: Hey....all you have to do is forget about the things that are making you sad....and focus on the good things in your life...you just need to move on...do other things...
B: I dont know if i can....i dont know where i stand anymore....he's hurt me so bad...the lying, cheating...he probably never loved me in the first place...
Z: you gave him plenty of chances...you cant change someone who doesnt want to be changed
B: you would think that when someone loves you, you would do anything to make them happy.
Z: Well....maybe he just....didnt love you.
B: (looks at him, taken aback with tears in her eyes) do you really think that?
Z: Blair, he hurt you....he cheated on you....if he loved you he would never have done those things....some people just dont know how to love someone.
B: (is near to crying) I just wish i hadn't wasted so much of my time and life trying to make him someone that he isn't...he was never committed to me, he didn't want to think about the future...he hated the though of getting married or having a family....and those are the things that i want.
Z: And he can never give you any of that....you need to move on from him.
B: But i tried so hard to make it work.
Z: And he let you down...but your free from him now...you dont need to try any more...you can find someone else...someone who will give you what you want...
B: Who would want to be with me! (tears run down her face)
Z: (puts his hand on her face and wipes away her tears) I would...

She looks him in the eyes, totally enchanted by the fact that he cares, he leans forward and kisses her. She lets him and they continue to kiss until they have sex.


Ok i know what your thinking, you totally hate this episode cuz of the whole Chuck/Blair and Blair/Zane situation....so i've decided to do a double bill and post the next episode too! So make sure you read episode 7- Desperate Housewives after this! I hope you like it...
Blair succumbs to Zane
Blair succumbs to Zane
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